Top of the big era

Chapter 817 Recent News

Blocking Google is a path that hurts both sides. It will cause bad international impact, and it will also plant the seeds of disaster for domestic technology companies to go overseas in the future.

Therefore, the relevant departments are very cautious in handling this aspect.

No one wants to drive Google out.

The prerequisite is that Google has to be obedient. The leaders of the relevant departments went round after round and talked a lot with earnestness and earnestness. But Google is a little bit its own way.

In addition, the current helmsman of Google China is Li Kaifu, a liberal from Taiwan, with some idealism taken for granted...

It can only be a repeated seesaw of you coming and going.

Relevant departments cannot directly block Google, they can only stumbling them quietly behind the scenes. Occasionally disconnect once, connect again, disconnect again, connect again...

There is nothing Zhou Buqi can do about this kind of thing, he can only do his best to let Micropoint seize as much market share as possible.

Recently, a new virus appeared on the Internet.

Then, micro-point anti-virus to kill the Quartet!

Some netizen wrote a joke, which spread to all major forums and major websites, forming a considerable fermentation effect, using two memes from last year——

The title of the episode is "The City is Full of Active Defense".

"Anti-virus! Anti-virus! Anti-virus! Active defense is a meritorious service, active defense is a meritorious service! Don't give the signature code any chance. The signature code can go home early! Great active defense technology! He has inherited the glorious tradition of anti-virus. At this moment, Rising, Jiangmin, and Kaspersky are possessed by their souls and are actively defending. He represents the long history and tradition of anti-virus technology. At this moment, Weidian is not alone in active defense, he is not alone!"

There is another thing that has also caught fire on the Internet.

It is said that it is a female assistant of the president of the foreign company Electrolux, and more than 140 fruit photos are posted all over the Internet...

No. 1 in Google search; No. 4 in Baidu; No. 3 in Weidian; No. 1 in school news; more than 200 related articles appeared in Toutiao in one day.

Zhou Buqi was not interested in this kind of news.

However, the heroine's name is Shi Jing.

Only one word worse than Shi Jinglin!

Zhou Buqi almost jumped, so he gritted his teeth and sat in front of the computer, clicked in and took a look, his eyes widened immediately!

I rely on!

This photo is not coded!

The scale is too big!

After searching on other websites, I found that there are such authentic photos everywhere, without restriction. The girl looks good, and the shooting angle is also very clever, and the pose she poses is also quite shameful. It can be seen that it was done by a professional male photographer.

I have to feel that this era is really beautiful.

"Oh! Fallen!"

Zhou Buqi shook his head, then closed the webpage, and had to work hard. At the beginning of the month, Ziwei launched a new website called

The structure of the website is very simple, that is, the embarrassment has been peeled off and replaced with a new skin.

The main thing is to publish some secret things anonymously.

Zhou Buqi wants to inspect.

Then, I found out that a lot of the content was sharing about the Electrolux female assistant... This Internet atmosphere is really wrong, this is not allowed! Platforms such as Google, Yahoo, Zhongsou, and Aiwen have all been rectified. The next step is to purify the entire network.

It is certain that these pictures will be deleted.

However, most websites will choose to acquiesce for a period of time, creating popularity for a certain period of time with this eye-popping content, and then delete it after being warned by the official.

The reason is also very simple, that is, the content of the website contains too much information, and the workload of the reviewers is too busy to delete it immediately.

For example, in the former Douban group, the current interest circle, the number one group topic is called "Please don't be shy". It is to encourage girls to boldly post their large-scale photos for netizens to appreciate.

The Internet should be friendly sharing.

Then, a large group of little girls took the initiative to upload their fruit photos.

The attitude of interest circles is to post during the day and delete it as soon as possible. If it is posted in the early morning, it can stay for a few hours and delete it after daytime.

The reason is that the auditors are resting during the early hours of the morning.

Zhou Buqi felt that this was not possible, so he called Shen Xiangyang, the CTO and director of the research institute, "Old Shen, you know about the photo of the assistant president of the foreign company, right?"

This matter has been very popular recently, Shen Xiangyang said, "I heard about it."

