The agreement for Ziweixing's B round has been signed.

Not yet publicly available.

But the gossip has already spread in the industry, shocking the whole country and the world.

The scale is too big!

Recently, Ali's market value has been rising all the way, approaching 30 billion US dollars. Such a super valuation has made the whole world realize the scale and volume of Huaxia Internet.

Unexpectedly, a fiercer one appeared!

There is a lot of noise abroad, everyone is asking what this Ziwei star does? How can such a high value be estimated? Is Softbank crazy?

On the domestic side, it shocked the colleagues even more.

Can't stop it!

Ziweixing is too powerful, and it is the largest traffic turnover center. The launch of Helo even made QQ feel ashamed, which is very embarrassing. Now, Ziweixing has raised another 3.5 billion US dollars... such a large amount of money, this is doing whatever it wants!

Even relevant departments are communicating.

Ziweixing is so rich, so it has to make more and greater contributions to the country. Why not end it yourself and make a mobile phone operating system? The administrative department approached He Yang and wrote a simple strategic report.

In the next three years, Ziweixing will start to do five major things.

First, cloud computing.

Second, develop overseas business.

Third, further optimize and strengthen the Feitian distributed database.

Fourth, develop mobile phones.

Fifth, independently develop a set of domestic artificial intelligence learning framework.

Artificial intelligence is the most important field in the future, which is as important as chips in the hardware field. It is necessary to develop a learning algorithm framework first, and then develop a deep learning framework on this basis.

Google has even set up a new department to start research on autonomous driving, and has been at the forefront of the world's artificial intelligence field.

Hundreds of related papers have been published.

Shen Xiangyang is also a participant, and there are many important contributions of him in these papers. He accepted Zhou Buqi's commission, went to the Ministry of Science and Technology in person, and reported to relevant leaders, explaining the significance of artificial intelligence in detail.

Don't look at the $3.5 billion raised in the B round, which is an unimaginably huge amount of wealth.

But it's not always enough to do so many big things.

First of all, to develop the Japanese market, at least 500 million US dollars must be invested. Secondly, Zhou Buqi also wanted to take advantage of the subprime mortgage crisis to enter the European market. Third, Ziweixing is going to Silicon Valley to prepare for the establishment of a research and development center in the field of artificial intelligence.

For these few things, a budget of 1 billion US dollars must be prepared.

Even more expensive is the cloud computing business.

It is not enough to do domestically only.

At least build cloud data centers in Korea and Japan, especially the Korean market.

Koreans are too patriotic and dislike foreign products. However, this is only aimed at ordinary people. It is a blind obedience phenomenon and a herd effect under the influence of the general environment.

The products produced in South Korea are quite good, but to say they are the best in the world would be a bit too exaggerated, but ordinary people just like that. Therefore, it is very difficult to go to Korea to do personal business, and the local people do not trust foreigners.

But successful people are not in this category.

On the streets of South Korea, almost no foreign cars can be seen. If you can see foreign cars, the owner is likely to be a successful person.

It is just that the decision makers of the enterprise are all these successful people.

When making corporate decisions, reason is more important than sensibility, and many imaginary things will be put aside to weigh real things. In other words, if you want to develop the Korean market, it is too difficult to do personal business, but it will be easier to do business for enterprises.

Cloud computing is a very important business that penetrates the Korean market.

The population density of South Korea and Japan is very high, but the land is small, and it is enough to build a cloud data center each. Due to the higher costs in these two countries, the total cost of building these two cloud data centers may exceed US$1.5 billion.

If you want to compete with Amazon Cloud, you have to go to Europe and North America...

The $3.5 billion raised this time is not enough.

Fortunately, the investment in cloud data centers is not a one-time payment, but can be invested slowly and developed step by step. For example, the cloud computing data center in the capital will build a building first, invest 400-500 million yuan, and build 20,000 servers.

When the scale becomes bigger and the servers are not enough, build another building and invest another 400-500 million to build a data center module with 20,000 servers.

The overall planning of the cloud data center in the capital is to build 8 buildings, accommodate 8 data modules, a total of 160,000 servers, and an expected investment of about 4 billion yuan.

It is expected to take 5-6 years.

Zhou Buqi participated in this technical committee, Xu Liangjie, Shen Xiangyang, Cheng Binghao, Wang Jian, Wang Xiaochuan, Zhou Feng, Zhang Yiming, Guo Pengfei, Xu Ming and other technical experts all attended.

During the period, the planning of the future cloud computing strategy was discussed, and an overall plan was given.

Take the Capital Cloud Computing Data Center as a sample first to accumulate experience. If it goes well, in the fourth quarter of next year, the first overseas cloud computing base can be launched, and a cloud computing data center can be established in Tokyo.

Then use the Tokyo project to accumulate overseas operation experience, and then plan to go to Korea or Europe for development... and finally the United States.

Zhou Buqi calculated the time and rejected the proposal on the grounds that "the plan is not as fast as the change".

The national conditions are different!

Buildings are built fast in China.

But foreign countries are different, especially in Europe and the United States. A 5-month project in China will take at least 2 years in Europe and the United States. That is to say, the preparation of new projects in the country will soon see the results. But going abroad to build this kind of infrastructure would be a headache. If it develops step by step according to the plan, it will be too late to start the cloud computing strategy in the European and American markets.

Building a building can consume people to death.

