"Quick! Inject compound No. 5 and No. 3!"

"Injection completed, vital signs are still declining."

"Increase the dose!"


Chen Kexin looked at the situation in the transparent room and swallowed.

It was terrible.

"Do you remember what happened at the military training base some time ago?"

"Yeah, a group of people suddenly attacked a military training base. If it hadn't been for Bai's appearance in the end, it would have caused greater casualties."

Chen Kexin thought for a while and said.

"Yes, we found out that this group of killers is an organization called Superpower Hunters. They specialize in accepting tasks from various employers on the underground dark web. As long as you have money or things to trade, they can help you complete various tasks."

"But why did the general and his men attack a military training base? Aren't there some kids who have just entered college? This task is a bit too ridiculous."

Chen Kexin asked in confusion.

"This mission seems absurd, but their target is not actually those students."

"That place was originally our federal experimental base, specializing in the research of superpowers."

"After that, it was abandoned and converted into a military training base for students."

Zhang Liyuan shook his head and said.

Chen Kexin was also very surprised to hear this news: "What! This... This place used to be a federal experimental base?!"

"That means the killers' target is this experimental base?!"

"That's right! Combined with the previous federal official case and the octopus case."

"We extracted the same drug from the two of them!"

"That's why they went crazy and became stronger!"

Zhang Liyuan nodded and continued.

"In fact, we discovered this research a year ago, which can artificially enhance the strength of superpowers."

"But the side effects are very large and extremely unstable, just like what you see now."

Zhang Liyuan sighed and said.

"At first, we studied the psychics to protect the Federation from being invaded, but later we found that although this drug can greatly enhance the power of psychics."

"But the serious consequences will make them lose their minds! Turning into a beast-like appearance!"

"So the Federation finally decided to stop the research!"

"And the relevant information is stored underground in the military training base."

"So this is their purpose."

Chen Kexin nodded, and now she also understood what the purpose of those one-man hunters was.

"The heartbeat stopped.... Already dead..."

At this time, only one voice came from the room.

All the rescuers slowly got up.

In the middle, a person was lying on the ground with blood coming out of his seven orifices.

The person was dead.

Chen Kexin looked at the person inside and was shocked.

Although many criminals have been punished in recent years, this kind of death is the first time she has seen it.

"And this drug cannot be reversed once injected, it's just the size of the dose that determines the size of your side effects."

Zhang Liyuan looked at Chen Kexin and sighed, turning his head and saying to her.

"General Zhang, why didn't you say anything before you came?!"

At this time, a laboratory manager came over and said very respectfully.

"Why do we have to roll out a red carpet?!"

Zhang Liyuan criticized.

"There are no generals or superiors here. You are the boss here!"

Zhang Liyuan looked at the manager and said.

"Okay, please tell me the details. I am not an expert, so I won't say anything to avoid saying the wrong thing."

"Okay! Come here, both of you."

The manager took the two people to the office.

"The drugs we found in them are very similar to the drugs we have researched before. We once thought that our drugs were leaked."

"However, we found out that this drug is not used on humans. Strictly speaking, it is used on animals."

"It is a product that has not been fully developed."

The manager pushed his glasses and said.

Chen Kexin said in surprise: "It's so powerful even if it's not developed yet?!"

"Yes! And this is more simple and crude, even ordinary people can use it, and it can completely realize artificial superpowers!"

"Artificial superpowers... this..."

"Kexin, you now understand the seriousness of this matter, this is no less than the situation when superpowers just appeared."

"If this kind of thing flows into society... the consequences will be unimaginable!"

"Then do you have any clues, General? Who is making this thing?"Chen Kexin asked.


Zhang Liyuan quickly typed on the keyboard in front of the computer.

Then he turned the screen around.

Chen Kexin looked at the person on the computer.

"Huh? Who... who is this? Norton?! Zhang Qiling?"

Chen Kexin looked at the two people on the computer screen.

"Nuo family... where have I heard of this family before?!"

