"Damn, the other party's lawyer was scared away in court?"

Chapter 028 Advertising in court

"This is outrageous! Does anyone know anything about this? If Lawyer Zhao just walked away, does that count as contempt of court?"

"Contempt of court is out of the question"

"However, if you leave the court without permission, you will lose your right to defend yourself."

"That is to say"

"Even if Lawyer Zhao returns to the trial, she will no longer be able to defend Li Huihui."

"So, Li Huihui is going to defend herself?"


The live broadcast room was in an uproar.

The audience was talking about Zhao Qiuxia's behavior.

The scene was also in chaos.

The lawyers sitting in the first row opened their mouths wide in disbelief.

"Before this lawsuit was filed, I thought of two scenarios:"

"In the first case, Lawyer Zhao brought honor to our Jingzhou legal community and won the case!"

"In the second case, Lin Chuan creates a miracle and wins the lawsuit."

"But I never expected"

"What the hell, there is a third situation. The lawsuit is not over yet and the plaintiff runs away.……"


"Cough cough cough……"

"According to court regulations, a defense lawyer who leaves the court without the judge's permission will lose his or her defense qualification."

"I declare"

"Zhao Qiuxia, a lawyer from Jingzhou Huayun Law Firm, is no longer qualified to defend Li Huihui."

The presiding judge Feng Jianjun shouted himself hoarse, but he still failed to call Zhao Qiuxia back.

It seems that the pressure of confronting Lin Chuan is not ordinary.

Even the famous Jingzhou lawyer Miejue Nun has become a deserter.

"My defense lawyer ran away, so... Your Honor, what should I do?"

Li Huihui was so anxious that her nails dug into her flesh.

"The trial is not over yet."

You can recruit a defense lawyer on the spot, or defend yourself.

Feng Jianjun pointed to the first row of the audience area, where all the elite lawyers from Jingzhou sat.

"I defend myself?"

"It would be better to sentence me directly!"

Li Huihui wanted to cry but had no tears.

She turned around and looked at the first row of the audience area with a pleading look.

However, when Li Huihui's eyes swept over, everyone did the same thing.

They lowered their heads in silence and did not look at Li Huihui.

Are you kidding

? Being a defense lawyer for Li Huihui? Isn't this asking for trouble?

In the Jingzhou lawyer circle, Master Zhao Qiuxia is firmly at the upper level and is known as the number one female lawyer in Jingzhou. No lawyer present dared to say that they were better than Zhao Qiuxia.

However, the facts were before them.

Even Zhao Qiuxia's heart was broken and she became a deserter.

It is conceivable how terrible Lin Chuan is.

Therefore, no matter how much money was offered, no one was willing to be Lin Chuan's experience baby.

""Your Honor, no one is willing to be my defense lawyer."

Li Huihui was about to collapse.

The presiding judge had just made it very clear that if no one was willing to be her defense lawyer, she would have to defend herself.

But Li Huihui was illiterate in the eyes of the law.

Defending herself?

Wouldn't that be like giving away one's life?

"Since no one is willing to be your defense lawyer, I have no choice but to defend you yourself.

Feng Jianjun spread his hands, indicating that he was powerless.

Upon hearing this news,

Li Huihui began to cry.

Some of the audience in the live broadcast room began to have a heart of saints.

"Forget it, don't embarrass a girl."

"Yes, look, she is crying, how pitiful."

"A grown man should not bully a woman. Lin Chuan went a little too far. I would say let her go."


In the live broadcast room, a small group of people were full of chastity.

They had no idea what was going on, and they felt pity when they saw Li Huihui crying. But Lin Chuan would not indulge Li Huihui. If a fraudster could escape legal punishment by shedding a few tears, what would that mean? Was the trial just a game?

"Li Huihui, do you want to confess, or do you want me to expose your fraud?"

Lin Chuan's eyes became as sharp as an eagle.

"Woo woo woo……"

At this moment,

Li Huihui felt helpless and cried.

Seeing this,

Lin Chuan spoke directly.

"In June 2018, you were 24 years old and registered on the dating website Aiyuan.com."

"Because of your outstanding appearance, you soon met your first blind date."

"At that time, you took the blind date seriously."

