History has proved many times that closing the door to the outside world is a dead end. In recent years, the state has also been promulgating various policies to encourage excellent domestic enterprises to go abroad to explore larger markets.

There are too many people in the country and the people are very hardworking, which leads to the creation of too many products that cannot be used up. The relationship between supply and demand is not that supply exceeds demand, but that supply is far greater than demand.

To resolve this contradiction, we must rely on overseas markets.

Transferring excess domestic production capacity overseas can stabilize employment, promote development, and protect people's livelihood. The national strategy is to develop the third world, establish cooperative relations with some countries in Africa and the Middle East, and create a sales place for surplus products.

It cost a lot of money, and the effect is more obvious.

But this is far from enough.

Domestic entrepreneurs must stand up, but there are very few people who really have this ability.

In the past two years, Lenovo was in full swing, and other IT companies were not even qualified to talk about it on the table. In the past two years, Huawei and ZTE have become hot spots in the industry, and "Huawei with technology" and "ZTE with strength" have been widely praised. Huawei advocates a fierce and wolf-like culture, and focuses on overseas big cities; ZTE follows the traditional Confucian way, playing the development path of "encircling the cities from the countryside".

Many business forums at the end of this year focused on these two companies.

But everyone knows that ZTE is not qualified to be compared with Huawei at all. That is to say, holding Huawei's signboard and holding a handful of ZTE, a state-owned enterprise.

Huawei is a truly international enterprise, and ZTE cannot reach it.

To measure whether it is a large international company, there are usually three hard-core indicators: first, a large part of revenue comes from overseas markets; second, it has a high degree of brand recognition in mainstream countries in the world; third, it has a leading global consumption trend technology or product.

The key is the first one.

At present, there are only three domestic companies that can meet this standard: Lenovo, Huawei and Haier.

Lenovo's overseas revenue accounts for nearly 75%, Huawei's 47%, and Haier's 43%. Even ten years later, domestic companies that meet this standard, including Midea and Xiaomi, account for barely more than 40% of their overseas revenue.

Many companies are carrying out overseas business, basically doing small things, with very little market share, mainly serving overseas Chinese. This is the case with Ali's transnational business, which does not account for a large proportion of overall revenue. Globalization has not been achieved in terms of corporate R\u0026D layout, corporate employee composition, and corporate culture.

Zhou Buqi wanted to make a long story short, this is not an occasion for talking about serious matters.

Boss Ma didn't let him go.

Zhou Buqi had no choice but to chat with him for 20 minutes, but there were still some differences of opinion, "Old Ma, I understand what you mean. It is necessary to help small and medium-sized enterprises open overseas markets. However, your model No, it has to be the Amazon model."

Boss Ma resolutely said, "Alibaba is asset-light, we don't do e-commerce, we don't sell goods. What we do is e-commerce services, helping tens of thousands of small and medium-sized enterprises to sell goods."

Zhou Buqi shook his head and said: "This model works in China, but it can't be played abroad. If you look at eBay, Amazon is far behind. In developed countries, the protection of intellectual property rights is a hurdle that cannot be passed. Selling One fake will cost you your entire fortune."

Boss Ma of course understands this truth, and sighed, "So our B2B, the current main market is Southeast Asia, and we will enter the Indian market next year."

But how high can the consumption power of Southeast Asia and India be?

All together are not as good as Japan.

The trouble is that the products produced by small and medium-sized enterprises...often have relatively serious intellectual property infringements, and there are many problems in packaging, design, and even brand naming.

Once such a product is sold to Japan, something will happen.

If Ziweixing dares to participate, the Japanese business will basically die.

The solution is to adopt the Amazon model, purchase by the platform, internally review, and store in its own warehouse after confirmation. Then overseas customers on the platform place orders and ship directly from their own warehouses, which can ensure the safety and reliability of the products.

But Ali obviously doesn't want to play the asset-heavy model.

What should I do if I store the goods in my own warehouse and cannot sell them? It is troublesome to manage, the risk is high, and the tax rate is also high. If the same hundred batches of goods are sold together, if the sales volume is too high, the red line of protection will be exceeded and taxes will be paid. If it is apportioned to one hundred small and medium-sized enterprises, the sales volume is very low, and they are all within the scope of tax rate protection, and they can even be exempted from tax.

Zhou Buqi said: "Entrepreneurs must shoulder social responsibilities, Ma, you want to support small and medium-sized enterprises, which is admirable. Doing overseas markets is an important part of the strategy of a big country, and it is something our generation must explore. But I don’t agree with your model, it’s not big at all! What’s the point of a small business? If you really have ambitions, go abroad to compete with Amazon. If you beat Amazon at home, It’s not a big deal. If you can grab Amazon’s market share of 10 points or 20 points abroad, it will be a huge success, and it will also provide an additional sales platform for domestic small and medium-sized enterprises.”

Boss Ma twitched the corners of his mouth, feeling that the kid was stunned.

It's been rumored in the industry recently.

It is said that Ziweixing is in the Japanese market with a huge structure and a high vision. It wants to establish a traffic ecological platform in Japan, and then push domestic virtual products to help domestic websites develop Japanese business.

