If you continue, there is one more thing that has to be done, and that is that it is time to teleport out.

But this bracelet can also be directly dispensed with, because the Liu Kunpeng of the body is directly on the side of the rift.

Thinking of this, Liu Kunpeng turned around and went out, and even the Mark mecha directly drilled into the secret realm in the distance.

Others just made a copy, and after Liu Kunpeng leveled up, he also completed this leveling method.

After rising several levels in a row, he now has no ideas.

If you get a dangerous wanderer, you have to be excited, and you can summon multiple people.

Thinking of such a place, he went directly to the matter again and continued to walk outside.

Many students explained that this time the Majin was indeed discovered, so as long as everyone arrived here, the copy could be ended.

After about half an hour, the talents came, and all the garrisons could also be guarded.

"Okay, we can go back, but before that, we have to teach how to close this

gap" "But yes, the gap can still be closed?"

The students all thought it was a little strange, since this kind of can be closed?

"Yes, they can repair this kind of thing, we can also repair it"

I saw this side and turned, thought of various explanations, and finally chose the safest method, that is, the actual direct demonstration.

Thinking of this, everyone began the construction work, and someone personally guided them.

After finishing, he went directly out and went outside, thinking of a way to turn around and complete the teleportation.

This time the transfer is not over, someone's transfer has not been completed, and they have to go to the next location, and it just so happens that the demon here found out that he can deceive and become the final job at once.

Countless people directly teleported to the next area, and there were also various things here.

Because Liu Kunpeng didn't have to continue to brush the level, he honestly sat outside.

After hesitating, he still decided to go back this time and directly carry out the release of the dangerous wanderer.

Then it was a matter of time, and after waiting to complete the various copies of Yang, the students here also had a very friendly exchange, and began to speak last.

But there are still most of the students who are not finished, and they still need to postpone it for a day to be able to go back, there is no way, they can only endure.

But these times have also developed a problem, that is, their mana is not enough to summon the so-called dangerous wanderers!

Then it can only be to find a way to increase the maximum mana, wearing equipment is not very good, because there are very few spells added to equipment, you can only find small things such as accessories, which is able to complete the summoning of their dangerous wanderers.

So, for the rest of the day, I was looking for all kinds of small things that increased mana up and down on the Internet.

Otherwise, upgrading to 21 can also complete the final mana storage, Xiu Ang said here, he continued to search, but also found a way to level up.

After a day like this, I finally completed one thing, and that was to order those small things of my own, that is, the so-called accessories.

At this time, I discovered that something had come out, and that was to start summoning people.

"Groups 1 to 17, are all the people together?"

"1 group is

complete, students as long as they participate, they have completed the copy" "2 groups are complete, students as long as they participate, they have completed the copy" "4 groups are all together, the students have completed the copy" "11 groups are all together, students as long as they participate, they have completed

the copy"

After summoning the manpower, that is the end, thinking of this, everyone relaxed, because after a while, it should be possible to go out.

So after this one, it is time to prepare food and dinner for the rest of the time.

So, some work began again, some simple and simple work.

Because Liu Kunpeng knew that he would be able to directly summon the dangerous wanderer at that time, he also relaxed here and prepared to teleport.

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