Here, the scene in Tangyuan's live broadcast room was also recorded by some netizens and uploaded to major video websites.

The scolding of the teammates who broke the defense was also recorded.

On one side, there are angry teammates, and on the other side, there is a cute cat who is very serious but still picks his feet.

The key point is that the cat in the picture is so serious in operation, but the performance is still very ugly.

When netizens saw this scene, they were all very happy.

"Hahaha, is this a live broadcast? ? Where can I watch it? I want to watch it too!!"

"This cat is so cute, with its fleshy white dumpling, I really want to take a sip!"

"Serious cats are the most handsome, hahaha!"

"You know what, if we weren't shown the game screen, we would have thought the cat was very good at operating it."

"Hahaha, brother, this is just an ordinary cat, how much more demanding do you want? ?"

At this time, during the live broadcast, the game was not over yet.

Tangyuan's teammates were still outputting non-stop, and there was a burst of abuse.

"Are you a dog? You are not like a human being when you act like this!"

"My grandma can beat you better than you, you useless dog!!"

"You useless dog, what are you talking about? ?"

Hearing these crazy insults, Tangyuan, who had obtained the top prize in liberal arts in Zaun in his previous life, couldn't bear it anymore.

It's okay to scold yourself for anything, but it's definitely not okay to call yourself a dog!! This is the bottom line for cats!!

Tangyuan moved his short body. Kitty Claw then clicked on the microphone and turned on the microphone!


"Damn it!! Tang Yuan is crazy? ? ?"

"What do you want to do? ? Squirt? ?"

"Okay, Tangyuan has completely forgotten that he is a cat!"

"Hahaha, this scene can be recorded in history. A cat was scolded by his teammates for breaking his defense!!"

"He is anxious, he is anxious!! Tangyuan is anxious, hahaha!"

A cat actually took the initiative to open the microphone to meet the challenge of his teammates. This scene looks too dramatic.

The audience is also curious to see how Tangyuan will spray back.


All I saw was that Tangyuan's cute big eyes widened, and he said"I want to eat everyone" as he said to the microphone:"Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow!!!!"

A series of words The meow sounded as clear and clear as an abacus.

On the contrary, the teammate on the other side who was scolding him happily was stunned. Where did the meow come from? ?

For a while, the other three teammates who had been watching the game couldn't help but type and talk.

"Bro, what the hell??"

"Where did the meow come from? ?"

"Just play games, how can you get a cat? ?"

The person who was complaining took a long time to come to his senses. Naturally, he didn't believe that the person playing games with him was a cat. He thought that he must not dare to talk and meow like a cat.

Although he had to admit that this cat meows like a cat. It was really like a cat meowing, but how could he let it go when he was so angry?

Then he shouted angrily:"Oh, it turns out you are really not a human being!"

"Meow meow meow meow....."

"Do you really think I will believe you that you are a cat! Are you pretending?"

"Meow meow meow meow...."

"You useless dog!!! You have the ability to speak human words!"

"Meow meow meow meow.....(Sound of slapping the table)"

"Hahaha, if you don’t dare to speak, you really think of yourself as a cat, right? ? Cats are so cute, so they won’t trick people. If you were really a cat, I would have eaten the phone on the spot!"

After saying this, the man stopped talking.

He said that he had never seen such a scumbag before.

He was scolding someone and kept meowing. How shameless! The scene of him squirting with a cat was being watched live by a large number of viewers.

Everyone in the audience was laughing so hard that they almost lost their temper.

The effect of the show was really overwhelming. , a cat actually turned on the microphone and spat at a teammate

"Hahahaha, it turns out that internet trolls don't distinguish between species!"

"It’s so interesting, the glutinous rice balls are so cute, hahaha"

"Woohoo, I really want to help the glutinous rice balls to spray them back!!"

"Good guy! Eat your phone! Your teammate is really a cat!"

The audience went crazy with joy. This is so interesting.

At this time, the popularity of Tangyuan's live broadcast room has completely surpassed other live broadcast rooms, firmly ranking first in the popularity of the competition.

And Tangyuan, His expression was serious, and he was completely immersed in the game.

He seemed to be saying, my teammates are all dogs, I can't do it.

But after all, the embarrassing thing is that he is the one with the lowest rating. That.


"Typical of fighting back but not being able to fight back, hahaha!"

"I thought I was the only one like this, but I didn’t expect glutinous rice balls to be like this too."

"Hahaha, I've learned a lot today, hahaha!"

"Interesting, so interesting, this live broadcast, this cat is so cute."

After playing two games, Tangyuan's stomach suddenly made a"gurgling" sound.

The audience in the live broadcast room who knew the reason laughed even more brightly.

They knew why Tangyuan's stomach was rumbling now.

It was because he got into the hostess's room through the mouse hole last night and made the hostess angry. He only had a little breakfast, and there was no meal for lunch yet.

However, at this time, Tangyuan did not seem to be panicked at all, but put down the tablet in his hand.

Then he stepped on his short legs and tried to walk like a cat, and came to a box in the bedroom.

That was a safe...

The audience was stunned.


"What are the glutinous rice balls for? ?"......................................................................

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