Due to the implementation of many laws such as anti-tax evasion, anti-money laundering, and anti-fraud, it is really troublesome if the source of huge assets cannot be clearly stated. It is difficult to transfer large amounts of real money and silver. Although you can choose to trade in cash, the cost Money used to purchase registered property can still be troublesome.

How can a commoner who is a poor farmer of three generations clearly explain the legality of the source of his huge wealth when he suddenly buys a luxury car and a mansion? Not to mention that it may involve money laundering or tax evasion, but simply to say that if a private individual picks up a gold cultural relic, can it be legally turned into private property? There are too many troubles.

Even if you change your nationality and travel abroad, it will be a problem to export gold cultural relics without space rings. This gold can only be sold at zero! If you have money, you should hide a lot of cash at home. And you can't buy large registered properties. Although my life has gotten better now that I have money, it still feels uncomfortable to not be able to legitimately use my property.

The only legal ways to get rich were two shortcuts to Nanshan, one was stone betting and the other was gambling. Fortunately, after Xiu inherited the soul-fixing beads, after about three months of practice, Zhang Cheng not only had the ability to see souls but also He has a weak ability to control objects. Although he can only control a dice, he has the power to fight whether it is gambling or stone gambling.

Mr. Zhang Cheng went to the capital in person and made a fortune of 100 million after a professional tour of the stone gambling market. , and then applied for a passport to go abroad, traveled around the world's major casinos, carefully and secretly won more than a billion, returned to China, and when declaring his property, the largest source was casino income, and became known as Asia's Gambling King. Returning to his hometown in splendid clothes. I bought two antique villas with independent houses in the suburbs of the city openly and honestly. One place for parents to take care of themselves and another place to live by myself.

As for decoration, as long as you have money, anything can be done easily. Give more overtime pay and more bonuses. Speed ​​and quality are definitely not a problem. Money speaks for itself, and just losing your temper won't solve the problem. Zhang Cheng personally supervised the work. It only took three months to complete Zhang Xiu's work and move in with his bags.

With a place and a home, Zhang Cheng began further research on the Soul-Dinging Pearl. Xu Changqing died of poisoning in 1870, the ninth year of Tongzhi's reign in the Qing Dynasty. Although he had learned a lot of Western technology at that time, it was, after all, It is a technology of the 19th century. Many theoretical technologies are limited by the times, and there is a technological gap of more than 100 years from today. Big Data Analysis What are computers today? What were they in the 19th century? As a man of science and engineering, I will not fully accept the things of the ancients without conducting in-depth research myself.

The Soul Heart Sutra is mainly divided into five parts, one is the production and use of soul beads, and the other is hypnosis and mental control. Three soul-moving, possession and body-seizing, three and four-soul vision health and supernatural powers. Five unique escape techniques.

Among them, the Qimen Escape Technique is what Zhang Cheng is most interested in, because in Zhang Cheng's opinion, instead of calling it an Escape Technique, it is more appropriate to call it Soul Penetration. In the near future, it is not about time travel through the past and future. To be more precise, it is not about teleportation. It is a means of escape when you fail in a battle with others or face the disaster of death. But what Zhang Cheng is interested in is not this, but The principle and process of escape.

Qimen Escape Technique is not omnipotent. It does not mean that you can teleport wherever you want, nor can you possess whoever you want. Instead, you need to make preparations in advance, arrange the formation in advance, and also Only those who meet the requirements can be possessed. It is a fantasy to possess a healthy and strong person. It is best to have a fainted person or a person whose soul has left the body. The second is people with obsessions, because once a person has obsessions, it is equivalent to opening a back door, not only giving opportunities for others to take advantage of, but also giving opportunities for evil ways to invade. Therefore, both Buddhism and Taoism are opposed to obsession, and the main function of the formation is to search for such people. The process is similar to the wormhole effect of quantum entanglement. The possession is completed instantly after positioning.

Can it be expanded, or machinery and equipment can be borrowed to expand the scope. You can even travel through events in novels and travel to another world. Although this kind of novel is absurd, it would be the best thing if it could be done. Even soul penetration is worth studying.

Zhang Cheng doesn’t believe in time travel or other worlds, but things like quantum entanglement wormholes still have a certain theoretical basis. Zhang Cheng even believes that if he finds one, it will be a different planet and world. , rather than different time and space or historical plane. Parallel spaces are also possible. The limitations of the real world are too great. Only by going to a different planet can you let yourself go and realize your ambitions. What could be more exciting than owning a world?

