On the Internet, public opinion is raging.

Sister Feng's tongue-in-cheek battles with all the heroes, killing everyone. The focus of the debate is no longer about her going on a blind date to find a boyfriend, but about Helo and the tens of billions of subsidies.

Although netizens picked out countless loopholes and mistakes from her words, and listed a lot of detailed evidence, it shows that Helo's product performance is excellent, and the tens of billions of subsidies are true and reliable.

But "Sister Feng" is not a person, but a group of people.

When this person is free, he posts some absurd remarks on the Internet. After a while, another person is free, and then post some weird opinions. Gimmick Heights is mastered to death.

No matter how netizens argue, Sister Feng is going her own way, belittling Helo on the one hand, and praising QQ on the other hand. Said that the 18 boyfriends she had had before were all met on QQ, and she only believed in QQ.

Public opinion gradually changed.

More and more people are standing on the opposite side of Sister Feng.

The position determines the choice, which is the most basic phenomenon of group psychology.

Just like some fresh meat idols, some are more upright, polite and friendly, but his fans are too annoying, like flies. This caused many outsiders to dislike Fresh Meat himself because they disliked his fans.

In short, for Ziweixing, the trend is positive!

Meng Houkun also came to Zhou Buqi's office happily, with an attitude of winning the battle, "Hey! It's here!"


Zhou Buqi dismissed Wang Yaojin and brought him a cup of black coffee himself.

Meng Houkun proudly said: "The second step was a great success. The other party's behaviors such as bundled installation, forced installation, induced uninstallation, and forced incompatibility have all been cancelled."

Zhou Buqi laughed and said, "Did you get discouraged so soon?"

Meng Houkun snorted, "That's necessary. Who dares to use the micro-point anti-virus even if it has been blocked by the report? Don't you have to treat it as a virus obediently and delete the relevant files in isolation."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "It seems that Jinshan has responded."

"Jinshan?" Meng Houkun was taken aback, "What does it have to do with Jinshan?"

Zhou Buqi said angrily: "You think you did this? I support you behind your back! They have reached a cooperation with Jinshan, and they will free Jinshan Antivirus. At that time, QQ Computer Manager and Jinshan Antivirus will form Security kit, do you think you can still control the field so easily?"

"Uh..." Meng Houkun opened his eyes wide, "You're done?"

Zhou Buqi snorted, "Nonsense! Of course it's me!"

Meng Houkun curled his lips and said: "You are the big boss, who else will you take over? You should!"

Wang Yaojin next to her was startled when she heard this, and couldn't help but look deeply at this unfamiliar idiot. It's a bit arrogant to dare to speak to Boss Zhou in such a tone.

Because it is morning, Zhou Buqi usually drinks a cup of Americano coffee or black tea, which is delicious and refreshing. He pondered and said: "Since the other party has canceled all the non-compliant methods, you should also accept them. Don't play." Don’t smash the signboard with the set of security threats.”

Meng Houkun frowned, "Boss Zhou, why do you always like to defend? When people come to pick things up again and again, you just blindly defend and defuse the opponent's methods. Take the initiative to attack! If you don't teach them a lesson, won't it be endless?"

Zhou Buqi said: "How to fight back? Use micro-point anti-virus to continue to intercept? Bare feet are not afraid of wearing shoes, we wear shoes, we should be more respectable."


"Okay, I have my own arrangements for this matter. Just do your own thing, and start the second round of peace talks with them at the beginning of next month."


Meng Houkun was very dissatisfied. He obviously had the upper hand, so he took the initiative to negotiate peace with him?

Zhou Buqi said: "Don't fight back for the sake of fighting back, but fight back for the sake of profit. It's a child if you act emotionally. The best result is that we can gain benefits without fighting back. Go to the military plan, not fight And the soldiers who surrender. Now it is the penguin who keeps attacking, and we are defending. The attitude of our peers is to support us, and we are the one being bullied. If we fight back, and come up with more domineering and unreasonable tactics Means, what do you think everyone will think?"

"A dog bites a dog."

"You are the dog!"

