Ling Yun stood at the door, staring at it.

And there were voices outside asking Ling Yun to open the door.

"Ling Yun, I know you are at home, I won't pursue the matter you lied to me."

"But how long do you think you can hide?"

"You are planning to stay here forever, right?"


Ling Yun listened to Chen Kexin's words, and looked at himself again. Now he has indeed changed back.

"Forget it, let's die, didn't she also hide so many things from me?"

Thinking of this, Ling Yun had already made up his mind to confess. After all, he would have to tell it sooner or later. It would be better to tell it himself than to wait for others to find out.

Ling Yun took a deep breath at the door, and then opened it.

And at the moment of opening the door, he saw an unfamiliar person appear at the door.

But he couldn't say he didn't know her, because he had just saved her.

He saw Chen Kexin with red hair behind him, still wearing a mask, and rushed over without even changing her clothes.

" are..."

Chen Kexin put her hand on the mask on her face and took it off.

A familiar face appeared in front of Lingyun.

Isn't this Chen Kexin?


Lingyun pretended to be very surprised and said to Chen Kexin.

Chen Kexin grabbed Lingyun's hand, then walked into the house, closed the door, and pulled Lingyun in.

After walking into the house, Chen Kexin first walked into Lingyun's room, then checked the whole house,

Then came out and looked at Lingyun.


Before Lingyun finished speaking, Chen Kexin spoke first and looked at Lingyu and said, "Where is Lingyun?"

Chen Kexin looked at Lingyun with a serious face, which Lingyun had never seen before.

"That...Kexin, who are you talking about?!"

Lingyun swallowed and said.

"What person are you talking about? I have seen it!"

See it? !

As expected, the matter of the necklace was discovered.


Ling Yun took a deep breath and prepared to tell Chen Kexin about the transformation.

"What is your relationship with that 'Bai'? Why is your necklace with her?!"

"Have you been with her these days?!"

But Chen Kexin's next words made Ling Yun hold back the words he was about to confess.


Ling Yun was stunned and didn't react to Chen Kexin's words.

"Don't try to lie to me! I know everything. Tell me why you do you know that 'Bai'?!"

At this time, Ling Yun realized that Chen Kexin didn't recognize that person as himself, but thought she knew that 'Bai'.

At this time, the huge stone in Ling Yun's heart was temporarily put down.

"Actually...actually, it was last time...when it wasn't the octopus monster...when...we met by chance."

Ling Yun's mind was working quickly, and then he exaggerated the last incident again.

"That's the truth. Is she so kind? She said she could help you find your uncle and aunt?"

"Does she only need your necklace in return?"

Ling Yun felt that the stories he made up could be used to write books.

But writing to make money seems to be a good choice, right?

"Yeah, I'm also very surprised, but she did say so, so... I gave the things to him."

Chen Kexin nodded and thought that this statement was very reasonable. The only unreasonable thing was why did she want Ling Yun's necklace? And the location of the phone?

"Were you with her just now? Do you know where she went?"

"I did meet her just now and asked about my parents' disappearance. Then she said she was going to do something, and finally sent me back."

Ling Yun continued.

"Did she say where she was going?"

Chen Kexin continued to ask.

"Where to go?! That... She seemed to say that she had something to do... It seemed that she wanted to solve something..."

Ling Yun smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Chen Kexin heard that Ling Yun's answer was basically right and reasonable.

"I thought you were caught and hijacked by that guy!"

Chen Kexin sat down with Ling Yun and said with a sigh of relief.

"Chen Kexin, do you have something to tell me? You are like this..."

Ling Yun changed the subject and directly transferred the question to Chen Kexin.

Chen Kexin trembled when she heard Ling Yun's words.

Then she looked at Ling Yun.

"Do you remember your ability test that time?"

Chen Kexin took a deep breath and said."Remember, I went with you. We waited for a day and then you came out and said your test result was D-level?"

"Isn't that right?"

Ling Yun also said with a strange look on his face.

"In fact, my real test level is not D-level, but A+ level!"

"What?! Then why didn't you say A+ level at that time! There are so many people who don't have this level!"