Zhou Buqi asked: "Can our artificial intelligence technology recognize fruit photos? I see that there are similar photos on Toutiao, school forums and secret websites."

Shen Xiangyang pondered for a while, "It's more difficult."


"The technology is not mature enough. Picture recognition is no better than text recognition, and the amount of data to be processed is very large. Especially the composition of pictures is very complicated. We cannot use algorithms to clearly tell the computer what is an indecent photo. Only through deep learning, let the computer Read a lot of enough pictures and understand bit by bit."

Zhou Buqi said: "Old Shen, the country's attitude towards purifying the Internet environment and building a harmonious society is firm. The smog on the Internet will definitely be dealt with. Google has recently been disconnected from its servers."

Shen Xiangyang said embarrassingly: "The current computer picture recognition technology is still relatively low-end, at most it can do a simple and clear three-point review."

"Three-point review?" Zhou Buqi was stunned for a moment, and then he realized, "Oh, okay, you can continue."

Shen Xiangyang said: "The content of the picture is very complicated. Complicated composition, complex light and shadow, or a little cover-up will confuse the computer. Again, the computer needs to learn and read a lot."

"This technology still needs to be done."

"This requires three points. First, we need to develop our self-developed machine learning framework. Second, we need to have a large reserve of similar pictures. Third, we need to train the computer and tell the computer what photos are indecent. If a photo is not an indecent photo, you need to set up a position as a yellow appraiser."

"Well, it makes sense."

Zhou was no longer instrumental, and almost volunteered.

However, thinking of the beautiful female secretary next to him, he stopped the thought.

Master Huang's job is not easy to do.

The vast majority of practitioners are women. Women's physiological response is relatively weak. If men work for a long time...the body may not be able to bear it.

Shen Xiangyang sighed, "At present, there is no good solution. If the national policy is tight, we can only recruit more reviewers."

The technology is not enough, so we have to do it manually.

For an online media of Ziweixing's scale, if it wants to purify the entire network of Xiaonei,, Weidian, Jinri Toutiao,, etc., at least 500 auditors are required.

Even with an annual salary of 60,000 yuan per person, including income tax, five social insurances and one housing fund, and various company benefits, the annual expenditure per person will be around 100,000 yuan.

500 people is 50 million yuan!

This extra cost is really wasteful.

Zhou Buqi said in a deep voice: "Old Shen, we have to develop this technology. It is certain to strengthen supervision, and it will be too expensive to use purely manual review. Even if the technology is not mature enough, a set of semi-intelligent and semi-manual technology can still be used. Greatly reduce our employment costs. Well, we can also sell high-end outsourcing.”

After a pause, he went on to say: "This is different from selling open platforms. Open platforms, people can buy them if they want to buy them or not. This image recognition technology is different. It is something that all Internet companies must have. It is Rigorous demand is a hard indicator.”

The photo incident of the assistant to the president of Electrolux is not hot enough.

But next year, the entertainment industry will explode with photos.

That was a sensational event.

Photos are all over the web.

Relevant departments have made extremely strict rectification requirements. At that time, major companies will have to create more posts and increase auditors.

With technical assistance, labor costs can be reduced.

Shen Xiangyang is the world's top expert in computer vision and graphics, and he is also very confident, "I will give you the result within a year."

Zhou Buqi was very happy, "Good!"

Next, with a critical and scrutinizing attitude, he continued to look at the photos on the secret website. There are more than 140 photos in total, with various poses and angles. The photographer is really talented, and the level of photography is much better than that of Guanxi. .

Then, a valuable secret post was discovered.

It is said that the person who took these photos for her was the foreign male president of Electrolux. And this foreigner, in the past few years in China, has used his photography skills and photographed dozens of Chinese girls.

He has all the photos stored in his web album.

The reason why the photos will flow out this time is because the album was cracked.

How to crack it?

As expected, this post was posted by an insider. It was amazing, and gave out a line of URL and album password. It is said to enter directly, and you can enter.

Zhou Buqi was furious!

These stinky foreigners really come to harm the people of the country with two bad money. Then, I opened the website with a critical attitude, but unfortunately, all the photos were deleted.