"Have you seen this place? Nuo Group!"

The screen changed and a big logo appeared.

Chen Kexin's eyes widened. Isn't this the company she wanted to go to the most when she graduated?

This company was one of the Fortune 500 at the time!

The industry coverage is very wide.

"The Nuo family was one of the largest groups in our Federation at that time, but the advent of the age of superpowers caused the huge business empire to collapse in an instant... The entire family was killed by the former business rivals overnight..."

Zhang Liyuan sighed and said,

Chen Kexin nodded. She had also heard the news at that time. The entire family seemed to have suffered a devastating blow, and only one person survived in the end.

But he also disappeared.

Chen Kexin looked at the other person Zhang Qiling again.

"The first university of the Federation, a doctoral student... life sciences..."

"This person is very ordinary..."

Chen Kexin saw the introduction inside, and the only two similarities between the two were.

Neither of them was a superpower, and both had family members who were killed when the superpower appeared.

"Are these two people connected? Are they the initiators of this incident?"

Chen Kexin looked at the two and said.

"These two people had already escaped when we arrived, but we also found clues in the experimental equipment they left behind."

"The things detected are the same as the drugs in the two people's bodies!"

"Now we have launched an online pursuit for them."

Chen Kexin looked at Zhang Liyuan and asked: "Then what is my mission, General?"

"Now the other special action teams have been sent out. Your mission is the commander-in-chief of this mission. Catch them!"

"Ah? Commander-in-chief?! Aren't you the commander-in-chief?"

Chen Kexin was stunned. Usually, in a mission, she is just an executor.

The general is the commander, but this time Zhang Liyuan's words made Chen Kexin a little unresponsive.

"This is not possible... General Zhang, how old am I? I can't take this position."

Chen Kexin quickly refused.

"Hahaha, you are not young anymore, and you are better than me."

"You have a promising future. I have seen the missions in the past two years."

"My position will be yours sooner or later, it's just a matter of time."

"I brought you here today to let you know the current situation!"

Chen Kexin was a little overwhelmed by Zhang Liyuan's words. He suddenly asked her to lead this special operations team.

"And I am also going to be transferred, so I have to train successors as soon as possible."

"What?! General, you are going to be transferred?!"

Chen Kexin was stunned for a moment and then said.

"Yes, the federal army is short of people, I am going to help."

"The army... war?"

"This matter... Although we have ushered in almost two years of peace, the surrounding forces are also ready to move!"

"They are thinking about taking action against us all the time."

"What?! How dare they do this?"

Chen Kexin was extremely surprised. You know, the current federation is also the country with the most superpowers in the world, and there are countless S-level superpowers.

"It's mainly because of the previous 'Bai' incident."

Zhang Liyuan continued.

"Bai? What's wrong with Bai? Hasn't he reached an agreement with the Federation?"

"Yes, it has been negotiated, but other countries think that 'Bai' has joined our Federation."

"What do you think they should do in this situation? They can only unite to deal with us."

"This... So that's how it is... I understand."

Chen Kexin nodded. Compared with these things, the country's affairs are naturally more important.

"I am very optimistic about your , You are already A+ level at such a young age, I believe you will reach S level soon!"

Zhang Liyuan looked at Chen Kexin and said with a smile.

"This task is handed over to you. This is your first actual combat. I will still help you by your side, but you will rely on yourself after that."

Chen Kexin nodded heavily.

Chen Kexin suddenly felt that her body was extremely heavy, as if she had been filled withLike lead.

At this moment, on the other side, in Lingyun's house in Luocheng

Little Lolita Lingyun sat on the bed like a duck.

Lingyun had spread all the photos on the bed.

Lingyun compared them one by one.

"This one is wrong, and this one is wrong too."

Lingyun took the photos one by one to compare, but most of them didn't match.

These were the photos and postcards that his parents had sent back before, and he had collected and stored each one well.

"Castle... This is not a castle either..."

Soon all the photos were compared.

Lingyun sighed and fell back on the bed.

