Transformed Into a Two-dimensional Beautiful Girl

Chapter 55: Did you learn it? nonexistent

After that, Lin Qingyin packed the brainworm in a box and sealed it with magic power to ensure that the old worm would not run out, and then asked Ma Tong Shinji to get the letter of the pseudo minister to control the rider. At first, Zhaji did not agree, but He was immediately withered after being stared at by Shiro Wei Gong. He had never thought that his harmless classmate would fight so fiercely before today. The rider did not help himself, and he did not dare to ask the rider to help. Didn’t you see that unbelievably beautiful servant over there educates her grandfather? Wouldn’t she be cold if the rider can’t beat her?

   So, Tong Shener obediently surrendered the book of the pseudo-civilian in the mind of being meticulous. As for face, what is face? Can you eat it? Can you keep yourself from being beaten?

   In the end, Sakura burned the Book of the Hypocrites in a fire, but it was a pity that the spell used to make it was wasted.

   At this time, the rider pretended to be blank and came in through the window, "Hey, why didn't I just go out? What happened?"

From then on, Lin Qingyin found that Sakura likes to stick to herself very much, so she came over and took her hand to go shopping together. He also asked Shi Lang to ask for his ownership every day, and was so happy when he found that Shi Lang had no Lingshu. Unbelievable, the rider was about to be released, saying that the saber is enough for his followers.

Fortunately, Lin Qingyin stopped her in time and told her that she was not a wild follower at the moment, and then every time Ying saw Shiro Wigiya, she looked like he was going to kill him, so that Shiro Wigiya was terrified every day. .

Rider was actually very happy when she saw Sakura having a happy day, and finally understood why she was rejected by Sakura in the first place. At that time, she was merely pitying her, and the pity would only stimulate her even more. , I didn’t really understand what Sakura needed. After Saber’s raid on the Tong’s house, although Sakura’s way of existence is still very strange, it’s like living for someone, but it’s from the name of hell. Came out of the cage.

   However, a release incident occurred afterwards, which made the rider feel that he was not well...



   The above are all days later.

   Lin Qingyin can be considered familiar with school life these days, and the classmates have gradually become acquainted with each other, and they have basically formed their own new circle of friends.

Then, Lin Qingyin succeeded in building himself into a "study indulged and unable to extricate" three good students through "studying hard" every day whether in class or after class, and used this excuse to persuade all those comrades who came to chat to leave, you see I'm so busy studying that I haven't even joined the club yet. Are you embarrassed to bother me?

Of course, apart from thinking about some business affairs, Lin Qingyin was just staring at the book in a daze. There was no way. Lin Qingyin wanted to read the book well, but for some reason, she wanted to sleep when she saw the textbook. Those words seemed hypnotic. The effect is the same, and the effect is extremely powerful, even oneself can't stop it...

   Another thing worth mentioning is that Lin Qingyin suddenly discovered that besides comics, her sister has another huge advantage, that is, she is very serious when she studies, not like she pretends to be serious, but is really very serious.

Looking at Lin Qingxian, not only was she careful when she read the book, she even moved the pen, and she wrote and painted from time to time, which made Lin Qingyin feel the gap between people. She said that her sister was not particularly studying in her impression. Okay, what's the situation?

   Today is Saturday, still in class...

   Lin Qingyin looked at the book in front of him, lost in thought, which restaurant would he go to eat at noon? I ate all the high-end restaurants that I had been optimistic about before. It seemed that there was nothing good to eat. They only looked good and hygienic. Everything was good but not tasty, which was very uncomfortable. Isn’t the most important thing about restaurants being good or not? Why are you all concerned about those secondary things, even though hygiene is also very important.

   Thinking about it, Lin Qingyin sighed, why is there no chef of Yuan Yue in this world?

   Do I need to go to a certain world to learn how to administer medicine? But I only like to eat or not to make. Don't look at my envious students who bring lunches to school. If you really want to make lunches yourself, you are definitely not willing.

  Thinking left and right, Lin Qingyin suddenly had an inspiration, isn't there still a canteen that hasn't eaten it? So I pulled my sister who was indulging in studying and said, "Let's try the food in the school cafeteria at noon today."


   The bell rang after class at noon, Lin Qingyin put the previously bought meal ticket in his pocket, took his sister and walked to the cafeteria.

When I walked out of the classroom door, I saw a chaos in the corridor. Everyone was rushing forward frantically. After thinking about the situation these days, the freshmen in the first year of high school were disdainful of going to grab a meal. They felt that this was insulting to the students. Identity, but in the following days, whether it was the torture of the queue or the low quality of the leftovers, they taught them what is the correct high school life, so they joined the ranks one after another.

   "Sister, is it a bit late for us to go now?"

   Lin Qingyin originally wanted to say whether he would not go to the cafeteria for dinner, but my sister first mentioned and then she suddenly felt an inexplicable aura in her heart.

"Huh, how can this kind of little thing hold your sister and me tightly." As he said, he embraced his sister face-to-face, and rushed out like an arrow from the string, leaving a place in the wind. Messy.

   "What's the situation, how did it make a gust of wind?"

   "I seem to have hallucinations."

   "Did something rush out just now?"

   "I feel it too."

   "Just think about it slowly here, I'm going to eat first."

   "Lying on the grass, someone sneaks away!"


   Lin Qingyin stood at the food shop window and put down his sister. Just now, when he was running, he paid attention to the speed to avoid being too shocked, but he was the first one to rush into the cafeteria and achieve the achievement ‘the first person in the cafeteria’.

  Look at my sister again, this Nizi's eyes are spinning, and she is still repeating in a low voice: "It's so fragrant, so big, so soft, and so tired."

  A few black lines appeared on Lin Qingyin's head. It's harder to co-operate with your sister?

   Wake Lin Qingxian, the two of them ordered a few favorite dishes to the window master, and then went to the next position to sit and eat.

   "Sister, the taste is similar to the outside. Let's eat in the cafeteria every day from now on." Lin Qingxian looked unsatisfied.

   "No, the most terrible thing about the food in the cafeteria is not the taste, but the same thing you eat every day. Over time, no matter how delicious it is, it will become tasteless."

   Nonsense, I will never tire of smelling my sister, Lin Qingxian retorted.

   "I think it’s good to eat in the cafeteria, and it can save time."

   "Uh..." Lin Qingyin was speechless, did his sister really learn it?

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