Top of the big era

Chapter 892 The operating system is a great power strategy

The development of Helo is a bit overwhelming, far exceeding expectations. This not only brought great confidence to Zhou Buqi, but also boosted the confidence of the entire company, and the dawn of victory was just around the corner.

The future is boundless, the future is boundless!

Under this general trend, the mentality of executives has also undergone some changes. They are more looking forward to the B-round financing of Ziweixing, and they are more and more supportive of the overseas strategy of Boss Zhou.

In terms of search, Micropoint is already the second largest in China, second only to Baidu.

Doing instant messaging... This is hell-level difficulty. Countless big companies have fallen at the feet of QQ, forming a sea of ​​corpses. But in this situation, Helo unexpectedly came out!

No matter how big the controversy and doubts on the Internet are, everyone's actions are consistent.

Helo has been online for three weeks, with nearly 200 million downloads and more than 60 million registered users.

Helo has more than 50 million active users in the past three days.

Yesterday, Helo's active users also exceeded 40 million for the first time!

The reason why it can be promoted so quickly is that besides overwhelming advertisements, there are three more important reasons——

First, the help of college students.

Second, the strong attraction of "Happy Farm".

Third, the money-making effect of the gold coin wallet system.

Especially the group of college students, they spontaneously formed hundreds of forces in campus forums and interest circles, and helped Xiaonei to promote Helo in many different ways.

College students have passed the ignorance and ignorance of their teenage years, especially some students from prestigious schools, who have begun to think more on their own, have their own judgments on right and wrong, and have a clearer understanding of the domestic Internet situation.

QQ's growth path has been criticized, and there are various memberships, skins, and value-added services of yellow diamonds and red diamonds. The food is too ugly... The timing of Helo's appearance is just right.

Next, it is time to study overseas strategies.

The domestic market can no longer hold back the ambitions of Boss Zhou.

Lei Jun's "UC+YY" concept was rejected by Zhou Buqi.

But it also woke him up.

UC can carry a greater role!

UC browser is the absolute leader in domestic mobile phones, and has reached cooperation with Nokia, Motorola, Samsung and other mobile phone manufacturers. When these brands of mobile phones leave the factory, UC browser will be installed by default.

In contrast, the market shares of browsers such as openwave, opera, MP, navigator, and interstellar are so low that they are negligible.

The general situation is similar to Ziweixing.

The domestic market cannot hold back the growth of UC.

It's time to go abroad!

The only thing that is lacking is the funds to expand overseas markets, overseas channels, and talents in overseas business departments.

Coincidentally, Ziwei Xing has them all.

At this decision-making committee, everyone discussed the plan to acquire UC.

The philosophy of UC Browser is "the faster the better, the cheaper it is", which is no worse than other browsers in the world. In the previous life, after UC received financing to develop its overseas strategy, it soon became the mobile browser with the largest number of users in the world.

Since you want to do it, why not do it big!

Come to a wave of strong alliances, taking advantage of the opportunity of the subprime mortgage crisis, to grab a wave of market fiercely.

Tang Binchen has already set up the business framework in Japan, and is preparing for a Twitter-type website called YikYak. It also cooperates with the Modu branch to revise WIMI Xiutu and 91 Mobile Assistant, focusing on the Japanese market.

If the merger and acquisition of UC is successful, the brand of UC can be promoted.

"UC" is two English letters, unlike names like, Weidian,, and Toutiao, which have obvious localized characteristics.

The English brand of "UC" is very suitable for focusing on internationalization.

WIMI changed its name to "UC Beauty" and 91 Mobile Assistant to "UC Assistant", so that it can enter the Japanese market in a more popular way.

In the previous life, UC went to sea with a relatively low posture, and went directly to the Indian and Southeast Asian markets, and achieved great success. When I have accumulated enough experience in overseas operations and want to enter developed countries such as Korea, Japan, Europe and the United States, I find that the market has been divided up by Silicon Valley giants. Too late, unfortunately.

Zhou Buqi intends to take advantage of the subprime mortgage crisis to make a fortune!

After Japan is settled, South Korea is also in the bag, and the Southeast Asian and Indian markets are also within easy reach.


At the decision-making committee, the proposal to acquire UC UTV was unanimously approved.

Zhou Buqi entrusted He Yang to take full responsibility for the matter.

Prior to this, UC had stated that it was very disappointed after Lei Jun failed to seize power. He communicated with the management, saying that when the next round of UC financing, he hopes to withdraw, and he will have nothing to do with UC from then on.

This is of course a good thing.

"Boss, look at this."

After the meeting, Wang Yaojin handed over the notice she had just received.


"A notice from the Ministry of Science and Technology."


Zhou Buqi was a little surprised.

Wang Yaojin said: "They said they were going to hold a more important meeting and invited Ziweixing to participate. After Xu Liangjie saw it, he transferred it to you."

