Top of the big era

Chapter 831: On the List

For Zhou Buqi, work is a kind of life and a way to relax, no different from running, chatting, or playing games.

In the past few days of the long holiday, many people have gone out to travel, and most of the executives have left.

Boss Zhou comes to the company almost every day.

The sense of belonging is different, which is the difference between the boss and the employees. When Zhou Buqi came to the company, it was like going home. If he didn't go for a day, he felt that something was missing.

On this day, Wang Xiaochuan came to report, saying that Micropoint's new product "Micropoint Mirror" will be launched soon.

Micro-point mirroring is a function that can store third-party web pages.

Very powerful.

For example, when a user opens a certain webpage, there is no need for continuous jumps, but only needs to complete the transition in the micropoint's own server to read the webpage content cached in the own server.

The opening speed of the webpage becomes faster, which can improve the user experience.

For example, many web pages disappear due to various reasons, and the corresponding content is lost. Once users need this kind of content, they can't see it.

"Micro-point mirroring" has stored the text of this web page in its own server before, even if the original web page is lost, users can still find it.

Improve the search success rate and enhance the user experience.

For example, many small websites have very small servers. Once a large amount of traffic floods in and exceeds the server load, the website will crash.

Xiaonei encountered this kind of problem in the early days, and later purchased the service of Wangsu to solve the problem. However, the price of purchasing Wangsu's services is not low, and many small websites cannot afford this fee.

"Micro-dot mirror" can solve this problem.

When a user visits this small website through Weidian, instead of directly entering the original website, it enters Weidian's own cache. That is to say, it is Micropoint's server that carries this part of user traffic, not the server of the small website. Only when the user wants to use the website further, will the user jump from the server of the micropoint to the server of the small website.

This greatly solves the server load pressure of the website.

Not only small sites, but many large sites as well. Even for big websites like Tianya and Maopu, once a popular Internet incident occurs, the server will be congested and the webpage cannot be opened.

Micro dot mirror can help them solve this problem.

Of course, there is a limit to how Micropoint can help bear traffic. According to Wang Xiaochuan, if the daily traffic is less than 50,000 PV, it is free. If it exceeds 50,000, Weidian will ignore it. The original website wanted Weidian to help bear a larger traffic load, so it had to pay for the service.

Through the stable and large-scale server cluster of Micropoint, it helps users and merchants to solve the problems of dead links and network congestion, and greatly improves the online experience.

This function involves distributed technology, and it is the only one in China, and only Google and Yahoo have applied similar functions in the world.

"In addition, this will have a greater promotion effect on the bidding ranking. To do the bidding ranking, you should gather all the websites together and rank them through the algorithm. The rankings in the past are all temporary caches. , will cause huge waste and inconvenience. Micropoint mirroring can capture all web pages for Micropoint, and it will be more effective to arrange and combine."

Wang Xiaozhou was very excited, obviously very satisfied with this product.

Zhou Buqi was in a daze, pretended to be calm, and said flatly: "We still have a long way to go in the commercialization of Weidian, and we have to work harder."

Wang Xiaozhou said confidently: "Next year, Weidian's revenue can reach half of Baidu's."

Zhou Buqi said: "Baidu is doing business in the Japanese market."

Wang Xiaozhou shook his head, "That's a completely different business model, at least bidding rankings are notorious abroad. If you do this in Japan, you may be subject to legal risks."

Zhou Buqi was secretly surprised, without the bidding ranking, he could create so much value, he was really greedy, "What do you think of Weidian?"

"Ah?" Wang Xiaozhou was slightly taken aback, "Are you going to Japan to be a search engine?"


"This... I have never been to Japan, so I don't know anything about it."


Zhou Buqi nodded, very unwilling.

Wang Xiaozhou bit his lips, and said in a deep thought: "Boss, Micropoint has not really started to develop in the domestic market. It has a market share, but the road to commercialization... as you said, is still far away. I I think the domestic market should be stabilized first. Moreover, even if I go to Japan to do search, I don’t think we should transfer the team from Weidian to go there by air.”


"The cultural atmosphere and value concepts in Europe and the United States are similar, and a set of templates can kill the European and American markets. But the Asian market is too complicated. There are four major religions and Confucian culture. Every country has its own set of templates. It is very difficult to make a set of templates popular all over the world. For example, in China, Japan and South Korea, the giants of Silicon Valley almost all fail here.”

"That's the truth."

Zhou Buqi agreed with his point of view.

Wang Xiaochuan said: "The Internet industry in Japan is much worse than that in China. I know that. If you log in to some Japanese websites, even Yahoo Japan, they are all like pirated websites, with slow response speed and poor web design. But in In a special environment, good products may not necessarily win. Silicon Valley giants have repeatedly failed in China, and domestic companies have gone overseas to Korea and Japan. They cannot be as arrogant and self-righteous as Americans."

Zhou Buqi waved his hand, "Okay, we can discuss this matter later. If it doesn't work, just buy a search engine company in Japan, borrow their team and brand, and provide some domestic technical support is enough."

