Ling Yun looked at the message on his phone, which was exactly the information about his parents that Chen Kexin had promised to send him before.

Ling Yun replied.

Then he got up and prepared to turn on the computer.

Originally, he wanted to take a nap, but now he was no longer sleepy.

In fact, my mother was not at home all year round, leaving only the monthly living expenses. I was considered to be the head of the family early, and I was basically responsible for my food, clothing, housing and transportation.

Of course, Chen Kexin often came to feed me.

This was the first time I saw the information about my parents.

My parents were very open-minded. When I was a child, my parents never stopped me from playing.

Even my father took me to play.

"Is it this big?"

Ling Yun looked at the file sent by Chen Kexin, which was more than ten gigabytes in size.

"This must have checked everything about my parents."

Ling Yun clicked to download.

"The Internet speed of Los Angeles University is fast. It was like when I played games in school, I would get stuck three times in one step and disconnected every ten steps."

Ling Yun waited for ten minutes and the things were downloaded.

Ling Yun couldn't wait to open the file.

I saw that there were various files stored in different categories.

Ling Yun started from the first file.

"I graduated from the Department of Archaeology at the First Federal University... and then went to the United States to do research..."

I have to say that this document records the parents' affairs in great detail.

It also records when the parents got married.

Ling Yun simply looked at these materials because they were not the main point.

The parents disappeared before the arrival of the superpowers.

At that time, the parents would send living expenses every month.

Sometimes they would even call to ask about the recent situation.

They would also joke and ask if I had a girlfriend or something.

At that time, the contact between me and my parents was relatively frequent.

But suddenly in one month, I didn't receive any information from my parents for a whole month, and the living expenses didn't arrive.

Living expenses are not the main point. At that time, I had already started to earn money part-time, so I saved a little money.

So Ling Yun didn't care that much, maybe his parents were busy with something,

And in the next month, the world began to change.

When he woke up one morning, he found that he had become a different person.

At that time, Ling Yun even thought that he was dreaming or that he had died and traveled through time.

But after figuring out the situation, he found that he was not dead, but the whole world had changed.

The news on TV was all kinds of riots, and the whole world was in chaos.

Ordinary people were wantonly slaughtered by those thugs.

Ling Yun thought of his parents who had disappeared for a month.

Would they also encounter these dangers?

And those days Ling Yun also found that his power seemed to be very strong, thinking of this, Ling Yun decided to go out and find it himself.

Through the postcards that his parents sent to him regularly, Ling Yun also went to those places, but he didn't get anything.

"It seems that there are not many useful things as Ke Xin said."

At this time, Ling Yun found that these documents seemed to be a lot, but the only important one was the First Federal University.

Except for being at home, his parents basically spent the rest of their time at the First Federal University when they returned to China.

The First University of the Federation is not in Los Angeles, but in Fancheng, which is hundreds of kilometers away.

This is also Ling Yun's alma mater.

At that time, he was influenced by his parents, so he applied for this school.

At the same time, Fancheng is also the capital of the Federation.

It's a pity that when the superpowers appeared, he suffered a blow.

Now it is slowly getting better.

The Federation has also moved some important institutions to the neighboring Los Angeles, such as: the Parliament Building.

"It seems that I have to find time to go back to school,"

"Thinking about it, it seems that I haven't been back since graduation."

Thinking of this, Ling Yun also sighed.

Because it seems that I haven't logged into my university's Penguin account for a year or two since the transformation.

I guess I missed any class reunions.

However, Ling Yun is also a person who doesn't care about the outside world in college.

In addition to the team building that must be participated in by the class, Ling Yun did not participate in any other activities in college.

There is nothing in the club department.

Every day, I go straight between the classroom, the canteen and the dormitory.

Occasionally, I go out to eat with people in the dormitory.

But most of the time, I stay in the dormitory.

Thinking of this, Ling Yun clicked on the Penguin software in the lower right corner of the computer.

And the words "updating" popped up.Yes, I haven't opened it for a year or two.

But I remember my Penguin account.

After updating, I entered my account and password.

The computer showed that it was logging in.

After a while, I logged into Penguin, which I hadn't used for a year or two.

The next second, the computer kept sending familiar coughs and message notification sounds.

Clicked on the received message.

There were 999+ unread messages.

"So many messages?"

