The influence of the "10 billion subsidy" is too great.

With the passage of time, various discussion voices appeared on major forums, and most of the voices were full of doubts.

"Ten Billion Subsidies, Are They Real?" "

"Ziweixing Big Secret Revealed, Feedback 10 Billion in Three Years, Is It True or False?" "

The Internet Needs Advertising Laws! "

"Extremely exaggerated slogan, is it suspected of false propaganda?" "


For the hot discussion on the Internet, Ziweixing has not given an explanation for a long time.

Let the public opinion fly a little longer!

It is a good thing to have doubts and criticisms.

If the slogan of "10 billion subsidy" is shouted, and there is no picture on the Internet, as if it didn't happen, then it will be called a disaster. In many cases, negative marketing can play a greater role than positive marketing.

Wang Xing came to report, saying that the recent trend of public opinion on the Internet is not right, there are too many criticisms, and it feels like someone is deliberately guiding public opinion.

Zhou Buqi didn't take it seriously, and said with a smile: "It is not a bad thing to make the criticism more violent. If there is only one voice, then this voice can only be a lie. There are many smart people on the Internet, as long as they wake up , Let’s clarify and explain after a while...Well, it’s best to explain it with the authorities, so that the authority and credibility will be gained. The more violent the criticism is now, the wilder the future praise will be.”

For ten days in a row, the Internet was hotly discussed.

There are more and more questioning voices, and even many well-known financial figures and cultural scholars have blatantly taken the lead, hoping that the relevant departments will severely punish this.

The Internet is not a lawless place!

To deal with this kind of vicious competition and behaviors that undermine the fairness of the Internet, we must strike resolutely as soon as possible as soon as possible! After a long time, it is possible for Ziweixing's plan to succeed.

At that time, even if the government finds out that the 10 billion subsidy is fake and imposes a penalty, it will be too late...Ziweixing may have already made Helo through this wave of false marketing.

But gradually, the trend of public opinion has also changed.

Among them, led by Lao Luo's, many big Vs have analyzed this phenomenon, calling on netizens not to follow blindly, follow trends, or be carried away by emotions before they fully understand the truth. Wait patiently until more details are disclosed. If it is really false propaganda, it will not be too late to criticize it.

At the same time, there were also many interesting messages on Tianya, Maopu and other websites——

"I downloaded Helo for criticism."

"I used Helo to send more than 100 text messages to my boyfriend for free yesterday, just to pluck the wool."

"In order to prove the falseness of tens of billions of subsidies, I have to do every task again, and then quickly withdraw cash!"

"The subsidy of tens of billions is too exaggerated, and the subsidy of one billion is about the same. So you have to enter the market quickly to accumulate gold coins, and you will lose your chance if it is too late."


Zhou Buqi doesn't pay attention to the comments on the Internet.

In 10 days since its launch, Helo has been downloaded more than 80 million times!

More than 44 million registered users!

Yesterday, 36 million people across the country logged on to Helo, all of whom completed their regular tasks, and 13 million completed most of their extra tasks.

The regular tasks are to log in to Helo, Jinri Toutiao and, and the extra tasks change every day, sometimes more and sometimes less.

A total of 4.2 billion gold coins were distributed yesterday, with a total value of 4.2 million yuan.

On average, each person received 12 cents.

For routine tasks and extra tasks, the per capita account is 8.4 cents, and the other money... mainly comes from the rewards for receiving text messages.

Relying on text message rewards, someone swiped up to 3.25 yuan in a single day.

Yesterday, Helo received a total of 12 million text messages!

For this business alone, each text message rewards 100 gold coins, and the gold coin wallet system sent 1.2 billion gold coins.

According to the SP business cooperation between Ziweixing and Monternet, the value-added service fee for each SMS is 10 cents, and Ziweixing can receive 5 cents. Among them, 1 cent is turned into 100 gold coins to subsidize users, leaving 4 cents of profit.

12 million text messages, equivalent to an income of 480,000 yuan!

Although the income of 480,000 is compared with the expenditure of 4.2 million, there is still a big gap. But after such data came out, the entire Helo decision-making team cheered up.

Facts have proved that such a business model design is completely feasible.

36 million people received only 12 million text messages, an average of 0.3 text messages per person.

This scale is too small.

The upside is huge!

If there are 3 text messages per capita, you can have an income of 4.8 million, and you can make ends meet.

At the morning meeting that day, Xu Liangjie joked: "It seems that the 10 billion subsidy is indeed suspected of false propaganda. According to this momentum, the subsidy of 10 billion in three years is a bit unstoppable!"

He Yang shook his head, "The situation is improving, but there are some things that need to be dealt with quickly. Four departments have already issued documents asking us to explain the tens of billions of subsidies."

Zhou Buqi waved his hand, "There is no need to explain, the action can be bigger. We welcome the four ministries and commissions to come to Ziweixing to review, supervise and guide our 10 billion subsidy plan."

Ziweixing has a lot of face, and the four ministries and commissions are not willing to come to disturb them rashly.

However, after receiving reports from the industry and the negative impact of false marketing widely spread in the media, we cannot just sit idly by and ask Ziweixing to explain to the public.

In fact, it is a kind of protection.

The relevant departments didn't come to the door to check and let Ziweixing give an explanation on its own terms, so the matter was over.

Well, the internet doesn't have to be too strict.

