Top of the big era

Chapter 966 Yahoo is a paper tiger

Zhou Buqi didn't get involved too much in the matter of mobile phones.

Zhou Shaoning is an expert.

To listen to his report, a general understanding is enough. As long as the general direction is correct, there is no problem.

Zhou Shaoning came to the United States this time, on the one hand, to reach a final agreement with Google; on the other hand, to sign a contract with the US operator T-Mobile, and they will be responsible for sales.

In fact, it is a contract machine.

According to the preliminary plan, Aster's mobile phone retail price is 199 US dollars. This price is too low, even the cost is not enough.

However, operators can also bundle with phone bills.

Americans have strong consumption power, spending money like water.

The contract machine of the iPhone is a two-year contract, and the minimum monthly consumption is 50 US dollars. After two years, that's $1,200.

Aster doesn't have such confidence, but it doesn't work if it's too low.

Google's face also matters.

The final plan is $45 per month.

That is to say, users who purchase Aster mobile phones in T-Mobile, in addition to a one-time payment of US$199, will also have to pay US$45 a month for the next two years.

The total cost is $1279!

In this fee, the operator will get 70% of the phone bill, or $756, and bear the risk of default by the consumer at the same time. The mobile phone manufacturer will get $199, plus a 30% call fee commission, for a total of $523.

According to Zhou Shaoning, the operator offered two plans at the beginning.

One set of plans is 7:3 share of telephone charges, and one set of plans is 6:4 share of telephone charges.

Apple chose a 6:4 split, that is, it will get 40% of the phone bill for the next two years.

After judgment, Zhou Shaoning chose the plan of 7:3 split.

If it is divided into 6:4, it is a long-term cooperation model.

The operator will pay in batches at the end of each month after the user pays the phone bill. At the same time, the risk of user breach of contract needs to be shared by both parties.

The 7:3 plan is that the operator divides into three batches. The first batch is to deliver 40% immediately, 30% after 6 months, and 30% after 12 months.

This plan helps Ziweixing to withdraw all funds at one time.

That is, after selling one mobile phone, Ziweixing can get 199+45*24*30%*40%=328.6 US dollars in the month. The remaining $194.4 will be credited over the next 12 months.

The production cost of a mobile phone is about 240 US dollars.

There is also a US$60 patent fee and technical service fee handed over to a third party, as well as shipping costs, storage fees, labor costs, customs duties, value-added tax, income tax and other expenses of about US$120... This money can just be used for the next 12 months The two proceeds within will be used as collateral for delivery.

In other words, after a mobile phone is sold, the funds can be withdrawn directly, generating a profit of nearly 90 US dollars, which can be flowed back to the country.

Ziweixing Electronics Group is not interested in playing long-term with them, and has to return the money quickly. Only after getting the money can it continue the next production and develop newer mobile phones.

If 100,000 mobile phones can be sold out smoothly, this business can earn 70 million Huaxia coins.

The total cost is 187 million, the profit is 70 million, and the gross profit is about 26%.

This figure is still too low.

Because this is only the "production-sales" link, the company's operations, salary, R\u0026D expenses, design expenses, public relations expenses and other expenses have not been deducted.

Especially research and development costs, accounting for more than 15%.

All counted, that is, barely guaranteed capital.

However, capital preservation is a big profit!

Through this single business, Ziweixing Electronics has really built up the company system, organized the supply chain system, and established the R\u0026D team and design team.

It is equivalent to using American money to help Ziweixing Electronics straighten out its own business.

Next, you can flex your muscles.

It is worth mentioning that to sell mobile phones in the United States, you must pay patent fees and technical service fees to companies such as Motorola, Microsoft, and IBM.

It may not be necessary for domestic sales in the future.

Domestic prices are low and consumption power is weak.

You can talk slowly.

Laomei doesn't know exactly how many mobile phones have been sold, and there are a lot of tricks in it. The 60 dollars of intellectual property expenses can save more than half, and the profits will be squeezed out.