"just kidding."

Meng Houkun laughed out loud.

Zhou Buqi waved his hand and asked casually, "By the way, how are you and Ma Shangqi?"

Meng Houkun's face collapsed, "That's it."

Zhou Buqi said angrily: "What's your attitude? Qiqi is a big girl, and she followed you for nothing. Are you still not satisfied? Are you too scumbag?"

Meng Houkun sighed, "She... hey, she is like this cup of black coffee."

"Black coffee?" Zhou Buqi glanced down, with a puzzled tone, "It's delicious? Isn't it good?"

Meng Houkun curled his lips and said: "What a delicious taste, it's so bitter! It's neither sweet nor milky!"

Wang Yaojin on the side almost froze.

Zhou Buqi twitched the corners of her mouth, "Qiqi's character is a bit savage and willful, not sweet. But no...is this an exaggeration? I dare not say too much, at least she is a B cup."

Meng Houkun broke down and said, "It was padded."

Zhou Buqi couldn't help laughing, and said seriously: "No matter what, you have to hold on to me. She can only dump you, and you can't abandon her. If you didn't do it in a daze, I might... ..."

"Okay, okay, here it is! Here it is for you!" Meng Houkun's eyes lit up, and he looked very excited, thinking that Boss Zhou was so loyal that he wanted to take over.

Zhou Buqi said: "Get out!"


Meng Houkun leaned back and let out a long sigh.

Zhou Buqi snorted and said, "Who told you that you can't control your lower body? Do it yourself. Learn from my self-control, why are you in such a state of desperation? Well... my relatives opened a women's beauty salon to see if there is any breast enhancement Project. If it doesn’t work, just implant a prosthesis, and it will work if you make do.”

Meng Houkun was ashamed and ran away.

A pair of boss and secretary in the office were left laughing heartlessly.


At the end of this month, the smoke of the war between Ziweixing and Penguin has somewhat dissipated.

Zhou Buqi came home from get off work early.

When I went to the gym on the second floor, I found that Shi Jinglin hadn't done anything good again, she was actually slamming Xue Baoshan on the wall.

Baoshan's face was red, her eyes dodged, she didn't dare to look at her.

Zhou Buqi fell from the sky and became a flower protector, shouting, "What are you doing?"

Shi Jinglin was taken aback, feeling a little guilty, "No... nothing, just talking to Baoshan. Didn't you say you want to take me to Japan? I'll see if she will go or not."

This trip to Japan is mainly for three things.

First, inspect Ziweixing Japan Co., Ltd.

Second, go to Yahoo Softbank to investigate.

Three, see Sun Zhengyi talk about financing.

The B-round financing of Ziwei Star will be led by Softbank. As the world's largest private equity firm for technology venture capital, SoftBank has absorbed more than US$20 billion in funds in the past two months.

The reason why it is so fierce is that the technology stocks are too fierce, and the Nasdaq has already flown.

Moreover, the subprime mortgage crisis is a bit troublesome and has great hidden dangers.

Central banks all over the world are releasing water, and inflation is happening all over the world. Some countries have started zero or even negative interest rates. Putting money in the bank means shrinking wealth.

The best way is to invest money in the technology industry. On the one hand, it is to avoid risks, and on the other hand, the technology industry is gaining momentum and the rate of return is super high.

Softbank is one of the best.

Sun Zhengyi waved the check and looked for high-quality projects all over the world. Ziweixing is currently the project he pays the most attention to and values ​​the most.

This buddy has a very bold style. He didn't negotiate much a while ago, so he offered Ziwei Xing a valuation of 35 billion US dollars.

However, because Ziwei Star was temporarily under joint investigation by five ministries and commissions, which was an uncontrollable policy risk, the financing plan was temporarily shelved.

Wait for the results of the investigation.

If the survey results are unfavorable, then the valuation of Ziweixing will shrink; once the survey results are favorable, it is equivalent to obtaining official endorsement, and the valuation may rise.

When Zhou Buqi went to Japan, he went to meet him first, mainly to show a gesture. It's a bit unreasonable for the big boss not to show up for such an important matter.

