Han Qiuya didn't give Abomination any chance, and followed in the air to stay above Abomination's body, watching Abomination's body roll in midair, waiting for him to fly to the highest point.

"Surrender? Don't dare to continue fighting, and you lose your value. I'll only gain more prestige by beating you. Han Qiuya's beautiful legs were raised high in the air, with a cold momentum.

Murder is still punishable!

"No——! I'm willing to let you fight, no------!!!! Hatred

looked at Han Qiuya's movements, and his heart was terrified.

He hoped to deceive Han Qiuya and put away this attack and let him go.

Now he just wants to flee as soon as he hits the ground.

Han Qiuya's slender black silk beautiful legs were raised high, and the speed of the fall broke through dozens of sound barriers, and a heavy leg slash at the back of the abomination came down, and the force that erupted was even more terrifying than the knee impact just now.

"Bang --------!!!!"

Han Qiuya's legs were like a heavy knife, slashing fiercely at the back of the abomination, causing his body to fold in half in an exaggerated arc. The body of the abomination that had just risen to zero in the air and fell like a meteorite.

With a deafening loud thud, the body of the abomination slammed into the ground at an unknown depth, and the entire ground was torn apart in all directions.

The air was filled with dust and smoke, and most of the audience froze. They saw the body of the abomination sink deep into the earth, as if it had been completely consumed by a powerful force.

Immediately, Han Qiuya heard that the prestige value continued to be credited.

It didn't take ten seconds to solve the abomination, Han Qiuya didn't stay long, activated super vision, and through all obstacles, used super vision to lock the position where Tony and Hulk were fighting.

In one second, Han Qiuya's body image was a lightning bolt that pierced the sky, and she rushed to the scene at an astonishing speed of more than Mach 130. There was only one afterimage left in the air, which was amazing.

Chao Qiuya didn't use the portal this time, and she gave enough shock today, and she plans to keep it for her next appearance.

The military, General Ross, who was sitting in the helicopter, looked at the battlefield filled with smoke and dust, and said with some stammering: "Solved? "

Such a fierce monster—an abomination, they've been busy for a long time to no avail.

As a result, a sturdy beauty - Superwoman came to solve it with three punches and two feet!

At the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters, the director of the boiled egg bureau quietly watched the live broadcast of Han Qiuya's battle with the abomination.

When Han Qiuya finished the battle and sped away at a speed that amazed him, his body seemed to be frozen, and he didn't make any movement, and he didn't even say the sentence "Ma Mess Fake".

At this time, an agent stepped forward and reported to the director of the boiled egg: "Director, according to the analysis results using the high-speed camera, we have obtained the latest combat effectiveness data of Superwoman.

The Director quickly regained his composure and focused on the agent's debriefing.

"Superwoman's fastest flight speed is more than Mach 100, and the power of a punch is at least 20,000,000 kilograms, which is 10,000 times that of a human boxing champion. It may have been the result of her not using all her strength

, and—" The agent's voice continued to echo through the room, "Also, according to image analysis, Supergirl's reaction speed, movement accuracy, and anticipation skills far exceeded our expectations. Her strength, speed, and reflexes are all in ways we couldn't have imagined.

The director thought for a few seconds and quickly ordered: "Immediately pass this information to all relevant personnel and prepare them to study Superwoman's weaknesses with all their might."

"Also, inform me that in any case, everyone is not allowed to have a bad relationship with Supergirl without authorization, and must not conflict with her, and report to me about her as soon as possible."

Within S.H.I.E.L.D., the members of Hydra also paid close attention to Han Qiuya's.

Hydra member Alexander Pierce holds a report on Superwoman's combat stats in his hand and ponders his plan of action for the future.

He decided, "You guys should immediately take someone to the scene and try to find Superwoman's body tissue, maybe we can find her hair or some other biological sample." "

Yes, sir, we'll get the job done as soon as we can." The men replied, and quickly left for their mission.

Pierce looked at their backs as they left, his heart filled with anticipation. He believes that as long as they can find the body tissue of Superwoman, it will help them further study superpowers and help them in some of their experiments.


Tony's armor on one foot was damaged, and he could only rely on the thrusters in one foot and both hands to dodge in the air.

Hulk, the Hulk on the ground, was furious and threw huge trees, boulders and other objects at him.

"Supergirl, Qiuya... If you don't show up, I'll run away!. "

Come and help your true fan, Tony Stark."

As soon as Tony's words fell, Han Qiuya flew from the sky like a god descending from the sky, instantly appeared in front of Tony, and kicked away a huge tree that Hulk threw at Tony.

"Haha! Supergirl is here, surrender quickly, little Hulk. When Tony saw Han Qiuya coming, he didn't panic for a moment, but began to provoke Hulk.

"Tony, you've been holding out for too little time." Han Qiuya said to Tony with a smile, and at the same time casually blocked a boulder that Hulk threw from the air, "I want to perform a little more over there."

"I've had a lot of time on that side, don't doubt me." Tony followed suit, conversing lightly, completely ignoring the angry Hulk on the ground.

On the ground, Hulk saw that the two of them ignored him, and he was immediately furious. He began to throw various objects wildly, and at the same time, his huge body began to gallop, leaping towards Tony and Han Qiuya.

"Miss Qiuya, let's talk after the battle first, it's too rude to the enemy."

Tony watched Hulk get closer and closer, and although he pretended to be calm on the surface, he still felt a little flustered by the oppression brought by Hulk inside.

Han Qiuya in the air didn't panic, waited for Hulk to jump in front of her, stepped on Hulk's body, and used her flying ability to stomp Hulk back to the ground at several times the speed of sound.

Boom——! With a loud bang, Hulk's body cut a straight line in the air, and was nailed to the ground by Han Qiuya.

Tony swallowed in shock, his eyes widened, and he looked at Hulk on the ground who was trampled under Han Qiuya's feet.

Although Tony had seen Han Qiuya's battles, every time he witnessed this beauty's violent performance in battle, his body and mind would still be instinctively frightened.

"Jarvis, you have to remind me in the future, so that I can't flirt with her, I don't want to be beaten halfway." Tony half-jokingly.

Jarvis, the artificial intelligence, calmly replied, "Yes, sir." At the same time, I would like to remind you that, according to my analytical data, there is reproductive isolation between you and Han Qiuya. As a result, your physical condition on a biological level may not be able to withstand her power... You may die very quickly.

"I don't need to say this, of course I know that there will be no one on earth who can withstand the destruction of her super power."

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