"Because at that time, the people from the Federation found me and asked if I could join a special operations team."

"And then you joined?"

"At that time, didn't I have a conflict with my parents? So I agreed."

Chen Kexin nodded and said.

"So that's how it is."

"Then you...what is your ability?! Why does your hair turn red?"

Ling Yun looked at Chen Kexin and asked again.

"I don't know either. As long as I activate my ability, my hair will turn red."

Chen Kexin raised her hand, and the flame that suddenly appeared actually wrapped her hand completely.

"Is this your ability?!"

Ling Yun looked at Chen Kexin in surprise. This was the first time he saw Chen Kexin use her ability, and it seemed that this ability was a fire ability.

"Yes, this is my ability user. At first, I was so scared that I jumped into the river directly."

Chen Kexin said with a wry smile while looking at her hands.

Jumping into the river?

Ling Yun suddenly thought of that morning when he woke up and found that he had turned into a girl.

If it wasn't for that time, Ling Yun would still be confused and thought that he was hallucinating.

Then he fell asleep again.

Until he got up in a hurry because he wanted to go to the toilet, he found that his little brother was gone when he got to the toilet.

At this time, Ling Yun opened his eyes and found that he had completely changed in the mirror.

At that time, Ling Yun thought he was in a dream.

Ling Yun actually jumped directly from the upstairs. Fortunately, when he was about to land, he subconsciously used magic.

Only then did he save his life.

"I'm sorry, Lingyun, I haven't told you about this."

Chen Kexin lowered her head and said to Lingyun.

"I should apologize to you, but I didn't tell you about that. I was also very scared. After all, she is such a powerful psychic..."

Lingyun shook his head and said.

"But I'm glad you're okay. That person actually ran to the Parliament Building and went directly to the Speaker of the Parliament."

"I almost thought she was going to kill someone directly, but it seems that he is not a bad person."

Chen Kexin continued.

"That's right, I also think she was wronged, and I think she is a very good person."

Lingyun heard Chen Kexin's words and immediately nodded in agreement.

"And she saved my life."

Chen Kexin looked at the marks on her arm. Although they had healed, there were still faint red marks left.

"Is Kexin really that powerful?"

"In fact, after so many years of research on psychics, we still haven't figured out how this superpower was generated, and where that mysterious light came from."

"But I can tell you this, generally speaking, a psychic can only master one superpower, just like I can use fire, so I can only use fire."

"And at the S+ level, you can use multiple superpowers, but there are very few such people."

"And from the information we know, this 'Bai' has more than one superpower, and each one is very terrifying."

Ling Yun heard Chen Kexin's words, and this was the first time he heard the Federation's evaluation of him.

"So at that time, 'Bai' was rated as SSS level, and because she was too strong, everyone unanimously decided to unite to get rid of her."

Ling Yun took a breath when he heard Chen Kexin's words. It turned out that he had been targeted since then.

"But this time they have hit a wall, and they will not act rashly again."

Chen Kexin stood up and said.

"Okay, now that everything has been explained, I'm leaving too. I still have to deal with the aftermath over there and the matter of the black warrior who suddenly appeared."

Chen Kexin sighed and looked at Lingyun, wanting to stay with him for a while, but Jiang Xiaoyun was holding her back over there, and if she didn't go back, she would definitely be punished.

Looking at Chen Kexin's back, Lingyun leaned against the wall and his legs went limp, and he almost said it out.

But he didn't expect that Chen Kexin was thinking about his own danger.

"Wait until the transformation is clear before telling Kexin."

The Parliament Building.

Ying looked at the scene surrounded by police.

"Excuse me, what happened inside?"

"Nothing, just...It's just a normal firefighting show."

The police looked at Ying and said.

Firefighting show?!

Golden dragon, you told me a firefighting show?!

Ying judged that the other party would definitely not tell, but she couldn't force her way in.

"With my sister's strength, nothing will happen."

Ying missed it again, but she didn't feel unhappy, because my sister and Luo Cheng were still by my side, and we could always meet again!

A few days of leave made Ling Yun lose hundreds of dollars, which was really painful.

