Top of the big era

Chapter 976 Advertising, Intermediary, Platform

The SMS advertising business is a big thunder, and no one dares to step on it.

Jiang Nanchun was not surprised by Zhou Buqi's categorical refusal, and this was not the main purpose of his coming here today, but another direction of cooperation - Internet advertising.

Focus Media is now a listed company in the United States and is very rich.

In the past few years, we have made crazy acquisitions in China, acquired hundreds of companies, and quickly turned Focus Media into a diversified media group.

Because of the non-stop buying and buying, many people saw business opportunities and quickly entered the market to do the same business as Focus.

Not to make the company bigger and stronger.

But to be seen by the audience.

If you are attracted to it, Focus will buy the company out of pocket, and then the entrepreneurial team will make a lot of money and leave the market.

In this case, Focus Media invested 225 million US dollars last year to acquire the largest Internet advertising service company in China - Allyes Network.

dabble in the internet.

This is great, it's a bit like an intermediary company.

It means that the party who wants to advertise cooperates with Allyes, and Allyes will provide advertising and marketing plans, put the advertisements on the four major portals and other platforms, help the company to promote, and earn commissions from it.

Many small and medium-sized enterprises like to cooperate with Allye.

For example, a small company like Yi Xun, which has just emerged, lacks resources and contacts in the industry. If they go directly to Sohu to talk about advertising cooperation, they will not look down on this small business at all. Even if the price is negotiated, it may be slaughtered.

Moreover, small companies have fewer departments and a smaller organizational structure.

How is the advertisement designed?

How to do the marketing plan?

How is the promotion budget allocated?

Is the result of market feedback open and transparent, and will the platform side use its position to provide false data to harm the interests of the advertiser?

Allyes can provide one-stop service, and has a good reputation and reputation in the industry.

Jiang Nanchun gave an example, "For example, in the marketing of search platforms, there are big loopholes that can be exploited, and start-up companies that don't understand the market are easy to suffer."

Weidian, a subsidiary of Ziweixing, is the second largest search platform in China, so Zhou Buqi was very concerned and asked, "Search ads? What's going on?"

Jiang Nanchun coughed lightly, "I'm talking about Baidu, not Weidian."

Zhou Buqi laughed.

The models of Baidu and Weidian are basically the same. Except for Weidian, which is more conscientious, there are very few advertisements in the pharmaceutical industry. In addition, the problems of Baidu also exist to a large extent in Weidian.

Domestically, Baidu is doing the best in the commercialization of the local search field, not to mention that Weidian is learning from it, and even Google is quietly imitating and improving.

Jiang Nanchun said: "Advertising on Baidu is mainly to buy keywords. For example, I buy the two keywords 'Mr. Jiang' and 'Jiang Nanchun'. When I search for these two keywords on Baidu, the link I specify is It will be ranked first. One click costs 5 yuan, 20,000 clicks a month, which is 100,000 yuan in advertising fees."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "It's the bidding ranking. Whoever has a high price for keywords will be able to rank first in the link. In this respect, Weidian is better than Baidu."

For example, Taobao’s bid for the keyword “Taobao” on Baidu is 5 yuan, and Jingdong’s bid for the keyword “Taobao” is 10 yuan. The result is very interesting. Search for "Taobao" on Baidu, and the first link given is Jingdong, and Taobao can only be ranked second. If Taobao did not buy the keyword "Taobao", then the search results will be full of information about

This is the PPC mode.

The principle behind it is to implicitly force major websites to purchase keywords from home platforms.

Not buying?

Yes, if you don’t buy it, your competitors will. Then the traffic that originally belonged to you will go to your competitors.

In order to avoid being suppressed by competitors' keywords, companies can only participate in bidding and advertise on Baidu.

This is why Baidu's business model runs so well.

At present, domestic Baidu's market share is about 54%, and Micropoint's market share exceeds 35%. The gap between the two is not big, but the ability to make money is much worse.

Baidu's monthly net profit is 100 million, while Weidian's is only 10 million, a difference of ten times.

The main reason is that Weidian's bidding ranking is relatively restrained.

When a user searches for "Taobao" in Weidian, regardless of whether Taobao buys the keyword or not, the first search result must be a link to Taobao to meet the user's search needs.

For enterprises, there is no compulsion.

Whether to buy keywords or not, it will be displayed in the first few search results anyway. In order to save money, many companies do not buy similar services.

Jiang Nanchun waved his hand, "The bidding ranking is a problem of the platform. I'm talking about the problem of the advertising service provider. It's very serious. It has already tarnished the image of the intermediary industry."

"Oh?" Zhou Buqi paid more attention, "How is it?"

Jiang Nanchun said: "It's still the example just now. I bought two keywords on Baidu, 5 yuan per click, 20,000 clicks a month, and 100,000 yuan for advertising. According to the practice in this industry, it is 20% of the service. Fee. Even if I have to pay 120,000 to the intermediary, the intermediary accepts 20,000 and remits 100,000 to Baidu.”

