Top of the big era

Chapter 993 TV Show Template

Over the past few years, the TV industry has had a chain of plagiarism—mainland copied Hong Kong and Taiwan, Hong Kong and Taiwan copied South Korea, South Korea copied Japan, Japan copied Europe and the United States...

The difference is that the background of plagiarism is different.

Hong Kong, Taiwan, South Korea and Japan all have relatively clear copyright purchase agreements.

It doesn’t work on the mainland side, basically just take it over and modify it a little, and use it directly.

No royalties at all.

The main reason is that I can’t afford it, the copyright is too expensive!

For example, in the 1990s, the United Kingdom launched a phenomenal variety show "Millionaire". The Hong Kong government's ATV spent 30 million Hong Kong dollars to buy the right to adapt and produce 52 episodes, which took only one year.

With the development of the times and the prosperity of the country, this situation must be changed.

This is already a matter of national image.

As the leader of domestic variety shows, Jieyu Media must set an example.

Not only do not plagiarize, but also export to the outside world!

Of course, the most valuable copyright is "The Voice".

In Zhou Buqi's expectation, he took advantage of the opportunity of all-round attacking Japan to push "The Voice" into the Japanese market one step ahead!

"The Voice" is a big hit in China. If it becomes a big hit in Japan, it is enough to show that this model can cross borders.

By then, "The Voice" will be famous all over the world.

At the same time, Jieyu Media can also gain fame.

The task Zhou Buqi assigned to Jieyu Media was to go to Japan to find out the basics and understand the market.

"The Voice" is different from the traditional low-cost variety show with rough images. This show is well-produced. The entire production team has more than 120 people, and there are more than a dozen seats. It is like filming a movie.

The production cost of the first season of the domestic version was 70 million!

Among them, the cost of the four mentors alone is 36 million. Fortunately, the instructor's income belongs to the dividend system, that is, to take a part of the money first, and then after the show is released, it will be divided according to the total income.

The better the quality of the program, the higher the income, and the greater the dividends for the tutors.

This can not only save the production funds in the early stage of the program, but also reduce the risk. It can also make the instructor work harder in the production process, and everyone will work together to make this program a good one.

Labor costs in Japan are higher, and production costs may be higher as well.

Do a good job of market research.

Then, the unexpected surprise came!

Xu Baihui excitedly called and told Zhou Buqi that Endemol, the world's largest TV template operating company, had come to his door.

They hope to represent the copyright of "The Voice" and promote it to the whole world!

Zhou Buqi was listening to Fu Hongliang's report. He was talking about Helo's main business and development ideas for the next three months... After receiving a call from Xu Baihui, he immediately sent Fu Hongliang away.

"You don't need to tell me about this kind of thing in the future, you can go directly to Zhang Yiming!"

Zhou Buqi opened his arms, asked Wang Yaojin to put on the windbreaker from behind, took Ning Yaxian with her, and hurried away.

Go to Jieyu Media immediately!

This is a great thing!


Jieyu Media has a certain reputation in China, but it is far behind after going abroad. This is also the reason why Zhou Buqi wants to push Jieyu Media to cooperate with Hollywood and invest in movie platters.

Cooperating with Hollywood means having fame and attracting a certain amount of attention.

But that's a movie.

The category of variety shows is still a little bit worse.

Although Zhou Buqi didn't know what this Endemol company was, from Xu Baihui's tone, he knew that this company had great strength in copyright operation of global variety shows.

With the strength of Jieyu Media, going to Japan to produce variety shows is not enough to watch. It's easy if you have the assistance of a world-class company.

There is a phenomenon in economics that when the economy goes down, entertainment goes up.

Probably the logic is that the economy is poor, people's lives are depressed, and their wallets are empty. We can only decompress and relax ourselves through low-consumption entertainment.

Japan's animation, music, and film and television drama industries are extremely competitive, and the entertainment industry is highly developed, which is also related to the lost economy in the past 20 years.

The financial crisis is becoming more and more obvious...Under this situation, entertainment companies all over the world are moving.

When I went to Jieyu Media, I saw Xu Baihui talking excitedly with Xue Baoshan, her face flushed. How can you look like a businessman? Obviously a little girl.

Seeing Zhou Buqi coming, Xu Baihui first gave him science popularization.

The so-called "TV program template", which is often referred to as the program copyright, is composed of a series of program elements with internal connections, which can shape and complete the original structure or framework of a specific TV program.

Many templates are amazing and have the possibility of global operation.

This has given birth to a number of companies that specialize in the globalization of TV show templates. Endemol in the Netherlands is one of the best. It has branches in 26 major countries and operates more than 2,000 program templates, including "Big Brother", "Big Deal" and "Millionaire". template.

In 2000, Telefónica Group offered to acquire Endemol at a price of 5.5 billion euros.

It is now worth more than 15 billion euros.

