Top of the big era

Chapter 930 Boss Zhou Lectures

Zhou Buqi really didn't want to participate.

This kind of topic is not pleasant.

If all the people here are business tycoons, they can naturally communicate as they like, but all the people here are college students who have not graduated, and they are easy to be scolded if they talk too much.

Many business seniors have taught him many times to strive upwards rather than backwards. Communicate with a higher-level person, if the cognition is different, even if you say something wrong, he can understand you. When communicating with people at a lower level, if you have a different perception, even if you are right, you will be criticized and scolded.

If you want to make money, just study law.

The easiest ways to make money are all written in the criminal law, and almost all of them are written in various other civil laws. Definitely not breaking the law, but there are many ways to get around the edge.

For example, the value of Rainbow QQ is huge, and if it works well, it will bring great help to the products under 51. But Penguin has nothing to do with Rainbow QQ, because Rainbow QQ has played a legal side-ball, and cannot take up the weapon of law to deal with it like Coral QQ.

Even if you open a small shop, you may sell expired and counterfeit products.

Wei Zebin's statement is inaccurate in many aspects, too personal, a little exaggerated and self-righteous, but the general truth is the same.

Just like Taobao coupons.

A product worth 100 yuan, with a coupon of 20 yuan, the purchase price is 80 yuan.

Wouldn't it be good to just sell it for 80 yuan?

Why is it so cumbersome to design a coupon?

On the one hand, it is to let users have a psychology of taking advantage and encourage them to consume. On the one hand, it is to screen out those who are not familiar with online shopping and will not receive coupons, or those who are too rich to disdain to receive coupons, and conduct price discrimination.

Sell ​​it for 80 yuan to some people, and make a small profit. Sell ​​it for 100 yuan to some people, and make a lot of money.

The development of this routine to the extreme is the killing of big data.

The entire business process is actually no different from that of Wei Zebin selling used cars. It's just that Wei Zebin's methods are more bastard and shameless. Putting on the cloak of the Internet, it becomes high-end and smart.

Well, Taobao's after-sales service is good enough.

Unlike Wei Zebin, who refuses to admit all kinds of obstructions, he has a kind of "no responsibility for leaving the closet" style.

"How do I understand this? I don't understand! I don't understand!"

Zhou Buqi waved his hands again and again, unlike Shenhe.

The squad leader was satirized by Wei Zebin, dissatisfied, and wanted to find a step, and hurriedly said: "Zhou Buqi, don't be modest! Who doesn't know you, you are the second generation rich, and your family is taking advantage of hundreds of millions. With such a big business, you must know a lot about business.”

Another classmate said: "That's right, have you never eaten pork or seen a pig run?"

Another classmate persuaded: "Zhou Buqi, please tell me, is Wei Zebin right? Isn't your family in the business of mountain goods? Is it the same?"

Zhou Buqi was very speechless.

Mountain goods business...


That is worse than worse, and I dare not even mention it.

The head teacher also persuaded: "Zhou Buqi, you grew up in a different environment, and you have learned more about business than us. Come and tell everyone."


Zhou Buqi is still hesitating.

At this moment, English teacher Han Yan spoke, with two iconic dimples on the corners of her mouth, like Xu Qing, with a unique taste, she pursed her lips and said with a smile: "Student Zhou Buqi, don't be modest. I still remember it , I gave you English tutoring before, and you told me to open tutoring classes to make money, and you are very business-minded."

Teacher Han Yan has spoken!

Zhou Buqi's heart was full of blood, full of fighting spirit. What's even more rare is that she still remembers what happened back then. This is so exciting! It seems that this time, even if you want to keep a low profile, you have to talk a lot to win Teacher Han's attention.

"Ahem..." Zhou Buqi stood up slowly, "In this case, let me say a few words."


The banquet hall immediately became lively.

People at both tables were applauding enthusiastically, and some jerk boys were whistling, as if it wasn't Zhou Buqi who came, but a beautiful girl.

"First of all, we need to clarify a concept. Compared with 20 or 30 years ago, our living environment has undergone earth-shaking changes. The country has become rich and powerful, and people's lives have become more prosperous. The reason for this change is that we have implemented reform and opening up, and we Adhere to economic construction as the center. The national economy is getting better and better, and we are about to surpass Japan to become the world's second largest economy."

"In the process of economic development, the private economy occupies an absolutely strong position, which is the law of '56789'. That is, the private economy provides 50% of tax revenue, 60% of GDP, 70% of technological innovation, and 80% of urban Labor employment and 90% of the number of enterprises. We must realize that the private economy is playing an increasingly important role in the development and construction of the country."

"Lei Jun, the general manager of Jinshan, once said that pigs can fly when standing on the wind. The students are all seniors and are looking for jobs. So what is the wind? It is not the iron rice bowl of state-owned enterprises and civil servants. Instead, look for an excellent private enterprise, participate in it, and share the dividends of enterprise growth and national development.”

Zhou Buqi opens the door with three tricks.

It's what he does best.

From a high position, with a big picture and a big perspective, it quickly enters everyone's personal life and resonates. This kind of speech routine is ineffective against old business foxes like Boss Ma, but it is too easy to shock a group of college students who have not seen the world much.

All of a sudden, thunderous applause!

Everyone was applauding enthusiastically, the applause was even more intense than before, and the sound seemed to be able to overturn the roof of the house.

Sure enough, he is a child of a family, so his views and perspectives are different!