Right now, Shi Jinglin was flustered, she was telling lies.

Zhou Buqi was not good at debunking her in front of Sister Bao, and snorted: "You stand over here, I will beat you two."

Shi Jinglin's beautiful eyes were shining, and her face was filled with joy. She had been beaten by this scumbag so many times, and she had never been so happy before. She obediently stood beside Baoshan, shoulder to shoulder, holding hands, waiting for the wall.

Zhou Buqi was not too polite, one on each side, a long kiss on the left, and a deep kiss on the right, it was a joy.

This is the second floor. Aunt Xue came and went relatively freely. She also came to the gym to do yoga. When she saw this scene, she said angrily, "Go, go upstairs for intimacy."

Looking back, Zhou Buqi saw that she was wearing shorts, blue sports underwear and white sports shorts, revealing a white and smooth waist and straight white thighs. It's like a little girl. It's okay, you can do some exercise, I'll just hang around here for a while, it won't affect you."

Aunt Xue glared at him, there was nothing she could do with this bastard.

wall dong?

Who doesn't understand?

Bidong put his hands on the wall, showing masculine arrogance and might in front of the girls.

What are you doing?

Both hands were in their pajamas.

Fortunately, this is Bidong Linlin and Baoshan, and their hands are just right. If Wu Yu also comes over, your hand is not enough!

With that bastard around, Aunt Xue felt ashamed to do yoga. Some poses were shameful, so she got on the treadmill and turned a blind eye to the three people by the wall.

Living together for a long time, this kind of intimate and cuddly scenes will happen every day under her nose, and she is used to it.

Ten minutes later, the wall dong was over.

Shi Jinglin's voice was mixed with coquettishness and flattery, and she suggested enthusiastically, "Tonight, the three of us should be together."

Zhou Buqi flatly refused, "No way!"

Shi Jinglin was very angry, and stomped her feet, "Why are you doing this? Aunt Xue, Zhou Buqi likes the new and dislikes the old, just take care of him!"

Aunt Xue had no choice but to turn around and warn: "Xiao Zhou, you are not allowed to bully Linlin, a man has to be responsible, what is bullying a woman?"

Shi Jinglin was beaming with joy, complacent, and threatened: "I'm going to bed tonight, and Baoshan will come with me. If you dare not agree, I won't go to Japan. When the time comes...huh."

Zhou Buqi's heart shook.

been threatened.

This time on a business trip to Japan, if she and Sister Bao were left at home... something might happen!


The backyard is on fire!

At this time, Xue Baoshan, who was rare and reticent, took his hand, "Student Zhou?"


"Or just listen to sister Linlin, I can do it."

Zhou Buqi sighed, "It has to be like this."

Shi Jinglin won the flag, she smiled sweetly, and shouted softly: "Aunt Xue, thank you!" Then, she took Baoshan's tender little hand, "Let's go, let's go take a bath."

Zhou Buqi stayed in the gym, watching Aunt Xue jogging on the treadmill, controlling her breathing...Sports underwear and sports shorts tightly wrapped her plump figure, and her whole body was extremely round.

"What are you looking at?"

Aunt Xue found out that he was peeking at her, so she couldn't help but turn her head and stare at him.

Zhou Buqi asked: "Aunt Xue, how big is your cup size?"

"What?" Aunt Xue's brows were upside down, her face flushed, she turned off the treadmill at once, and walked over angrily, her phoenix eyes were full of power, "You bastard, you are not big or small! What did you just say? Are you here?" Say it again?"

Zhou Buqi looked her up and down, and saw that she was a little ashamed, so he said confidently: "Aunt Xue, you are an elder, but I am the head of the family. You should take care of my affairs in the future. I am here for the treasure. Good Shan, you can join me blindly. For the sake of your good figure, forget it this time, and if you dare to mess up my affairs next time, I will not punish you."

After speaking, he turned around and left.

Aunt Xue was stunned, staring blankly at his back, then stomped her feet fiercely, panting angrily, "It's the opposite, it's the opposite!"

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