Top of the big era

Chapter 858 Private placement

Manhattan, New York.

Regis Hotel.

Zhou Buqi met Wang Haoyang here, and he had already set up the front station and booked a suite.

But this room...

It's a bit too luxurious.

In addition to more than a dozen rooms, there is also a beautiful housekeeper with blue eyes and a high nose bridge.

The beautiful butler also said that there is a private kitchen in the suite, and if necessary, a private chef can be arranged in the hotel...

Wu Yu and Baoshan were secretly speechless when they heard this.

It can be regarded as seeing the capitalist decay of the world's financial center.

After Zhou Buqi sent Wang Haoyang away, he couldn't help asking, "How much does this room cost?"

"Less than 50,000."



"Such a waste."

Even Zhou Buqi, who spends money like water, feels a little distressed after hearing it.

Wang Haoyang said: "This is one of the three most expensive presidential suites in the United States, and it has a great reputation. The hotel will arrange special car and driver services, which are very iconic. When you go to have a meeting with the fund manager, it is convenient to show your identity."

There is no way, Zhou Buqi has no reputation here, so he can only rely on foreign objects to show his identity.

"How's the investigation going?"

With a wave of his hand, Zhou Buqi avoided the trouble and talked about the business. Now that the subprime mortgage crisis has been exposed, central banks all over the world are releasing water, hot money is crazy, and financial markets are also crazy.

Maybe you can take this opportunity to make a quick buck.

Definitely not doing it yourself.

The level is not enough, even the top financial traders in the country are not qualified to operate on Wall Street. The best choice is to choose one of the many capital tycoons on Wall Street.

Buy his private equity fund.

Hand over the money to the local private equity giants to manage it.

The two went to the study, and Wang Haoyang took out a thick printed material from his bag, and said, "I have investigated 30 private equity funds in the past few days in the United States, including Morgan, Merrill Lynch, and Goldman Sachs. The investment bank. According to the survey, everyone’s general investment strategy is quite aggressive.”


Zhou Buqi's eyes lit up.

Radical is good, radical means risk, and risk means high return.

Wang Haoyang said: "Among the 30 popular private equity companies I investigated, there are only 12 hedge funds. The remaining 18 companies are all very active. Among them, 13 companies are actively doing long positions, and 5 are high-profile empty companies."

The current global economic situation is extremely complex.

The subprime mortgage crisis has broken out, and the world is flooding the world to rescue the market.

So here comes the problem.

Will the crisis intensify, or will it be rescued successfully?

The rescue was successful, because the large-scale release of water will inevitably lead to collective rises in the stock market, property market, futures market and other financial markets, repeatedly hitting new highs. If the rescue fails, the end will be miserable, and the global economy will inevitably go backwards.

Judging from past experience, the probability of successful rescue is extremely high.

It can also be seen from Wang Haoyang's investigations in the past few days.

There are 13 private equity managers who believe that the economy will be stronger in the future and the market will be rescued successfully, and then after hot money pours in, they frantically chase up and buy. There are 12 private equity funds that believe that future risks are uncontrollable, so they chose to hedge, some of the money is long, and some of the money is short, so as to form an internal balance and reduce risks. Only 5 private equity funds are pessimistic about the future economy, believing that the subprime mortgage crisis will inevitably erupt, and they are wantonly shorting.

Among them, hedge funds are the largest, moving tens of billions of dollars. The second is private equity that is long, and funds that are short are small in scale.

Zhou Buqi looked down at the materials for a while, all kinds of data and formulas made him dizzy.

Then, just throw most of the material in the trash.

Focus only on the last 5 pages.

That is, the five bearish private equity funds.

Wang Haoyang twitched the corners of his mouth and lowered his voice, "Do you also think that an economic crisis is going to happen?"

"It's very likely."

Zhou Buqi nodded.

Wang Haoyang frowned, "It's too risky, if you really want to invest... you can choose 2-3 hedge funds."

Zhou Buqi said: "Economy is a matter of little knowledge. Not to mention anything else, it is the private jet market, how deformed? I want to buy a plane, and the orders are all scheduled for 2012. Isn't this nonsense? Take a peek at it Based on this incident alone, I can conclude that the world economy is seriously deformed and something will happen."

"An accident is certain, it depends on whether it is a soft landing or a hard landing. look at this." Wang Haoyang picked out one of the five pages and introduced, "This person read it two years ago. If there is a subprime mortgage problem, then you can go short. After two years of shorting, the margin has been replenished three times. If he can’t get money again, or the bubble doesn’t burst, he will go bankrupt and investors will lose everything.”

Zhou Buqi looked at the material with great interest and remained silent.

Wang Haoyang said: "The whole world is working hard now, and the probability of a hard landing is very small. If you invest your money in it, the bubble will not burst within two or three years..."

Zhou Buqi waved his hand, "Needless to say, I've made a decision. Look at the current Nasdaq, which is similar to the bubble crisis at the beginning of the century. I have also demonstrated it many times."

Then, start researching these 5 private equity funds.

