Transform Into the Marvel World

Chapter 413: The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility

Thor and Jane Foster just found out after a casual chat, huh? The two have a tacit understanding! Speaking of later, the old white man could only drink coffee violently, and couldn't get in at all. The old man was still acquainted, and he shied away from having something to do and left the coffee shop alone.

"At that time, there was a man who gave me flowers for five days in a row, but I thought he had bad intentions, so I asked my friend to design a trap."

It is rare for Jane to meet a man who has a tacit understanding. She quickly talked about her pride, which caused Thor to laugh.

Thor also told his own story at the right time: "My father is an old and stubborn, what he likes most is to train me! Haha! But my brother is still good."

Behind the scenes of his own father, Thor is not burdened at all, and Jane is too happy, even shooting the table to echo his old stubborn statement. They didn't have the vigilance of a crow in the sky before Daisy wanted to say bad things about Odin.

After the laughter, Thor still thought of his own question: "Jane, what do you think I have shortcomings?"

Jane rubbed her hair and wanted to say that you lack brains. Would normal people ask such questions? She deliberated the wording: "Are you confused?"

Thor told the puzzle that Odin left for himself, but he did not reveal his identity. To Jane, it sounds like a cliché story of a father who has high expectations for his son, but the fool fails to meet the requirements.

To drag Uncle Ben's blessing, Thor learned to be humble, to respect and responsibility. He did not show off his identity as Thor, but slowly got along with Jane Foster like an ordinary person.

Human life is too short, but this does not prevent Thor and Jane Foster from becoming friends. The two met just one day before they fell in love.

In order to prove that he is a good person, Thor took Jane Foster to visit Uncle Ben. Although Daisy helped to inform the information, and it was Friga who helped him, Thor felt that he also had credit for this matter. The old stubborn Odin would not agree with them to save people on earth.

What Uncle Ben died 1,000, 10,000 deaths have nothing to do with Odin.

Uncle Ben basically didn't have any major problems. Peter took him to the hospital for an examination. Now the hospital is too busy. The doctor simply took a look and found that he had lost too much blood and was okay. When he went to recuperate slowly, he sent the family of three away. .

The family was talking, or when Uncle Ben was teaching Peter, the doorbell rang.

When Peter heard the doorbell ringing, he ran to open the door as if he had encountered a savior.

Jane Foster outside the door is a bit embarrassed. She feels that she and the family have never known each other. It seems out of place to visit her home so presumptuously?

But the lover's eyes are behaving. If an outsider does this, she will think that the guy's brain is lacking, mentally retarded, and ignorant. But if Thor does this, she thinks it is a sincere and non-contrived performance.

Seeing Peter Parker opening the door, she breathed a sigh of relief. She couldn't talk about it. When Thor was beaten into a dog, she met him.

Peter was bitten by a spider, and now he has an amazing memory. Although Thor changed his normal clothes, he still recognizes it. As for Jane Foster, he also has the impression, as if he was the beautiful woman he met on the road?

Thor also realized that there was something wrong at this time. He came to visit Uncle Ben when his brain heated up. Now that he said he was Thor, what would Jane Foster think? Secretly winked at Peter, he was going to continue to pretend to be ordinary people.

But why do ordinary people come to see Uncle Ben? For no reason, there should always be a reason, Thor is anxious to be wise, and finally found a reason with his cheeky, that is, after being told by Uncle Ben last time, he changed his mind and started a new life. Now he came to express his gratitude.

This reason was a bit far-fetched, and Peter hesitated, but let the two of them in.

Uncle Ben doesn't have such a good memory, he thought for a long time before he remembered who this blond man was.

After he understood that Thor just gave up the habit of drinking and worked hard, now he has a girlfriend, and the two come to visit. His attitude is much better than when the two met last time.

"Okay, okay, you did the right thing. My attitude might be a little bad at the time. I also apologize to you." Uncle Ben was very sincere and did not accept Thor's compliments. He always emphasized that he was just an ordinary person.

"You told me that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. I have been practicing this sentence recently, but if one thing exceeds the limit of my ability, what should I do at this time?"

Thor thought about this question for a long time. He didn't ask Odin, let alone Daisy. Instead, he came to ask this old man without a trace of strength. In his opinion, Uncle Ben must have an answer.

Hearing the words the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, Peter's attention was automatically attracted. Uncle Ben also said this to him yesterday before he fell into a coma, but he was always busy and didn't have time to think about it.

He was like Thor, ready to see what Uncle Ben said.

Uncle Ben didn't answer directly. He thought for a while, then pointed to the TV and asked them: "Do you know that woman in armor and a long sword on the TV?"

"Wonder Woman? I know her. Many classmates say she is very handsome." Peter didn't like Wonder Woman. He admired Captain America, but was beaten up by several female classmates, such as Lorna, Gwen and so on. Now we can only change our position.

Thor didn't say a word. Daisy was still familiar with it. The armor had worn his mother for thousands of years, and he wouldn't admit it. He just didn't know what Uncle Ben meant when he mentioned it.

Uncle Ben sighed: "When I was young, I only needed to work to be hardworking and able to make money. Now looking out the window, facing this mutated society and a completely crazy world, I will not To think about the profound truths and not understand the layout of those big people, I just know that I will do my best to protect my family."

At this time, the TV screen changed and replaced with Captain America. Uncle Ben continued: "A strong ability to defend the country, a weak ability to protect the family, this is what I understand the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility.

If Thor and Peter have realized something, even Jane Foster seems to understand something.

Uncle Ben was still very tired and needed a rest. Thor and the two left soon.

Two days later, Daisy invited Thor out for dinner, and saw Jane Foster who was following Thor for dinner. She was taken aback. The two were still together? When Thor was treating Uncle Ben, he looked bitter and enmity, but now he looks very moist.

Originally I wanted to ask Thor what happened to the earth, but now it’s natural to see how they mix oil in their honey. Jane Foster is very wary of her, holding Thor tightly, using a picture to see class enemies Staring at her.


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