Since everyone thinks that my writing is not good and refuses to collect it, and refuses to give my brothers a piece of bread, then I can only continue to run for life. The updates may not be timely in the future, and I hope that the readers will take responsibility, but I have written this book. It has been several years, but it was only recently released. Thanks to the more than 30 readers who have collected it. I will definitely not be a eunuch. Thank you all. Once again, I am facing the vast number of readers begging for collection.

The US government cannot explain its sins even if it has a thousand mouths. , not to mention any innocence defense. At the same time, the outbreak of the zombie virus was overshadowed by the nuclear bombing of New York, but it swept the world at a faster speed, and Zhang Cheng's robot withstood the nuclear explosion. Radiation rushed into the central vault of the United States, and nearly 10,000 tons of gold were swept away by Zhang Cheng.

Morrison is in the underground vault, waiting for the nuclear explosion on the left but not coming, and waiting for the nuclear explosion on the right not coming, but what is waiting is the strangulation of the robot army. After solving the financial problem in a short period of time, Zhang Cheng returned to the world of The Fifth Element. The transaction continued, the order for suspension vehicles was increased again, and several sets of production lines were purchased.

The Fifth Element World has changed the online transaction model, upgraded to a secondary customer, established a physical store and commercial affairs agency in the Fifth Element World, purchased land to build private transmission equipment and material storage warehouses, and processing plants. The home decoration style in the five-element world belongs to the sci-fi style furniture, but any world is about culture and tradition, and the sci-fi style is just a trend. The earth style has thousands of years of cultural inheritance. It is not difficult to create your own style on an alien planet. market. The profit margin from just selling logs is too low. How can we afford such good raw materials?

Download a large number of earth furniture pictures from the Internet, collect them whether they are Chinese or Western style, and then use woodworking to create various products, including furniture floors, woodworking profiles, doors and windows, etc. The fifth element world has a very high degree of freedom, here The only taboo is that you cannot own weapons privately, including keeping slaves. This does not mean that you can arrest people on the street, but that slaves captured on alien planets can also be traded here, and it is legal. The interstellar world is not beautiful. There are slaves and beggars, as well as a large number of unemployed and homeless people.

Robots in interstellar society have completely replaced human manual labor, but the rich are still a minority, and most people still have to fight to survive. , there are intellectual workers engaged in scientific research and management, as well as service personnel engaged in sports, dance, and bodybuilding. There are also those for field exploration and interstellar development. The so-called slaves are used for fun and even for eating meat. Because the differences between intelligent life forms are often very large, the criteria for identifying whether they are humans or not are very vague, especially for planetary natives who do not have a strong civilization of their own. Someone like Zhang Cheng, who owns a large number of robots and robot production lines and has interstellar development capabilities, is definitely a big chaebol and a big capitalist. He belongs to the upper class of society. He is just a small chaebol in the interstellar society! Owning one or two planets is really nothing.

Plastic service robots can be seen everywhere, and the Terminator metal robot is a military robot here. Zhang Cheng can only have thirty as personal guards, and the others can only be purchased here or produced and developed into other models. But the robot was at stake, and it was impossible for Zhang Cheng to use someone else's stuff.

Babel star. After half a year of full-scale construction, Tongtianxing currently has about 180,000 T700 robots, the vast majority of which are robots. Undertaken all human labor work. With a workforce of nearly 180,000 working day and night, Tongtianxing Base developed extremely quickly. Because the labor capacity of robots far exceeds that of ordinary people, any skill and technology can be solved by a copy, and all are skilled workers, and they work tirelessly day and night. The robot production lines have been expanded to three, and robot output is expected to exceed one million next year.

However, there are no plastic products in the robot model. Now it seems that we should consider adding new models of T series robots. It's just a trade-off design of Skynet. Its purpose is to put humans at the core. If necessary, silicone or biological skin is added to form a human shape, so it is basically a metal skeleton. This compatibility determines that it is not only very easy to reveal its secrets, but also has poor performance. The density of metal is much greater than that of human tissue. Without a detector, the weight is basically more than seven times that of the human body. The density of human beings is close to water, the density of iron is 7.9, and even titanium alloy has to reach 4.5. If nothing else, even walking on the ground can break certain ceramic tiles, and people can feel the vibration. Not to mention that there is no beauty in it as a robot, and the structural shortcomings limited by the skeleton are very obvious.

The robot designed by Umbrella Company is an exoskeleton or armor-like design. It hides the machine structure inside and has a pretty good shell. It is very similar to RoboCop or Iron Man. It is the main production model now. The T1000 liquid metal robot is It's perfect, but it's not mass-produced yet. Therefore, the T series robots have been discontinued.