I plan to pick one and throw my money into it.

Whether it is success or failure, it is up to fate.

"This commission is too high!"

Zhou Buqi spotted one of the data and felt a bit of a toothache.

These private equity funds, in addition to subscription fees, management fees and redemption fees, also have a high share of profit, four of which are 20%, and one is 25%.

Losses are borne by investors.

If you make money, the fund manager takes 20%-25% of the profit as compensation.

Wang Haoyang said: "This is for sure. The higher the top private equity fund, the higher the floating management fee. In fact, the level of the commission is not important, the important thing is to make money. If you make money, no matter how much the commission is, it is still profitable. I am afraid of the direction. Wrong, lost money."

"That's how it is. Well, you work hard and contact them all. Let's talk to these five companies and choose the right one." Zhou Buqi glanced at the private equity fund that had been short for two years and was about to fail. The materials were thrown into the trash can, "Forget it, let's go to 4, this one will be abandoned."

Wang Haoyang was a little strange, "Why?"

Zhou Buqi said: "I've been shorting for two years and haven't liquidated my position, which shows that I haven't increased leverage much. I'm too timid. What I want is a lunatic."

Wang Haoyang was stunned for a moment, and cursed in his heart: "You are the madman!"


In the afternoon, I went to meet with two private equity funds.

One is an old man, in his fifties, very calm. The size of his fund exceeds US$6 billion, the investment direction is mainly in the stock market, and the leverage is between 2-3 times.

Too conservative, give up!

These days, there is no leverage limit in the U.S. financial market. As long as the capital dares to play, they can use any ratio, even 100 times leverage.

The other is a young guy, about 30 years old, who used to be a researcher at Merrill Lynch and just resigned. I got 20 million US dollars from two big clients who were acquainted in the past, mainly to short technology stocks, and the leverage was between 1 and 10 times.

This person is too young, and the amount of funds in his hand is too small, so it feels unreliable.

In the evening, in a Spanish restaurant, I saw the manager of the third private equity fund. He was very capable in a suit and leather shoes, and looked about forty years old.

However, it was not him who attracted Zhou Buqi's attention, but the female companion by his side.

I rely on!

When I went to Los Angeles, I didn't see any Hollywood stars. Unexpectedly, I will see you in New York!

She... what's her name?

I can't remember it for a while, it's not a big star.

After a brief introduction, the mystery was solved. She starred in the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy and played the role of the elf queen in it, named Liv Tyler.

After talking a few words with great interest, the fund manager named Nick said frankly that Liv Tyler was married, but she had a bad relationship with her husband and was going through divorce procedures.

It's hard for Zhou Buqi to say more.

Also a little uncertain.

Are these two a couple? Or is Manager Nick trying to attract investors and raise funds through this glamorous Hollywood actress?

Hollywood is at best a red sofa, but Wall Street is much more powerful, with endless routines.

Zhou Buqi remained unmoved and talked about work.

Nick has an extraordinary resume. He became famous in the first battle during the bubble crisis. He offered 20 times the ultra-high leverage and earned more than 10 times the return for investors. Still, he was a nobody at the time, managing just $3 million in funds.

After that battle, he became famous, and the size of the fund under his management became larger and larger, reaching its heyday in 2004, with a fund size of more than US$5 billion.

But then the investment failed and the investors ran away.

The current fund pool only has 300 million US dollars left.

Nick said that the main reason for his failure in investment in the past few years was that he was doing long, which is not the investment method he is good at. He is better at shorting.

Now, he feels the opportunity is coming, just like the bubble crisis back then.

He is confident of earning substantial returns for investors.

Zhou Buqi is very interested.

However, something went wrong when leaving, and Manager Nick said enthusiastically, "Mr. Zhou, Miss Taylor is going to have a drink with you?"


Zhou Buqi raised his eyebrows.

The glamorous Hollywood actress' eyes were like fire, and her flaming red lips were slightly parted, as if she was inviting you into the urn.

Zhou Buqi was very dissatisfied.

I think this Nick is too unreliable!

I thought he had short-selling experience, and I wanted to investigate and cooperate with him further. Unexpectedly, the brain is so stupid. Even if you look for a Hollywood actress to build a bridge, you have to find something similar, right? Find someone who is married and outdated, who do you look down on?

Zhou Buqi felt that he had been humiliated and refused decisively.

The next morning, I met another capital tycoon. He is about 45 years old and has nearly 30 years of experience in the industry. The fund size under management is 3.5 billion US dollars. The short-selling direction is aimed at the futures market, including many derivative financial products.

Zhou Buqi was very interested.

During times of drastic economic change, futures markets are more volatile than stock markets. The greater the volatility, the greater the risk. The greater the risk, the higher the benefits hidden behind it.

Zhou Buqi didn't know much about futures, and neither did Wang Haoyang.

It can only be handed over to professionals.

Next, let Wang Haoyang spend more time and do further investigation and research. If it is appropriate, after cashing out Google's stock, it will be handed over to this private equity fund for operation.

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