Zhou Buqi let out a long sigh.

Just a little self-pity.

A foreigner from a small broken company can get so many girls in just a few years in China. Thinking about starting my own business in the past few years, it can be regarded as a lot of achievements, and there are only a few...well, a dozen or so.

There is a long way to go!

The foreigners must be defeated and the national economy developed.

East Asia has a Confucian cultural tradition, but is subject to economic development. Japan and South Korea did not develop decades ago, and girls are also flocking to white pigs. In recent years, the economy has taken off and living conditions have improved. Japanese and Korean girls have rejected foreigners and favored Asian men.

The sons and daughters of China must strive for self-improvement.


In the evening, Zhang Chaoyang made an appointment to go to the bar every week, each with a female companion.

At Lao Zhang’s age and level, he definitely can’t go to disco bars and hi bars where the music can make his ears ring. He goes to high-end elite bars.

This time I chose the Ritz-Carlton bar.

Zhou Buqi had been here twice with Huayi's Wang family brothers before, and bigwigs in the entertainment industry would often come over. Lao Zhang is really keen on the entertainment industry.

This time, it is still the new love Jiang Bingjie.

"Truffle French fries and dry croquettes taste really good." Jiang Bingjie looked very happy, and said that the glass of lychee martini was really good, with rich foam, moderate sweet and sour, smooth in the throat, and I liked it very much.

Zhou Buqi has no interest in wine.

Quit smoking, drinking, and sex.

Among the three precepts, smoking has already been quit, and alcohol can be moderately drunk...there is no need for sex. If you quit, life will be no fun, it is better to become a monk than to become a monk.

"Old Zhang, you've been quite arrogant recently!"


"The news is booming! There's a lot of trouble!"

Zhou Buqi said with a smile.

This is also a recent event, related to the Olympics.

Sohu got a lot of exclusive reports on the Olympics, and stole the limelight in the recent one-year countdown event. The popularity of all other websites combined is less than one percent of Sohu's.

Of course other portals were not convinced. Mr. Ding of NetEase, Mr. Cao of Sina, and Mr. Ma of Penguin reached an agreement and signed a "Joint Declaration of Olympic Reporting Alliance".

Said to join hands with Sohu to the end!

Lao Zhang is really awesome now, he seems to have regained the demeanor of the number one person on the Internet back then.

Zhang Chaoyang couldn't hide the small pride in his eyebrows, and pretended to be modest, "It's not worth mentioning, hehe, it's not worth mentioning..."

Zhou Buqi waved his hand, "Okay, why are you looking for me? Airplane?"

Zhang Chaoyang waved his hand, "What kind of plane, you can't get it at all. You know about the labor law, right?"

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Well, the new labor law will be officially implemented on January 1 next year."

Zhang Chaoyang lowered his voice, "This matter is a bit troublesome!"


"The new labor law stipulates that after meeting the conditions of having worked continuously for 10 years in an employer, an employee can sign an open-term labor contract with the employer and become a permanent employee."


Zhou Buqi's reaction was very flat.

Nothing to do with him.

It's only been three years for Ziweixing, which is still far from ten years. Let's talk about the future, let the old company go ahead.

Zhang Chaoyang frowned and sighed, "This matter is a bit troublesome. There are many employees in Sohu who are almost ten years old."

Zhou Buqi smiled angrily, "Can you stop being such a capitalist?"

Zhang Chaoyang ignored him, and said in a low voice, "Do you know what happened to Huawei recently?"

"I haven't heard of it."

"Huawei encourages 7,000 employees to resign before New Year's Day."

"Huh?" Zhou Buqi was slightly taken aback, "Such a large-scale layoff?"

Zhang Chaoyang shook his head and said, "Resign first, then re-sign the labor contract, and take up the job the second time, and you will become a newcomer. It seems that all employees who have worked for 8 years need to submit a resignation application before competing for employment."

