Top of the big era

Chapter 808 Wealth distribution is an intuitive manifestation of respect

What is the form of web3.0, even if it is more than ten or twenty years later, there is no conclusion.

Because that is the age of the mobile Internet.

I don't care anymore.

web1.0, web2.0, and web3.0 are mainly aimed at the concept of websites and belong to the framework of the PC Internet.

However, web3.0 is the most popular Internet concept at present.

Even websites such as Facebook and relying on the concept of web 2.0 have soared into the sky, dominating the two main markets of China and the United States. Wouldn't it be even more powerful once web3.0 came out?

Still dominating the world?

Whether it is domestic or foreign, a lot of new websites pop up every day, claiming to be the new model of web3.0, and then go to the venture capital market to hit the big luck.

Many investment institutions want to bet on the future, so it is easy to rush forward and send money.

Sohu's stock has soared recently.

In addition to outstanding performance, another reason is that Lao Zhang has become bad, and he has begun to speculate on concepts, claiming that Sohu has built its own web3.0 content matrix, crushing peers, and has a bright future...

Ziweixing needs money.

At the end of this year or early next year, the B round of financing will be conducted. Given an amazing web3.0 concept with great operability and business logic, it will be easier to increase the valuation of Ziwei Star and raise more money.

For this, Ziweixing has been preparing for a long time.

At the morning meeting the next day, Zhou Buqi mentioned this statement again——

"From web1.0 to web2.0, from web2.0 to web3.0, on the surface, it is a change in business model. In the final analysis, it is a change in profitability. The replacement of the old model by the new model must be an increase in productivity. Make more and more money. Falling back to the Internet, for free websites, if you want to make more money, you need to get more traffic!"

"In the era of web 1.0, portals swept the world. Professional editors on the website produced relatively high-quality content for users to read. This is a one-way process. Web 2.0 is different. Users create, disseminate, and share Content has extremely powerful interactive properties. With interaction, the relationship between users is established, and frequent interactions can bring exponential growth to website traffic.”

"The daily traffic of Qzone is 1 billion, and the daily traffic of is 500 million, but the daily traffic of major web 1.0 websites such as Sohu, NetEase, Sina, Phoenix, and Xinhua is about 100 million. This is business. Changes brought about by model innovation.”

"However, web 2.0 also has shortcomings. Editors in the 1.0 era created content, and editors could get paid. However, users in the 2.0 era created content, but did not reap the corresponding labor value. The advertising revenue created by users was captured by the website. .This has led to the vulnerability of web2.0. This is destined to be only a transitional stage in the history of Internet development."

"In the era of web3.0, websites should give more honor, recognition, wealth and status to users who create content for the platform, so as to attract more people to participate in the creation of valuable labor. web3.0 will It will be a process of redistribution of Internet value, a process that allows all participants to share the cake!"

web2.0 is like an enterprise, calling on college students to work for free. In a short period of time, college students will actively sign up to participate out of curiosity in the workplace and self-training.

But after a long time, you will slack off, get bored, and quit.

This is the vulnerability of web2.0.

If an enterprise wants to have long-term development and be more attractive than other enterprises, it must pay college students internship wages. Pay them for their efforts.

Only in this way can the company system operate maturely and establish a healthy relationship with college students.

When college students graduate, they often regard this company as their first choice.

This is what Zhou Buqi understands as web3.0.

Why in the past two years, the enthusiasm and enthusiasm of college students for the student union has not been as high as in previous years?

The reason is very practical, because of interests.

In the past few years, the status of the student union was quite high. In the 1990s, the student union was a shadow league committee. It was even more powerful in the 1980s. The student union was the shadow principal, who could basically settle everything in the school. At the peak, the student unions of several universities united and wanted to influence the national policy.

But over the years, the power of the student union has been gradually weakened. Except for a few key colleges and universities, the student unions in general schools are organizations that exist in name only.

With no benefits and no oil and water, the enthusiasm of college students will not be so high. More and more college students are choosing to work part-time off-campus.

In analogy, it is the transition from web2.0 to web3.0, which is in line with human logic. No one likes to work for the Student Union for nothing. It is also work, how good is it to work outside the school and get paid?

For Ziweixing, the gold coin wallet system is an important way to transform from web2.0 to web3.0!

Users' online behavior can create value.

The value they create should not be captured by the website.

The essence of the Internet is sharing.

The gold coin wallet system means that Ziwei Galaxy "pays wages" to users, strengthens users' sense of identity with Ziwei Galaxy website and products, and turns their online labor into wealth.