The only risk that exists is that the mobile phone is unsalable... This is almost impossible. 100,000 mobile phones are not a large number, and the consumption power of the American people is very high.

Google's reputation is so big, 100,000 mobile phones are not much less.

As for whether it will increase production in the future, and whether it will customize other mobile phones for other operators, it depends on the market feedback after the first batch of 100,000 mobile phones are sold.

It is now March 16th.

In April, the final plan for the mobile phone will be finalized.

In May, take out the prototype, do the final technical guarantee and processing, testing, coordination and feedback for the mobile phone solution.

From June to July, further technical adjustments and repeated tests. At the same time, coordinate the supply chain around the world, prepare spare parts for mobile phones, and coordinate the foundry.

In August, the official start!

In mid-September, the mobile phone leaves the factory and is shipped to the United States.

Arrived in the US in October.

In late October, all T-Mobile stores across the United States will go on sale.


These days, it is easy to make a functional machine, just set up a template and directly produce it.

Smartphones are difficult.

Especially for high-end smartphones, the entire business process is extremely complicated. Looking at the country, that is, Zhou Shaoning can operate this stall, Meizu can't, and Lei Jun can't.

Zhou Buqi boldly delegated power.

It doesn't work if you don't delegate power, it's too complicated and trivial, and it's a headache.

Or get more comfortable with the internet.

Huaxia's Internet stands on the spire of the world, and it can challenge Silicon Valley. Although this development process is also complicated and troublesome, it is very cool, and it is bullying others.

But it is not enough to make mobile phones. The gap with Europe, America, Korea and Japan is too big. Especially for high-end machines, the upstream and downstream are in the hands of others. This is an extremely aggrieved growth process, and it is being bullied.

Let Zhou Shaoning bear this frustration.

The next day, Zhou Buqi successfully joined the executive talks between Microsoft and Yahoo.

The location is in the Dana Garden Hotel in Silicon Valley, which is like a paradise with excellent scenery.

The scene of the meeting was scary.

The founders of both companies showed up, Bill Gates, Ballmer, Yang Zhiyuan and David Philo. The core executives of the two companies also came.

This is nothing, there are more than a dozen outsiders!

Some are financial companies, some are accounting firms, some are barristers, and some are investment banking experts. Among the five major investment banks, four came.

Half of the people are grandparents.

Zhou Buqi felt quite an eye-opener.

So exciting!

Like gang fights.

The negotiation process was not smooth.

Bill Gates and Ballmer are very firm, saying that they have made a comprehensive and accurate analysis and will not raise the price again. There are only two ways for Yahoo, either accept it or reject it.

Of course Yang Zhiyuan and David Filo were not reconciled.

Yahoo was founded by them, like their own sons.

As a parent, who wants to sell their son?

Unless you can't survive and are starving to death.

Or get married.

The son of one's own family is married to the daughter of another family, and everyone is united to form a new family.

But the cooperation model between Microsoft and Yahoo is obviously not a marriage, but an annexation.

In the past period of time, the financial crisis was brewing.

Microsoft's stock price has been falling.

The original quotation of 44.6 billion US dollars was a part of cash plus a part of stocks. Now the stock price has fallen, and the price tag has also dropped to 42 billion US dollars.

What to do?

Another protracted tug of war.

Yahoo side said that Microsoft must raise prices, the only way to go.

If Microsoft doesn't raise prices, Yahoo will accept Google's financing and use Google's advertising platform. At that time, Google's strength will be further strengthened, and it will be even more impossible for Microsoft to catch up.

Ballmer said: "Google is the only powerful search and online advertising company in the world. After being merged into Microsoft, Yahoo will have greater existence value.”

Yang Zhiyuan also said: "After Microsoft's offer, Yahoo's stock price rose, and Microsoft's stock price fell. However, the combined market value of the two companies has shrunk by tens of billions of dollars. It can be seen that Wall Street is generally not optimistic about this merger."

Ballmer explained: "The total market value has shrunk because of the financial crisis and has nothing to do with mergers and acquisitions."

