Top of the big era

Chapter 904 Consuming the Youth of Young Girls

The next day, field trip.

It's actually shopping.

Zhou Buqi has seen why the power of the traditional model in the Japanese market is so strong.

To some extent, domestic and American are similar, shopping is shopping, and shopping is shopping. Going shopping doesn't necessarily mean shopping.

It's different in Japan, shopping is really equal to shopping.

Zhou Buqi felt that he was being silly for nothing.

What others want to sell, what they want to sell!

It's not because the channel dealer is so good at fooling around. In fact, the other party can't speak Chinese, and Zhou Buqi can't understand Japanese. The two parties can only communicate through gestures and poor Japanese English.

It's because of the good service.

Welcome, bow ninety degrees; please try it on, bow ninety degrees; pack it up, bow ninety degrees; give you change, bow ninety degrees; welcome again, bow ninety degrees...

Zhou Buqi was really worried that these young Japanese girls broke their waists in a flash.

That's nothing.

When buying pants, there are two Japanese girls kneeling at your feet to help you tidy up your trousers; when buying shoes, there is a Japanese girl kneeling at your feet to accompany you all the way. Change your shoes.

Instead, they kneel down and salute at every turn, like kowtowing.


Most of the time, Zhou Buqi didn't want to buy it, but in this kind of near-extreme service, he really couldn't bear to refuse. This girl has worked so hard and bowed and knelt to serve you for half an hour, but in the end she didn't buy it and left. I really can't get over this test in my heart.

Can only spend money shopping.

Without a bit of a hard heart, there is really no way to bite the bullet and leave.

The accompanying Wang Haiyang, Wang Xing, Shi Jinglin and Ning Yaxian were also similar, all with big bags and small bags.

They really didn't come to Japan to shop for goods, they came to conduct field inspections and experience the local customs. But after shopping for a long time, I couldn't bear it anymore, I bought too many things.

Can only go back to the hotel.

On the way, Shi Jinglin couldn't help feeling: "The power of tradition is too strong! It is really difficult to change this model."

Both Wang Xing and Wang Haiyang have been to Japan before, and both expressed emotion, saying that they have no resistance to Japanese service. That pretty little girl knelt on the ground and begged you to buy something, but she really couldn't bear to refuse.

Beggars kneeling on the ground begging for money, the tatters make people disgusted, and it is easy to refuse; but young girls kneeling on the ground begging you for shopping, overflowing with compassion, really powerless to resist.

Ning Yaxian was relatively calm, and said softly: "It's nothing, many restaurants will also establish a master-servant relationship in order to attract male customers. Let the girls wear revealing maid outfits, and call each master one by one. Feed, and sell dishes by the way. It is right to have good service, and the spirit of craftsman is also respected. But this is too much, it is to consume the youth of young women, and the service industry has become deformed."

Wang Xing said: "Is there a reason for workplace culture?"

"Yes, yes." Ning Yaxian nodded, with a hint of sarcasm on the corner of her mouth, "In the Japanese workplace, female discrimination is very serious. When I resigned from the Japanese company, it was because of Valentine's Day. All the male colleagues gave chocolates. This way, half a month’s salary was lost. Several of us disagreed, and the female minister severely criticized us, saying that she came here in the same way, and that we were uneducated and did not understand the workplace. rule."

Wang Xing sighed, "I don't know if it was intentionally designed or formed naturally."

Ning Yaxian obviously has a relatively deep understanding in this regard, saying: "Young girls can't get along in the workplace, can't go to regular companies, so they can only work as waiters in shopping malls, restaurants or even nightclubs. But such places don't They are employed for life, and when they are old, they will be dismissed. Women can only marry and become housewives, receiving some living expenses from their husbands every month, and swallowing their anger."

Shi Jinglin gritted her teeth and said, "I think this is brainwashed by traditional female virtues, just like the dross culture of feudal dynasties."

Zhou Buqi waved his hand and coughed lightly: "No, South Korea and Japan are similar, not better than India? Not better than the Middle East? Don't compare with China. The domestic benchmark is Europe and the United States. This is called a big country structure."

Shi Jinglin glanced at him, and said meaningfully: "Europe and the United States are promoting women's rights, I think it's very good..."

Zhou Buqi interrupted her, saying that after returning to China, he should give him a good lecture on women's virtues, and said seriously: "From this we can also see that the reason why Japanese distributors are so powerful, first, It is a sales platform with a monopoly, which can guide people’s shopping tendency. The second is to squeeze the youth of young women, and through this almost deformed service culture, firmly lock customers and induce them to consume.”

Wang Haiyang sighed, "It seems that it is not easy to shake the traditional supply relationship."

Zhou Buqi secretly shook his head, disapproving.

Nokia, Motorola, Lenovo, Dell, Mercedes-Benz, Audi... These products cannot break through the traditional Japanese supply relationship channels, because these products are not good enough.

As soon as the iPhone came out, it directly broke the tradition.