Compared with the appearance of RoboCop, a lightweight material robot has been added. As a service robot, the Terminator robot is really difficult to use due to its weight. If there are too many of them, the building will collapse if they go upstairs. Even one or two of them will collapse. The building can withstand it, but neither can the floor tiles. It is indeed not suitable for civilian use.

Refer to the experience of using the fifth elemental plane. Zhang Cheng added two more fully simulated robots. The main skeleton is made of super-strength carbon fiber, which is light and strong. The joints, bones and muscles are all robots that imitate the human structure. It can not only reduce the weight of the structure, but also change the body shape to a certain extent and implement disguise. The weight is about the same as that of a human, but you can tell at a glance that it is not a human. No matter how the silicone skin is different from human skin, the other model is attached with the same biosimulated skin as the T800, which continues the T series model. Named T850. Or T800 modification.

In addition, a Zaku robot has been added that has not been mass-produced. It is three meters high and is mainly used to replace stone lions and perform guard duty. Most of the body parts are made by stamping, with a rounded shape, high strength, and powerful shape. At the same time, the rounded shape helps reduce scratches at sharp angles. Tall and mighty, it can also be used to suppress riots in the future.

During this time, the Red Queen studied some transforming robots. The T1000 is undoubtedly the most capable in terms of transforming ability. However, the T1000 has not been able to be mass-produced so far, not only because of its high requirements for core components, but also because the liquid metal formula raw materials are extremely rare. The Red Queen is a reference to Transformers. Designed a batch of robots with the ability to transform.

These shape-shifting robots are designed not to be cool but to be functional. Therefore, it is not fancy. It is basically the Tape Troopers in Transformers, which folds small combat units into cubes to facilitate transportation and storage. That is, Robot Bird, Robot Dog, Rumble, and three Transformers. They are not loaded with sonic recorders but armored personnel carriers.

After the lightweight robots came off the production line, Zhang Cheng finally formed his own personal guard. Although these robots are not as powerful as the steel robots, they are better at personal protection and can go in and out of any place with Zhang Cheng. It will not damage the floor tiles, nor can it be easily detected by detection. It is extremely camouflaged. Due to its lightness, its movement and reaction speed are much faster than those of steel robots. Focusing on martial arts combat, these robots can be said to be as good as any martial arts master in terms of combat skills. The personal guards are composed of more than thirty fully simulated robots. Their appearance is naturally like that of stars from the earth, and their figure is as ideal as possible.

With the technical materials of the fifth elemental world, the biochemical world seems a bit useless. Although it is still impossible to completely fill the material gap for the construction of Tongtianxing through trade, in the biochemical world, everything must be provided by oneself to provide enough food and clothing, find and go Take it apart, grab it, go find it for yourself. Never look down on others at any time, let alone a country or a society. Although the United States in the biochemical world was stunned by the nuclear attack on New York, just like 911, it immediately started the country's war machine. Robbery is also bound to be accompanied by resistance.

The rule of nuclear war is whoever hits me, I hit. I don’t know who hits me, but I hit the whole world. As the overlord of this world, I will never be willing to fall from my throne because of a nuclear strike. I will inevitably pull the whole world down together. We are still together. As in the past, the order of seniority and inferiority was one of the bottom lines that everyone could accept.

Therefore, the United States quickly carried out so-called nuclear retaliation against other major countries. Other major countries were certainly not willing to suffer unprovoked nuclear attacks. With waves of mutual counterattacks, everyone soon became desperate, and all industrial cities on the earth were destroyed. After being destroyed, the remaining targets have little value, but we still have a lot of nuclear weapons in our hands.

If any force goes too far and stands out too much, it will soon be hit by a nuclear attack. Zhang Cheng is no exception, especially after Zhang Cheng appeared in the form of a robot army, he became the focus of nuclear strikes from all parties, to the point where he was hit when discovered and destroyed when hit. Originally, the Red Queen wanted to train troops in this world and accumulate war data, but things went against her wishes. Studying war in the nuclear world was destined to be just a dream. The world of Terminator must be just a movie, and the nuclear weapons that destroy the world are just one wave and they are all used up. But the real world is definitely not like this. Everyone has the ability to destroy the world dozens of times. Who will use up all the ammunition easily?

What will be destroyed after a nuclear war is the industrial capacity of mankind, not the world. Even if mankind will perish, it will be a long and painful process, because there are many cities and agglomerations in this world that have no strike value, and there are also deep and high Kilometers, nuclear bombs cannot destroy, underground combat readiness base. It will not be destroyed immediately. After the nuclear war, it will still be a long-term war of attrition, but these have little to do with Zhang Cheng. If the star gate escape was not activated at the last moment, the Red and White Empress would have been bombarded to ashes by the nuclear bomb. In this battle, Zhang Cheng lost a total of more than 3,000 large and small robots.

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