Yang Zhiyuan: "I don't feel your sincerity..."

Both sides come and go.

Zhou Buqi and Boss Ma sat in the back row of the round table meeting, only listening and not speaking.

Gradually, I also tasted some taste.

Microsoft's sincerity is sufficient.

Several executives of Yahoo were also in high spirits, bargaining with great interest, explaining the actual value of Yahoo. If Yahoo and Microsoft were to merge, Yahoo would be able to eliminate duplication of departments on a large scale and integrate with Microsoft to significantly reduce expenses. Microsoft should raise their offer.

But something is wrong with the two founders of Yahoo. It sounds like they are trying to argue with each other. Why do they feel like they are messing around? There is a feeling of... wanting to mess up this business on purpose.

They don't want to sell at all!

This was forced by the board of directors and major shareholders, and had to come out to negotiate with Microsoft.

Zhou Buqi whispered to Lao Ma, "I'm relieved now."

Boss Ma whispered: "What did you see again?"

Zhou Buqi said in a low voice: "In the past few days, I have specifically checked several groups of data. In the online advertising market in the United States, Google's share is nearly half. Yahoo and Microsoft together have less share than Google, and the nature of monopoly is not serious. "


Boss Ma raised his eyebrows, knowing that he meant something.

Zhou Buqi said quietly: "If Yahoo joins Google's camp, then Google's monopoly position will be strengthened, and this deal will be difficult to achieve."

"Hmm..." Boss Ma suddenly realized, "No wonder Microsoft is so confident. Yahoo is pulling Google's tiger skin, but it is actually a paper tiger. With Google's stake in Yahoo, there is almost no possibility of cooperation between the two parties."

Zhou Buqi smiled, "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms!"


"Yahoo is like the Shu Han. They wanted to take Soochow together to attack Cao Wei in the north. But they didn't expect that Soochow's sudden attack might accidentally miss Jingzhou."

Boss Ma twitched the corner of his mouth and gave a thumbs up, "Tall! You're still taller!"

Zhou Buqi said: "Bold assumptions, maybe there are conspiracy theories."


"Do you think that Microsoft and Google will secretly communicate with each other behind the scenes? Or why did Google agree with Yahoo as soon as it offered an olive branch, expressing its willingness to acquire 20% of the shares at a high price?"

"No way?" Boss Ma's complexion changed slightly, and he shook his head, "No, your thoughts are too dark. Even if it is the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Cao Wei and Dongwu will not conspire to destroy Shu. At most... At most, it is about interests unanimously, tacitly.”

Zhou Buqi nodded, thinking it was very interesting.

War of the Three Kingdoms!

So exciting!

The current online advertising market in the United States, and even the world, is strangled by the three giants of Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft.

In this case, how to expand your own territory?

two ways.

Either buy it or grab it!

This time, Microsoft, the third in the industry, made the first move, sincerely wanting to acquire Yahoo, the second in the industry. Google, the number one in the industry, is a fisherman behind it.

The merger of Microsoft and Yahoo is generally not favored by the outside world. It is not easy for such a giant enterprise to integrate resources. If it fails, it may become the second Time Warner and America Online.

If Microsoft's acquisition fails, it can only be the second move...grab!

Yahoo's situation will be very passive.

It is almost impossible to join Google's camp and be constrained by antitrust.

At that time, it is really a dilemma.

Investors will be furious when they find out that they have been played by the founder. Yahoo's management found that the company was caught in the cracks between Google and Microsoft, and they were discouraged, and they would leave one after another.

Yahoo's territory was divided between Google and Microsoft.

A generation of giants will fall completely.

It seems that Yahoo went from glory to loneliness in the previous life, not only due to its own reasons, but also directly related to the entanglement of Google and Microsoft.

For Ziweixing, this is a great thing.

If Yahoo is in turmoil, you can dig the lander.

More importantly, can you take advantage of it? A skinny camel is bigger than a horse, and Yahoo is still the top website. The global promotion of YikYak may depend on Yahoo for help.

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