Top of the big era

Chapter 876 Helo's Expectation

The tens of billions of subsidies are spectacular.

Three days later, Helo had more than 30 million downloads.

What is the concept of 30 million?

In the past, launched an IM software called Xiaoneitong. It has been promoted for more than a year, and finally it has accumulated 30 million downloads.

Of the 30 million downloads, only 20 million were actually converted into registered users.

It only took Ziweixing three days to achieve such a result.

Of course, Ziweixing still has a long way to go.

The Xiaoneitong in the previous life was mainly backed by the college student market, and behind it was a group of current and graduate students, with a limited audience. From the name "Xiaoneitong", it can be seen that this product is difficult to expand.

The number of users of instant messaging that can be transformed into the campus market can reach 20 million.

It's not even close yet.

Three days later, relying on the Xiaonei network, Helo has only developed 9 million users in the college student market, and more than half of the market can be developed.

The current Helo, although Fu Hongliang, the person in charge, is only an M4, but the specifications of this product in Ziweixing are extremely high.

Zhou Buqi specially set up a Helo decision-making team, and personally acted as the team leader. The deputy team leaders are Xu Liangjie, He Yang and Fu Hongliang. The team members include Zhang Yiming, Guo Pengfei, Liang Rubo, Wang Xiaochuan, Shi Jinglin, Cheng Zhenping, Han Leshui, Sheng Kang, Luo Ji and others.

A special group was set up to bring together a group of elite executives to make a decision on a product. Such a thing has only happened once in the past. That is the time to compete with Baidu and do micro-point search with all our strength.

It can be seen that the group attaches great importance to this product.

If Helo is completed, it is impossible to bow down to the social business group. It will definitely become independent and become a dedicated business department just like the Internet media department, with a higher level of authority.

The day's group meeting was mainly to study a research report made by Professor Han Leshui, and make a comprehensive and detailed estimate of the future Helo product development.

Professor Han is an academic talent, not good at management and product operation, he is good at business research and industry analysis.

Based on his analysis and summary, the executives made some trade-offs and made some decision-making judgments.

Theme of the report: To further clarify the market positioning of Helo!

Doing instant messaging is not the same as doing search.

Search is a tool, as long as it works well, users love to use it. Instant messaging serves as a tool for chatting, but it is not only a simple tool, but also closely related to daily life.

For example, the competition between MSN and QQ.

But for a long period of time, MSN has stood on the moral high ground, especially in some "tall" occasions. Strangers will exchange contact information, if the QQ number is reported... well, the relationship will basically be broken.

Because the social impression is that QQ is very vulgar and low-end, and it is the standard configuration of the three low-end groups.

Behind the product is the issue of face.

If you report your MSN account, you will appear to be very powerful, as if you are in line with international standards, as if you are very business, very high-end, and have a lot of social face.

Only those underage children and students don't care about this. QQ is fun and easy to use, and everyone exchanged QQ numbers naturally.

Now, the battle between QQ and MSN has basically ended, and QQ has won a big victory.

At this time, the social atmosphere reversed.

MSN's high profile is not so outstanding, but young people have taken the initiative. They say that MSN is used by older people, old-fashioned and old-fashioned, while QQ is used by young people.

Formed a very obvious product age group difference.

"Young means rebellious. They will instinctively draw boundaries with their parents and teachers, cut off from them, and form a small circle by themselves. It's like clothes. Young people don't like to wear the same clothes as older people. shape."

Han Leshui's discussion got everyone's thinking.

Generational gaps are everywhere.

The young and the old live in two completely different worlds.

The previous generation looked down on the next generation, thinking they were too decadent.

The next generation also looks down on the previous generation, thinking they are too outdated.

Han Leshui went on to say: "The times are changing, but they have not changed. The young people today are actually no different from the young people a hundred or a thousand years ago. In essence, this is a combination of social experience, life pressure and life experience. Problem. When I was young, I didn’t experience the beatings of the society. I was full of idealism. I loved to play and entertain and make friends. This is the pain point that QQ solves. When I get older, I get married and have children, and the pressure of life increases. , I want firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and tea. At this time, the entertainment attribute in life will decrease, and the life attribute will increase.”

Xu Liangjie said: "One is entertainment and the other is life. It is difficult to be compatible. QQ is an entertainment software, and Helo is a life software."

Han Leshui made a further explanation, saying: "It's like a mobile phone pendant. Young people think it's cute and beautiful, so they like to buy it and hang it on their mobile phones. This is entertainment. But adults think it's too much of a hindrance. Affecting practicality, this is life.”