"None of them! I thought I could find some clues..."

But Lingyun thought about it seriously again, how could the castle in the memory fragment appear in this world?

Nako was obviously not from this world, and those memory fragments were definitely not from this world.

For a whole night, Lingyun not only checked all the photos, but also took out some archaeological materials left by his parents, but there was no one that could match.

It seems that I was wrong after all.

"It doesn't matter, at least we tried hard."

It was Nako's turn to comfort me this time.

"It's okay, it's just that I've been too anxious recently, and there are too many things."

Ling Yun looked at the ceiling at home and took a deep breath and said.

Wanted, Nako suddenly appeared, the side effects of assimilation...

All these things came together at once, making Ling Yun's head a little messy.

Ling Yun stood up and put away the photos.

Then he opened a portal and returned to his dormitory.

Ling Yun turned on his phone and found that his penguin kept popping up windows.

It was a chat in the class group.

Even though it has been so long since graduation, the classmates in my class are still very active.

This group still has 99+ chat records every day.

Unlike my high school group, it was disbanded directly after graduation.

At this time, the class monitor came out @ all the classmates.

"I have sent out invitations to everyone according to the address, please check them."

Then there was a long list of "received".

Ling Yun also typed one, "received".

At this time, a message popped up in his dormitory group.

Never forget the original intention (Wang Luo): "Brother Ling Yun, where are you working now?"

Ling Yun saw that it was @ himself, and it was Wang Luo who slept in the bed next to him in college.

Ling Yun's mind suddenly appeared Wang Luo's image.

He was a poor student in the class, and his grades were also very good.

He was tall and thin, and his face was also very handsome.

The main thing was that he would never refuse anyone.

If you need to pick up takeout, he will definitely help you.

Not only that, he can also help with other things, and he will definitely help.

Ling Yun sat up, picked up his phone and started typing.

"I teach at Los Angeles University."

Ling Yun thought about it and realized that his relationship in college was pretty good.

Although he doesn't talk much, he usually has a lot of fun playing games with his roommates.

The King of Lip-service (Li Yunxing): "Oh my god! Lingzi, you're teaching at Los Angeles University. I heard it's hard to get into Los Angeles University."

The King of Lip-service (Li Yunxing): "Lingyun, are you a superpower?"

Lingyun looked at the person who was talking - Li Yunxing.

He was known as the pianist of Zaun in his dormitory, and once fought with others in the fountain for half an hour.

The concentration of nicotine is very high!

In the end, the man quit the game directly because he couldn't curse.

The super high hand speed of more than 120 per minute allows you to experience the happiness of an action star.

Every night, people in the dormitory would consciously wear earplugs.

But in reality, Lingyun remembered that he was still very "nuclear-minded".

"No, I was introduced by a friend."

Lingyun replied with a smile.

I really don't want to go to work (Lu Yunming): "Ling Yun is the one who studies. He is always the first in his grade and gets scholarships every year!"

I really don't want to go to work (Lu Yunming): "If it weren't for the superpower thing, Ling Yun would have been a senior executive in the company now."

Lu Yunming was a sports student but came to the computer department.

Ling Yun remembered that he became a physical education teacher before graduation.

Ling Yun added: "It's good enough that I can't find a job."

I really don't want to go to work (Lu Yunming): "It's okay, Ling Yun, if you need anything in the future, just come to me. I'm an A-level superpower! Brothers can also come to me to arrange work when the time comes."

The King of Strong Mouth (Li Yunxing): "As expected, Brother Lu is already A-level, and I don't have a job,I don't have any special abilities, can I find a job with food and accommodation?"

I really don't want to go to work (Lu Yunming): "What's so great about me? The squad leader is awesome. I heard that the squad leader is going to upgrade to an A+ level special ability user recently."


Ling Yun was stunned for a moment. Didn't he see in the group last time that the squad leader was promoted to A level and had been a special ability user for a short time?

How come he was promoted so quickly?

Is the upgrade of special ability users so fast now?!

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