Transform Into the Marvel World

Chapter 637: Ether particles

If God doesn't take it, it takes the blame. In order for ordinary people on the earth to have a healthy, orderly and peaceful future, she resolutely took up the double-edged battle axe.

This is not for ourselves, this is for ordinary people in all free and democratic countries.

At least that's what Daisy told herself...

One-handed axe is a little heavy, but it is within the range of her power. As she moved faster and faster, the axe blade directly followed her attack line, squeezing the air, and splitting wind blades out.

"Is it because the weapon is heavier?" The Excalibur is sharper than an axe, but it can't produce a whirlwind effect.

Holding the axe in both hands, he slammed the ground with a full force, and a shock wave with a thirty-degree angle rushed forward 100 meters before the energy slowly dissipated.

"Yes, yes." Daisy also felt that she was not suitable for swordsmanship. She cut, smashed, and slashed back and forth! The practical axe of these tricks is more suitable...

With the oak-like handle and the axe blade glowing with cold light, the young girl carrying a giant axe has to be said to be a bit weird. The slender arms and this rough weapon always have a sense of disharmony.

Fearing that Bor or someone from Asgard would come back and ask for an axe, she did not receive the ring, but carried this ‘man’s romance’ to the temple.

The temple is not big, it looks decent on the surface, and the inside is all broken.

Pushing the door open, the surging dark red energy almost smashed her into a caterpillar.

This energy is completely in a liquid state, like several rebellious dragons, constantly hitting the walls on all sides in her vision.

This temple would be unable to suppress the etheric particles, and it was actually two or three days early.

The original space-time Jane Foster did not see the heroic guards of Asgard. When she arrived in this crevice space, there was not even a ghost, no Bor, and no challenge. Three-two-one, walking away with ether particles, simple It's so easy.

And Daisy, a chaotic guy, is about to fight hard, and the difficulty of both sides is not at the same level.

Secretly complaining about the good luck of Thor's little boyfriend, she looked around.

Aether particles are scattered all over the temple. The walls, long dining tables, all kinds of swords, hammers and axes are all undergoing ubiquitous energy washing. Most of the furniture items have been damaged, and some weapons have also been leaked by the ether particles. The energy is devastated.

The energy in Daisy's body was running again, and she strode in with bursts of golden light.

The dark red liquid energy seemed to want to defeat her, but she launched several attacks to no avail, instead she reached out and grabbed a small group of energy.

It was like reaching out to hold quicksand, seeing the dark red energy dissipate in the palm of the hand, this energy could not control her, and would rather die than surrender.

"It seems a bit troublesome." An imminent question jumped to his eyes, and he didn't seem to have the means to turn ether particles into real gems.

Seeing the dark red liquid energy running around and hitting her energy shield from time to time, she was a little embarrassed. How could she turn it into a solid state?

Thanos has been in the universe for countless years, specializing in the study of infinite gems, and death behind the scenes to give him a trick. He has enough knowledge to turn liquid ether particles into solid reality gems, but she does not have this knowledge. .

Does Asgard have this knowledge?

Walking to the center of the temple, watching the ten thousand tons of boulders suppress the core part of the ether particles, she guessed that rough guys might not have this expertise.

I don't know what kind of rock it is. It's not too big, but the weight is surprisingly large. It is a bit like the posture of a five-finger mountain pressing a sun monkey.

Looking in from the wide gap between the two fingers, most of the energy of the etheric particles is underneath, and every minute and every second, countless energy is hitting the boulder.

In countless years of confrontation, the inside of the boulder was full of cracks, and the ether particles could no longer be suppressed.

Daisy took out the infinite gloves with the mentality of trying it out, and gestured to the ether particles twice, exactly the same as her guess. The ether particles turned into gems with a crash and jumped directly into the bowl. The picture did not appear. Ignoring her, I feel free to hit the giant stone seal.

I can see it and I can touch it, but I can’t install it and lack a key technology, which embarrassed Director Dai, and this particle seems to repel her a bit. This phenomenon is very bad. She feels she has to correct the ether. The values ​​of particles.

Although the hope was not great, she was still going to ask. She lay on the edge of the boulder and shouted inside: "Hey, can you become a solid state?"

"Can't speak? Send me a message."

"If you ignore me anymore, will I be violent?"

After asking several times, the etheric particle ignored her at all.

"Okay, you forced me!" Daisy does not know how to use spells, and she doesn't know what the Asgardians rely on to make the huge stone but she knows this 10,000 tons The boulder is not magic, but a substance of great mass and density. It is enough to know this.

The material reorganization ring gave off a pale white halo, and a gap inside the boulder that was knocked open by ether particles was directly repaired. The boulder that was crumbling and would be completely destroyed in three days instantly became heavier by two points. The sudden increase in pressure made a shiver, and the excess energy all over the temple was hurriedly shrunk by more than half, before it barely stopped the decline.

"Oh, hehe--" Someone covered his mouth and chuckled, too proud.

what? Will the extension of the seal of ether particles cause a chain reaction? She doesn't care at all. I don't even want to get it if I can't get it. Just let Malkis go to sleep.

"Surrender me, I will take you out and stay in this shabby place for tens of thousands of years, don't you feel annoying? Just ignore me? Okay! Let's continue!"

Duang let out a muffled sound, and she repaired a crack in the boulder. Although the gap between **** was still there, the dark red energy all over the temple was recovered, and it could be seen that the etheric particles resisted very stubbornly.

"Consent or not?" Duang! "Ignore me?" Duang! ......

Later, Daisy found that she had almost repaired the boulder, without external influence, it is estimated that the ether particles could be suppressed for thousands of years.

At this time, she also realized that something was wrong. Does this thing have no self-consciousness? Or can't communicate?

I don’t know that the etheric particle at this time has also endured to the limit. It wants to find a weak host. Whether it is to escape or return to the dark elf hands, it needs a host with little ability, but there is no such thing as Director Dai in this host list. Such a fierce person, the first impression of the etheric particles is very bad for her...

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