Zhou Buqi asked: "Is there any problem?"

Jiang Nanchun said: "Yes, and it is very serious! Baidu will not publicly display the specific advertising data, it will only give it to Party B. Party B is the advertising service company. After the advertising service company gets the data, it can modify it."

"Fake it!"

Zhou Buqi took a deep breath.

PPC can be annoying, but it's not against the law, it's just a matter of business ethics. But fraud is serious, which is commercial fraud.

Jiang Nanchun said: "For example, the advertising service company has monitored that I am in the capital, and I only surf the Internet during the daytime every day. It is simple. He only votes during the daytime in the capital area. For other regions and time periods, the top one is not at all. Me. That is to say, he didn’t even vote, and he started to count. If I don’t know how to do it, I can check it online, and it’s really good. But in fact, it’s not like that at all. 20,000 a month There may only be 200 clicks. Of the 120,000 advertising fee, only 1,000 yuan was handed over to Baidu, and the rest went into my own pocket.”

Zhou Buqi looked serious, "Is this serious?"

Jiang Nanchun nodded, "Seriously!"

Zhou Buqi said in a deep voice: "This kind of chaos must be restricted. If the advertiser does not know, after paying a large amount of advertising fees, there will be no actual effect. Because of poor information, they will finally vent their grievances As for Baidu, I think it is because Baidu is too poor and the conversion rate of advertisements is not good. If you blame Baidu, you will not advertise on Baidu.”

This is the case with Baidu, and of course the same with Micropoint.

It is obvious that the intermediary advertising service provider is doing tricks and cheating, but it turns out that the search platform is responsible.

These unscrupulous advertising service providers are really hateful!

The solution is also very simple, that is, to eliminate the information gap.

The result of information blocking and information opacity must be lies everywhere.

Therefore, in this business model, information barriers must be broken among the three parties of "advertiser-intermediary-platform". The advertiser's strength is not enough, and they don't have the ability to make marketing plans and design advertisements by themselves, so they need to ask intermediaries for help, which is no problem. However, the platform side must ensure that advertising data is open to both advertisers and intermediaries.

It must be troublesome.

How simple is it to hand over the data directly to the intermediary and let the intermediary pass the data on to the advertiser? It is quick and easy, but it also leaves a chance for the intermediary to play tricks.

There must be a mechanism for direct information connection between the advertiser and the platform.

This is also the purpose of Jiang Nanchun coming to find Zhou Buqi today.

Ziweixing Group is the largest Internet advertising platform in China. If Ziweixing takes the lead to improve the domestic online advertising chaos, it will definitely get twice the result with half the effort.

At that time, a formally operating advertising service company like Allyes under Focus will not be affected by bad money driving out good money in the market, and will gain more business with a better and more reliable reputation.

Focus can survive the current crisis well.

Boss Ma also felt that this matter was very serious, and said: "I think the platform side should have a hard target, requiring the intermediary side to provide detailed information of all advertisers, so that the platform side and the advertiser can communicate directly and check at any time."

Jiang Nanchun coughed lightly, a little embarrassed, "That's unnecessary."

Bypass intermediaries?

How can this work?

It's like buying a second-hand house. If the buyer and the seller are in direct contact, once the buyer and the seller are unethical, they can trade directly. How can the intermediary make money? Although Haoye is a formal company, it is also an intermediary and cannot harm its own interests.

Zhou Buqi asked: "Mr. Jiang, what do you mean?"

Jiang Nanchun said: "Advertising and marketing plans are company secrets and cannot be disclosed to the public. The platform party must not publicly display the data, but there must be a platform that can display it to all advertisers."

Zhou Buqi said: "There have always been platforms like this."

Jiang Nanchun said: "It's different. Your advertising platform is the data display of Party A to Party B. If the advertiser goes directly to the platform to advertise, then the advertiser is Party B and can see the data. If the advertiser goes through an intermediary When advertising on the platform, the intermediary is Party B, and only the intermediary can see the data. Therefore, the platform only needs to open a service platform or customer service department, so that Party C...that is, the advertiser can consult the platform for data and compare each other. Judgment is true or false."

Boss Ma smiled and said nothing.

They are all human beings.

Allowing the advertiser to bypass the intermediary and communicate directly with the platform will affect the income of the intermediary; if the platform is allowed to open a new business, the operating cost of the platform fee will increase, which will affect the income of the platform fee.

Zhou Buqi obviously wouldn't follow other people's plans. He waved his hand and said with a smile: "It's easy to set up a new customer service department, but what if the advertiser is deceived by the intermediary? Even if we have a customer service department, they may not Will consult. The platform side should communicate directly with the advertising side, and the intermediary side must provide enough information. This kind of thing is too complicated, and I can’t say it well, so I will discuss it with the marketing department later.”

Boss Ma laughed, "Yes, come on! Drink!"

Ali is also a platform party.

In this regard, the interests are the same as those of Ziwei Star, and of course they support Zhou Buqi.

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