Through this mode, the logical traffic increase from web1.0, web2.0 to web3.0 is completed.

Regarding this topic, Ziwei Star has discussed it several times.

Zhang Yiming said: "In the past web1.0 and web2.0 models, users all knew that browsing advertisements could generate income for the website, but they hated advertisements and didn't like watching advertisements. Because the income from watching advertisements is not comparable to their labor. It doesn’t matter. The web3.0 model we mainly promote is to clearly tell users that watching advertisements is online labor, and you can make money! This is openness and transparency, and this is the most popular business philosophy.”

Shen Xiangyang had just joined the company not long ago, and had not participated in the discussions in the previous meetings. At this moment, he felt enlightened and deeply felt that the concept of web3.0 was feasible, and said: "In the past, the Internet treated users as fools, and adopted All kinds of deception, inducement, deception, or coercive ways let them create value for the website. After a long time, it will inevitably make users disgusted. Our web3.0 concept is actually an Internet labor and Internet income based on watching advertisements Exchange between. This will inevitably increase users' interest in online advertising."

Shi Jinglin said lightly: "As long as it works well, this will be a blow to all web1.0 and web2.0 websites!"

Zhou Buqi almost laughed out loud.

I feel that my influence on Miss Shi is really great, she has subconsciously learned her own way of speaking, using words like "dimension reduction strike".

Sure enough, Shen Xiangyang looked like he was thinking deeply, and after realizing the deep meaning of this word, he said with deep conviction after a while: "Yes, dimensionality reduction strike, this word is cleverly used."

Zhou Buqi coughed lightly, and said seriously: "Respect for others is respect for yourself. Wealth distribution is the intuitive manifestation of respect. Respect for users is an important way for Ziwei Star to practice social fairness."

Everyone was a little dizzy.

All right!

What Boss Zhou is best at is putting the outline on the line, and everything is brought up to the interests of the country, society, and the nation.

The main reason is that there are many topics. If you talk too much and talk deeply, the public will not understand them well. They will be misunderstood and scolded, which has a negative effect. Topics such as family and country feelings are simple and straightforward, and are the easiest to resonate with the public.

The Master said: A gentleman wants to be slow in words but quick in deeds.

Be cautious when speaking externally, say more and make more mistakes, and say less and make fewer mistakes.

Zhou Buqi was low-key and cautious enough that he didn't even want to show up in public, and he didn't speak these words for these executives.

Instead, set a tone internally.

It is necessary to make the main propaganda direction on social justice and wealth distribution, so as to gain the recognition of the majority of netizens.

The most difficult one was Xu Liangjie.

After all, it is still a gold coin wallet system!

"Well, I propose a plan, which can add an internal audit department of the gold coin system with 50-60 people. Implement and monitor the gold coin data of all users. Delay. During this time, let our staff conduct a second review of their gold coin account to ensure that the data is normal."

When Xu Liangjie mentioned this plan, his face turned red.

Very embarrassing.

Insufficient technology requires equipment, materials and labor.

This plan was put forward last month, but Xu Liangjie didn't adopt it at that time, feeling ashamed. It should have been an automated intelligent system, and all of it should be processed by a computer.

In the end, it had to go through a semi-manual method.

This is basically a compromise, admitting that my current technical level cannot handle such a complicated financial project in a short time.

Shen Xiangyang said: "I think this idea is okay. The gold coin system is a complex and huge system, and it is difficult to achieve it in one step. It must be a little bit of development, relying on the market to slowly improve and improve."

Zhou Buqi's reaction was relatively flat, "I just want to know when this system will be launched."

Xu Liangjie sighed, feeling a deep sense of frustration.

Mainly, he felt that if he didn't use this semi-manual method, two months later...he might really be fired. In such a short period of time, a fully automatic gold coin wallet system cannot be fully realized.

Even if it is done, it will be full of mistakes, and hackers will catch the loopholes and illegally embezzle the interests of Ziwei Star.

It will be easier if this method is adopted, Xu Liangjie nodded, "If we prepare to build a self-examination department, we can basically promote it on various platforms next month."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Okay, I want the result."

Xu Liangjie said: "I suggest that after the gold coin system is launched, it should be tested for half a month on websites such as,, Embarrassment Encyclopedia, etc., and debug for a period of time. When the time is right, Helo will be launched to formally open up the whole system in an all-round way. The gold coin system of the platform."

Zhou Buqi didn't know how to operate it at all, so he could only follow the good advice and said with a smile: "This is Ziweixing's big middle platform, right?"


"It means a lot, do it well!"

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