The distributed database developed by the team led by Yang Zhenkun made a demo in July, launched the internal test version in August, launched the trial version 1.0 in September, and launched the trial version 2.0 this month.

After all, this is a big project. Even if it is done and running, it cannot be launched in a hurry, and it needs to go through enough internal testing.

According to the plan, it will be February next year, after the Spring Festival, and then try to apply it.

First test the waters with a small website like

Then go to the school intranet for further verification.

In May of next year, we will go to and Toutiao, which are important businesses.

This time I went to the United States, Zhou Buqi made inquiries.

None of the technology companies in Silicon Valley, such as Microsoft, Amazon, Google, Facebook, Yahoo, MySpace, etc., use Oracle's database.

There are many reasons.

The most important thing is that the response speed is too slow, a bit behind the times, and each company is building its own database.

Another point is that it is too expensive.

In China, the practice of technology companies is to use half of the original version and half of the pirated version to save some costs. Oracle also pretended not to see it, and acquiesced. At least half of the original version is used, and there is still money to be made.

The United States is different, the management is very strict, and pirated versions cannot be used.

Therefore, Internet start-up companies in Silicon Valley, almost from the first day of their business, did not regard Oracle's database as a candidate, directly excluded it, and could not afford it!

Domestic is different.

Large companies can still have half genuine and half pirated, and start a small company, and the poor jingle is basically all pirated.

Anyway, it is also using pirated products, of course it is the best!

In start-up companies or companies with relatively small data scale, the best database is Oracle.

There are many reasons.

It is stable, stable, easy to operate, and has the world's most powerful language optimization system.

In the use of the database, SQL language needs to be used, which is not too difficult, but the details are very particular, and a small mistake may occur if you don't pay attention, which will cause it to fail to run.

This puts high demands on database engineers.

Therefore, even if fresh graduates have studied well in school, it is difficult to directly start to do database management after work. This is a very delicate job.

The salary of database engineers is also higher than that of front-end engineers.

However, Oracle Database solves this problem.

Even fresh graduates, even some junior database engineers, can easily get started with it. One is that the databases they learned during school are basically Oracle, and they are more familiar with them; the other is that Oracle has a language optimization system that is unique in the world.

In other words, a problematic SQL language will definitely not work in other databases. In the Oracle database, this language can be automatically optimized to help database engineers with insufficient skills to modify and adjust, and then it runs smoothly.

This is the biggest advantage that Oracle database can crush all similar products.

Why are financial institutions all over the world using Oracle databases?

In addition to security and stability, it is simple.

Excellent engineers have all gone to work in technology companies. Who would go to work in a bank? Only those third- and fourth-rate technicians who are not in the ranks will choose to enter the banking system.

This will inevitably require banks to only use the Oracle database.

Working with complex, unstable, and error-prone databases can be overwhelming for technical staff.

In fact, even if it is an Oracle database, if some complicated problems arise, the bank's technical staff can't handle them, and they have to find a cooperative technical support company to deal with them.

Many start-up Internet companies with insufficient technology often choose Oracle database.

When Ziweixing started to build the school intranet, the technology was not enough, so it chose the Oracle database, which is popular, simple, and easy to use.

With the passage of time, Ziweixing's business is getting bigger and bigger, and it is an inevitable trend to abandon the Oracle database.

One can save money.

Secondly, the Oracle database really cannot keep up with the times and cannot handle large-scale data, so other databases with better performance must be used.

Ziweixing's choice is a distributed database.

From the perspective of corporate strategy, it is also of great significance that Zhou Buqi recruited Yang Zhenkun's team to develop the "Feitian" distributed database early on.

Ziwei cloud computing platform also needs to have its own cloud database.

This is also a distributed database.

Cloud computing business includes four major technical projects - operating system, big data processing, cloud database, cloud firewall.

After the "Feitian" distributed database is made, it can be used as a template and applied to the cloud computing business. After a magic modification, it becomes a cloud database. It can speed up the progress of Ziweiyun's research and development.

But the problem before Zhou Buqi now is that the Feitian database, which is planned to be tested and launched internally in February next year, may be forced to play next month.

Moreover, it is a big scene when it is unveiled!

To provide support for the gold coin wallet system!

This is a big deal.

To take huge risks.

The Feitian database has not yet passed the internal testing stage, so it went online in a hurry... Once the hips are stretched, it may affect the entire gold coin wallet system.

In this kind of matter, technical executives can only make suggestions and clarify the stakes.

The big boss makes the final decision.

