The reason why Ziweixing reduced its shareholding in UC from 55% to 48% was He Yang's suggestion.

Holding too many shares is a blow to the enthusiasm of start-up companies. Giving up the controlling stake is actually transferring the power to the management, which can further stimulate their entrepreneurial enthusiasm.

There is another more important reason. Yu Yongfu, the chairman and CEO of UC, was also born in Lenovo, and he has a good friendship with He Yang, which can be regarded as an ally relationship.

Yu Yongfu is not the founder of UC, but he is able to hold the power of UC in his hands. In addition to his outstanding personal ability, he also has the trust and support from the major shareholder Ziweixing.

Lei Jun wanted to bypass Ziweixing and get the remaining 52% of the shares. Others could say that, but Yu Yongfu couldn't pass it.

Yu Yongfu is not the founder, he is unwilling to stand aside. With Ziweixing's support behind him, the relationship background is much bigger than Boss Lei's.

He is fearless and resolute.

Just disagree!

In the past few days, Yu Yongfu and Lei Jun had a very unpleasant fight.

This morning, Lei Jun took the flight back to Beijing and came directly to Ziwei Star. Although Yu Yongfu didn't come over, he also called He Yang and explained the whole story clearly.

The key to this matter is actually Ziweixing.

Ziweixing supports Lei Jun, so Lei Jun will take over and become the chairman and CEO of UC. He will carry out some complicated business operations, and may merge with Duowan to create Lei's Penguin.

If you support Yu Yongfu, it will be a bit of a breakup.

The two founders of UC are both friends of Lei Jun. UC was able to survive back then because of the investment that Lei Jun helped bring in. As a result, he was out of control of such a company, and his disappointment might trigger conflicts between the two founders and Yu Yongfu.

He Yang said: "We must support Yu Yongfu in this matter."

"This is for sure." Zhou Buqi agreed with his statement, "If UC is handed over to Lei Jun, the control will be completely lost. Lao Yu is one of his own and can be trusted."

He Yang breathed a sigh of relief, quite satisfied.

I'm afraid that Boss Zhou and Lei Jun have too good a relationship, so he agreed to this matter out of affection.

Zhou Buqi pondered and said: "However, Lei Jun's ideas are still very informative. UC+YY can burst out a lot of imagination! Especially on the wireless mobile phone side, if he really wants to make it, maybe Another internet empire."


He Yang raised his eyebrows, feeling that Boss Zhou had something to say.

Zhou Buqi said: "To be honest, I have never paid much attention to UC. I just think that one day I will do almost the same, and sell it at a sky-high price to cash in. If we also make mobile browsers, we will collide with UC. But Now it seems that UC's strategic position can be further improved."

He Yang nodded, "The biggest advantage of UC is that it covers the entire domestic mobile phone market. Compared with other mobile browsers, UC is the overlord in this field."

Zhou Buqi waved his hand, stood up and said, "Lei Jun has a great idea, he has provided us with an idea. If the strategy of 'Helo+10 billion subsidy' fails, we can attack again and play a game of 'Helo+UC +YY' tactics. Alright, let's discuss this matter later, and I'll meet him."

"Wait a minute." He Yang stopped him, and said with a smile, "It seems that your new tactics are unnecessary. In the past hour, the download volume of Helo has exceeded 1 million."

Zhou Buqi was pleasantly surprised, "Really?"

"Noon is the peak time for surfing the Internet, and the plan of tens of billions of subsidies has been revealed... The feedback from shows that from 12:00 to 1:00, users spend an average of more than 35 minutes on"

"Good! Good thing!"

This time, Zhou Buqi became more confident.

There is traffic, which is really amazing!

In the previous life, Bytedance, every time a new app was launched, it could often rush to the top of the download list of larger app stores within a few days.

It is driven by the strong traffic of its own Toutiao and Douyin.

Not to mention penguins.

Relying on the traffic of QQ, almost everything can be done, and some small and medium-sized Internet companies have been beaten all over the place.

Now, it's Ziweixing's turn to take over, weaving a complete set of product matrix consisting of,, Weidian, Jinri Toutiao, Weidian's anti-virus pop-up recommendation, and external Sohu, Baidu, Youku, and Kuliu. The traffic network formed.

With traffic, you can do whatever you want.

Back in the office, Lei Jun was still waiting there.

Lei Jun asked with concern, "How is it? What happened?"

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "It's okay, didn't we launch an instant messaging product called Helo. It went online at 12 o'clock. Netizens were very enthusiastic, and the download volume was too large, which put too much pressure on the server load. It's okay. It's been dealt with."

"Too much download?" Lei Jun was taken aback for a moment.

Zhou Buqi said: "Well, it's quite big, already more than 1 million."


Lei Jun opened his eyes wide, looked down at his watch, and couldn't help but gasp!

Now, it's 1:13pm!

In other words, in just over an hour, Ziweixing's new chat software has more than 1 million downloads!

How much influence does this have to have? How much appeal?

