Top of the big era

Chapter 821 Data Monitoring

This is the case most of the time, what is missing is what to shout.

The less money you have, the more you have to show off to prove that you are rich; the less status you have, the more you want to pretend to prove your identity; the more knowledge you have, the more you feel ignorant, and the less knowledge you have, the more you feel omniscient.

Ms. Qin Chen is similar.

Not reconciled to being a vase, look at the people in this circle... Zhang Chaoyang, Xu Liangjie, Gong Yu, and He Yang are all middle-aged, mature, stable, and very powerful.

Then the only option is to use the young Zhou Buqi.

Qin Chen looked serious, and talked eloquently, "In addition to Weblog, there are also page embed codes, plug-ins or clients, and questionnaires."

"Oh, that's how it is……"

Zhou Buqi humbly asked for advice and nodded repeatedly.

I don't dare to ask too many questions. How embarrassing would it be if the other party couldn't answer the question?

However, Mr. Qin didn't give it for nothing. He seemed to have made sufficient preparations and said with a smile, "Mr. Zhou, do you know what page embedding is?"

Zhou Buqi hurriedly asked for advice, "Also ask President Qin for advice."

The smile on Qin Chen's face was even brighter, and he was very happy, "Generally speaking, the data obtained by analyzing Weblogs is the most accurate and true. However, this is internal data and involves a lot of commercial secrets, so we cannot As market data. Among the third-party data monitoring and collection methods, the method of page embedding to obtain data is the most objective."

Don't be in a hurry to say it, just keep it up.

Zhou Buqi cooperated with her, "Why?"

Qin Chen said with a smile: "The page embedding is to add a piece of monitoring code to the source code of the website. In this way, users can monitor it when they open the webpage or click on the advertisement on the webpage. This data is also true and reliable."

Zhou Buqi really didn't know this, "Well, this is a technical means, and it can indeed monitor every webpage behavior."

"Yes, it's technical means."

Qin Chen beamed again and explained the monitoring method of the embedded code on this page in more detail.

There will be some impreciseness in this technical method.

For example, if cookies are used for counting, users who use multiple browsers will be counted repeatedly. If users often clear cookies, they may always be considered new users.

For example, if the code is embedded in the head of the page, even if the page is closed before it is fully displayed, it will be counted as a click, so the traffic may be greater than if the code is embedded in the footer of the page.

Also, many websites now use the Frame architecture or make pop-up windows.

For the sake of user experience on the website, pop-up ads automatically disappear after a few seconds. If the user does not click on the pop-up window, it will disappear, and the pop-up window embed code will not be activated, so it will not be included in the statistics of a pop-up window advertisement.

Page embedding is the most objective and accurate method in third-party statistics, only worse than Weblog.

But even so, there are so many problems.

In the Internet industry, third-party data statistics are varied, so it is not surprising that they are so chaotic. The statistical methods used by everyone are different, and the results given are different.

In order to give clearer market results, unified standards are imperative.

Zhou Buqi put away his contempt, thinking that President Qin is not a free gift, at least the basic principle of this can be explained clearly. Threesomes must have my teacher, maybe a butcher, or a famous prostitute, there is no need to label people with their identities.

"What about Alexa? It seems to be the most popular statistics platform in the world."

"This is the third type, the plug-in mode."

Zhou Buqi asked: "Is it to install a plug-in in the browser and monitor it in real time?"

Qin Chen nodded, "Yes, that's pretty much what it means."

Zhou Buqi frowned, "Then how many people can install this kind of plug-in?"

Qin Chen said: "So we use sample analysis. If there are 100 million Internet users and 10,000 people have installed plug-ins, then it is enough to only investigate the Internet data of these 10,000 people. After sampling, multiply by 10,000, which is 1 The data of 100 million Internet users."

Zhou Buqi shook his head, not quite accepting this method, "This is too unobjective, and the error is too big."

"Yes, the sample is too small, and the rationality will cause deviation." Qin Chen paused, and gave him a meaningful look, "This kind of survey method was quite popular in China in the past two years, but it has failed in the past few years. Sended."


"because of you."


Zhou Buqi was slightly taken aback.

Qin Chen pursed his lips and said, "Because of the Weidian security guard you made, users can scan the computer to find out all the plug-ins and clear them with one click. Now, the plug-in investigation has been converted into a client-side investigation."

"Do you want to install the client?"

"you do not know?"

"do not know much."

Qin Chen said: "Some third-party investigation companies will cooperate with some software to embed data monitoring into it. As long as the user runs this software, the user's online behavior data can be investigated."

