Transformed Into a Two-dimensional Beautiful Girl

Chapter 432: Kayaba Akihiko was also panicked

   No matter how the player complains, "The game is supported by us players, can we let people play a game properly", as the short bell ends, the lake begins to reflect the white light back to the city.

   There are also many people who think that there may be some important things to be announced, such as news related to the current world activities, or some game bugs.

  Of course, a small number of people have noticed the disappearance of the logout button, but their idea is that the summoning back to the city this time is to solve the problem of the logout button disappearing. They are as stable as a wild horse and do not panic at all.

There are a large number of complaining players in the squares of various towns. It is impossible for them to wait for the system to announce the situation. As long as more people gather in groups, they will perfectly show the repeater. Nature.

   "What's the situation?" With a dazed expression.

   "What's the situation?" His face was dumbfounded.


   "What's the situation?" n face...

   The game system didn't make people wait for a long time. In the sky of every town square, there was a shadow of death in the sky with a scarlet robe wearing a hat and a face that couldn't be seen.

   With the original blue sky turned dark red, the atmosphere of the scene suddenly became serious, and the repeater mode of the crowd was gradually replaced by quietness.

   It is common for people who have had heavy bleeding or those who study medicine may recognize that the dark red of the sky is the color of blood, and people who are not clear are as depressed as if they have crushed a huge boulder in their hearts.

  I don't know why, looking at the scarlet **** of death, the players' hearts began to flabby.

   They wanted to go offline to escape this depressed atmosphere, but they already found that they couldn't find a way to log out of the game.

   The panic began to spread like air meets a vacuum.

   The repeater mode of the crowd was once again turned on. This time the voices of quarreling and venting emotions dominated the mainstream.

   The mentality of the players who had discovered the logout key problem a long time ago also changed rapidly. From sitting on the Diaoyutai, where the problem would be resolved, to a mother, I was so panic to save my mentality.

   Even Tongzi, Hot Dog Zhenxiang and others, who failed to return to the city in the secret realm, also saw a small town live broadcast that resembled a projection screen in front of them.

   One minute passed, and panic continued to ferment in the crowd.

   Two minutes passed, and the crowd tended to turn towards riots.

   Three minutes passed, and the players began to riot, but unfortunately the rules of the game that could not cause harm in the town and deliberately wounded people would be punished by severe pain.

   The riots come fast and go faster.

  People started to calm down.

  Because four minutes passed, they found that the **** of death in the sky didn't do anything except pose in a daze.

   tease us? ? ?

  People began to think about whether this was a joke made by the game's official game.

   In reality, they are still alive. If the game goes wrong, there will be a problem, and everything will be fine if the game is still alive.

   This is the basic idea of ​​most people.

   Next, let's take a good look at what the game official is going to do.


   The sound of coughing resounding through the world was transmitted along with the gesture of death covering his mouth, and everyone's attention was immediately attracted.

   Is this **** of death a little weird? Sure enough, is the official joking?

"Dear players, everyone who came to experience life in another world! I am Xi...Kayaba Akihiko, the developer of this game, as you can see, there is an important news for everyone to announce. !"

   However, the low and emotionless voice of the **** of death in the sky made people feel a little more active.

   It feels wrong...

   "Everyone, a new life belonging to each of you has begun. You should have discovered the problem with the logout button. I'm sorry, although as a game developer, I would like to say that this is a minor system malfunction."

   "But! I can tell you a sad story responsibly, this is not a game malfunction! Again! This is not a malfunction!......"

Next, is Kayaba Akihiko’s explanation of the game of death, how death in future games will cause people in reality to die together, and how to forcibly break away from the game helmet in reality will cause death, incidentally. A large number of cases of death caused by forcibly removing the helmet have only been posted on the Internet.

   Everyone in the game is stupid.

   Subconsciously, they thought that was a joke.

   But the pattern of death cases in the sky was projected, slowly shattering their inner defenses.

   I don't know who couldn't bear such a huge change in reality first, and made a scream of collapse, which aroused the sympathy of more people.

   Those who have not been scared to collapse and yell out are actually just a little stronger than those who collapsed first, and the scene soon became a mess.

   "Oh, by the way, you probably don't know yet, the world mission of slaughtering one million glimmer butterflies, it has a hidden mission."

   "At this stage, or as long as you are still on the first floor, there is a prerequisite for the task of slaughtering one million glimmer butterflies."

   The red **** of death in the sky uttered words that made people's hearts completely chill. Although he hasn't finished speaking, everyone knows that the tone of the prank is like that, it is definitely not a good thing.

   "Queen of Shimmering Butterfly! The first world boss is rushing towards her men! Once she rushes to Shimmering Butterfly, she will activate a buff for Shimmering Butterfly!"

   "Of course, in the words of the player, it is a buff, in the words of this real different world, that is the power of the mysterious side!"

  The three words on the mysterious side appeared in the ears of every player for the first time.

   In the past, in fantasy, reading novels and watching movies, the power that would make people yearn for At this time, people can't be happy at all.

   even felt the illusion that the wind and the rain are coming and going to **** to report tomorrow after today.

"Maybe you don't know how powerful that power is! I can actually explain to you that the most powerful person among the players, as long as he does not break through the first layer of limits, is absolutely! Will be killed in seconds under that power ! That is a new world!"

   "At that time, all players will die! The queen will lead the Shimmering Butterfly to counter the humans, turning this land into their back garden."

The threat of death has come to everyone’s heart. They didn’t expect that the game of death has just announced its start, and many people still fail to accept the reality that they can play the game and suddenly they can really play the game, and there will be a severe crisis of death. .

   The rhythm is too fast, and my mind is completely blank.

   "And now, there is a team and it can only be done by them, trying to prevent the Queen of Shimmering Butterfly from coming in the secret realm!"

   Kayaba Akihiko waved a big hand, Tongzi, Hotdog Maka and others were still watching the live broadcast of this square while moving bricks frantically, and it was broadcasted in the sky.

   I don’t know if they found out that they were watching the live broadcast. The actions of several people suddenly became a little nervous and awkward.

   "Unless you can complete the task of millions of glimmer butterflies before the queen comes, with the fight of those warriors, the world will perish, and humans will become extinct. This is your biggest challenge at this stage!"

   Finally, the **** of death in the sky took a deep breath and snarled at the people who had been scared by words of destruction of their world:

   "Why are you still standing in place! Why don't you kill the shimmer butterfly for labor and capital! Hurry up!"


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