People who go out to see a doctor will worship three times: a lonely grave, a lonely tree, and a dry well. Since there is no specific theoretical inheritance, it has become a ridiculous thing. However, in Xu Changqing's theory, this is a search array. Dharma is not simply a matter of worship. It refers to one yin, one yang, and one soul. The composition of the three is like a radar. Lone trees and dry wells are nothing more than antennas and ground wires. In 1870, the radio was connected The technology has not yet started, but Xu Changqing's so-called formation can already see the prototype of radio transceiver, and the solitary grave is not used for worship, but to refine the souls of the dead into ghost slaves with soul beads. The so-called lone grave is not found randomly, but is the core of the formation made of crystal cinnabar. After the completion of this project, with the lone tree as the center, you can see everything within a ten-mile radius, as if you have A monitoring network system with a radius of ten miles was established, and the ghost slave was responsible for sorting out this information and reporting useful information to himself. The magic stick magician dares to boast that he knows five hundred years in the past and five hundred years in the future. He will never be without three magic weapons. Otherwise, he will not be able to deceive people, let alone the emperor. You will find out after being in contact for a long time. They were very accurate in calculating things in the past, and even knew where they were if you lost something, but they were not accurate in predicting things that had not happened. At the same time, this formation is also an auxiliary tool for soul travel. Traveling through time is not blind travel, and the coordinates and orientation are very important.

Xu Changqing had refined the Ghost Slave and created such a formation. However, as Xu Changqing's path of death disappeared and maintenance was lost, not only had the formation fallen into disrepair, but the small temple that housed the core of the formation had also been destroyed by war. The ghost slave has disappeared. Fortunately, the core of the formation is still there. Zhang Cheng found it from the ruins. With the physical reference, it saved Zhang Cheng a lot of research time.

The Soul Bead System is realized without power machines and only relies on the potential of the human body. It is not a dream to crack its principle, drive it with external energy motivation, and travel to other planets after power amplification. Therefore, it was necessary to increase investment.

Zhang Cheng spent huge sums of money to purchase commercial large-scale computers, various experimental instruments, and two 3D printers to temporarily produce experimental model components. Although he has been a student for more than ten years, fortunately, the university's official website has not been withdrawn, and there are a large number of academic journals and research theories that can be consulted. Zhang Cheng returned to his old career and embarked on the path of academic research again.

After six months of hard work and intensive research, I finally figured out that the energy required by the soul beads is nothing more than an ultra-low frequency electromagnetic wave, which is a type of human bio-waves. In theory, it requires an extremely long antenna. To produce this kind of electromagnetic wave, however, it is an inductive antenna, not a magnetic antenna. Magnetic induction can perfectly solve this problem.

According to Xu Changqing's research, soul penetration does not mean transmitting the soul to any space out of thin air and throwing it out casually.. Instead, there must be a receiver on the opposite side, or a space that can nurture souls. In other words, it is a kind of ghost, and the destination needs to have a receptor to receive souls. Otherwise, what is the use of a soul? It has to be reincarnated. If it goes to the moon and other uninhabited worlds, it is also seeking death.

Of course, ghost possession is not possible under all circumstances. First of all, it is best to be injured and fainted. The opponent's soul has no sense of resistance and can naturally sneak in. Soul penetration requires an introduction, which is the introduction for quantum entanglement. In Buddhist terms, this introduction is greed, anger, and ignorance. Three poisons. Moreover, ordinary greed, anger, and ignorance are not enough. You must have great greed, great ignorance, and great hatred. Only when obsession reaches a certain level can the quantum entanglement effect be triggered. Only quantum entanglement can break the limitations of time and space. Otherwise, with radar positioning, there will be a huge delay in interstellar space.

Of course, greed, anger, and ignorance are not necessarily bad things as the Buddhists say. How can people achieve great things without obsession? As? Human motivation, inspiration. Creation all comes from obsession. It can be said that inspiration is a kind of quantum entanglement effect. Of course, obsession can sometimes attract evil spirits, which is the so-called obsession. However, regardless of evil spirits or inspiration, most of them are in a dissociated state. Even evil spirits have a hard time defeating human will.

However, due to an accidental encounter, Mr. Xu hardened his mind for this purpose. He spent several reincarnations doing a lot of research. For this purpose, he was reincarnated as a Miao nationality and raised Gu, reincarnated in Thailand as a head-dropping master, and even studied A lot of witchcraft and sleep-blowing techniques are used to devour souls and replace bodies. However, humans or intelligent creatures are still the most difficult to seize the body. The upper body is easy to seize and it is difficult to seize the body, except for a few situations. When the Niwan Palace of a child is not yet closed, when the child is injured and faints, the three are greedy, angry, and stupid. The poison is so severe that the person is close to a mental breakdown and has gone crazy, but the brain has not yet been seriously damaged. When the four fell into human hands and became everyone's captives, the artificial intelligence that had initially awakened such as Wutian.com also opened the door to intruders because it was born in an open state. Of course, this last one was discovered by Zhang Cheng himself.

After several months of research and continuous improvement, the soul bead has been integrated with computer technology. The important part of the soul bead is the soul crystal. The soul crystal is a kind of quantum crystal, which is equivalent to the core chip of a quantum computer. With the quantum chip, Zhang Cheng upgraded his computer, and after being transformed by electronic technology, the soul beads can now use electricity as an energy source, instead ofUse infuriating energy.

It is much more convenient to use. For example, Soul Transmutation no longer requires a long period of accumulated Qi to be used once. Now it can not only be used at any time, but can even be used in any corner of the world, as long as a certain intensity of persistence is found. If you think about it, you can get on top of it.

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