Ling Yun first clicked on the university class group - [Federation's Richest Man Exchange Group]

I don't know if it was because there were too many messages or the computer was a little stuck.

It took a long time to load.

I finally got in, and it seemed that they were chatting inside.

Zhu Ying, Cheng Shaoyan....

Looking at these familiar names, Ling Yun couldn't help but think of his college life at that time.

Now think about it, if I didn't have superpowers, I should probably be working in a big company now.

Want to Become a Rich Woman (Zhu Ying): "The monitor is probably the first one in our class to get married, right?"

United University Wu Yanzhu (Cheng Shaoyan): "Of course she is!"

United University Wu Yanzhu (Cheng Shaoyan): "Have you forgotten when the monitor started dating? She started during military training."

United University Wu Yanzhu (Cheng Shaoyan): "I've been eating their dog food for four years, and I've eaten a ton of it."

United University Wu Yanzhu (Cheng Shaoyan): "It would be unjust if we don't get married!"

Want to Become a Rich Woman (Zhu Ying): "And I heard that the monitor has just been upgraded to a Class A superpower recently, and she has a bright future!"


Ling Yun looked at their chat content.

Only then was he surprised to find that others were about to get married.

Are people so different from each other! ?

"The monitor is married?!"

At this time, Ling Yun immediately thought of the monitor's appearance in his mind.

"So it's him, that's true. We've been dating since freshman year, and we should get married after graduation."

It's said that there's always someone who likes to show off in college classes.

And the class monitor is that kind of person.

He's been restless since military training.

When class leaders were selected, he was the first to rush up. .

In the absence of any competitors, he successfully became the class monitor.

When performing his talents, the instructor asked him to show off his various talents, street dance, singing...

Basically, there's nothing he can't do.

At the same time, his family is very rich.

Someone immediately asked him to have dinner after military training.

This is simply a standard template for the protagonist!

At that time, Ling Yun envied the class monitor.

But now there's no need to envy him, because he's about to become a woman, and a very beautiful one.

At this time, the class monitor appeared in the group.

Squad leader: "Hahaha! Don't worry, everyone, the invitations will be delivered one by one (fist)."

I just want to lie down (Xu Liwei): "Squad leader, can I not give red envelopes when I go to a banquet? I have attended five weddings this month. (crying emoticon)"

Brother Tiger, where are my brothers (Zhang Yi): "What!? You want to get something for free? Old Xu, don't think I don't know that you earn tens of thousands of yuan a month? (free emoticon)"

I just want to lie down (Xu Liwei): "Hahaha, just kidding, how could I not give red envelopes to the squad leader's wedding?! (funny emoticon)"

Squad leader (Li Mojun) voice: "Haha, as long as everyone can come, it doesn't matter whether the red envelopes are given or not."

I always like Mai Yi (Tang Feng): "Don't worry, we will all come, how can we not give the squad leader face?"

Little Blackie (Yang Lin): "Squad leader, reserve a best man position for me when the time comes!"

At this time, the squad leader issued a questionnaire.

Class monitor: "It's been so many years since we graduated. It's a good opportunity for us to get together. You can fill in your address. I will send you invitations and small gifts!"

Ling Yun looked at the questionnaire and wondered whether to fill it out.

But they had already filled it out in a short while.

This speed was exactly the same as when the teacher asked them to fill in the information in college.

Then there was a row of "Thank you received".

Class monitor: "There are fifty people in our class, how come there are only forty-nine questionnaires? Did any classmate forget to fill it out?"

The class monitor only found out that only 49 questionnaires were received, so he asked in the group.

Don't forget your original intention (Wang Luo): "It should be Ling Yun from our dormitory."

The King of Strong Mouth (Li Yunxing): "I haven't contacted him for more than a year, two years."

I Really Don't Want to Go to Work (Lu Yunming): "Yes, his avatar has been gray for two years."

Ling Yun looked at another person who was not his dormitory.Three other people?

Xiao Heizi (Yang Lin): "Ling Yun... I seem to have some impression... It's the boy who sits in the first row every day!"

I always like Mai Yi (Tang Feng): "Is it the boy with white skin, long hair and no talkativeness?"

Want to become a rich woman (Zhu Ying): "Could it be that something happened... I remember that a classmate in the next class was raped by a superpower."


