Top of the big era

Chapter 836 Go Abroad

Tang Binchen's resignation this time is of a more serious nature, even more serious than resignation due to negligence.

He was driven out by his men.

It's embarrassing.

In large companies, the turnover rate of executives who encounter this situation is basically 100%.

Zhou Buqi didn't want to just give up on him, so he called him to the office, "You know everything?"

Tang Binchen's reaction was relatively calm, "Well, just after I was notified of the personnel affairs, He Yang said he wanted to talk to me, but I haven't gone yet."

"Do you have any idea?"


Tang Binchen was very calm about such a result. He had already expected these things.

As a manager, there are often two ways to achieve success—first, to turn a dying business into profit and achieve glory; second, to develop a brand new business line from scratch and achieve success.

By contrast, taking over an already successful business involves taking huge career risks. It should be done well, if not done well, all the small problems will be magnified.

After Tang Binchen was promoted, did the friends network under his leadership not develop well?

On the contrary, it has developed very well.

However, this is not recognized. Even without Tang Binchen, developed very well. Now is developing so well, how can it be proved that it is his credit?

The mediocrity of the interest circle is real.

This project was originally to be done by Wang Xiaochuan, and it was to be built with Weidian search as the core. Later, it was Zhou Buqi who forcibly made the decision and handed over the project to

For this reason, has endured the pressure and complaints from Micropoint.

If it succeeds, that's all.

If it doesn't work, there's bound to be problems.

Zhou Buqi nodded, "What are your plans?"


Tang Binchen blurted out without even thinking about it. This was his ambition when he was studying at Beihang University. Later, after persuading Boss Zhou earnestly for a long time, he gave up this plan and joined Ziweixing.

Now is the time to revisit your entrepreneurial plans.

Zhou Buqi remained calm, "What are you doing?"

Tang Binchen said: "Go abroad."

Zhou Buqi nodded.

Sure enough.

He still didn't give up.

Tang Binchen went on to say: "Sun Zhengyi has invested in the Internet in recent years and achieved great success. He once became the richest man in the world. And he has an investment philosophy called time theory."

"Yeah, a time machine."

Zhou Buqi has dealt with Sun Zhengyi, so of course he knows his investment theory.

The time theory says that a person seems to be riding a time machine and going back many years ago. At this time, many successful companies can be invested by relying on foresight.

Zhou Buqi is true and Sun Zhengyi is false, so he can only rely on models and theories to analyze.

Yahoo was a huge success in the United States that year. Sun Zhengyi made an analysis and judged that the Japanese market at that time was many years behind the United States, as if sitting in a time machine and returning to the United States many years ago. If you go back in time, of course you have to vote for Yahoo!

Therefore, Sun Zhengyi took control in Japan, imitating Yahoo, and came up with Yahoo Japan.

It is also this logic to vote for Alibaba.

Tang Binchen said: "The wave of the Internet is sweeping the world, but there are many underdeveloped countries where the development of the Internet is still in its infancy, such as South America, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia, just like China more than ten years ago. After I go there, I can Learn from the Internet road that China has developed in the past ten years, take its essence and discard its dross, and replicate it in those countries.”

Similar words, he said to Zhou Buqi two years ago.

However, at that time, Zhou Buqi didn't have a deep understanding of the Internet, and he couldn't appreciate the problems in it, so he felt that this kid was very thoughtful and powerful.

Listening to it now, that's not the case.

Zhou Buqi said: "The theory is the same, but the practice method is different, and the results obtained will be different. Your idea...of course is very good, but there is one essential difference from Sun Zhengyi's investment model."


Tang Binchen raised his eyebrows.

Zhou Buqi said: "In the early days of the Internet, of course it could be simple and rude, copying all the way, it's very simple. In the past few years, domestic websites basically copied the American model. But if you look at it in recent years, the localization features are getting more More and more. Baidu and Weidian even beat Google.”


Tang Binchen meditated silently.

Zhou Buqi went on to say: "Early development, simple imitation is enough. But if you want to further strengthen the product, expand the market, and form a strong competitiveness, you must be closely related to the local culture. Yahoo Japan first imitated Yahoo! , but now you look at it? There are basically two websites. The web design of Yahoo Japan makes us foreigners feel dizzy when we look at it. , Dense typesetting."

Tang Binchen sighed and was touched, "Yes, I went abroad... In the early days, I could learn from domestic experience and copy the domestic Internet model. But if you really want to expand the industry, you must have a deep understanding of the local culture. "

Zhou Buqi said: "This is the biggest difference between you and Sun Zhengyi. Although the ideas are similar, the execution is very different. He is investing, and you are starting a business. He can control Yahoo Japan because he is Japanese. He When he invests in companies in the United States, the managers are all American; when he invests in companies in India, the managers are all Indians. Through investment, he can make the company through the local people who know the local culture best. In terms of localization, it is definitely not as good as the locals. In the early stage, it is a dimensionality reduction strike, which can be successful; in the later stage, when other people’s dimensions are also raised, problems will arise.”