Zhou Buqi was silent for a long time, took a deep breath, and asked, "Has the technical committee given the result?"

"11 votes in favour, 3 abstentions and 1 against."

"Oh? Who objects?"

"Cheng Zhenping."


Zhou Buqi nodded.

Cheng Zhenping, the president of the SP business group and the executive of M6, has never had a strong sense of presence. I didn't expect this incident to come up.

Xu Liangjie said: "The most feared thing about the gold coin wallet system is the loss of data due to sudden failures. It is unacceptable for things involving money. I have studied Yang Zhenkun's ideas and they have done very well. In order to solve the high Contradictions that can be consistent with the data in the main and standby databases, he made the availability inside the database system, using one master and two backups or one master and multiple backups instead of one master and one backup. When the master database is synchronized to the standby database, it is not required to synchronize to each standby database. library, but synchronize to most libraries including the main library, more than half of them are enough. That is to say, if two of the three libraries in total succeed, the transaction is successful. If any machine has a problem , the availability and data consistency of this system can be guaranteed.”

Distributed advantages, Zhou Buqi has heard similar logic many times, he asked in a deep voice: "The security and stability of data should not be a problem. But what about the security and stability of operations?"

This is a beta version.

If while running, the database suddenly crashes, and the gold coin wallet system is directly paralyzed, it will be over.

Xu Liangjie said: "So, my idea is to walk on two legs together."


"Divide the traffic of the gold coin wallet system. The current Oracle database architecture remains unchanged. During off-peak hours, this system is sufficient. Only at noon and evening, when the Internet is at its peak, a part of the traffic is introduced. to the Feitian database."

Zhou Buqi's eyes lit up, "Grow up in actual combat?"

Xu Liangjie said with a smile: "Probably this is the way of thinking. If it is just a blind internal test, the development speed is still a bit slow. Going online directly can not only solve part of the load pressure for the gold coin wallet system, but also accumulate experience through actual combat and grow rapidly. "

Zhou Buqi nodded.

He basically agreed in his heart that the technical committee had collectively approved it, so he had no reason to suppress it.

Zhang Yiming said: "This idea is very good. The Feitian database is a backup relationship first, carrying 1% of the traffic first, to test the water. Then 2%, 5%, 10%... Gradually increase the level of the Feitian database, and then the main Inverted for the second time, the Feitian database is the main one, and the Oracle database is supplemented. In the end, it is to completely abandon the Oracle database.”

"What did Yang Zhenkun say?"

"He's a little nervous."


Zhou Buqi was amused.

Xu Liangjie sighed, "After all, it's still in the testing stage, so it's not very stable. Even 1% of the traffic is a huge amount of data. Once something goes wrong..."

"When it comes to war, you can't judge whether the general is ready or not. The staff has decided, and you have to fight if you are not ready! Moreover, you must win if you fight!" Zhou Buqi's attitude was relatively clear, "Dean Shen, you Say something?"

Shen Xiangyang said: "Relational databases have obvious disadvantages, such as scalability, small capacity, insufficient processing power, and high cost. Therefore, giants in Silicon Valley, such as Google, Amazon, and Facebook, are trying to develop and use non-relational databases. Purple MSI has taken another path, sticking to the foundation of relational databases, incorporating distributed technology into the database, and solving various problems existing in stand-alone databases... This is an important directional challenge, and it has been completed, and it will be beneficial to the entire Internet The infrastructure would be a huge help and a step forward."


Zhou Buqi's thinking immediately jumped to another battlefield-financing.

Ziweixing’s B-round financing will be very large, and the bottom line he gave is that the valuation is no less than 30 billion US dollars. This scale is definitely the world's largest Internet unicorn.

Even if Wall Street is flooded with hot money, it will be very cautious about investing on this scale.

A Huaxia Internet company has a higher valuation than many technology companies in Silicon Valley? Second only to Google, Amazon and Yahoo, higher than Facebook?

Shen Xiangyang's words are meant to challenge Silicon Valley.

Silicon Valley chose a non-relational database, while Ziweixing chose a relational database plus distributed technology.

Being qualified to challenge Silicon Valley is enough to show the strength of Ziweixing.

Whether the self-developed Feitian database should be launched is no longer a technical issue, but a demonstration of Ziweixing's brand and industry status.

"Then go! Start preparing! In the next two months, Feitian Database must produce an amazing report card! The technical committee must come up with a more detailed plan, and it must not affect the launch of Helo and the 10 billion subsidy plan!"

Zhou Buqi slapped the table and made a decision.

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