Boss Ren also has a half-teacher friendship with Zhou Buqi, so he couldn't say much, and said indifferently: "Employees have been in the job for a long time, and it is easy to slack off and lack self-motivation. First resign, and then re-employment, you can supervise everyone's work. Enthusiasm for work. In many cases, old employees are the cultural cancer in the company, they are old fritters. If they are labeled as new employees, they are not qualified to rely on the old to sell the old. It is good to criticize and fire.”

Zhang Chaoyang gave a thumbs up, "High! High theory!"

Zhou Buqi snorted, "Sohu's working atmosphere is similar to that of a Japanese company. You should clean it up. I went upstairs a few days ago and saw your receptionist playing a card game."

"Well, I'll think about it again." Zhang Chaoyang pondered for a long time, then sighed, "Come, drink!"

He is a kind man, and he doesn't have the heart to use such a cruel method.

Listening to the soothing and melodious music, Zhou Buqi felt at ease and relaxed.

Ziweixing is a new company and does not need to be troubled by such things.


At this time, Zhou Buqi saw an acquaintance walking over with wine in a slightly humble manner with his teeth bared. Jiang Bingjie next to her was already cheering and about to scream.

It turned out to be Director Feng Da!

Sure enough, it's a bar in the entertainment industry, big bosses can be seen everywhere.

Zhou Buqi felt that the other party was not qualified and did not want to have any contact with him. If something really happened, just say hello to Wang Xiaojun, a film director is not worth getting along with.

But when the other party took the initiative to toast, he had to entertain politely. Zhou Buqi clinked a glass with him with a smile, "By the way, "Assembly Number" is about to be released, right?"

Director Feng smiled and said, "Yes, it will be released on Christmas. I'm preparing a new movie here, and I'm chatting with the screenwriter."

"Oh? What movie?"

"Entertainment films are purely for money. "Assembly Number" is a bit risky, and it needs to make some money for the company. Those two brothers from the Wang family keep talking to me every day."

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "Art and commerce are inseparable. Without commerce, there will be no art. Similarly, without art, there will be no commerce."

Director Feng took advantage of the opportunity to flatter him, "Yes, yes, Mr. Zhou, you are so right! You are also an artist!"

Jiang Bingjie was dumbfounded.

In my impression, the high-ranking director is like a soft-legged shrimp without bones in front of the patron's father.

Well, it's still the gold master's father who is very powerful, so he has to hold his thigh tightly.

Zhou Buqi saw that she was slightly absent-minded, so he gently put his hand on her shoulder, declared his sovereignty, and said with a smile: "By the way, Director Feng, this is Jiang Bingjie, my friend. In the new red building, she is going to act Lin Daiyu."

Director Feng's eyes lit up, and he said, "No wonder she has such a good temperament, so it's Lin Daiyu!"

"Is there any suitable role for her in your movie?"

"Yes! No problem!"

Director Feng gave an affirmative answer on the spot, and vowed, "I will create a role for her in the script later!"

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "Thank you very much."

Director Feng waved his hands again and again, "It should!"

Jiang Bingjie seemed to be in a dream, fluttering, and the great happiness came, and she couldn't bear it anymore, thinking that her luck was really good.

Just entering the industry, you can play Lin Daiyu.

I also met Zhou's father who was young and rich.

This time, there is still a chance to participate in Director Feng's film, which is a step further than Sister Yang Mi. Suppressing the joy in his heart, he hurriedly bowed, "Thank you director."

Director Feng waved his hand, "Thank you, Mr. Zhou."

Jiang Bingjie looked at Zhou Buqi beside her beamingly, pursing her lips lightly, with a hint of joy and affection.

Director Feng understood better now, and asked with a smile, "Where do you go to school?"

Jiang Bingjie blushed, "I dropped out of school."

Zhou Buqi helped her explain, "She was studying ballet at the High School Affiliated to Beijing Dance Dance. She wanted to change her career to become an actress, so she dropped out of school. Recently, she wants to find some acting teachers and study systematically."

"do you need my help?"

"No, the brokerage company can arrange it for her."

After a few more pleasantries, Director Feng drank a large glass of whiskey before leaving.

On this side, Jiang Bingjie was dazed, tightly holding Father Zhou's arm, as if she never wanted to let go. Directing such a great director is like directing the third grandson, it's so awesome!

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