Zhou Buqi didn't think so, and said sternly: "For the doubts on the Internet, we made a public statement to express our gratitude to the netizens for their supervision. False propaganda is indeed abhorrent. Ziweixing is willing to work with the majority of netizens to resist false propaganda. In order to prove our innocence, we will actively invite industry and commerce, cybersecurity and informatization, taxation, the State Administration of Market Supervision and other departments to form a joint investigation team to investigate tens of billions of subsidies comprehensively and in detail, and return the truth to the public. , We will announce the distribution of gold coins of the previous day at 12:00 noon every day, so that all netizens can monitor in real time to ensure that the tens of billions of subsidy plans are carried out as scheduled."

He Yang said with a smile: "This matter will make a big fuss."

"The bigger the better!" Zhou Buqi snorted, "We are clearing ourselves up and making a sample of Internet marketing. It is said that it is a subsidy of tens of billions, but it is a subsidy of tens of billions. If colleagues want to learn, they have to weigh it up." , to see if we can withstand the joint investigation of the four ministries."

"Next, there is still the matter of moving..."


Open sooner or later.

When I got back to the office, I saw Wang Yaojin sneaking over, handed over a small note like a treasure, and said quietly: "Boss, you have to reward me!"

Then, while Ning Yaxian was making tea, she slipped away.

Zhou Buqi was a little baffled, opened the small note and couldn't help coughing twice.

"Boss, I also want to be your lover. ——Mu'er."

It turned out to be a small note from Feng Muer, who was promoted to the third secretary.

It's not surprising.

The current Feng Mu'er has moved out of the collective rented house and lives with Wang Yaojin. A few days ago, Boss Zhou went there once, and in front of her, he went to the bedroom with his arms around Wang Yaojin.

After finishing the work, they also took a mandarin duck bath together.

Usually, Wang Yaojin's life is very small, and she doesn't need to think too much about clothes and shoes that cost hundreds of dollars, and she can buy what she wants. On rest days, he would take her to a five-star hotel for afternoon tea. She is still taking her driver's license test and needs to buy a car.

Behind all this is the support from the boss of Zhou Da.

For a day or two, Feng Muer could hold on.

After a long time, it is inevitable that I will not feel good in my heart.

From any point of view, she doesn't think she is worse than Sister Yaojin. Why is she living a leisurely and nourishing life, but she has to work hard, and in the end she can't make much money, even if she wants to send some money to her parents to send back.

Coupled with Wang Yaojin's intentional or unintentional hints, she was willing to go all out.

Ning Yaxian came over after making tea, a little strange, "What is Wang Yaojin doing?"

Zhou Buqi smiled and handed over the small note.

Ning Yaxian opened it, shook her head secretly, and said softly: "It's been a year since she came to practice. It's not easy to persist for such a long time. Just like the girls who work in the night market, it's been a long time , no one can hold on."

Zhou Buqi was dissatisfied, and said angrily: "What do you mean? My secretary's room is a night show?"

Ning Yaxian pursed her lips and smiled, and said softly: "Okay, that's not what I mean, I mean the influence of the general environment on a person."

Zhou Buqi snorted and said, "You have always been in charge of the secretary's office. The bad environment is also your influence. Don't forget, you were the one who seduced me back then, and you crawled into my bed racking your brains."

"Who seduced you?"

Ning Yaxian was wronged and wronged.

Zhou Buqi glared, "Don't you dare to say that? You've been posing all the time, wearing a short skirt and sitting across from me, with your legs still closed, showing it to me on purpose. That time when I went out of town, I even asked you to pee in your arms..."

Ning Yaxian couldn't listen anymore, her face turned red, and she hurriedly said: "Okay, sir, I seduced you first. Thank you for your love, thank you for giving me the opportunity to warm the bed, okay?"

"Originally." Zhou Buqi was very satisfied, and then sighed, "At the beginning, I was also a pure young man, thinking of self-denial and restoration of manners, but I met you, a vixen, and broke my single-mindedness. Alas, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't be able to make more mistakes than I am now."

Ning Yaxian collapsed, wishing she could get under the table.

This big boss is really shameless!

At the beginning, it was obviously you who always peeked at me and touched my thigh...

There is no way, who is the big boss? Ning Yaxian could only endure it, and asked softly: "What about Mu'er? How about I arrange the time for you, and you get off work early at night to accompany you she?"

"Hmph! I just wanted to lead my boss to the wrong path! A beauty is a disaster!"

"Ah? Refuse?"

Zhou Buqi snorted, "Who told you that you refused?"

Ning Yaxian had no choice but to lean over and said softly: "Okay, who are you angry with? Is it Helo's business? Or...or go under the table to help you vent your anger? "

Zhou Buqi sighed, "It's the person who is moving, and he wants to do things... nine out of ten people from Penguin are behind the scenes. Well, you stand up and don't drill in. He Yang will come over in a while , I'll discuss it with him."

Ning Yaxian breathed a sigh of relief.

Sure enough.

This boss Zhou is using himself as a punching bag again!

"Then... where is Mu'er?" Ning Yaxian cautiously asked tentatively.

Zhou Buqi pondered for a while, and sighed: "Forget it, she just graduated from university, and it's not easy. Without some extra money, it's impossible to gain a foothold in the capital with a little salary. You go and tell her, I'll go the night after tomorrow. Then, help her."

A strange smile appeared on Ning Yaxian's face, "Big Boss, you are really kind and considerate."

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