Compared with Wei Zebin's wild nonsense, Zhou Buqi's way of speaking is more attractive. College students are a little bit arrogant, and they all want to make a career in the future, and they don't want to do that kind of job that can be seen at a glance.

Zhou Buqi glanced at Wei Zebin from the corner of his eye.

Admit that I underestimate this guy a bit.

He thought that Wei Zebin would become angry because of what he said, and stand up and start a debate with him. Unexpectedly, he applauded more vigorously than anyone else, his eyes sparkled, he looked very excited and serious.

It seems that people will grow up.

He was originally a poor student in the class, but after so many years in the society, he is far more mature than other students. He refuted the squad leader, because the squad leader didn't understand anything, and he opposed it for the sake of opposition. He was listening to his own words humbly because what he said... At least it sounded reasonable.

This scene is reassuring.

It’s a classmate, Zhou Buqi doesn’t mind pointing him out, this kid’s business logic is quite in place, that is, price discrimination, different pricing for different groups of people.

Just like collecting taxes.

Tax the rich more and tax the poor less.

But his execution process is too extensive and barbaric, the way is not right, and it is easy to go wrong.

Zhou Buqi said: "In the past, we were backward and poor, and we basically had the 'five voids', empty pockets, empty spirit, empty positions, empty knowledge, and empty principles. Under such circumstances, it is easy for some people to develop the economy in order to make money. Unscrupulous means. This is the inevitable development of the times, and it was the same when the economies of Europe, America, South Korea and Japan started. We must first become prosperous and strong before we can have civilization. Civilization cannot be achieved without prosperity and strength. However, when the economy develops, prosperity and strength , it is necessary to grasp civilization, to strengthen supervision and strengthen market norms, and to carry out further exploration in social civilization and corporate civilization.”

Wei Zebin opened his eyes wide, knowing that he was talking about himself, he immediately raised his hand.

Zhou Buqi was a little amused, "What are you raising your hand for?"

Wei Zebin said, "Is this your own analysis, or do you have any inside information?"

Zhou Buqi said in a bad mood: "What inside information do I know? This is the most basic logical judgment. You should read a few more books and see the growth process of developed countries."

Wei Zebin opened his mouth, but stopped talking.

Zhou Buqi waved his hand, "Let's not talk about supervision or not, just start from your own perspective. Wei Zebin, you are a private enterprise, and you don't have the monopoly position and background of a state-owned enterprise. Consumers choose with their feet, and they can choose freely. .Your way of making money is very effective, and it is also a routine used by many small and medium-sized enterprises. However, this is fishing from the depths! Well, do you know what fishing from the depths is?"

Wei Zebin said angrily: "Don't look down on people, I also graduated from junior high school, okay?"

The classmates burst out laughing.

The atmosphere immediately became harmonious.

Zhou Buqi said: "The average life expectancy of domestic enterprises is only 3.9 years. Do you know why? It is because too many enterprises have irregular means of competition and consume corporate reputation for short-term benefits. If you lose customers, you will vote with your feet, and you will go to your competitors. If you lose users, you will go out of business. Understand?”

Wei Zebin took a deep breath, his face stiffened.

Zhou Buqi asked, "How many years has your used car company been in business?"

"Three years." Wei Zebin paused, and said generously, "I worked in a shoe factory a few years ago."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Then let me ask you, is your company's sales decreasing year by year?"

Wei Zebin was stunned, looking at him stupidly.

"Did I hit it?"


"Do you know why?"

Wei Zebin said blankly: "The reputation is bad, word of mouth spreads it, and everyone stops coming."

Zhou Buqi turned into a fortune-telling master, and Jinkou said, "Nasdaq has plummeted, and the subprime mortgage crisis has expanded, and the impact is very serious. Even if your company can survive this year, it will not survive next year." gone."

Wei Zebin was silent.

I didn't listen to it a little bit, or it was a fluke.

Last year's sales were more than 8 million less than the previous year, and the profit was 3 million less. It would be inaccurate to say that it was all due to the bad reputation.

After he was rich, his life became chic. A young man in his twenties must have beautiful women from Xiangche, and he would not put so much energy into the company.

Zhou Buqi knew that it was almost impossible to convince a successful person with just a few words, so he moved on to the next topic: "Just now Wei Zebin said that the Three Views are useless, I disagree. If you have a good Three Views, you can It makes us a better human being, which of course is a good thing."

"However, one of his words is very correct. Don't imprison yourself and don't fall into other people's rules. The most common rules for consumers in the commercial market are the kidnapping of the three views of morality. When I was a freshman, I used Moral kidnapping, sold a batch of phone cards and made tens of thousands."

"After entering the society, there are many businessmen who are more assholes than Wei Zebin. Let's students, don't fall into the values ​​created for you by others. You can easily complete the moral restraint, and then use the sickle to cut leeks. There are some companies' induction training. What kind of ice-breaking culture can easily brainwash newcomers in the workplace. You should pay attention."

"Every time more dogs are slaughtered in righteousness, it is not because they are so noble. On the contrary, it is that this group is more likely to be kidnapped by morality, and is more likely to be desperate for blood. When I choose a bodyguard, I choose to be born in poverty and have not studied much. of."

These words gave everyone a sense of enlightenment.

Immerse yourself in it and think hard.

Only the last sentence attracted everyone's exclamation: "Zhou Buqi? You still have bodyguards? Is it true or not? Bragging?"

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