"On the first date, the man put his hands on you, and you felt that he was molested, so you called the police."

"After negotiation with the police, the man compensated you 8,000 yuan"

"From now on"

"You realize you can make illegal money through dating"

"Between 2018 and 2023, you defrauded a total of 12 victims, most of whom chose to pay money to settle the matter."


"Met the last victim, Ma Ming"

"You deliberately lured Ma Ming into having sex with you, then called the police and collected evidence. Everything went according to your plan."

"You think you can get the 300,000 yuan gift"

"But you didn’t expect that, did you?"

""The net of heaven is vast and wide, nothing can escape it!"

Lin Chuan finished speaking and slammed a thick stack of documents on the table.

Each of these documents represents the experience of each victim.

If one of them is taken out separately, it may make people think that it is an accidental incident and it is impossible to characterize Li Huihui as a fraudster.

But when the information is listed together and compared, it will be found that

Li Huihui can get a compensation every time after a blind date.

Even a fool knows that this is a fraud!

"Li Huihui, do you have any rebuttal to the defendant's lawyer's accusation that you are a fraudster?"

The presiding judge Feng Jianjun became serious.

Now the country is cracking down on fraud, but I didn't expect that there are still people who commit crimes against the wind.

"Your Honor, I have nothing to say.……"

Li Huihui felt that her brain was lacking oxygen because of her emotional fluctuations.

She thought that after the trial, the 300,000 yuan would be legally put into her wallet, but she didn't expect that not only the money flew away, but she was also found to have committed fraud and had to go to jail!

"Li Huihui, can I interpret your silence as an admission of guilt?"

"Also, don't call me Your Honor."

"You've watched too many TV series.~"

"You can call me Judge or Chief Judge."

Feng Jianjun was speechless.

He was often called"Judge" in court, which was influenced by TV dramas.


Li Huihui's whole body seemed to be drained of strength, her eyes were dull, and her expression was regretful.

"Since the defendant Li Huihui has confessed to the fraud she committed, the plaintiff, lawyer Fang Linchuan, please state your demands."

The presiding judge Feng Jianjun moved his head and looked at Lin Chuan.

"We request that Li Huihui be sentenced to more than ten years in prison for fraud"

"in addition"

"Pay the lawyer's fee for our client, about 20,000 yuan."

When it comes to the key point,

Lin Chuan raises his voice.

When he took over this case, there was no lawyer's fee.

But now that he has won the case, he might as well take the opportunity to make some money. It is a reasonable request anyway.

"Pay for our lawyers?"

"I understand."

Feng Jianjun rolled his eyes and said,

"I might as well just give you the money!"


Ten minutes later, the judges calculated the amount of money involved in the case. Lin Huihui defrauded a total of about 1.2 million yuan.

"According to the evidence submitted by Lawyer Lin"

"Between 2018 and 2023, Li Huihui defrauded 12 blind date men, involving a total amount of 1.2 million yuan."

"According to our fraud law,"

"Any case involving a sum between one million and two million"

"Sentenced to imprisonment for more than ten years"

"Taking into account that Li Huihui is a repeat offender and has many victims"


"The People's Court of Jingzhou City pronounced the following verdict:"

"The fraudster Li Huihui was sentenced to 15 years in prison and was ordered to pay 25,000 yuan for Ma Ming's lawyer."


The presiding judge Feng Jianjun read out the verdict.

He scanned the audience and saw no objection, so he prepared to close the court.

However, at this moment, Lin Chuan raised his hand again to indicate that he had something to say.

"Your Honor, I want to make an advertisement"


"You want to advertise in this solemn and sacred court!"

Feng Jianjun's facial features were distorted.

"Is it illegal?"

Lin Chuan asked innocently.

"The law doesn’t say whether it’s illegal or not, but this behavior is immoral!"

Feng Jianjun banged the gavel.

"As long as it's not against the law."

Lin Chuan didn't care about morality.

Now was a good time to advertise for Mingjing Law Firm.

He knew that among the people watching the live broadcast, there were many excellent lawyers.

After his law firm was renovated, he would immediately recruit people. He couldn't waste such a good advertising opportunity!

"My Mingjing Law Firm is about to open. Welcome everyone to consult legal business"

"in addition"

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