Top of the big era

Chapter 860 Summit

On October 19th, Microsoft's web2.0 summit.

Zhou Buqi and his party went to Seattle. Aunt Xue, Wu Yu and Baoshan, as in the past few days, still traveled, took pictures, went shopping, and visited museums.

Boss Zhou arranged bodyguards by their side and went to the Microsoft headquarters alone.

The so-called summit is a lecture given by people from Microsoft in the auditorium, about Microsoft's concept of web2.0 and the model framework of the web2.0 website to be launched, and sold to the outside world.

In the final analysis, it is to sell goods.

But Microsoft's brand is too bright, Bill Gates spread invitations, and almost all the bigwigs in the global technology circle were present. A long distance away, Zhou Buqi saw Zuckerberg, standing on the side of the road and a A man with glasses is chatting about something.

After walking over and briefly introducing him, I realized that this person was Adam Busworth, vice president of engineering at Google.

Lectures are only secondary. So many people came, in fact, they wanted to use Microsoft's appeal to gather everyone together and look forward to future technology.

In other words, this is actually a social event.

The big guys got acquainted with each other and jointly created a new round of technological revolution.

For some little people who come here especially, it is of course to listen to this web2.0 lecture and feel the charm of technology. If you have the opportunity, you can also feel the demeanor of the big man from a distance.

Zhou Buqi and Zuckerberg walked together, instead of going to the auditorium, they went in the direction of the Yingbin Building.

The little people are all in the big hall, waiting for the lecture to start.

The big shots are basically in the Yingbin Building, where there are many facilities, and the development history of Microsoft in the past 20 years is displayed, like a museum, which is used for publicity.

After walking a few steps, Zhou Buqi saw two yellow faces, who looked like compatriots.

Before he could speak, the other party came over excitedly, "Mr. Zhou!"

Zhou Buqi was a little surprised, "You know me?"

The other party smiled and said: "I know, I have met several times, I am Miao Renfeng, this is my apprentice, Lu Su."


Zhou Buqi opened his eyes wide, the two flower names are quite resounding.

Miao Renfeng smiled and said, "Yes, Alipay is made by me."

Zhou Buqi's attitude was much more enthusiastic. He said a few words to Zuckerberg and told him to leave first, and then asked with a smile, "Are you making a special trip to attend the Microsoft summit?"


"This summit is meaningless. Besides selling goods, it's just about networking. Hmm... when did you two come?"

"Just got off the plane yesterday."

"A business trip on public funds?"

Miao Renfeng and Lu Su laughed out loud, thinking Mr. Zhou was approachable and humorous, "Yes, public funds."

Zhou Buqi secretly nodded.

See the big from the small.

Lao Ma is willing to pay to send two technicians to the United States to participate in this kind of technology summit. It can be seen that his corporate thinking has changed, and he will lead Ali to transform in the direction of technology.

"President Zhou, that person just now..."

"Zuckerberg, the boss of Facebook."

It really was him!

Miao Renfeng and Lu Su looked at each other and took a deep breath.

In my heart, I couldn't help admiring the big boss Zhou.

Young age, not to be underestimated.

Talking and laughing with bigwigs in Silicon Valley is really magnificent.

Zhou Buqi looked around and saw that they were all white-skinned in suits and leather shoes. He couldn't help but ask, "Have you seen any other domestic counterparts?"

Miao Renfeng shook his head, but he didn't see it.

Lu Su sighed with emotion. All the people who came were white. I saw a group of Indians passing by just now, and I didn't see many compatriots. For such a grand event, Silicon Valley giants would rather arrange for Indians than Chinese, which shows the lack of attention.

"It can't be said that you don't pay attention to it, be afraid."

Zhou Buqi sighed.

Recently, a news came out in the United States, saying that there was a Chinese working as a technical director at Cisco who secretly downloaded a lot of technical materials and drawings and wanted to bring them back to China. It was discovered and it was detained at customs.

There are many similar things.

After a long time, Lao Mei will definitely be afraid. In high-tech companies, when promoting the backbone, they will try to avoid Chinese people as much as possible to avoid technology leakage.

In contrast, Indians will not.

The dream of a strong country in the hearts of the Chinese is carried in their genes, which is the glory of their ancestors. Many people would rather take huge risks than make some contributions. The gap between India and China is too large, and they are lagging behind in all aspects. Indians are not in the mood to return to the country to serve, and just want to live comfortably in the United States for the rest of their lives.

This gave Lao Mei trust.

The same hard work, Indian, Vietnamese, Malay and other technological talents from backward countries will be more popular than other Asians.

"Are you going to the auditorium?"


"Don't go, come with me, go to the Yingbin Building, where Bill Gates is working as a tour guide."


Miao Renfeng and Lu Su were a little flattered.

Zhou Buqi waved his hand, "Let's go, in name, you two are my assistants."

When I went to the Yingbin Building, I saw 20 or 30 people, many of whom were familiar, such as Meg Whitman from eBay, Rupert Murdoch from News Corporation, and Zhiyuan Yang from Yahoo.

There are many old photos hanging on the wall, and behind each photo is a growth history of Microsoft.

Those who had been here before all gathered together in twos and threes to whisper and build relationships.

Those who have never been here are listening to the explanations of Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer with great interest.

Zhou Buqi, Miao Renfeng and Lu Su followed Bill Gates and visited the entire development history of Microsoft.

Everyone is familiar with Bill Gates, the richest man in the world, the founder and chairman of Microsoft, so famous.