Zhou Buqi narrowed his eyes slightly, and immediately thought of something.

The software secretly records user behavior in the background, which is an operation that many free software will have. The difference is that many small companies don't know how to analyze and use the data even if they get it.

Moreover, because of the security defense of the window system and the existence of anti-virus software, if the user does not run the software, the software cannot actively run in the background, which will be defined as rogue software or virus.

Therefore, surveying users through the client is only a small sample.

However, there are several software that can achieve large samples!

As long as the coverage is large enough, and it can keep running for a long time, it will be fine.

In the domestic market, apart from the built-in software that comes with Windows, there are probably only three types of such software - Micropoint Security Guard, Micropoint Antivirus, and QQ.

The first two are powered on and never shut down.

QQ is because of its strong stickiness. The first thing users do after turning on their phones is often to open QQ and log in.

If Ziweixing is going to do this kind of real-time data monitoring platform, it will be so easy. The more data there is, the more accurate the judgment on user behavior and industry trends will be, and the easier it will be to remain invincible, and the strong will always be strong.

The difference is that the micro-point security guards do not need to be sneaky behind the scenes. A function can be designed generously to help users monitor traffic, monitor the upload traffic and download traffic every time they surf the Internet, play games, and watch videos, so that users can judge the real-time network speed.

Ziweixing has obtained the relevant user Internet data, which advertisement was clicked on, how much traffic was consumed...all of which can be recorded.

It's fine if everyone doesn't do this kind of thing.

If others do it and don't do it themselves, they will suffer a lot, and it may form a market reaction in which bad money drives out good money.

Qin Chen didn't think too much about it, or she didn't know much about it, but just wanted to clarify some domestic traffic statistics methods.

The last one is the questionnaire.

This subjectivity is too strong, and the error is even greater.

Wanrui mainly uses the monitoring method of page embedding, which is relatively the most accurate data. This method also requires relatively high technical requirements. It is not a small sample sampling, and then the multiple expansion will do, but every PV must be monitored.

Now there are few websites to cooperate with, and the amount of PV that needs to be monitored and processed every day is only about 200 million. In the future, big sites such as Sina, Sohu, Netease, and Toutiao will all be added, processing billions of PVs every day.

It can be seen that the technical team behind the Wanrui data platform is relatively strong.

In order to show the sincerity of cooperation, Mr. Qin also asked the vice president to hand over a piece of data, and said with a smile: "This is the survey we just did, I believe it will be helpful to you."


Zhou Buqi took over a piece of material, and his eyes lit up.

The name is "Research Report on the Development of SNS Industry in 2009".

The main thing is to investigate the three giants in the industry,, Qzone and 51space.

The first report shows that users are mainly in the age group of 25-29, accounting for about 40%, while users in the age group of 19-24 account for about 29%. 56.4%; users with an income of 1,001-3,000 yuan are the main group, accounting for about 37%, followed by those with an income of 3,001-5,000 yuan, accounting for about 26%, and the third group with an income of 5,001-10,000 yuan, accounting for about 14%.

Zhou Buqi understood in an instant.

Even user income has...

This survey report uses a questionnaire survey, which is the most unreliable and error-prone method.

Something is better than nothing.

can be used as a reference standard.

Look at the second page, it is Qzone.

According to the report, users in the age group of 15-18 account for about 37%, while users in the age group of 19-24 account for about 33%; those with a junior high school education or below account for 47.4%; 0-1000 yuan, accounting for about 64%, followed by income of 1001-3000 yuan, accounting for about 17%.

At this point, I understand why the earning power of Qzone is not as good as that of

Advertisers advertise to make money.

However, most of the users of Qzone are underage students and low-income groups, so it is difficult to have some matching advertisements.

So we can only sell some skins, let the children spend money to decorate the QQ space for beauty, and rely on value-added services to charge. But this creates another problem, the more gaudy the Qzone is, the more content the webpage will have, and the slower it will load.

Originally, the opening of the page was slow enough, and adding some advertisements, wouldn't it be even slower?

Children have unlimited time and can wait slowly, but adults' time is precious. The slow response and lack of patience are also the reasons why many adults give up Qzone and turn to

The third page is 51 Space, and the content of the report is similar to that of Qzone.

This is also normal.

51 Space was originally a copycat product of Qzone, mainly targeting young people, and the most active ones are those non-mainstream young people.

Although the error rate of this report is relatively high, the general direction is correct.

Minors prefer Qzone, which means they are more loyal to QQ. Adults prefer, which shows that they are more rebellious towards QQ.

This should be the positioning of Helo - give up the minor market and focus on adults.

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