Why do Japanese people not like smart phones, but prefer functional phones... This is purely channel businessmen trying to fool the common people. When the iPhone entered the Japanese market, people voted with their feet and lined up hundreds of meters to buy mobile phones, but nothing could stop them.

However, Jobs was never available. Moreover, Jobs' design philosophy is Japanese aesthetics, and it is obviously inappropriate to take Mr. Joe as a counterexample.

Zhou Buqi said: "From this point of view, physical products are useless. Traditional channels are too powerful. This is still a deep-rooted culture. Let's not touch it. The philosophy of Ziweixing Japan Co., Ltd. is to develop virtual products, integrating domestic websites, Virtual products such as software are promoted through online platforms.”

Shi Jinglin curled her lips.

Wang Xing smiled a little awkwardly.

What a long way to think!

I also want to help my domestic counterparts to develop Japanese business, let's start my own business first!


In the afternoon, go to see Masayoshi Son.

Communicate in English, relatively fluent.

Sun Zhengyi very much agrees with Ziweixing's strategy of developing in Japan.

Sun Zhengyi said that Japan has a population of 120 million and 70 million Internet users. The Internet environment is developed and the infrastructure is very good. It is similar to that of the United States and is at least 24 months ahead of China.

There are 1.3 billion people in China, and less than 200 million Internet users.

The popularity of the Internet in Japan is very high, and there are wifi signals everywhere... However, the development of the Internet in Japan is very backward. The IT elites are all running to make software, and few people are willing to engage in the Internet.

Yahoo Japan is a giant, covering almost every aspect of the Internet.

This is not because of how powerful Yahoo Japan is, but because of its peers. The local website is very mediocre, no matter it is technology, model or design, it is far inferior to Huaxia.

Softbank Group's Internet investment, the Asian market is mainly Huaxia. It's not that Masayoshi Son doesn't want to invest in local companies, it's really impossible to invest, and there is a lack of good projects.

Sun Zhengyi also said that he had someone calculate it. According to per capita income, per capita consumption, awareness of the Internet, and recognition of Internet marketing... various conditions, the current scale of the Internet industry in Japan can be easily done. 15-20 times to the China market.

But in fact, only 6-7 times.

The scale is much smaller than expected.

Moreover, most of the revenue is created by Yahoo Japan. The source of income is nothing more than value-added income, advertising income, and some e-commerce income.

It's not that users are unwilling to spend more money, and it's not that businesses are unwilling to pay more advertising fees...Yahoo Japan is just a website with limited resources.

Supply is less than demand.

It is absolutely possible to have more novel and interesting websites to provide users with more Internet services and expand the Internet's plate.

How much does it cost to sell software?

The Internet has been built, and it is far more profitable than selling software! The stock price of Yahoo Japan has soared by 20% in the past two weeks, and its market value is approaching 40 billion US dollars, which is higher than the sum of the market value of all software companies.

Masayoshi Son sighed, "We Japanese are still too conservative."

Zhou Buqi: "Hehe."

He Yang: "Hehe."

Wang Xing: "Hehe."

Yu Yongfu: "Hehe."

Tang Binchen: "Hehe."

Shi Jinglin snorted coldly, "I haven't seen it!"

Sun Zhengyi was very helpless and said with emotion: "The atmosphere is too conservative and the society is too rigid. Young people want to work in big companies and find a stable job. Even if some people want to start a business, they don't want to take risks. The Internet is all about developing software. Especially game software. Even the worst game can easily sell thousands of copies and make a lot of money. If there is a business that can make a profit without losing money, who would take the risk of doing the Internet? ah?"

Zhou Buqi and others just said haha, it's not easy to tell the truth.

They already have a basic understanding of Japanese society. To put it bluntly, it is stable, orderly, stable, and well-organized. To put it in a deeper way, it means rigidity, inflexibility, solidification of class, depressive social atmosphere, and blocked upward channels. Young people have entered the stage of lying down, and they want to work in a big company with a lifetime employment contract.

Sun Zhengyi said: "Japan and China still have many similarities at the cultural level. They are both Chinese characters and are deeply influenced by Confucian culture. Americans can't understand the Japanese market, and their Internet companies can't do it here. Ziweixing is different, and I have great confidence in your Japanese strategy."

Zhou Buqi said: "This still needs the help of Softbank!"


"I heard...Softbank bought Vodafone last year?"

"Yes." Masayoshi Son nodded, "It's not Vodafone Group, it's Vodafone Japan. Well, are you interested in the mobile phone market?"

Zhou Buqi smiled, "That's right."

Vodafone is one of the largest communication operators in the world. Its Japanese business has been owned by Softbank and it also sells mobile phones.

Sun Zhengyi frowned, "I know that Ziwei Star has a holding subsidiary that makes mobile phones, but the mobile phones you make cannot enter the Japanese market."

Zhou Buqi said: "It's not a mobile phone. We have a UC mobile browser. This is a world-class free mobile browser with powerful functions. It has already..."

Sun Zhengyi waved his hand and said with a smile, "Got it, I've heard of it."

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