At this time, Tangyuan's short kitten fingers gently touched the password input area of the safe.

Seeing this scene, time seemed to have stopped.

Everyone opened their eyes wide and exposed their eyeballs to the air as much as possible.

Blink? ? Now the audience has stopped breathing, let alone blinking, and can only hear their own heartbeats.

When a cat opens a safe, it’s not just a matter of having claws.

"Tangyuan, don't do this, Dad is scared!!"

"Goddess: Mom is the one who is really scared!!"

"He couldn't really get fired on him, could he? ? ? That’s really off the mark!!"

"sweet dumpling! Don't press the right button! Otherwise, I really wouldn’t be able to hold down Darwin’s coffin board!!"

At this moment, Wang Kun's expression was the ugliest. He opened his mouth wide in surprise, and his jaw almost fell to the ground.

In his heart:"The ancestors of the Wang family!! bless me!! This cat wants your descendants to die!!"

He only has one hope now, that is, Tangyuan must not enter the correct password.

Otherwise, he really doesn't know how to explain this thing.

All of this is really too outrageous!!

Wang Kun said , I have been studying cats for more than ten years, and I have never seen such a monster!

All of this cannot be explained by simple science!

And Qin Zeyu who is sitting in the classroom is also very excited! Uneasy, he murmured:"Tangyuan! You probably don’t know the password!"

Others don't know what is inside, but Qin Zeyu knows it very well.

If it is opened, I am afraid that it will be in trouble.

That is the treasure that I treasure!!!

At this time, Tang Yuan stretched out his own short kitten middle finger

"drop! drop! drop! drop! drop! drop!"

The short cat finger moved quickly. At this moment, it seemed that it was not knocking on the safe, but on the hearts of all the viewers in the live broadcast room.

Every time the safe dropped, the heartbeats of the viewers in the live broadcast room would skip a beat.


Tangyuan looked calm and entered these numbers.


"Click!"With a sound, the door of the safe automatically popped open!

The world that was still was flowing again at this moment.


"Thank you for your generous gift!! Thank you for your generous gift!!"

"Oh, God!! Come out and see mom!!"

"I wonder if I am dreaming? ? How is this possible!"

"Tangyuan, does he still remember that he is a cat? ? ?"

"I guess I forgot!!"

The comments in the live broadcast room exploded instantly.

They rubbed their eyes frantically, and some crazy viewers even slapped themselves a few times!!

Seeing this scene in front of them, they would rather believe that there was something wrong with their eyes, and that they had too high expectations for the dumplings and had an illusion.

But seeing the incredible screen, all the viewers understood one thing.

That is, this is not their illusion! It is something that really happened!

Yes, this seemingly harmless little dumpling actually used his short and cute fingers to open the crystallization of human wisdom.

Password safe!!!

In the classroom, Qin Zeyu was stunned.

The next second, her face instantly became gloomy.

Two words came to her mind:"It's over!!"

Inside, there are delicious treasures that she has treasured for so long!

Now that they have been found by the hungry Tangyuan, I am afraid that all the troops will be wiped out.

At this moment, she was annoyed and confused. She was annoyed that she didn't let Tangyuan eat enough?

It's her own fault!

She was confused about when Tangyuan knew the password of her safe?

It seems that she has not opened the safe in front of Tangyuan many times!

In the main live broadcast room,

Nuannuan's eyes twitched uncontrollably.

Professor Wang on the side originally tightly grasped a corner of the page, but when the safe popped up, The moment he came out of the book.


The page was torn apart.

He was stunned there.

In his mind, he suddenly thought of the Martians attacking the earth, and then the earth sent Ultraman as a representative to welcome the alien invasion. Then he looked carefully and found that there was a white cat riding on the head of Ultraman Tiga.

He looked back at himself and showed a devilish smile.

Yes, he didn't know what he was thinking.

His brain was completely confused.

He didn't know if he was still in the real world? ? ?

Even, is this still the earth? ?

"I must be no longer on Earth!!"

Otherwise....How does a cat know the insurance password? Do you still know how to open it?

How is this possible!!

"What on earth does he want to do? ?"

"Is there something hidden in this safe that can help cats rule the earth?"

Yes, at this moment, the knowledgeable Professor Wang was not only overwhelmed, but almost crazy.

If he knew cat language, he felt that he would definitely fly over and ask Tangyuan:"You stinky cat, what on earth do you want to do!!"

At this time, Tangyuan went straight into the safe...

The screen also went black, and only the sound of plastic bags could be heard.

After a few seconds,....

The glutinous rice balls were dragged out... a bag of potato chips!!

Then, as if hesitating for a moment, he dragged it back again.

The screen went black again.

A few seconds later....Tangyuan dragged out a pack of dried fish


"Holy shit! Hidden inside is the goddess' snack!"

"Hahaha, the case is solved!! My glutinous rice balls are just hungry!"................................................................................

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