Wang Xiaozhou nodded, "This is a relatively simple method."

When Yahoo came to China, it adopted this model and acquired 3721. When Google and Microsoft came to China to do search, they did development from scratch, which is the same model as Baidu went to Japan.

After Wang Xiaozhou left, Zhou Buqi personally went to get a bottle of Coke from the refrigerator, and returned to his office to check his mail. The two secretaries are not here, so I went to find the house.

Most of the emails were from peers, some were consulting, some were business cooperation, some were venture capital... Then, he saw a rather special email.

From Hurun.

When I opened the email, I was so pissed off!

The Brit!

The content of the email is very simple, saying that at the end of the month, this year's "Hurun Report" will be released. According to the survey and interview of the Hurun team, they believe that Mr. Zhou Buqi ranks 35th in the country with a wealth of 15.8 billion yuan!

There are also some other explanations. It is said that in the IT circle, the richest man is Shi Yuzhu, who started his second venture and achieved great success. Relying on a "Conquer", he is sitting on 28 billion yuan.

Ranked second is Li Yanhong of Baidu, with a net worth of 18 billion yuan.

Ranked third is Zhou Buqi!

In addition, Penguin's Xiao Ma is fourth, with a net worth of 12 billion yuan; fifth is Shanda's Chen Tianqiao, with a net worth of 10 billion yuan; and sixth is Netease's Ding Sanshi, with a net worth of 8 billion yuan.

Among the top 100 richest people in the country, there are only 6 in the IT industry, and Zhou Buqi is one of them.

This is so nonsense.

At least Ali's boss Ma will definitely be shortlisted.

Zhou Buqi was a little unhappy, why should the old horse not be on the list, and he should be on the list?

Although the wealth calculated by Hurun is 15.8 billion yuan, the deviation is too large. It is roughly estimated based on Ziweixing’s A-round valuation of US$12.5 billion and Zhou Buqi’s personal shareholding.

Even if it has shrunk significantly, the net worth of 15.8 billion is amazing enough.

Zhou Buqi didn't want to be on the list, because he had too much money to make people jealous, he didn't want to be too famous, so he called Boss Ma and asked, "Old Ma, what's going on with the Hurun Rich List?"


"Hurun sent me an email, and I said that I will be on the list this year."

"Really?" Boss Ma said happily, "Congratulations!"

Zhou Buqi said: "Congratulations! There are only six IT circles in Baifu, and I'm the only one. It's not eye-catching enough. Why aren't you on the list?"

Boss Ma said: "I don't have enough wealth."

"Stop talking nonsense."

"It wasn't enough. Ali went public in Hong Kong in November, and the valuation given by the investment about 8 billion U.S. dollars. I hold more than a dozen points, and you can calculate it yourself."

Zhou Buqi said coldly: "IPO? You split the B2B business to go public. The really powerful Taobao and Alipay are not included. The B2B business is worth 8 billion US dollars, and Taobao is worth 18 billion US dollars."

Boss Ma just laughed, neither admitting nor denying. There are too many things behind it, and it is inconvenient to talk about it.

Zhou Buqi said: "Tell me the truth, why are you not on the list?"

Boss Ma lazily said, "Do you know how much Hurun can make a year with his magazine?"

"How much can a broken magazine sell for?"

"Hmph, let me tell you, it won't be less than 50 million!"


Zhou Buqi was quite surprised.

"Hurun Report", a magazine ranked by wealth, has no real meaning except for gimmicks. How much can you sell for external sales? If I want to check the ranking, I just search it online. Who is going to buy magazines?

Boss Ma said indifferently: "Hu Run himself said it all, and the ranking he gave is only a small part. He listed one, but he may have missed ten."

"This is for sure. Based on the country's current development momentum, the number of rich people will not be small."

"Some of them were missed by his investigation, and some...he just missed them on purpose."

"So, he left you out on purpose? Why?" Zhou Buqi was a little aggrieved, "Half a year ago, that kid Hu Run also came to see me, and we had a good talk. I didn't expect him to come to me all of a sudden. All of a sudden."

Boss Ma asked, "Have you ordered his magazine?"

Zhou Buqi replied: "No."

Boss Ma asked, "Did you put an ad in his magazine?"

Zhou Buqi replied: "No."

Boss Ma snorted coldly, "Aren't you a clever kid? People have come to look for you on their own initiative. What do you mean you can't see? Why don't you give me some money? Otherwise, he is a broken magazine. Earn tens of millions? Last year, someone was unwilling to give money, so he got on the board, almost hired someone to kill him, and almost caused a diplomatic incident."

Zhou Buqi was silent for a long time, and said slowly: "So, you want to use money to place advertisements in Hurun's magazine?"

Boss Ma said calmly: "Ali spent 300,000 yuan on Taobao's advertisement."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "No wonder no one in China does this kind of ranking, only foreigners can do it. All right, I'll ask him to see if I can remedy it."

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