Zhou Buqi paid attention to it and glanced at the notice.

A little broken.

operating system!

In the past two years, the momentum of mobile phones has picked up. Technology companies in the United States, Europe, Canada and other countries have launched research on mobile phone operating systems.

Among them, Apple, Symbian, Android, Blackberry and other companies are the representatives.

Since the 1980s, there has been a wave of research on operating systems in China.

In the beginning, I was working on the Sinicization of Microsoft, and I made it through hard work. As a result, Microsoft directly launched the official Chinese version. The first wave of research on the operating system was completely cool.

The second wave is China-made Linux. Relevant departments of the state paid close attention to it. They spent a lot of money to produce several versions, and even used administrative means to force government and enterprise agencies to use it... but it was impossible to push it forward.

The computer level of civil servants is generally very low, especially the leaders, it is difficult to use a mouse. I don't even understand Windows, so don't even think about Linux.

As one can imagine, the result was a crushing defeat.

The computer operating system can't do it anymore.

Now, authorities have discovered a market for mobile phones.

Led by the Ministry of Science and Technology, this is to call on technology companies across the country to break the technological blockade of imperialism and create a domestically controllable mobile phone operating system.

Zhou Buqi sighed, and understood why Xu Liangjie wanted to forward this notice to himself.

It stands to reason that Boss Zhou doesn't need to attend such a meeting at all. He doesn't understand technology, so it's useless to go, and the technical committee will send people to participate.

But this meeting is different, it involves the strategy of a great power.

This is not just a technical issue.

If Ziweixing is a small company, it’s fine. This is a giant IT company in the capital, and it has also taken some benefits from the government. It is necessary to contribute to the strategy of a big country because of the situation and reason.

But as an operating system...

It's fine if you're a pure layman, with a passionate feeling that there are many people and strength, and nothing can't be done.

But Zhou Buqi has been in this industry for several years, and he deeply understands a truth. With the current domestic strength, it is impossible to make an independent and controllable operating system.

Not enough money, not enough staff, not enough technology.

Dr. Wang Jian led a team to do cloud computing, and there will be a cloud platform operating system project. This operating system is much easier than PC operating systems and mobile phone operating systems, and has fewer and single functions.

Another group of elite soldiers was brought in from Silicon Valley, and they were also digging in the country... It can be said that they have formed the most powerful technical team in the field of domestic operating systems.

Even so, the Ziwei Cloud operating system could not start from scratch. It had to be modified according to the open source Linux and Android, and it even went to the United States to buy a set of embedded systems at a high price for reference.

Zhou Buqi turned around and went to Xu Liangjie's office, "Old Xu, you go to this meeting!"

Xu Liangjie said: "It's easy to hold a meeting, what attitude should we take?"

"Not participating."


Xu Liangjie was slightly startled, "Isn't this very good?"

Although Ziwei Star is a private enterprise, it does not have to implement national policies unreasonably like state-owned enterprises. However, it is unreasonable to not participate in this kind of major power strategy.

Zhou Buqi said: "There are three reasons, you should grasp it. First, Ziweixing is mainly focusing on the technical blockade in the database field. So far, it has achieved gratifying results. The indicators of Feitian database are far superior to Oracle. Next , we will continue to strengthen, optimize, and refine to make the Feitian database a top-level database that is truly autonomous and controllable."

"Secondly, Ziweixing is doing cloud computing, including cloud computing operating systems. Computers need operating systems, mobile phones need operating systems, and cloud platforms also need operating systems. Now, the computer side has been monopolized by Microsoft, and the mobile phone side has also blossomed. The focus of Ziweixing is the cloud computing platform. We have a strong operating system technology team, and we have a different way of thinking.”

"Third, we are actively developing overseas strategies, focusing on the Japanese market. Ziweixing has limited energy, and may not be able to carry out more large projects in a short period of time. The Internet will be the most important channel in the future market. If we The success of Japan's strategy is equivalent to occupying Japan's market channels. At that time, it will be better and more convenient to export domestic products to Japan, which is also a big country strategy."

Xu Liangjie took a deep breath, "Let Guo Dan and Zhou Feng go to the meeting with me."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Yes."

Xu Liangjie let out a long sigh, feeling very helpless, "Building an operating system requires a lot of perseverance and a lot of money. It's not that easy. Even if China Mobile, China Unicom and other state-owned enterprises respond positively, I'm afraid..."

Zhou Buqi agreed, "It can only be a magic reform."

"Android is the only open source mobile phone operating system on the market. If you want to modify it, you can only modify Android with a shell. Moreover, even if it is modified, the technical level of those state-owned enterprises..." Xu Liangjie shook his head.

Zhou Buqi's eyes lit up, "Yes! China Mobile must respond to the call of the Ministry of Science and Technology. At that time, we will have to ask Ziweixing for help. Hmm! Good thing!"

In this way, the mobile reading base project is logical.

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