Seeing his classmates discussing his own affairs, Ling Yun's mouth twitched and he smiled bitterly.

Only then did Ling Yun know how his classmates saw him.

It turned out that he was a nerd in the eyes of his classmates.

It was also because he sat in the first row every day, and anyone would think so.

Every time he finished his homework, the answers to his homework would spread throughout the class.

It's not an exaggeration to say that he saved the homework of the whole class.

The King of Talkativeness (Li Yunxing): "Wait! Stop talking, Ling Yun's avatar is lit! He seems to be online!"

As soon as Li Yunxing said this, the whole class group fell silent.

They were chatting enthusiastically just now, but the next second, the chat came to an abrupt end.

The whole group fell silent.

Ling Yun was watching with great interest.

But when he saw Li Yunxing's words, Ling Yun realized that he had forgotten to turn off the invisible mode.

The next second, his chat window vibrated.

Class monitor (Li Mojun) @ Boredom (Ling Yun).

Now it was not them who were embarrassed, but Ling Yun who was sitting in front of the computer.

Just when Ling Yun was struggling whether to reply or not.

His roommates also contacted him privately.

Li Yunxing, the King of Strong Mouth: "Xiao Lingzi, are you there?"

I Really Don't Want to Go to Work (Lu Yunming): "If Lingyun is there, please reply."

Don't Forget Your Original Intention (Wang Luo): "Brother Ling? Are you there?"

Looking at the messages from his roommates, he sighed and replied to them one by one.

After all, the friendship between classmates for four years is here, and it's not good to make them worry.

Bored (Lingyun): Sorry to make everyone worry, something happened at home during this period, and I went to deal with it.

Lingyun thought about it and still sent a message in the group, which was regarded as a reply.

One second

Two seconds

Want to become a rich woman (Zhu Ying): "I said Lingyun classmate will be fine, maybe she is a super powerful person! She is just carrying out some secret mission somewhere!"

I will always like Mai Yi (Tang Feng): "Light-speed face change.JPG"

Class monitor (Li Mojun): "Lingyun, I'm glad you are fine. By the way, can you come to my wedding? If you can, give me the address and I will send you an invitation."

The King of Strong Mouth (Li Yunxing): "Yes, little Lingzi, we are always missing you at our dormitory gatherings. Why don't you come and have a good gathering?"

The following is also the collective persuasion of classmates.

Lingyun sighed, then looked at the time in the questionnaire, which was held in the afternoon.

That should be okay, just slip away in the evening if something happens.

Lingyun thought about it and felt that there were no other problems, so he filled out the questionnaire.

Class monitor (Li Mojun): "We live very close to each other. I can send it to you directly when the time comes."

Class monitor said to Ling Yun.

Ling Yun agreed.

Then he continued to process the remaining messages.

I have to say that I haven't logged in for two years. There are too many messages to process, but most of the messages are from when I just graduated.

They are all group messages.

Ling Yun replied to all the messages that should be replied, and then he looked at the email.

Clicked on the mailbox, and it was full of various junk ads.

Ling Yun adjusted the time to the front.

Suddenly, the title of a letter attracted Ling Yun directly.

"To Senior Ling Yun!"

Ling Yun was puzzled for a while, and then opened the envelope.

The content inside made Ling Yun stunned.

A girl actually confessed to him! ! !

Finally, she left a date address! ! !


Ling Yun looked at the letter and really didn't know what to say.

Look at the time two years ago.

It has been so long, it is really awkward to go on a date now.

"I didn't expect that someone would confess to me, Ling Yun, one day."

Ling Yun smiled and looked up.

There was a love in front of me, but I didn't cherish it. I felt regretful when I missed it.

Looking at the confession email, Ling Yun tried hard to think about who this girl was through the description in the email.

But after thinking about it, Ling Yun still couldn't figure out who the girl who confessed was.And he didn't have any friends with this girl, which meant he probably didn't know her.

So how did she know him?

Ling Yun sighed softly.

"After so many years, I guess that girl must have been disappointed in me. After all, no one can wait for me for two years."

Ling Yun clicked on the reply, explained the situation and clicked the send button.

Then, Ling Yun dealt with some greetings between classmates and was ready to log off.

At this time, Penguin suddenly popped up another message.

"You have an email waiting to be checked, waiting to be processed!"


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