Today's break is to add another chapter. Zhang Chengdao said:"Let's do this. The five-cubit-square space ring is replaced by a flying motorcycle. We only discuss the storage volume of the space equipment, regardless of the quantity." Zhang Cheng didn't want to say that he wanted a large capacity for fear of being manipulated by the other party. , but based on the current price, the price of a single large-capacity space ring of the same volume is lower than the cost of multiple space rings. This is in line with the common sense of cost manufacturing. Zhang Cheng has no control over the space even though it was more beneficial to Zhang Cheng in the past. Commercial speculation that raises prices should be avoided.

Michelle said:"This——"While playing the long note, he thought about the two people from two worlds with completely different values. The price difference between the two of them was huge. In Zhang Cheng's opinion, flying motorcycles are just industrial products, and industrial products are not what he wants to use. , but to be sold to create value and generate profits. Therefore, in addition to the cost, the selling price must also consider the customer's acceptance. However, Michelle regarded the flying motorcycle as a magic weapon and originally wanted to sell it for dozens of dollars. The car is for the Guards. Now that the price seems to be the possibility of building an army, I can't help but start to calculate in my heart. 1000 magic crystal coins are not expensive, but the key is not to use magic crystal coins to settle but to use the space ring. The space ring is The sales volume of valuable commodities is not large, and the output is not high. Millions of magic crystal coins are easy to find. How can you buy so many in one time in the space of thousands of coins? Moreover, the price of large-scale purchases will inevitably rise, and besides money, what I have most now is Pegasus. Pegasus sells for 700 to 800 magic crystal coins each, a total of 2,000. They are all replaced by space rings, which takes a long time to operate.

Seeing that the other party was excited but a little embarrassed, Zhang Cheng proposed a second plan:"If I can exchange for the method of making the space ring, I am willing to buy 500 flying motorcycles. What do you think?" Zhang Cheng once again offered high-priced rice. Xie Er was moved in his heart. To be honest, as the son of a border governor, it is not difficult to get some contraband. The key is whether the benefits are sufficient, but this kind of thing is not suitable to be discussed in public. What's more, if the deal is concluded, it can be settled with space gems. It is always easier to find a large amount of space gems than a large amount of space equipment.

He replied:"I really can't make the decision on this matter, but I am willing to report it to the empire at this time. But apart from space equipment, are other things okay? For example, what do you think of high-level magic cores? Or women, beauties, dancers, singers, Are all famous prostitutes okay? Including high-end elves and feathers, I have them too."

This was not a joke, but said in a serious tone. Young men from rich families would regard some corrupt things as normal. When it comes to women, Zhang Cheng couldn't help but feel He glanced at the seventh-level warrior in front of him and thought to himself: What is the difference between the magic core of this monster and its martial spirit or inner elixir?

The third master killed by Magneto was a fourth-level warrior who had not yet condensed a real martial soul (equivalent to the inner elixir) and had limited research value. The seventh-level warrior had already condensed his martial soul, so Zhang Cheng really wanted to find a seventh-level warrior for research.. But just as Zhang Cheng was thinking, these words aroused the hostility of Luo Xing'er, who glared at Michelle angrily.

Michelle teased and said with a smile:"Little beauty, don't look at me like that, men are like this, you don't have to be jealous, you will get used to it if you work with a powerful man in the morning and evening!"

"snort! Luo Xing'er snorted and turned her head away from Michelle.

Zhang Cheng took a deep breath and said,"I can't say that I'm not interested in women, but I don't think these women you mentioned are worth my flying motorcycle in exchange for." , if possible, I would like to exchange the flying motorcycle for the female warrior and high-level magic core beside you?"

Michelle said in surprise:"You want to change Telina?"This made Michelle very surprised, but she didn't want to refute Zhang Cheng's face, so she hesitated for a moment and said:"Jelena is a seventh-level warrior, and her annual commission is 200 magic crystal coins. She only needs five years. For the money she earns from a flying motorcycle, she can work as a guard for me for at least twenty years. This does not include the profits she creates for me, the investment I give her, and the various equipment she wears. Need sixty flying motorcycles"

"A good deal,"Zhang Cheng didn't bargain." For scientific research, people are priceless.

Although Michelle felt a little reluctant to give up, the sixty flying motorcycles are really worth the money, not to mention that they don't necessarily know how to do it. Losing Telina. After thinking about the plan in his mind, he nodded and replied: It's a good deal.

Telina, who became a trading item, was very frightened and looked at Michelle with a pale face. Michelle shook her head, implying that you can rest assured that I won't do that. Telina then looked a little calmer, but even so, she couldn't decide. The feeling of being sold back and forth about your own destiny is not a good feeling after all.

Zhang Cheng didn't think too much about the meaning of the exchange of glances between the two. Anyway, I just wanted to find a research model. Is it ambiguous between your master and servant? Maybe you can still have a little separation rather than a wedding!

Michelle continued:"How do you want to exchange the magic core, and how do you set the price?"

No one cared about Telina, a servant's displeasure, and the negotiation continued as usual:"I want to choose the type and level of the magic core. First of all, it must be seven I don’t want any magic cores above level 1 or above. I don’t want any magic cores such as wind-type floating magic cores. I’ll pay a high price for magic cores or magic scrolls from space teleportation monsters." Defense and attack magic core magic items and alchemy products can also be exchanged. But you have to discuss the price in terms of quality.

It is easy to accept defensive and offensive magic props and alchemy products. There are not many other weapons in the army, but there are quite a few of these weapons. After Michelle's calculations, the production method of the space ring is priced at 500, high-grade magic core and space equipment. If we can make up another 500 trading volume, the other party is also willing to exchange flying motorcycles for 200 Pegasus and 30 gryphons and 10 giant wasps. In this way, we can make up more than 200 trading volume, plus some weapons. The transaction was easily completed for two thousand flying motorcycles, completely replacing the existing army's flying beasts. In this way, huge amounts of food and grass expenses can be freed up for other purposes every year. The remaining more than 1,800 Pegasus horses can be sold on the spot, and this huge sum of money can completely flow into his own pocket. It was a great harvest.

Zhang Cheng not only introduced him to flying motorcycles, but also to several more advanced air combat units such as flying sidecars, flying three-bouncers, and flying pickup trucks. However, although these air combat units look high-end, they are improved products based on cold weapon combat and are purely for fun. There is no need for truly modern warfare.

But according to Zhang Cheng, both the flying sidecar and the flying three-bouncer have full-time drivers, which realizes the division of labor and cooperation between combat and driving. No matter how well the people and horses work together, they can't keep up with full-time driving, because human spirituality is far higher than Animals, and the flying pickup truck is even more amazing. Not only does the driver have a dedicated cab, but even the combatants can have a higher compartment to protect themselves. At the same time, does it also have a certain transportation capacity and cost? Naturally, a rising tide lifts all boats.

It is just used to trade very expensive teleportation magic weapons. This kind of teleportation alchemy product can not only be activated instantly, but also frees Zhang Cheng from the embarrassment of the Xingxin Sutra, which can only instantly penetrate the soul. The key is that it also has a lot of reference significance for teleportation technology. In the end, the total transaction volume reached 2,000 flying motorcycles, plus 1,000 flying pickup trucks.

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