"This roast chicken is so fragrant, no wonder it takes 300 reputation to change." Han Qiuya thought to herself.

She deliberately changed into an inconspicuous outfit, wore a hat, and sat alone in the corner of the hospitality area, eating delicious roast chicken purchased from the system.

The roast chicken was filled with an enticing aroma, and several people at the table next to it were hungry for the smell.

"It's so fragrant, I want to have a roast chicken that lady ordered!" A polite man in a suit hurriedly stopped the waiter passing by and said.

The others also heckled and stood up: "I want it too!" I want it too!".

"Everyone, please be calm, let me see what this is, and send it to everyone right away." The waiter hurriedly looked at Han Qiuya and found that she didn't seem to be eating the meal they had served here.

The waiter walked towards Han Qiuya and was about to ask about the source of the roast chicken. At this moment, that Han Qiuya raised her head and squeezed out a friendly smile at him.

At this glance, the waiter was stunned. What he saw was an incomparably peerless face, jade bones and ice muscles, skin like snow in the sun, and eyes as deep and charming as a galaxy. The smile was like a spring breeze and rain, melting the waiter's heart and making him lose his ability to speak.

Just when the waiter was in a daze, the woman with a superb appearance in front of him had disappeared.

Han Qiuya activated her super speed and had already teleported to another corner of the reception area, and also changed into another set of clothes.

The waiter rubbed his eyes, wondering if he had been dazzled just now. But that extremely beautiful face has been deeply imprinted in his mind, and he will never forget it for a long time. He knew that he had just seen a fairy-like being, and even if it was fleeting, it had left an indelible mark on his heart.

The waiter was still immersed in the shock brought by Han Qiuya's peerless appearance, and completely forgot to ask about the origin of the roast chicken.

"Hey, why are you in a daze, why don't you hurry up and ask the lady where you ordered the roast chicken?" One man said dissatisfiedly, "Now that people have disappeared out of thin air, we can't eat anymore!"


"No, shouldn't we be concerned about how that lady disappeared into thin air?"

"Yes, there's something wrong with your place, it must be haunted."


I... I—" The waiter didn't know how to reply, but he thought of the beautiful smile just now, and he didn't think it mattered.


"Dear spectators and friends, the exciting and fierce Grand Prix is about to kick off! Now let's welcome all the riders with a round of applause!" The host's voice resounded through the on-site broadcast.

There was warm applause and cheers from the audience. One by one, the top drivers slowly entered the track in their painted cars, waving to the spectators along the way.

"The first to enter the field was Mike, whose car has a new aerodynamic design this year...", the host began to introduce the drivers and vehicles entering the arena one by one.

"Next up is the reigning champion of last year's event, Jack of the Renault team, in his iconic yellow car!".

"The last person to enter the arena was Stark's car, and Tony Stark himself drove his iconic Red Iron Man car!".

The audience watched Tony's team enter, and applause and screams reached a climax. Tony waved to the audience, revealing a sunny star smile.

However, just as Tony's team entered, there was a car that followed into the track. The car is painted in a vivid red and blue paint that looks very eye-catching.

The host was taken aback by the sudden appearance of the driver, but he immediately adjusted his state and continued in a lively and cheerful tone: "Wow, this seems to be an unexpected surprise, we actually have a mysterious latecomer!" I don't know who the driver is in this cool red and blue car, but let's give him a warm welcome!".

Seeing that the organizer did not have any objections to this uninvited guest, the host also pushed the boat down the river and continued: "It seems that this will be a surprise guest for us to wait and see!" We are looking forward to a great performance from this mysterious driver!".

The host's vivid rhetoric successfully turned this unexpected episode into a surprise for the competition. The excitement of the audience was also pushed to a new climax by the appearance of the mysterious driver. Viewers are speculating about the identity of this last mystery driver. Han Qiuya's exterior design looks advanced, and the bright color scheme makes it look very flamboyant.

This mysterious red and blue racing car is actually a new Transformer that Han Qiuya bought from the system store for 5 million reputation. Han Qiuya named it "Blue Fire".

Blue Fire is a rare trio warrior in Transformers. It can freely switch between three forms: robots, cars, and helicopters, and its combat effectiveness and mobility are among the top in Transformers.

Han Qiuya drove the blue fire to a stop at the starting point and waved to the audience. But her helmet completely obscured her face, making it impossible to see her face.

"Skynet, open my personal account on all social frequency stations, and broadcast my entire game and subsequent battles live."

"Yes, master."

As soon as Skynet's voice fell, Han Qiuya's social accounts were registered on major platforms at the same time. A cartoon of Supergirl is set as her default avatar.

The live video was broadcast on various platforms at the same time, and Skynet used his super ability to put Han Qiuya's live broadcast first on the homepage on all platforms.

The title of the live broadcast room reads: "Supergirl Racing Live Live."

As soon as the live broadcast started, it attracted many curious viewers to click in, and the barrage comments swiped the screen.

"It's a publicity stunt, right? Superwoman also comes to the car race? It's definitely hype!

"Is this account a superwoman?" Is there any research?"

\ "Whether it's true or not, let's watch the excitement first! It's a free live stream anyway. "

I'm a big fan of Supergirl, and from my years of experience, it's 100% Superwoman herself!".

"Oh my God, Goddess I love you!".

"Anyway, the paint of this car is too handsome, I think I'm going to modify one like this!".


kinds of comments poured in, and the popularity of the live broadcast room soared like a rocket.

"Blue Fire, how much does it take to accelerate from a standstill to 100 meters in your current car form?" Han Qiuya asked as she touched the steering wheel.

"Report to the owner, my 0-100m sprint time is only 0.4 seconds, and the top speed can reach Mach 3." Blue Fire replied through the in-car stereo.

That's a lot of data! There are many streets that can throw off the cars on the earth.

Just then, the countdown to the game sounded.

“3, 2, 1!"

With the sound of gunfire, all vehicle engines roar, and the race is officially on!

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