Top of the big era

Chapter 869 Online! online!

Restricted by the load limit of the gold coin wallet system, the "10 billion subsidy" plan has been reduced. With the launch of Helo, it will mainly revolve around the three websites of, Toutiao and

After the Feitian database can run more stably, it will expand to more businesses. In order to prevent the sudden surge of traffic from being uncontrollable, the entire system will fall into a technical collapse.

At 10 a.m., the offices of several major businesses turned into war rooms.

The employees are busy preparing.

Once the "10 billion subsidy" is pushed away, all the resources of Ziwei Star will go into battle at the same time. Even the marketing department spent 50 million yuan to start page advertisements on Sohu and Baidu Tieba.

The content is very simple, and the title is very eye-catching "Make money online, tens of billions of subsidies to give back to netizens!"

Among my own resources, recommendations from,,, Weidian and other websites are quite common. In addition, the micro-point security browser has also moved!

After the user opens the micro-point security browser, there will be a Hellogo navigation page, and the entire background board of the navigation page is the eye-catching "ten billion subsidy".

And the most powerful.

The pop-up recommendation of Micropoint Security Guard and Micropoint Antivirus!

This is the trump card, generally only used in very special circumstances. These two security products are highly trusted by netizens across the country, and the installation rate exceeds 95%.

Through the news pop-up windows of the two products, it is enough for every netizen to know that Ziwei Star has launched a big move of "10 billion subsidy".

This kind of recommendation method has only been used once in history, that is when we took advantage of the opportunity of the panda burning incense to forcefully promote the micro-point security browser.

Through the pop-up window recommendation, the micro-point security browser has become the browser with the largest number of users in the country except IE within a few days. Half a month later, the installation rate exceeded 80%.

The effect is very shocking.

Because the effect is too shocking, Ziweixing decided not to allow Weidian Security Guard and Weidian Antivirus to disturb users with pop-up windows unless there is a particularly important strategic action.

If you play too much, you will become numb.

Just like every time you log in to QQ, the QQ mini news will pop up. But if there are too many pop-ups, the user will become numb, and most of the time, they will close the pop-up window without even looking at it.

The two security products of Micropoint have been dormant for a long time and have not been released in secret.

One shot is out of control!

Moreover, this time the pop-up window, the software division has upgraded its technology to retrieve user behavior. If the user chooses to close the pop-up window instead of further understanding the details of the "ten billion subsidy", it will be recorded. It will play again when surfing the Internet the next day to remind the user.

After all, sometimes users may be very busy and have no time to read the recommended news in the pop-up window.

Do long pop-up three times.

As the largest traffic transfer center in China, Ziweixing has enough strength to cover the heavy news of "10 billion subsidy" to netizens across the country in a relatively short period of time.

The "10 billion subsidy" is directly linked to Helo, and is linked to Toutiao, and Xiaonei. Once it is promoted nationwide... then it will generate huge traffic!

This puts extremely high demands on several websites, especially the technical department of the gold coin wallet system.

The most stressful was Yang Zhenkun's team, which sent 35 elite technical backbones to the headquarters to prepare for the battle. Even if it only undertakes 2% of the traffic pressure, it is still a huge challenge for the Feitian distributed database.

Zhou Buqi specially came to visit him.

The atmosphere in this "war room" was very heavy. Every technical engineer, including Yang Zhenkun, looked serious. Even when boss Zhou and the senior management team came to express condolences, no smile could be seen on everyone's expressions.

The windows are open.

The cold winds of winter are coming, making the temperature in the combat room relatively low.

Zhou Buqi smiled and shook hands with Yang Zhenkun, "Lao Yang, why don't you close the window? Isn't it cold?"

Yang Zhenkun said: "It's better to be colder, it can make everyone calmer and clearer."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Good steel is used wisely. The company has invested a lot of money in this project for you, and you have been under a lot of pressure in the past two years. Lao Yang, an ugly daughter-in-law has to see her in-laws. Is it an ugly daughter-in-law? Before you have a beautiful daughter-in-law, it depends on the performance of you and the team."

"I know." Yang Zhenkun took a deep breath with a serious look on his face, "I've already opened the window, if something really goes wrong in a while... I'll jump from here."

Zhou Buqi was taken aback.

Looking back at He Yang and Xu Liangjie, he found that their expressions were indifferent, as if they were taking it for granted.

Fortunately, Ziweixing is not short of money.

There are more than 8 billion cash in the account.

The B round will be carried out immediately, and the reserve funds will only increase. Ziweixing is not short of money.

But it was different last year, Ziweixing really managed to squeeze out a little money to do the research and development of distributed databases... In addition, Yang Zhenkun is not sociable, he is a pure scientist and engineer, and he has a bad relationship with He Yang and Xu Liangjie good.

There is quite a sense of oppression that if you don't succeed, you will be benevolent.

Zhou Buqi frowned, and said in a deep voice: "Old Yang, don't talk nonsense. Rome was not built in a day. I was very firm about the information in the distributed database before. I am firm now, and I will be firm in the future. Make the best effort , and leave the rest to God."

After leaving here, he turned around and told his assistant, "Let the administration department send someone to watch him, don't do anything stupid, this kind of person is a stickler."

Next, I went to Xiaonei again.

Shi Jinglin, Chen Dong, Gan Yang and others are all there. Looking around, Zhou Buqi can name at least 20 people. Many of them are veterans who started the Xiaonei network with him back then, and now they are gradually becoming The management and team backbone of Xiaonei.

It's much easier to come here.

Everyone laughed and rushed to shake hands with Boss Zhou.

Speaking of which, this action was undoubtedly the least stressful on the Xiaonei network. Xiaonei is mainly for college students, and at most some former college students who have graduated. The group is small, the flow is small, and the load pressure is small.