But there was good news. Nako in my body finally left me and went to sleep without saying a few words.

The time I was awake was greatly extended!

This was a historic breakthrough, and Nako stared at the only memory pictures every day.

But except for her own name, she still couldn't remember the specific content of these pictures.

And when I went to bed every day I would go in and discuss the contents of these pictures with Nako.

Although I did fall asleep, I felt like I had stayed up all night when I woke up the next day.

"This castle... seems very old..."

"And this golden dragon, I wanted to try to summon it yesterday, but there was no response..."

This was the most puzzling thing for Lingyun, the magic actually failed.

Lingyun was so scared that he quickly tried other magic and found that only this summoning magic failed.

Other magic can still be used.

"Did you find anything else?"

Lingyun looked at Nako and asked.


Naka raised her hand and pointed to a picture in front of her, which was the picture she was facing away from.

"What's wrong with this picture?"

Lingyun looked at the picture that Nako pointed at and asked.

"This picture seems to remember something, but..."

Naka tilted her head and stared at the picture.

"But what? "

Ling Yun went over, thinking that there was a little hope.

"Head... my head hurts..."

Naka suddenly hugged her head and curled up.

"You... what happened to you?"

Ling Yun looked at Naka's painful expression and hurried forward.

At this moment, Ling Yun's brain also felt a sharp pain.

It felt like something was torn apart.

"Why does my head hurt too..."

Ling Yun looked at Naka and seemed to understand the reason.

"Naka, don't think about it."

Sure enough, after a while, the pain in the head weakened and finally disappeared completely.

This intense pain came and went quickly.

It caught Ling Yun off guard.

"Naka, how are you? Are you okay?"

Naka slowly raised her head and saw that her eyes were red, obviously because of the pain just now.

"Just now I... I seemed to have thought of something... But just when I was about to think of it, it suddenly hurt..."

"When you were in pain just now, I also felt pain. ”

“Yeah, because we have already connected, I am you and you are me.”

“So you will feel the same as me.”

Naka nodded her little head like pecking at rice.

“Then let’s stop here today and take a break. It’s not a good idea to keep thinking like this.”

“I have to think of other ways to help you. Are you an alien?”

“That’s not right. You are a pure little loli. How can you be an alien? And this picture doesn’t look like a picture of an alien planet.”

While Lingyun was thinking, someone suddenly pulled his clothes from behind.

Lingyun looked back and saw that it was Nako.

“Are you going to have a physical examination today?”

Then Nako’s next sentence made Lingyun stunned.

“No! Not for the time being. "

Ling Yun immediately thought of the last 'physical examination'. Although there were only himself and Nako in this space, Ling Yun always felt like he was doing something bad.

"No, no, I have mastered the rules recently, so there is no need to check."

Nakko rubbed her eyes and said, "Okay, I'll go to bed~"

These days, Ling Yun has been worrying about the time of transformation all the time, but after these days, Ling Yun found that the time of forced transformation is after get off work.

At this time, he just needs to stay in the room.

As long as he doesn't go out, no one will know his secret.

And the next day, those people from the Federation really removed him from the wanted list.

Ling Yun opened his eyes again, and it was already daytime when he woke up.

"Ah! I slept all night, but it feels like I stayed up all night..."

"I don't want to go to work!"

Ling Yun got up suddenly from the bed, music sounded in my ears, it was the morning report on the campus radio of Los Angeles University.

Every day, the broadcast started on time at 8 o'clock in the morning.

"Regarding the video posted online by netizens today, the official has issued a rumor-refuting statement, indicating that this is an experimental test of the latest federal technology..."

"The strongest earthquake in nearly 50 years occurred in the northern part of the Sun Country recently..."

"Yesterday, a volcano dormant for 30 years in the western United States suddenly erupted..."

"In Hamer Town in the northern part of the Stars and Stripes Country, three superpowers suddenly showed symptoms such as irritability and bloodthirstiness on the street, causing 10 injuries and one serious injury! The murderer has been caught!"

"A circular deep pit suddenly appeared in the Sahara Desert in Black State, and the relevant experts are rushing to it..."

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