But I don't know much about Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer.

Bill Gates proudly told a story about the two of them when they were studying at Harvard.

At that time, Bill Gates was a freshman and Ballmer was a sophomore. Because of the same attributes of "maverick", as well as far beyond ordinary people's comprehension ability, reaction speed and endless energy, these two people are like two people. A big wonder.

They then moved into the same dorm and became roommates.

No one obeys anyone.

Everyone wants to prove that they are better.

For example, who is better at playing games? The two just played games in the dormitory for several days and nights, and neither of them went out. For example, who is better at math? The noise was reported by the classmate next door.

The most exaggerated thing is that in order to prove that they are the smarter one, the two resolutely took the extremely difficult postgraduate course macroeconomics across majors.

That's not counting.

In order to prove that they are good, after the two chose the courses, neither of them went to class. Not only are there no classes, but after a semester, no one is allowed to study content related to macroeconomics.

It's the end of the term, and the exam is coming soon.

The two made an agreement and exerted their strength at the same time.

I didn't sleep for several days and nights, studying macroeconomics desperately. In the final exam, the full score is 100 points, Bill Gates scored 99 points, and Ballmer scored 97 points.

This result shocked the old professor who taught graduate students. After careful investigation, it was found that the two had never attended a class, one was a freshman and the other was a sophomore.

After careful investigation, it was found that these two people did not attend other classes, and skipped classes every day.

And both of them got A's in all subjects.

"It was our procrastination game back then to spend the least amount of time to get the highest score."

When it comes to this matter, Bill Gates can't hide his complacency.

Ballmer looked aggrieved, saying that he did not perform well at the time, which led to a 2-point low score.

Zhou Buqi became numb after hearing this story.

When he formed the Ten-University Entrepreneurship Alliance, he adopted a cross-mixed selection method, examined ability, tenacity, vision, inclusiveness, and hard-working spirit, and selected as much as possible those who do not focus on academics and do not take classes. A "genius" capable of outstanding results.

It turns out that his choice is relatively successful, and most people can stand alone. The ones with lower achievements now are Xue Baoshan, Chen Dong and Meng Houkun.

Baoshan is the vice president of Jieyu Media, and Chen Dong and Meng Houkun are Ziweixing's M5.

But this comparison reveals the gap.

This Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer are really two wonderful things!

Not to mention anything else, cross-professional, skipping grades to take postgraduate courses in economics, and they are not allowed to attend classes or study... This magical brain circuit is really beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Zhou Buqi felt that if he had known this story earlier, he would have used a similar method to select talents, and he might have been able to form a better entrepreneurial team.

There is no shortage of talent in the country.

What is missing is a mechanism to screen out this kind of genius who is out of tune with the world.

Then he looked at Miao Renfeng and Lu Su beside him.

I found that these two top engineers from Ali looked a little inferior, and there was a feeling that they couldn't catch up.

Zhou Buqi was surprised.

It really is Teacher Ma!

Bill Gates speaks so fast, they can understand it?

After a while, I went to the big conference room for coffee.

No one is seated.

Everyone stood, greeted each other, and handed each other business cards. Zhou Buqi also received more than a dozen business cards. Among them was a woman named Mina Trotter, the founder of Six Degrees Space, a well-known company in the blog industry.

One of the main products in Six-Degree Space is called Movable_Type.

Zhou Buqi really knows this product.

In fact, it is an open platform for blogging. It is the earliest open platform business in this direction in the world, and it is also the best, with a lot of income.

Very expensive!

25 users for $599.95.

too dark.

This kind of pricing means that in developed countries, it is okay to do some enterprise-level markets. It is simply impossible to promote personal business in developing countries.

For example, if Sina Blog with 10 million users wants to use this product, it will cost 240 million US dollars!

Even if you sell Sina blog, you can't afford it.

Spend 50 million Huaxia coins to buy an open platform from, plug and play, how sweet is it?

However, Ms. Mina Trott's other remarks attracted Zhou Buqi's attention.

The blogging industry in Japan is very developed.

The number of blogs is more than that of China and the United States. In the general environment where the blog industry has been gradually replaced by SNS, only in the Japanese market, the blog industry is still far ahead of SNS websites.

Most of the blog sites in Japan are users of Six-Degree Space.

The speaker has no intention, but the listener has intention.

Combining Zhou Buqi with Tang Binchen's feedback on the Japanese social atmosphere, it seems that he has mastered it all at once.

In the Chinese, American and European markets, SNS is replacing blogs and becoming a new Internet trend.

But Japan does not.

The form of blog is still loved by Japanese netizens.


Because of Japan's special local culture, ordinary people are more restrained and don't like to express; they like to watch silently and don't want to be the one who gets attention.

They all want to hide themselves, for fear of causing trouble to others.

For SNS sites like, the mode is for users to post content for friends to read. Everyone is a participant and a bystander.

What should I do if the content I post causes trouble to others?

Blogs are different, you don’t need to share your privacy, just follow some well-known blogs and see what they share.

In fact, it is a "bystander" product positioning.

Even if you act as a "participant", you must minimize the sense of participation, that is, hide your identity, not be disturbed, and not disturb others.

This time, Zhou Buqi had a clearer understanding of YikYak's product positioning.

It's really not the same as Weibo.

Users who act as bystanders should pay more attention to others, celebrities and social celebrities. Your own information needs to be concealed so that no one can detect it.

It's like watching a movie.

Watch it secretly at home, but can't be known by outsiders.

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