Top of the big era

Chapter 934 Teacher Han

The banquet is over and the scene is over.

The opportunity has come.

The teacher wants to withdraw!

The students tried hard to persuade them for a long time, and finally left the class teacher behind. The two female teachers were going home. Although it was only eight o'clock in the evening, they went to KTV to sing with a group of students, and they couldn't let go.

Opportunities are actively sought.

Zhou Buqi volunteered and said angrily: "It's too late, students, you and the class teacher go first, I will take the English teacher and Chinese teacher home."

Then, he was forced to show off his muscles, "I have a driver."

The students were a little dumbfounded.

There are bodyguards and drivers?

Even if you are the rich second generation, are you going too far? For your sake, there is no one like this before or since.

Everyone is dissatisfied.

I think it's too much to not be a weapon this week. If you attend a class reunion, just keep a low profile and let everyone be happy together. Knowing that you are a rich second generation and that your family is rich, you can't show off like this, right?

It's so good at pretending!

Zhou Buqi was wronged to death.

The conscience of heaven and earth!

I'm low key enough!

But it's okay, after showing off, everyone soon dispersed.

The Chinese teacher also said that her home is nearby, so there is no need to send it.

That's even better.

After getting on the bus, there are drivers and bodyguards.

Zhou Buqi ordered: "Tell the police comrades to let them go. Thank them for their hard work. Later, we will sponsor 10 police cars for them."

Teacher Han Yan was very surprised, and asked softly, "Police? Is the car in the back a policeman?"

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "I originally thought that we would go for a walk along the South Lake after dinner. I was afraid that it would be unsafe at night, so I invited two policemen."


Han Yan was surprised, her eyes widened.

The lights in the car were a little dim, but the two of them were very close, and Zhou Buqi could observe her face, eyes, nose and red lips at close range, and his heart was surging.

The goddess of childhood dreams!

close at hand.

Zhou Buqi took a deep breath, expressed his composure, and asked, "Mr. Han, where is your home?"

Han Yan said: "Over there on Hongqi Street."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "That's just right, let's go and go to Zhuo Zhan."

Zhuo Zhan is one of the best shopping malls in Spring City. There are many international brands and luxury brands. Just a piece of clothing or shoes costs thousands of dollars.

It is difficult for working-class teachers like teachers to spend here.

It can be regarded as a careful arrangement every week.

It is easy to go from frugal to extravagant, but difficult to go from extravagant to frugal.

According to the information provided by Sun Wanran, Han Yan's husband is a second-generation official, and he is quite competitive. He became the section chief at the age of thirty. The family conditions should be very good.

Under such conditions, a shopping mall of Zhuo Zhan’s level can be regarded as the main shopping place.

Later, something happened to her husband.

He spent a lot of money to keep his job, and was dispatched to a small remote county. The family conditions must have plummeted. If Mr. Han wants to come to Zhuo Zhan to shop again, he will have financial constraints.

The complaints and dissatisfaction brought about by this kind of consumption downgrade, as well as the consumption comparison of colleagues and friends, negative emotions will definitely linger in my heart, and I want to feel proud.

This is the most basic psychological judgment and human thinking.

Sure enough, Han Yan's heart moved slightly, "Go to Zhuo Zhan?"

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "Yes, let's go shopping."

Han Yan bit her lip and said softly, "It''s so late, Zhuo Zhan is about to close the door."

Zhou Buqi smiled: "So we have to hurry up. After we go, try it and it's almost enough. Don't pick and choose. Hurry up and place an order and buy it quickly."

Teacher Han Yan understood what he meant.

Instinctively want to refuse.

But the impulse in her heart made her unable to open her mouth no matter what.

Over the past year or so, her family's financial situation has taken a turn for the worse, and she is ashamed to go shopping with those friends from the past. After several months of frugal living, I dared to go there once and buy a better dress for appearance.

This kind of day is really uncomfortable.

With the help of drinking, Han Yan felt that her face was very hot and red. Fortunately, she had already set off, and the lights in the car were turned off, so she would not be noticed.

"You...what kind of clothes do you want to buy?" Teacher Han Yan was still holding on to the last bit of reserve, "I'll help you choose."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "I'll buy it for you."

"Me?" Teacher Han Yan struggled instinctively, "No, no, just take me home."

Zhou Buqi laughed and said: "Mr. Han, don't be polite to me. I still remember that when I was in school, my English was not good, and I went to your place every weekend to make up lessons. I still remember your apartment in the elevator building, 40 square meters. There are only two rooms, the bedroom and the bathroom.”

Mentioning the incident back then, Han Yan also felt a lot more relaxed. She pulled her hair around her ear, pursed her lips, and said, "Well, that's a single apartment next to the school. It's rented and lived in by teachers."

Zhou Buqi said: "Yes, at that time I always went to you for tutoring, and you didn't even want the money. Now that I think about it, I still thank you. If I didn't teach me like you did back then, I would definitely not be admitted to a key university. "

"where are you?"


"Oh, that's alright."

A very comfortable smile appeared on Han Yan's face, after all, she still had a sense of accomplishment.

Talking about the past along the way, very happy.

After going to Zhuo Zhan, Teacher Han Yan was very familiar with it, so she went directly to the women's clothing store on the third floor, and with a straight face, said quite seriously: "It's agreed, just buy one, as long as you have a heart."

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "Mr. Han, don't be polite to me, just buy whatever you like. Hurry up."

As he spoke, he took her by the arm and walked towards the brightest and largest women's clothing store.

