Transformed Into a Female Schoolmaster

Chapter 729: Founder of the Mountain

Wen Yilin naturally noticed this. She frowned slightly and said in confusion: "I felt very comfortable all over when I was drawing your blood, as if I was flying into the sky, but I didn't expect it to happen. It’s weird to be able to wet the bed!"

   "I didn't expect my blood to have such a function..." Wu Di said with a little smile on the corner of his mouth. What kind of bedwetting is this? It's clearly...

  As soon as the voice fell, Wu Di's expression was a little weird. That's why Shi Wen Yilin, a little loli, was sitting on his lap, and he suddenly realized that this girl didn't wear fat times! Doesn't this mean that she is wearing a short dress all over her body? After spending time with Wen Yilin,

Wen Yilin felt uncomfortable when she heard Wu Di’s proud words just now. She pushed the man away, then stood on the bed, and said to him condescendingly, “No matter how delicious your blood is, it’s just my food. Don’t be proud. , When I am tired of drinking your blood, I will kill you directly!"

   "Okay, please enjoy me at any time." Wu Di still said with a faint smile.

After   , Wu Di took the initiative to ask the girl's name. Of course, the girl didn't answer, and Wu Di didn't care. No matter how the girl spoke harshly, he always maintained a calm and calm posture. This naturally made Wen Yilin more and more curious about him, but because of her extreme distrust of humans, she would not easily trust humans anymore.

  Of course, since the one who deceived her last time was a woman, and Wu Di is a man, her disgust towards Wu Di is not too great.

  With the help of Wu Di’s blood, Wen Yilin has successfully promoted to a C-level monster, which is equivalent to the great spellcaster among humans. With such strength, she can be regarded as a character no matter where she goes.

  Although Wen Yilin has a very cold attitude towards Wu Di, she never wronged Wu Di when she eats and drinks. She seems to treat Wu Di as her forbidden pet, and then she raises it in captivity.

  Wu Di didn’t know where Wen Yilin took him. After all, he knows nothing about the geographic location of this world.

  But to Wu Di's satisfaction, Wen Yilin did not let him "disconnect". Her reason is that if Wu Di is not connected to the Internet, it might make Wu Di depressed and want to commit suicide...

  In fact, the so-called spell network in this world is the era of the emergence of portal sites, while social networking sites and shopping sites have not yet appeared, and even online games have only monotonous spellcasters fighting. Wu Di feels that if he has accumulated the first pot of gold, he can create these websites, develop online games, and become a so-called online tycoon...

After seeing Wu Di’s novel "Wu Breaking the Sky" by chance, Wen Yilin became addicted to it, and she kept reminding her every day. If Wu Di had the help of light brain, then he would have become the world's first person who died of overwork. The internet male writer, after all, he doesn't have any curse power.

  Under continuous large number of updates. "Wu Po Cangqi" really attracted widespread attention on the site. In fact, besides Wen Yilin, the first person to notice Wu Di's novel was written. It's the housewoman hacker——Lin Yanran.

  In the boudoir of the imperial capital Lin Yanran, except that it was still messy. I don’t know when, the wall in her boudoir was covered with photos of Wu Di’s life. When she discovered that the secretly taken photos showed the iconic building of the Imperial Capital—the Imperial Capital Library, she couldn’t help but feel excited. .

  The large library of the Imperial Capital is a spiral tower, the color is brilliant silver, unique and beautiful, and the center of the entire network of spells. Also in this tall tower, it is said that the top of the tall tower. It is the place where the king-level curse masters of the Daqi Empire can enter. There are also the forbidden charms handed down in ancient times. It ranks seventh on the forbidden curse list and is the treasure of the Qi state.

  Of course, what makes Lin Yanran a little strange is that she originally wanted to track Wu Di's whereabouts, but she was unable to locate it. There seemed to be some strong interfering factors.

  This made Lin Yanran very puzzled. In fact, Wu Di’s physical sister Ye Rong also encountered this problem.

  After Wu Di was able to access the Internet, he secretly sent a message to his sister to prove that he was alive, but he did not know where he was.

After Ye Rong knew that Wu Di was alive, her hanging heart was finally let go, and Lin Qingshui, who was very guilty in her heart, asked her family power to ask a technical expert who is good at network tracking and positioning to track Wu Di's whereabouts. It can only be determined that Wu Di has arrived in the imperial capital, but cannot determine the specific location.

But this has made Ye Rong satisfied. She has set off for the imperial capital, but with Hua Meinu’s suggestion, she will hone her strength on the road, otherwise even if she finds her younger brother, she will not be able to save it. My own brother, it is of course useless.

  Of course, after Ye Rong knew that her younger brother was being raised as food by that nasty monster, the anger in her heart could not be described in words. This became more and more exciting and wanted to gain stronger strength!

Lin Yanran was watching the novel "Wu Po Cangqi" written by the "male god" in her mind with relish at this time. To be honest, after learning about Wu Di's novel, she initially thought that Wu Di was the kind of boring writing. The tangled romance novel, but when she saw the title written by Wu Di, she couldn't help but shocked. This title is really bold, obviously not a romance novel!

  So she read it enthusiastically, and then she was surprised to find that Wu Di's writing style was really not like a man at all, but magnificent, like a woman, and Lin Yanran was amazed by her excellent imagination!

  Especially putting aside the incantation, she came up with extremely groundbreaking settings such as "national arts" and "martial arts", which shocked her!

  There is no doubt that Wu Di has become the founder of the world's "fantasy flow" novels! After all, the online novels in this world are still completely under the framework of the curse system, and the martial arts system developed by Wu Di is subversive, although some readers have expressed:

  "It's completely utopian. There is no martial arts or national arts in this world. The most ridiculous thing is that the protagonist can defeat the opponent who practices the spell by using this kind of power that is not ‘spell’ at all. It’s nonsense!"

"I can't accept that curse is defeated by an unrealistic force like Guoshu, but I like the author's writing very much. I hope that the author can get the protagonist back on the right track of practicing curse instead of practicing the kind of fantasy martial arts. learn."

"Why do you want to come up with such a strange setting of Guoshu? Since the use of curse power can strengthen one's physical fitness, isn't it equivalent to the role of martial arts and Guoshu? I can't understand what the author thinks, but The author's accomplishments in the practice of incantation are indeed good and have value for reference." (to be continued~^~)

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