Zhou Buqi sat down on the sofa, "Yaojin, bring me a bottle of iced Coke."

Wang Yaojin gave a sweet "Hey", feeling very puzzled.

My heart said, what happened to the big boss? Instead of drinking hot tea and coffee in winter, drink iced cola! Could it be that the evil fire stagnated in the lower abdomen did not vent out, and he wanted to drink some Coke to reduce the fire?

Thinking of this, Wang Yaojin quickly covered her mouth, almost laughing.

On the other hand, Zhou Buqi was still pretending to be modest, "It's noon, the peak time for surfing the Internet, after a while, the number of downloads will drop."

Lei Jun's expression was not very good, and he let out a "hmm".

Even at noon, such data is exaggerated.

In the past, when pushing new products in Jinshan, it took more than half a year of hard work, that is, 1 million downloads.

There is a more important point!

Ziweixing is making chat software. It seems that it has a certain possibility of gaining momentum. Under the appalling marketing of "tens of billions of subsidies", maybe it really...


Lei Jun panicked.

His "UC+YY" strategy is also to build a social ecology, including instant messaging software. In view of the invincible and invincible posture of QQ on the computer side, he intends to avoid its edge and exert strength on the mobile phone side.

After the iPhone entered the market, it brought about a major change in the concept of the global mobile phone industry, and the era of wireless Internet is close at hand.

Lei Jun's idea is to avoid QQ's dominance on the computer side and deploy on the mobile phone side first. It takes 2-3 years to integrate and coordinate the product ecology of UC and YY, and then make efforts on the mobile terminal.

Unexpectedly, Ziweixing also entered the arena!

Moreover, it is not a roundabout battle, not to open up the battlefield behind the enemy, but to start a war with QQ on the frontal battlefield!

It has to be said that Zhou Buqi's ambition and courage are not comparable to ordinary people.


A bad feeling rose in Lei Jun's heart.

It feels like the plan is going to fall apart!

Ziwei Xing has already entered the market as a chat software, so how can he support him in this field? Ziweixing is the major shareholder of UC, if it supports it... Isn't this a fight with yourself?

Helo's fight with QQ will be the strategy of Ziwei Star's top decision-makers.

is the most important thing.

In this case, the little affection in a personal relationship is not enough at all.

Lei Jun didn't want to give up, so he explained the matter of UC and his whole set of product ecological logic with reason and emotion.

In the past few years, he has mainly invested in 6 companies, namely Duowan, UC, Lexun Technology, ispeak, Lakala and Haodafu Online.

Then, Zhou Buqi was surprised to find that, apart from Good Doctor Online and Lakala, the other companies were all related to social networking!

Play more is YY, and ispeak is also a voice chat software.

UC is a mobile browser and a mobile community, and Lexun Technology is more direct, which is a comprehensive virtual community and a large-scale online social platform on the mobile terminal.

Lei Jun said that he wants to do something big at the forefront of the times!

Integrate UC, YY, ispeak and Lexun mobile communities to build a social empire on the mobile terminal.

Lei Jun said with emotion: "I found out that sowing seeds on saline-alkali land is thankless, and no matter how hard you work, it is difficult to achieve much success. Standing on the wind, pigs can fly. The success of entrepreneurship does not depend on hard work and ability , but in choice."

Zhou Buqi agreed very much, and said with a smile: "Yes, it is also an exam. The test scores of middle school students may be better than those of doctoral students. It lies in the choice of test papers. Middle school students choose the primary school test papers, and it is easy to get full marks. Doctoral students choose brother Debach conjectures that it will never be solved in a lifetime."

"Wireless Internet is a big trend!"



Lei Jun's eyes lit up, and there was some hope in his heart.

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "Of course I agreed, otherwise I would not have attached so much importance to UC. I have established a subsidiary called Ziweixing Electronics, and I have already cooperated with Google to make the world's first Android phone. "

Lei Jun was stunned, feeling his mood slipping from the mountain to the bottom.

It is a good thing to be interested in the wireless field, but it is not a good thing to be too interested. If he was too interested, he would go into battle himself, and there was no need to support himself.

Zhou Buqi went on to say: "First of all, Ziweixing has to establish its own brand and influence on the PC side. It is almost the same as the QQ group arena, and the next battle is the wireless market."

Most of the hope in Lei Jun's heart disappeared, and he turned into a poker face, "Competing with QQ is too difficult. You can't put all your eggs in the same basket, and you can bet long."

Zhou Buqi shook his head, and said confidently: "No need, Ziweixing is already the largest social networking company in China. Betting with multiple players will only distract you. Seeing one path and sticking to it is the secret of Ziweixing's success."

Just as Lei Jun was about to say something, Ning Yaxian suddenly walked into the office, stood at the door, and said proudly: "Boss, the latest news. The download volume of Helo has just exceeded 2 million!"

Zhou Buqi slapped his hands, "Good!"

When Lei Jun reached the point of his mouth, he couldn't say it anymore.

He looked down at his watch.


In two hours, the download volume exceeded 2 million.

Hope dies.

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