Tang Binchen was silent.

This is indeed a very serious problem.

Doing the Internet is different from doing physical industries.

The brand of physical products is very strong. A well-known international brand is the guarantee of credibility, so some localized details can be ignored. This product is not well done, and users trust this brand, and they will buy the next product.

The Internet is a service industry.

If the service is not good, people will stop coming, and there is almost no loyalty. The best service is the service that fits the local customs.

Zhou Buqi smiled, "Of course, if you just want to make money, you can still do it. If you go abroad, you can start the industry first, and then sell it when it's almost done, and you can earn a lot of money back."

That's right.

That's what Tang Binchen in his previous life did.

But the good show didn't last long. With the popularization of the Internet, it soon encountered a bottleneck.

I have no choice but to sell the company, start a second business, and create Yuanqi Forest Sparkling Water.

Things have changed in this lifetime.

Tang Binchen is one of the founding fathers of Ziwei Star, holding 5 million shares. As long as it is realized, it is wealth and freedom. He has passed the stage of working for money.

"It's really a serious problem."

Tang Binchen's expression was serious.

It feels like life is lost at once, the road ahead is blocked, and where to go?

No question of money at all.

Seeing that the groundwork was almost done, Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "Are you willing to leave Ziweixing like this?"


Tang Binchen was slightly taken aback, and heard Boss Zhou's intention to stay.

However, in the current situation, it is impossible to stay.

It's almost a laughing stock!

Not to mention the transfer to other businesses at the same level, even if it is downgraded, the employees will be very unconvinced. Employees' rewards and options are linked to departmental performance.

In the workplace, if you follow the right leader, you will have the opportunity to show your talents. Following the wrong leader... If the leader doesn't get promoted, he can't get promoted either.

Now, everyone knows that Tang Binchen's level is not good, and he is a lucky person.

Who wants to hang out with him?

Who is willing to listen to him?

Doesn't this catch up with your own future?

Zhou Buqi asked, "Are you willing?"

Tang Binchen gritted his teeth and said, "Of course I'm not reconciled! My grades in are not bad at all. It's unfair to drive me down like this. Zhang Yiming built as a monolith, either his classmates or his buddies. I bet that behind this incident, Zhang Yiming must be targeting me."

Of course Zhou Buqi knew it, but he didn't take it seriously, "You stepped down because he targeted you? Or you are weak."

Tang Binchen was silent.

There is no way to argue.

Zhou Buqi said: "I will give you another chance to prove yourself."

"Okay... okay?"

Tang Binchen was not very confident.

Zhou Buqi frowned, "The biggest obstacle for a person is when he encounters difficulties. He has no confidence and sets limits for himself."

Tang Binchen shook his head, "It's not that I don't have confidence in myself, it's that I don't have confidence in others. You have extraordinary vision and are willing to believe me. But those ordinary employees may not have this vision."

Zhou Buqi laughed, "You really know how to climb the pole!"

Tang Binchen hesitated for a moment, but couldn't help but said, "If you are willing to give me another chance, I would like to make a request."


"I don't want to do a thriving business anymore. If any business is dying, you can leave it to me. You can also be an M1 project manager."

Zhou Bu smiled angrily: "You are a senior director of M5, let you do the work of M1? You want to be lazy?"

Tang Binchen glanced at him tentatively, "Boss Zhou, please give me a sweet word, it's too tortured."

Zhou Buqi glanced at him, and said indifferently: "You want to go abroad, I will give you a chance. In January next year, Ziwei Star will officially launch the Japanese strategy. The initial team has been formed, most of them are locals, and Some Chinese who have been working in Japan for many years. President of Ziweixing Japan Co., Ltd., are you competent?"

Tang Binchen was surprised for a while, "Go to Japan?"

Zhou Buqi laughed and said, "Don't you have no girlfriend? After you get there, you can find a few Japanese girls to warm your feet and bed."

"I go!"

Tang Binchen couldn't laugh or cry.

"Are you going? Agreed?"

"Huh? No, I didn't mean that..."

Zhou Buqi waved his hand and said solemnly: "You don't need to think about the domestic business. This time, you are a bit embarrassing. However, it will be different when you go abroad. No one knows you. You can Start from scratch and bring your team up bit by bit. This is your only chance to prove your ability to all colleagues. Either, leave in disgrace; or, go to Japan.”

Tang Binchen took a deep breath, "Well, I'll go!"

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