After the training, Zhang Cheng began to inspect the work. The results during this period are generally quite good. Great achievements have been made in all aspects. The four major main battle tanks of Red Alert, Apocalypse, Prism, and Phantom, except for the mind control tank, have all achieved comprehensive breakthroughs, and have carried out technical finalization and small batch production. Even The same goes for the most sci-fi phantom tank. Creating phantoms is not an unattainable technology in other worlds. Elf Wings has this ability. The harvest from this otherworldly execution is really surprising. These tanks now only need Zhang Cheng’s order to roll out the production line and produce them on a large scale. But there is no rush for this at the moment.

The top priority now is to prepare for the upcoming war between the Avatar World and the Earth Federation. Now the planetary defense circle has begun to take shape, with more than a thousand sets of various overt and covert cannons and space forts deployed.

And through the superconducting trade, eight large frigates were purchased in the Fifth Element. If the Earth Expeditionary Force was only at the level of RDM Company, then victory would be easy, but the Earth Federation's level could not be just at the level of a private company.

For this reason, Tongtianxing has launched a large-scale shipbuilding project. A big country can never buy the best by buying heavy weapons. You can only rely on yourself. Now, through the efforts of scientists, twenty deep space class frigates have been completed, and there are another hundred warships of various types. Currently, there are only two classes of starships under construction, namely deep space class and floating class. The air class and the deep space class are specifically responsible for outer space operations. They do not care about aerodynamics at all and serve entirely for space warfare. Although they can fly within the atmosphere, their performance is not very good and they require a flat and hard site to land.

In addition to considering certain aerodynamics, floating can also land on the water, making it more adaptable in planetary development. These battleships are about the same size as the battleships used by humans in the Avatar world. A lot of Zhang Cheng's unique science and technology has been added, and its combat effectiveness has far exceeded that of RDA's armed spacecraft. I just don’t know how it compares to a real military battleship?

These space battleships are designed and built based on unmanned technology. They have no life support system, no cabins for human habitation, and no walking passages. Even the mothership. The ship-borne robot is also folded directly into the weapons bay. The structure is extremely compact and does not support internal battles at all. The engine and weapon system occupy almost all of the internal space, and the armor defense capability far exceeds that of manned warships. Purely a war machine.

Stargates and teleportation cabins are standard equipment, and they can receive all kinds of support at all times. It can be said that they have almost unlimited firepower. Fighting against any warship means fighting against the entire Babel Star. Against a starship like the Earth Federation that has no teleportation capabilities and no faster-than-light speed. Zhang Cheng still has some confidence in his existence. However, we cannot completely take it lightly. There are also many difficult characters in this type of existence. For example, the Zerg civilization, mechanical civilization, and the ancient gods in other world legends are all very difficult to deal with. They have one common characteristic, that is After taking root on the ground, the connection between the mother planet is not important to them at all. Not even needed.

So far, Zhang Cheng has only built three floating-class manned landing ships, which are the three used in this war. He has not yet considered how to build his own flagship. But it doesn't matter, because Zhang Cheng can possess the core computer of any warship. If you can't carry a physical body, then you can temporarily become a robot.

The eight outsourced warships do have many advanced technologies that Zhang Cheng currently does not have, especially in terms of material technology. However, compared with the self-made starships, there has not yet been an irreparable generation gap, and the battle loss ratio is expected to be 1 :3, but the cost is 3:1, basically the same.

A large number of aircraft and robots prepared for Star Wars have also entered the mass production stage. Space combat robots gave up bipedal walking and adopted an anti-gravity field flying chassis. Only the upper body is in human form. Weightlessness in the space environment is a regular problem. , even the same is true inside the spacecraft. If you only rely on your feet, it will be difficult to move. Recoil when firing is also a huge problem, so after research it was decided to abandon the use of energy weapons on both feet and use a laser weapon called a light prism robot. Those who use phantom technology are phantom robots. The Eyepecker Psychic Team may also be added in the future.

These two robots are mainly used for close combat, such as robbing, climbing and destroying starships and armed spacecraft, and competing for internal offensive and defensive battles in space bases. Although it also has certain advantages and characteristics in ground warfare, it is currently mainly supplied to the world of Avatar. Zhang Cheng only called a team to strengthen his guards.

For weapons such as carrier-based aircraft, after tens of thousands of computer simulations, it was decided to use a saucer-shaped aircraft because this shape takes into account both the environment inside and outside the atmosphere, and its axial movement is not restricted regardless of whether it is inside or outside the atmosphere, so it can complete firepower very quickly. Pointing adjustment and even steering can be accomplished using a gyroscope. However, the aircraft is obviously not as flexible as a saucer-shaped aircraft when changing direction in a vacuum. Robots such as Gundam are only suitable for construction machinery after computer analysis. Therefore it was not produced as a weapon.

The main battle to win or lose the war is industrial capability. Babel currently has 20 million robots, and it is increasing at a rate of 20% per year. Its industrial production capacity is no less than that of the United States, which entered a state of full mobilization during World War II. But this is not enough. In the future, the number of robots in Babel will reach at least 10 billion. The population must be at least one billion.

The ideal is very full, but the reality is very skinny. The current population of Tongtianxing is only about 10,000. Whenever night comes, it is always deserted, which is quite uncomfortable for people who are accustomed to the prosperity of big cities. The population must be increased, but increasing the population cannot make Westerners run away. Western culture cannot be called mainstream culture. To increase the population, we must firmly grasp the cultural position. However, there is a long way to go. Therefore, Zhang Cheng has not yet launched a large-scale population introduction inspection to complete the work. Zhang Cheng rewards merit and redistributes some"high-end beauties" who he thinks are of better quality, such as the beautiful wives and concubines of General Annan's Mansion. , the maid and servant gave rewards to some scientists who had made outstanding contributions, but Zhang Cheng found that only roosters could distinguish the beauty and ugliness of hens.

Many of these scientists are veterans of the flower field. They have been holding back for three years, and they are well-informed. Many people are interested not in human beauties, but in foreign women, but General Annan's Mansion strictly adheres to the principle that those who are not from our race must have different hearts, and there is not a single beauty from a foreign race, even if there is one! Maybe he was raised outside and couldn't enter the inner circle of the general's mansion.

Without the colorful waifus in the brothels, scientists would be less interested. Perhaps because they are born white, they have long been tired of blond hair. But love or not, Zhang Cheng temporarily left these two thousand people in Tongtianxing.

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