On the other side, S.H.I.E.L.D.

Nick Frixon also quickly ordered his agents.

"You guys go to the scene, a team collects samples and tests the ingredients.

One team tried to block the scene and play games with the military and other forces, although we could not monopolize it, but we also had to strive for the greatest benefits! "

Roger! Sir. "


The tech companies also immediately sent people, and some bosses were ready to rush to the scene in person, all wanting to try to get a piece of the pie.

At the White House, the senators held an emergency meeting, and everyone was very excited.

"Mr. President, this is undoubtedly a great fortune that fell from the sky, God bless me America!"

The White House Cabinet immediately made a decision, and the President immediately made a public statement:

[This meteorite is the property of the State within the territory of the United States of America, and we will fully nationalize it!] The

U.S. military took immediate action and sent military aircraft and a large number of troops to the scene.

All forces are coveting this golden meteorite mountain and have taken action.

Tony Stark Industries, as the president, Pepper also has to care about this matter, and the bodyguard Harpy also drove her to the scene.

Pepper turned on her phone and just swiped the news that Han Qiuya had just updated.

The title is: [I want to make money, I went to space to mine some ore]

Pepper clicked on the dynamics, watched the pictures and videos, and was completely shocked.

There is a photo of Han Qiuya and Kara in the background of the long sea of stars, and Kara happily compares the V word in front of the camera.

It's a real space picture! And the position of the star in the background also confirms that it is in the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.

After reading it, Pepper understood that this meteorite was also moved by Han Qiuya to outer space.

The comments below the dynamics also exploded.

Fans shouted:

"After a long break, I finally updated the news."

"The goddess has finally reacted."

"Oh my god, was this filmed in outer space!"

"I really want to go to an alien planet too!"

"It's not going to be p, is it?"

"Upstairs, no, no, there are still people who doubt Superwoman's abilities."

There is also a focus on the "meteorite mountain".

"The meteorite was brought by Superwoman, but she should be careful of the US government, they are robbers."

"Laugh to death, let's be careful with the United States, she can destroy the island with one punch at worst, persuade us that the United States don't dare to rob everything, and the country will be destroyed..."

I hope she will come on, don't be bullied by your U.S. government! "


As for the reaction of various forces and the US government, Han Qiuya is not afraid at all.

Han Qiuya felt that this confrontation was very interesting, and decided to bring Tony and Bruce back as well.

Sooner or later, there will be a clash of ideas, so it's better to have a showdown earlier.

She instantly traveled to the DC world and appeared in front of the two: "Tony, Bruce, you guys come back to Earth with me, you need help." Both

Tony and Bruce were taken aback by her sudden appearance.

But he also believed in Han Qiuya, and after receiving some things, he followed Han Qiuya back to Marvel by teleporting.

After coming back.

"How can you help?" The two of them asked at Han Qiuya.

Unexpectedly, Han Qiuya didn't say anything, and flew away directly.

Leaving Tony and Bruce behind, watching the "Meteorite Mountain" news in amazement at home.

Han Qiuya flew to find Kara, and the two soared over the city.

Unexpectedly, two gangsters were suddenly found driving a sedan and were fleeing.

Han Qiuya glanced at Kara, intending to give Kara a chance to perform, but Kara nodded tacitly.

Then the two landed straight above on the path of the gangster's vehicle.

"Boom!" With a bang, the sedan crashed into the two people, making a huge impact sound, the front of the car was instantly deformed and twisted, and the window glass shattered.

And Han Qiuya and Kara still stood firmly in place, not moving at all.

The two gangsters' eyes widened in horror, and before they could come to their senses, they saw Kara tear open the deformed car door, pull out two people and throw them on the ground.

Han Qiuya held the front of the car with both hands and forced, "Click!" "。

The whole car was torn from the middle.

In the rear, several policemen chased after them.

A police officer held a gun and shouted at Han Qiuya and Kara, "You two! Immediately raise your hands in surrender and crouch! The

two turned around. Kara was surprised to find that it was them who were being pointed at the gun.

Kara was puzzled: "Mr. Officer, are you mistaken?" You should have pointed your gun at them.

She pointed to the two gangsters lying on the ground.

Several police officers also quickly came and handpicked the two gangsters.

Han Qiuya quickly asked Skynet to investigate the officer's background, and soon found information

- it turned out that he was the father of Wenger, who had the potential to become a female Spider-Man, but Peter was Spider-Man in this universe.

Arsene Wenger's father was a police officer, an old-school police officer who hated superheroes for enforcing the law without permission. No wonder he was so wary of them.

He has a negative and hostile attitude towards superheroes, and he believes that superheroes break the law and use superpowers without permission is illegal.

The hero has no license or supervision, and he is very unhappy to enforce the law without permission. He is also worried that the hero's lynching is lawless, lacks restraint and is not professional enough, which may exacerbate the conflict and cause greater chaos.

Kara said patiently, "Mr. Officer, please put down your gun." We just helped you stop a carjacking, and we didn't break the law. You shouldn't point a gun at a good person.

But Arsene Wenger's father, George, was an old-school policeman, and he looked serious and said firmly: "No way! You superpowers must accept the management of the state, and you cannot use superpowers privately, this is against the law!

Behind George, the other young policemen recognized Han Qiuya, none of them raised their guns, and some policemen wanted to come up and ask for an autograph, but because the chief was holding a gun, they were inconvenient to move.

There was also a policeman who was very bold and secretly behind George, smiling at Han Qiuya and Kara, and waving to say hello.

"Hehe...!" Kara laughed twice when she saw this, and glanced at Han Qiuya.

George was even angrier.

Han Qiuya didn't bother to pay attention to this old-school policeman, and said directly to Kara: "Kara, let's go directly, ignore him." He actually knows our strength and ability, because we are good people, he dares to point a gun at us like this.

Kara answered, "Really? Should good people be held at gunpoint? "


She still wanted to argue with George, but saw that Han Qiuya beside her had already risen to the sky and left the scene.

Kara unfurls her red cloak and chases after her.

George stood in place, watching the figures of the two leaving, and his heart was mixed.


Near the meteorite site, Mei, Eddie and Venom, and Selena also arrived at the scene.

Eddie looked up at the huge meteorite mountain with a diameter of one thousand meters in front of him, and sighed, "Is this what the boss brought?" How much does this have to sell for!

Selena: "Meow~!" The boss is going to get rich, and I want a salary increase. Venom

poked its head out of Eddie's body and stared ahead, and the various forces around the meteorite who were watching with bad intentions excitedly said, "It's finally alive!" This security job is boring to me.

There are a lot of brains, and there are brains to eat.

My mouth is my brain depository. "

Eddie: Venom, don't do this, you've got enough chocolate, and you've been spending more money than me lately, and you've eaten a lot of chickens. Don't still think about eating brains, it's too barbaric.

Selena looked at Xiaomei: "President Xiaomei, if these people dare to touch Boss Han's meteorite, should we give them some color?" "

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