Under the leadership of Shi Jinglin, everyone was like having a party, rejoicing, and habitually welcomed another victory of Ziweixing.

When leaving, Chen Dong quickly ran over and whispered, "Boss Zhou, Liu Wenbo has been arrested."


Zhou Buqi was slightly taken aback.

Almost forgot the name.

A legendary student of BIT back then, when the Ten Schools Entrepreneurship Alliance was formed, he was also the number two figure after Zhou Buqi. But after all kinds of incidents, they broke up and went to prison for the second time.

Chen Dongdao: "Meng Houkun said it, you can ask him."

Zhou Buqi nodded, and after checking and Toutiao, he called Meng Houkun when he returned to the office to inquire about it.

"Do you know the coral version of QQ?"

"Well, this is an infringement of QQ, isn't it banned?"

"This is a pirated software made by a computer professor at BIT."


Zhou Buqi felt that there was something in his words.

Meng Houkun said: "Penguin has warned several times, and Professor Chen also agreed not to update. Maybe it's because of lack of money. Two versions have been updated this year. What's more important is that the new version of Coral QQ has embedded commercial plug-ins. Use If someone else's intellectual property is used for profit, the illegal act is confirmed. Two months ago, the police in Pengcheng came and arrested Professor Chen, besides him, there was also Liu Wenbo."

"What?" Zhou Buqi was a little puzzled, "Liu Wenbo...I remember he returned to his hometown after he was released from prison, why did he return to Beijing?"

Meng Houkun sighed: "I'm used to the outside world, how can I go back? The two Coral QQ updates were instigated by him behind the scenes, using computer knowledge to make profits. I just got the news that the Nanshan Court has pronounced a sentence, and it has to be done again." Squat for a few years."

Zhou Buqi said calmly: "This is the third time he has been imprisoned, right? One wrong step, one wrong step."

Meng Houkun said with a smile: "If you don't talk about him, it has nothing to do with us. However, this matter has caused quite a controversy on the Internet."


"Netizens have no sense of right and wrong. They support whoever is beneficial to them. Coral QQ is obviously illegal and infringes on the interests of QQ. It is nothing but justice to be banned and sentenced. But netizens don't think much of it. They’re scolding. Coral QQ allows them to get rid of pop-up advertisements and use various red diamond, green diamond, and yellow diamond membership services without spending money to buy memberships, which are very welcome.”

Zhou Buqi shook his head, "Genuine software manufacturers stood up to defend their rights and combat piracy, but they were scolded instead?"

"Anyway, we are very lucky!" Meng Houkun laughed, "The right time and place are in harmony with people!"

Zhou Buqi understood what he meant, and said with a smile: "Indeed, when Helo was launched, this kind of thing happened... It's enough to give us an opportunity."

Then, call Wang Xing over and let him make arrangements.

Take advantage of surprises.

Go with the flow.

This product of Helo does not require membership membership, no need to buy services such as red diamonds and green diamonds, and does not play kryptonism. Not only does it cost no money, users can also send text messages for free during the process of using Helo, and can also accumulate gold coins to earn pocket money...

The advantages are obvious!

At this time, Ning Yaxian came over with a flushed face, and quickly said: "There are some people outside, go and have a look."


"Someone sent buns."


"Someone sent thousands of steamed stuffed buns and a dozen big boxes. They said they were here to express condolences."

It was the first time for Zhou Buqi to encounter such a thing, and he was inexplicably surprised.

Send buns?


After going downstairs, I saw Zhang Yiming chatting happily with a man wearing glasses. Next to it, seven or eight masters in uniform yellow vests, male and female, were distributing buns to everyone.

Hot steamed buns.

Just looking at it whets the appetite.

Going up to understand the situation is quite moving.

The man with glasses is Lu Liangcai, a technician in Sohu's open platform business department.

A local, his parents run a bun shop in Wudaokou.

Six months ago, he was an employee of At that time, laid off employees and dismissed a group of "high-salary and low-skilled" employees in order to lower the company's average salary and make the salary system healthy.

However, in the handling of this matter, Ziweixing did not directly fire these employees like many "decisive" companies, but helped them contact their next home through the open platform project.

When Taobao, Sina Blog, Sohu, Penguin and other companies purchased open platforms from, in order to ensure the normal operation of the project, they also took over a group of technical talents.

Lu Liangcai is one of them. His work location has not changed, but has changed from downstairs to upstairs, and he joined Sohu.

In addition to helping the employees arrange their jobs and find a new job, Ziweixing also gave them a generous resignation bonus.

The face and the inside are all there.

This incident made Lu Liangcai and a group of resigned employees feel the care from Ziweixing.

So, this time, he heard that his old club had made a big move, such as a big plan of "10 billion subsidy" and launching an instant messaging software to compete with QQ in the market, so he was determined.

With such a big event, I am afraid that everyone will not have much time to eat at noon.

Keep an eye on it.

Lu Liangcai asked his family's steamed stuffed bun shop to prepare more than 4,000 steamed stuffed buns and sent them to Ziweixing's headquarters. He wished his old club a successful start with this big move!

After eating buns, I feel more motivated!

The senior executives of all looked like they were basking in the spring breeze, talking happily to Lu Liangcai. There is a heart-warming tenderness in everyone's eyes.

Zhou Buqi also felt the brilliance of humanity at this moment, went up to shake hands with Lu Liangcai, and asked him about his work and life with concern.

It seems that all forces and levels are pushing Ziweixing to move forward, and there is a sense of trance with thousands of favors.

If you can't do this, it's too unreasonable.

12 o'clock noon.

The plan starts!

"Ten billion subsidy" started.

Helo is officially launched.

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