Tesla was almost killed by the German factory, and a broken factory building could not be built for several years. Germany is still the country with the highest efficiency and the highest level of infrastructure in Europe, and it can't be played. Fortunately, I came to China to build a factory, and relied on the factory in Shanghai to save my life.

"Scientists should just do scientific research honestly, and don't talk about strategy."

Zhou Buqi made criticisms on the decision-making committee.

Because he attaches great importance to technology, so that technicians have a high status in the company. This is not surprising, in IT companies, the status of technicians is very high.

Only technicians are eligible to slap the table and stare at the leaders without being punished.

However, you can't get carried away just because of your high status.

Zhou Buqi had heard about it a long time ago, that the technical committee was a little out of shape, a little out of bounds. Participating this time is really seeing it with my own eyes. These technical talents are thinking about planning the internationalization strategy of cloud computing business.

If it is people like Xu Liangjie, Shen Xiangyang, Zhang Yiming, Guo Pengfei, and Wang Xiaochuan, they are qualified and they are members of the decision-making committee.

But what about others?

Are you floating?

Zhou Buqi said in a deep voice: "To do technology, you must sink your heart and study it! Put all your energy into it! You can't use it for two purposes! Group strategy involves financial conditions, personnel arrangements, business coordination, competitors, policies and regulations. , economic situation, big country strategy, international situation and other factors! Technology is only the bottom link. You are all experts, but you have a specialization in the technical industry. Of course, the group's strategic decision-making needs technology guidance, but the role played by technology is far less than yours Imagination is so important. Today I will make a rule that only technology can be discussed in the technical committee, and strategy cannot be discussed! If you have an idea, submit a report to the decision-making committee! That's it, the meeting ends!"


In the evening, Huayi reception.

On the one hand, the box office of "Assembly" exceeded expectations, let's celebrate. On the one hand, it is between Christmas and New Year's Day, which is equivalent to passing these two festivals.

Another more important point is that Huayi is about to go public.

If nothing else, it is expected to be listed in China in the third quarter of next year.

Before listing, there will be a wave of original stock distribution.

Whoever can get the original shares may take advantage of the spring breeze of Huayi's listing and become a rich man! The Wang family brothers said that Huayi’s original stock is open to all domestic counterparts, including producers, directors, screenwriters, actors and so on.

However, many producers, directors, and screenwriters are smart people, and they don't believe it at all, knowing that there is too much water in these words. But the actors are all a bit silly, and they all go around with red eyes and ask for connections to get closer.

I just want to establish a good relationship with Hua Yi and the Wang family brothers, and get some original shares...

Zhou Buqi felt nothing in his heart, and he didn't care at all.

Want to go public this year?

I'm afraid it's a bit difficult.

The third quarter is when the subprime mortgage crisis is at its worst. Is it going public? Which investment bank would dare to undertake an IPO at that time? If you want to go public, at least you have to wait until the economy slows down in the next year.

Because it is related to listing, the reception is very formal.

Zhou Buqi put on his suit and went to pick up Yang Mi. Yang Mi was wearing a long black down jacket, showing two fair and smooth calves, and a pair of black high heels...

After parking the car, he quickly opened the door and got in.

"Ah, it's so cold!"

After Yang Mi got into the car, she rubbed her hands and ears.

Zhou Buqi smiled, "A skirt inside?"

Yang Mi said coquettishly, "Yes, I just bought it yesterday. It costs more than 30,000 yuan, and it's the latest model for this autumn and winter..."

Zhou Buqi reached out to help her warm her ears.

Yang Mi raised her pretty face and smiled sweetly, "Thank you, Father Zhou."

Zhou Buqi was used to it, he sighed secretly, and said seriously: "You can't bark at the reception later. This occasion is very formal and there are more people."

Yang Mi pursed her lips and said, "I know, I'll call in private to keep others from knowing."

After a while, the car arrived at Caiguang International Apartment. Jiang Bingjie and Li Xinwan were also wearing down jackets, with their calves exposed and high heels, trembling in the ice and snow.

Next to her was Li Xinwan's mother, who was dressed in a padded jacket, with a worried look on her face.

This is Li Xinwan's first time attending a reception in the entertainment industry.

In the middle of the night, I went out with Boss Zhou, in case she didn't come back at night... In fact, she was already mentally prepared, and she was considered half of the circle, so she knew all these things. Coupled with the fact that he is now living in Boss Zhou's mansion, something is bound to happen.

But now that it's here, I'm a little worried.

At this time, a black Bentley arrived.

The car window was lowered, revealing Yang Mi's delicate face, fair and smooth, red lips like fire, chirping and shouting: "Hurry up and get in the car! It's freezing!"

Li Xinwan said goodbye to her mother, happily pulled Jiang Bingjie into the car, and greeted Zhou's father.

The back seat is a bit cramped...

Zhou Buqi was not polite, he patted his thigh and said with a smile: "Xiao Wan, come here."

Li Xinwan blushed slightly, and said "Oh" softly.

Then, he shouted out the window: "Sister Hong, you should go back quickly, it's too cold."

Li Xinwan's mother had a complicated expression on her face, she hesitated for a moment before she nodded, "Well, Boss Zhou, go ahead and leave me alone."

"See you!"

Zhou Buqi smiled, and couldn't help but look at her a few more times.

This sister Hong is a professional singer of Kunqu opera, with a specialization in art, her voice is extremely beautiful, her body is well maintained, she has many years of stage experience, her temperament is excellent, and she is full of charm. It's a pity that she is in her forties, and she is too old.

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