Guo Pengfei said: "Well, QQ show, QQ skin, QQ pet, QQ space, QQ game and other product designs are all designed to please young people and are full of entertainment. The positioning of Helo is different. Reading articles on the headlines, or sending text messages for free, are all aspects of life, not very entertaining, but very practical.”

Han Leshui said seriously: "Especially the gold coin wallet system!"

Then, he listed a set of data.

The gold coin wallet system is the most practical function of Helo. You can collect gold coins to save money. However... even saving money, some people don't like it, it's too troublesome.

There are about 30 million active users of the gold coin wallet system.

The vast majority are 25-35 years old, about 20 million people.

There are about 5 million people in the 18-25 age class.

There are also 5 million users over the age of 35.

Further explanation...

The class with the greatest social pressure is the most loyal user of the gold coin wallet system. Because they are in the stages of working, buying a house, getting married, and having children. There are seniors and juniors, and the pressure on their shoulders is heavier than a mountain. One penny can't wait to break into two flowers.

Although the money accumulated in the gold coin wallet system is not much, it is better than nothing.

In the process of relaxing online, you can also earn some extra pocket money, why not do it?

The 18-25-year-old class is mostly college students and young people who have just entered the society. The economic pressure is not great, and the perception of money is not real enough. I feel that using the gold coin wallet system to accumulate pennies and pennies is really too troublesome. I usually save a few packs of cigarettes, and my subjective initiative is not high.

As for the age group over 35 years old... there is no way. A large part of people are too lacking in network knowledge and cannot use it. It takes time to develop slowly.

Han Leshui said: "Elder people don't have to worry. With the promotion of the Internet, they will join. It is mainly young people. Among minors, there are almost no users of the gold coin wallet system. Among the college students, we have also analyzed , only 40% of college students would be keen on collecting gold coins.”

Zhou Buqi said: "We lack minor users because we lack related products, and a Martian character library package is not enough. Wait for Meitu Xiuxiu to be launched, and see if it can drive this group of people. Hmm... ...Professor Han, what is the proportion of users of the gold coin wallet system?"

Han Leshui said: "Now, there are 200 million netizens in the country. There are about 100 million active netizens who go online every day. Among these 100 million netizens, there are about 60 million normal active users belonging to Ziweixing. That is Say, if you look at it regardless of age group, half of the people will be interested in the gold coin wallet system, and the other half may not be too interested.”

For example, Kuaishou and Douyin in later generations have both released the "gold coin version", that is, the extreme speed version.

It can be seen from the data that among the users of Kuaishou and Douyin, basically half of them use the official version, and half of them use the extreme version.


Zhou Buqi frowned, and said with a smile: "Professor Han, please give me an expectation, what is the prospect of our Helo?"

"very good!"

Han Leshui answered decisively.

Zhou Buqi raised his eyebrows, "Better than QQ?"

"At least it's not too bad." Han Leshui's expression was more serious, and he talked freely, "According to the macro ratio of 50%, among the 100 million active netizens, 50 million should become active users of the gold coin wallet system. That's It means that Helo has a guaranteed 50 million active users!"

After some theory, Professor Han gave the result.

Everyone is very excited!

I felt that this person was indeed a business school professor, and his level was high, so he threw out an exciting answer directly under the twists and turns.

Han Leshui went on to say: "In addition to the 50 million guaranteed users of the gold coin wallet system, there are another half of college students who can win. College students love group texting, and Helo's free texting function can solve this problem. Got it For these college students, Helo’s expected active users can increase to 60 million.”

At this moment, Shi Jinglin suddenly interrupted, raised her hand and said, "Speaking of free texting, I have something to say."

Zhou Buqi waved his hand, "Say!"

Shi Jinglin said: "Some college students have suggested in the school forum that sending text messages for free will cause SMS bombing troubles. Some people may send text messages to a mobile phone endlessly, causing the other party's mobile phone to vibrate , the storage space is full after a while. This not only caused losses to us, but also caused a bad experience for users.”

Zhou Buqi asked: "How to change?"

Shi Jinglin is a bit hypocritical, she is not very good at product design, so she said weakly: "I think... I think we can change the free texting mode to gold coins for sending text messages. 50 gold coins to send a text message. In this way, It can be appropriate to restrict the behavior of some people who send text messages unrestrainedly."

Zhou Buqi made a decision, supported her opinion, and said decisively: "Just do as you said, every time you send a text message, you will consume 50 gold coins. The text message business is also included in the 10 billion subsidy plan. Since there are 60 % of college students are not interested in the gold coin wallet system, in order to send text messages, let them participate."

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