Without saying a few words, the essence is exposed!

This is not satisfied with virtual products, and you want to start with physical products? Want to build an e-commerce trading platform in Japan, and then sell domestic physical products there?

Sure enough, he guessed right.

Zhou Buqi said thoughtfully: "Lao Ma, your idea is right, to help domestic products develop overseas markets and find more sales opportunities. But your model is wrong, it is determined from your genes that you can only fight small Small troubles, nothing big at all."

Boss Ma's complexion changed slightly, and his voice changed, "You...what are you going to do?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Do e-commerce."

"Damn!" Boss Ma stared and cursed, "Get out of here! Don't do this!"

Zhou Buqi laughed and said, "Why are you in a hurry? There are so many people, it makes people laugh. It's not doing it in China, it's following your idea, implementing a better strategy, and helping domestic small and medium-sized enterprises. Um... including Big companies like Haier, Gree, Anta, and Li Ning."

"Amazon model?"


"This is impossible."

"Always try, what if it works?"

Zhou Buqi definitely couldn't get off the field himself, he didn't have this level, and Ziweixing didn't have any experience in this field.

However, the Amazon model is the JD model.

Liu Qiangdong is also an entrepreneur with a pattern and a heart.

It is easier to deal with him than the old horse.

Next year, the economic crisis will break out, and offline stores will be hit hardest. The global e-commerce market has grown exponentially in the following years.

Naturally, Taobao is the only one in China.

Abroad has become the world of Amazon.

This is not in line with the business logic of the Internet.

Usually, in the Internet, the industry leader accounts for 70% of the share, the industry's second child accounts for 30% of the share, and the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth can be ignored.

But in the global market, there is only Amazon in this type of model.

Other companies are afraid of Silicon Valley giants, either localized niche platforms, or use other models to bypass Amazon's barriers...

Internet companies that are qualified to compete with Silicon Valley giants can only come from China.

If this thing is done, it will be of great merit and benefit forever. You don't need to compete with Amazon for the first place, having a second place is a huge success.

Boss Ma was numb. He thought he wanted to fool this kid, but he was brutally attacked.

Ziweixing is also going to be an e-commerce company?

Want to vomit blood!

Lao Ma was no longer in the mood to hang out with some people in the entertainment circle at the reception, and wanted to drag him out to find a place to have a good chat.

Young people, don't be impulsive!

Overseas market is not easy!

But Zhou Buqi was a little uninterested, and said again and again: "Let's talk about it later, look at who...Zhou Xingxing, let me go and get to know him."

Boss Ma scolded angrily: "It's just a movie star, why are you moving forward?"

Zhou Buqi curled his lips and snorted.

Zhou Xingxing's visit to Beijing this time should be to promote the new movie "Yangtze River No. 7". Zhou Buqi definitely doesn't care about him. What he cares about is the heroine of the movie beside him, she is star-studded and glamorous!

Zhang Yuqi, who was just 20 years old, has a gourd-shaped body like a European and American girl, with flaming red lips, and a gorgeous smile on her face. Her chest, waist, and butt... are much more attractive than Jiang Xing.

But what the old horse said was right, rushing over like this would be demeaning.

Zhou Buqi found Wang Xiaolei and said a few words to him.

Soon, Wang Xiaolei led the main creative team of "Yangtze River No. 7", walked over with a smile on his face, and introduced: "Let me introduce to you, this is the business genius of our capital, the big boss of Ziwei Star Zhou Buqi Zhou." Boss! By the way, he invested in Jieyu Media, he is also a shareholder of Huayi, and he is also a member of our circle."

Then, he tentatively asked, "Mr. Zhou, do you know me?"

Zhou Buqi laughed and said, "Okay, Mr. Zhou, if you can't write two characters of Zhou in one stroke, maybe we were still a family five hundred years ago!"

"It's an honor! It's an honor!"

Zhou Xingxing's Mandarin is not very good, and he has never heard of Mr. Zhou. Although the smile on his face is exaggerated, he rejects this kind of capitalist in his heart.

After shaking hands, Zhou Buqi pretended not to know, "Who is this beautiful lady?"

Wang Xiaolei understood it at a glance, and was even happier.

I'm not afraid that Mr. Zhou has too many things, but I'm afraid that Mr. Zhou will see outsiders. The more things, the more intersections, the closer the relationship. Seeing that he seemed to be interested in this young actress, he quickly introduced: "Her name is Zhang Yuqi, and she is the heroine of this movie. She is still in school. There are not many scenes in this movie, and it was shot during the summer vacation. Well, Yuqi Chi?"

Zhang Yuqi understood, bowed immediately, and said with a warm smile: "Mr. Zhou, my name is Zhang Yuqi. I just saw Li Xiaowan, she is our alumni."

"Oh? Do you know each other?"

"I know her, but she doesn't know me. She is very famous. She is a professional Kunqu opera family. She has been on stage as a heroine since she was a teenager. I heard that she is going to play Xue Baochai in the Red Mansion."

Zhang Yuqi is wearing a low-cut evening dress, which is a bit revealing, especially when she bows like this, it is really charming and charming.

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