Xu Baihui said: "The operation of TV templates is a big business. I checked the information of the International TV Program Template Certification and Protection Association. Last year, a total of 117 TV program templates were operated globally, with a total output value of more than 3.5 billion euros."

"3.5 billion euros?" Zhou Buqi was taken aback for a moment, "So much? The average price of each TV template is more than 30 million U.S. dollars?"

Xu Baihui couldn't hide her excitement, her voice was crisp and clear, "Yes! On average, it costs 30 million US dollars. Some famous TV models, such as "American Idol", have an annual income of 400 million US dollars just from TV models. "

It was also the first time Zhou Buqi heard of it, and murmured: "I'll go, I'll make a fortune now!"

Xu Baihui said happily: "This money mainly includes licensing fees, consulting fees and other auxiliary income. The transaction of TV templates is not just about selling copyrights, but also a series of supporting work. Copyrights are like a beautiful packaging box , This shell packaging is established, and different countries can put different things in the box according to the situation of different countries, including plot design, script script, lighting, music, process, etc. "

"What about the deal? Has it been discussed?"

"It hasn't been discussed yet, their president will fly over in person."


Zhou Buqi raised his eyebrows.

The president came here in person?

Very sincere!

Sure enough, he was the number one giant in the industry, with a sharp eye, and found a big business opportunity right away.

Xue Baoshan was not as excited as Xu Baihui was, she was calmer, and said softly: "This should be the first domestic TV program template operation, and the price should not be too high, we have to be mentally prepared."

Zhou Buqi also calmed down, "Well, this is the reason. We are the first to eat crabs. This process will not be smooth, and it is normal for the other party to lower the price. At this time, bear with it. I still say that In other words, a good voice is suitable for the whole world, and it will definitely be successful! Hmm... What is the most famous TV template in the world now?"

"American Idol."

"That's nothing. In my opinion, "The Voice" is much better than American Idol! When negotiating the contract, we can take a step back. The price is easy to negotiate. Promote "The Voice" to the whole world. This is not only a business, but also a political task."

"Well, I know." Xu Baihui nodded, "I'm mentally prepared."

Zhou Buqi said: "However, temporary concessions are fine, and the contract cannot be signed for too long. The model of "The Voice" can be popular for at least ten or twenty years, and its vitality is stronger than that of "American Idol" and "Millionaire". The blind selection mechanism is the blind box effect, which is a reflection of deep-seated human nature. The contract should be short, and within a year or two, the good voice will be popular all over the world, and the negotiation will be restarted at that time..."

Xu Baihui interrupted him, and said with a smile: "Boss Zhou, you don't need to talk about it. He is a professional in this industry and is the number one in the world. How can he still do business with bad rules just because of a TV copyright? He has a set You don’t have to worry too much about the business process. The final result is definitely a win-win.”

Zhou Buqi nodded, "In short, let me just say, "The Voice" will be successful all over the world, even in the US market, it will not be worse than "American Idol". negotiation."

Xu Baihui said with a smile: "There is an additional condition, first help us to promote our good voice to the Japanese market."

Zhou Buqi gave a thumbs up, "Yes! That's the idea!"

At this time, Xu Baihui's cell phone rang, and Zhou Buqi's cell phone rang, almost at the same time.

Zhou Buqi saw that it was Li Xinwan.

Somewhat strange.

Didn't she go to film? Why did you call suddenly? This girl is very sensible, she usually only sends one or two text messages at most, and she will not harass her with phone calls.

On the other side, Xu Baihui had already answered the call. According to her tone, it was Jiang Bingjie who was talking to her.

Zhou Buqi immediately realized what was going on.

Something happened to the crew of the Red Chamber!

Otherwise, how could these two well-behaved girls call at the same time?

It is very likely that there is an emergency!

After answering, sure enough!

Li Xinwan's voice was very urgent, and it was crying, saying that there was an investor who was drunk, a rich male boss, and wanted her to accompany him to dinner. She didn't want to, so the other party made trouble in the crew, even the show stopped.

With that posture, she has to eat this meal, and she has to eat it if she doesn't eat it.

Otherwise, forget about filming.

The boss seemed very powerful, and everyone in the crew was afraid of him. The executive producer in charge of the scene tried to persuade him to no avail. The director was a woman, and she had no right to speak in front of investors.

The relationship between the crew of the Red Chamber is very complicated.

Dare to make trouble here, it seems that he has a strong background, at least he is a rich and big boss...well, nouveau riche. Stylish entrepreneurs can't do such dirty things.

Zhou Buqi is still hesitating.

Xu Baihui has already responded angrily, "You bastard! You're too deceitful! Lawless! I don't believe it! You protect yourselves and don't go anywhere! I'll go there!"

Zhou Buqi had no choice.

For this kind of thing, she can't let a woman stand out, so she agreed, "Don't worry, find a place to hide with your sister Jiang, and I'll go there right away. Don't worry, with me here, I can't turn the world around!"

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