At present, there is a biggest problem in the hearts of the audience-now that Origami has gained the power to beat Mio in the feature film, plus Tosaki Kakuzo is still alive, then Mio will be defeated like this?

What does    feature film have to do with this fan? Is it really a chronological relationship, as some people basically don't understand?

   Many people think that the feature film is a continuation of the current broadcast, because Honjo Niya said at the end of the feature film, "Come and listen to our story." If it is not what has already happened, how can it be said that it is a story.

But the biggest doubt is that Tokizaki Kuzou and Erya in the feature film are completely unknown to Origami, and Erya also watched Tokizaki Kuzou die without any action. If it is really a follow-up, the two of them It's impossible not to know him, and Erya shouldn't watch the tragic ending of Kuang San.

   It is also impossible to explain this situation with the commonly used amnesia in the majority of film and television novels, because Erya obviously retains a complete memory.

If the problem lies with Kuangsan, everyone is not sure if it is. There are very few descriptions of Kuangsan with Wuhe Shidao as the protagonist in the film. Only the storytelling of Kuangsan as the protagonist in Fanwaili makes everyone truly real. Be able to recognize this elf.

What's more, if the feature film is really a continuation of the fan, then there will be a speculation that is unacceptable to everyone-Kuzou Tokazaki failed at this time, so he has to pin his hopes on the next time .

   Then, isn't the final ending of Tokazaki Kakuzo just the same?

   turned into a corpse flower, died in a world where no one could understand her, and everything went back to an ending that no one recognized.

   That kind of sad scene is too bleak, Sora has a long-cherished wish to save all the elves, and ultimately he failed to realize the vision of happiness until death.

   Repeat it again, and it loses the meaning of showing the best of Tokizaki Kakuzo the first time, and there will be no place that makes people feel deeply touched.

   So for this work, it is a failure.

  Of course, the sensitive words of failure will not appear directly in the minds of people watching anime, but indirectly expressed in disappointment, depression or even anger.

  The plot, in an orderly way towards the ending.

   One after another foreshadowing appeared in an astonishing posture, one after another in the memories of Tokazaki Kuangsan's pursuit of Mitoshi in the final battle.

Whether it’s the first time I appeared in this world and was left with a deadly back hand, or the grasp of the direction of the whole world, the closely interlocking plans that make people feel chills are simply talking about Tokazaki Kakuzo. To rule the world seems to be a breeze.

   Fortunately, everyone knows that Tokizaki Kakuzo is the most evil character, but the best character. To rule the world, unless the whole world is about to end, there must be a big crisis situation where one person must stand up and lead everyone forward correctly.

  The angle of view is switched, and Erya clenches his hands secretly like a real nun, praying for Tokizaki Kousan, which is sacred and solemn.

A very conspicuous pattern is revealed on the gauze on both hands due to gravity. Anyone who has seen it knows that this exquisite and mysterious pattern is the technique of reincarnation. It is said that the existence of this technique is obtained through Erya’s omniscience. Saki Kakuzo used the power of time to research and successfully used it.

   Suddenly, a somewhat horrified thought occupied the audience's brain.

   Erya said that this is "our story", so no matter whether other people are affected by time or ability, as her own, she must have experienced the plot of this extravaganza at that time.

The most important point is that Erya in the feature film obviously passed the reincarnation technique like origami to become the powerful existence of the origin spirit. From then on, it is easy to compare with the angels of the second Asia in Fanwai. Draw this conclusion.

   So, what makes Erya fall into despair.

   The audience was a little afraid to continue thinking about it.

   Erya's performance from the beginning of the episode to the end now, undoubtedly shows that she only cares about Tokizaki Kuzan.

   Attracted by a kind heart, Erya, who finally got together with Kuangsan after contact and understanding, didn't even care about the existence of origami.

   While the audience was calling not to proceed as expected, they received the excitement of "I guessed it right" displayed on the screen.

  Although the final fight scene was Kuzami Tokizaki and Mio fighting wits and bravery, it was considered the most exciting of all battles, but the audience really couldn't bear to watch the ending that symbolized the strange road.

   However, Tokazaki Kuangsan's face did not look down on his failure to fail, but instead was full of joy and relief that his wish was about to be completed.

Memories are still going on. In a conversation with Tokisaki Kuzou thoroughly stated what she is going to do-the elves can be happy and do not want them to meet Wuhe Shidao When the experience of knowing each other becomes an empty situation that no one remembers, use facts to awaken Mio's heart filled with selfish love.

Indeed, this Tosaki Kakuzo indeed already has the power to make it all over again. Just get the time with the help of Erya and gently pull the wrench to make Origami go back and kill the three sinners who have summoned Mio. , Even killing Mio, who only appeared in the world thirty years ago, does not understand anything, there is a great chance.

   But Kuang San did not do as she originally planned.

   There are some things that have happened, which can't be simply treated as a dispensable piece of history.

If it is said that the audience is not to watch the feature film and just accept the "Wuhe Shidao can't afford the elven harem of fire", then it must have long ago put some bad names such as scum, love beasts, and disgusting on him. The forehead is on, instead of getting the title of "the least enviable harem hero" like now.

The process of mutual understanding and acceptance between    and the elves is the most important thing in the audiences' minds that they will never forget the memory fragments they will never forget.

This is very similar to the situation in FATEzero. Many old fans have remembered the Knight King who denied that he wanted to change history with the Holy Grail in the past. In the end, it was only after experiencing many things that the process was the most interesting Something to keep in mind.

   There is no process, just a happy ending is really empty and tasteless.

   Fortunately, no one here reminded her that she had awakened a long time ago, and she had come to the conclusion that she couldn't just let everything happen again, so that she could plan and arrange everything a little bit in a long time.


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