It sells coats and coats, and foreign brands can't understand it.

Anyway, very high-end.

At a glance, there is no price lower than 10,000 yuan.

Han Yan felt a little sorry, she tugged at him, and lowered her voice, "Go inside, this one is too expensive."

Zhou Buqi took her arm with his left hand, put his right hand around her waist, half dragged and pushed her in, and said in a low voice: "Mr. Han, you are welcome. Pushing and shoving, let people see joke."

Han Yan's face was slightly red, she pursed her lips, and followed him in.

The two waitresses smiled brightly.

Zhou Buqi let go of the hand that was holding her arm, but did not let go of the other arm around her waist, as if carelessly ignoring this point, he smiled and pointed at the most eye-catching off-white dress in the middle of the shop. woolen coat, "This one looks pretty!"

The waitress had a sharp eye, and she saw the signs immediately, and immediately introduced happily: "The latest autumn and winter styles are very foreign-style, and this time, this Tokyo Fashion Week, this model was displayed."

Han Yan also caught her eye.

When I took a closer look, I was immediately frightened.

The price is 68,000!

She didn't buy such expensive clothes even two years ago, her voice changed slightly, she turned her head and whispered, "It's too expensive, don't want this one."

Zhou Buqi patted her on the waist and said with a light smile, "What are you afraid of if I pay the bill? Just buy it if you like it."

Han Yan was also nervous, excited, hesitant, and happy just now. She was in a trance and didn't pay much attention, but she felt it at this moment.

This bastard boy!

They were actually hugging their waists, and the two of them stood close together, as close as they wanted.

Han Yan's face flushed suddenly, and anger flashed in her eyes, "Why are you like this?"

Zhou Buqi pretended not to understand, and said with a smile: "It's okay, there is no limit today, you can buy what you like. Didn't you see that I brought all the bodyguards, let them help you carry more things."

Han Yan struggled a bit, but did not break free, biting her red lips and staring at him sternly.

Zhou Buqi almost laughed out loud.

I'm not working hard either?

Can't make money?

Even if you can't break free horizontally, if you take a step forward, won't you open the distance?

Zhou Buqi has a lot of experience and knows it well, so he asked the waiter to look for the size, and the strength of hugging her eased a bit, and pointed to another gray coat, "Mr. Han, what do you think of this one? I think it's also quite OK."

Han Yan felt that her face was hot, and she felt a little suspicious in her heart. She made a bold guess but was not sure. After all, this is my student, and the age gap is not small.

I only feel that this is his way of "forced" myself to buy clothes, so I feel a little more at ease.

"Well, I don't like this collar."

"Then what do you like? Time is limited, so don't go shopping one by one, pick a good store, and buy a few more. What do you think of this? I really like this grid design."

"It's okay, it's okay."

Han Yan was a little embarrassed, her voice was relatively low.

Zhou Buqi turned around with a smile, and said decisively: "Miss, try this one as well. Well, there are also this, this, and this, pick them all out."

Han Yan only thought it was trying on clothes.

After trying it, I picked the best one, and I didn't think much of it. I just felt that I was standing a little close to this kid, a little cramped, but I didn't struggle any more, I pretended not to know.

Seeing that she was being honest, Zhou Buqi took back his arms around her waist.

Han Yan pursed her lips and smiled, and then explained what he meant.

Zhou Buqi pretended not to know, "Mr. Han, why are you staring at me?"

Han Yan's face was a little red again, and she whispered angrily: "You are dishonest, who did you learn from? It's all gone bad."

Zhou Buqi pretended not to hear, put his arms around her waist and pushed her, "Let's go, I'm going to try on clothes."

Since it is a coat, there is no need to go to the changing room.

Just take off your coat and put it on.

After trying one, Zhou Buqi leaned over and asked her in a low voice, "How is it, do you like it?"

Han Yan nodded lightly, "Well, it's pretty good."

Zhou Buqi smiled and turned back to tell the waitress, "Put this one on and try the next one."


Han Yan was taken aback.

Isn't this too hasty? A piece of clothing worth tens of thousands, so it's decided?

Zhou Buqi said: "Teacher Han, hurry up and try. I asked just now, and the door closes at 9:30. Hurry up."

The economy in the Northeast is underdeveloped, and the nightlife is relatively monotonous. Except for bars, KTV, bathrooms, pedicure shops and massage clubs, other shops close early at night.

Han Yan went on to try it on.

"Like it?"


"wrap up."

"Like it?"


"wrap up."

"Like it?"

"No, this doesn't look good."

"Then change to one..."

After trying seven or eight sets in a row, four of them were selected.

The total price exceeds 130,000.

Han Yan's complexion changed slightly, and she was a little scared. How can she spend so much money at once without getting rewarded for nothing? She nervously moved to Zhou Buqi's side, and said a little weakly: "Zhou Buqi, don't be like this. Just pick one at random, don't bother, it's too...too expensive."

"It's all right, I've said it all, I'll buy it for you." Zhou Buqi handed the card to the bodyguard, asked him to go to the counter with the waiter to swipe the card to pay, and pointed to the sofa next to him, "Let's sit and wait for a while."

With that said, he took her little hand and sat down on the sofa.

Teacher Han's little hands are soft, warm, delicate and smooth, and the palms are full of sweat. I don't know if it's hot, happy, nervous, or hesitant.

Wanran, [wǎn], is equivalent to Waner, meaning to smile. It is not Guan[guǎn], a Wan-style service that readers are familiar with and experienced but the author has never heard of.

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