Top of the big era

Chapter 804 Real Estate

Shi Jinglin's father, Shi Guotai, started his business with 50,000 yuan in the 1980s. He started out as a plastic factory in Zhejiang Province, and gradually became the largest production base of biaxially oriented polystyrene sheets in China. Formed a large-scale chemical group.

At the peak two years ago, he was ranked 13th on the domestic rich list, the second richest man in Shanghai.

However, in the past two years, I have diversified my investment and started to get involved in industry, foreign trade, finance, communications, real estate, mining, service industries, etc., and my wealth has shrunk severely.

After dinner.

Those that should have been greeted have also been greeted, and the relatives have left, so it is time to talk about some serious business.

Shi Guotai took Zhou Buqi to the study together.

Zhou Buqi's suggestion is to give up all branch businesses, and only keep the headquarters of the chemical plant and the new real estate business. The business of real estate is based on contacts, and there is no technical content. With the accumulation of the Shi family for so many years, it is not difficult to do it.

For other businesses, sell what should be sold, what should be closed, and all of them will be given up.

The loss is definitely a loss.

But born with a broken arm.

It is enough to keep the main business of the chemical industry unshakable and do some real estate development with common sense. Especially when the economic crisis hits next year, land prices will fall.

More importantly, in order to save the market, the country launched a 4 trillion plan, mainly for large infrastructure.

With the excessive currency, real estate has become the largest reservoir, and housing prices are rising sharply.


Shi Guotai let out a long sigh.

Zhou Buqi guessed something, "Is there a problem with funds?"

Shi Guotai nodded in embarrassment, "Even if we withdraw from those businesses, the loss will exceed 70%. Two years ago, I prepared 3 billion yuan for diversified development. Among them, 1 billion yuan was for the business on the Bund side. The real estate is gone, and the rest is basically..."

In other words, apart from the 1 billion already invested in real estate, the remaining 2 billion can only be withdrawn at most 600 million.

For both corporate value and personal net worth, there is a bubble amplification effect.

A company with a cash flow of 3 billion may estimate a wealth of 20 billion.

A loss of 1 billion is not a reduction of 1 billion in wealth, but it may affect the whole body. After clearing the bubble, it may be that the valuation is 10 billion less.

Zhou Buqi pondered for a while, "Uncle, what do you think? Do you want to do real estate?"


Shi Guotai gave him a deep look.

Zhou Buqi said: "Boss Lu from Oceanwide and Boss Feng from Wantong are both on good terms. They are both giants in the domestic real estate industry. If you want to do it, I will ask them to help. Send a few capable helpers, even senior executives at the vice president level, to run the business."

Shi Guotai is not a bumpkin or an upstart.

He is an intellectual, the first batch of college students after the reform. Later, I also studied for an MBA and was a nationally certified senior economist. In colleges and universities, I was at the level of a Ph.D. supervisor.

With the failure of diversified investment, he gradually realized what.

In fact, this is not his fault.

Diversified investment has been the mainstream business development trend in China in recent years.

It is Lenovo who brought up this trend.

Boss Liu split Lenovo into several businesses such as Legend Holdings, Lenovo Group, and Shenzhou, and managed more than a dozen industries through Legend Holdings, which achieved great success and established its own position.

Later, Founder Group, another domestic technology giant as famous as Lenovo, did the same thing. Academician Wang Xuan is a scientist, but he is not good at running a business. He is heavily in debt and has no profits. He is in danger.

Peking University made a decision to crowd out Founder’s founder, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Sciences, Academician Wang Xuan, the most famous computer scientist in China, and then started a diversified development route, covering finance, securities, services, communications, real estate, industry, Foreign trade and so on.

So far, it has been very successful.

Driven by these two top domestic giants, a large number of diversified groups have been born among the people.

But in fact this is a crooked road.

After a few years, except for Legend Holdings, which has done well under the leadership of Boss Liu, most of the diversified groups have encountered various crises, and even a super giant like Founder Group will face bankruptcy.

Diversified groups are not impossible, but they must have a set of persistent business philosophy. With a macroscopic understanding, you can give an outline command to each industry.

However, the vast majority of business owners do not have such a deep business understanding at all, they cannot achieve a comprehensive understanding, and they lack the understanding of some subdivided industries, which is prone to problems.

Shi Guotai was silent for a long time before admitting his mistake, "Now it seems that the development of diversification is indeed wrong."

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "It's not too late to make up for it. Aren't we doing a commercial real estate project on the Bund, which is very good. Take this as an opportunity to enter the real estate industry and continue to develop with heart."

Shi Guotai said: "But it is not so easy to withdraw the funds."

Zhou Buqi understood what he meant, and said calmly: "In three months, I can help you raise 500 million yuan."


Shi Guotai was stunned for a moment, thinking he had heard wrong.

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "Uncle, how about this, let's form a real estate joint-stock company, you put the real estate project on the Bund in, and then find a way to raise 500 million within 12 months. I will give you another 500 million 100 million, basically no problem."

"Aren't you an Internet company? Invest in real estate?"

"No, this is my personal contribution."


Shi Guotai gasped.

I think this kid is really wild!

Personally pay 500 million?

Moreover, there is no need to discuss any details, just make a decision directly?

Zhou Buqi looked very calm, smiled and said calmly: "Uncle, Linlin is with me, we are a family, and there is no need to say anything out of the ordinary. The newly established real estate company, I want 25% of the shares... …Well, it’s not actually me, I want these shares to be in Linlin’s name.”

Shi Guotai's complexion changed slightly, "For Linlin?"

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Yes!"

Shi Guotai was silent, his eyes narrowed slightly.

They are also men, so many things can be understood.

With Linlin's status, she was definitely wronged to be his concubine. Even if he gets married and gets a certificate in the future, his life of three wives and four concubines will somewhat embarrass the Shi family.

The 500 million...and it's 25% of the shares under Linlin's name, so it means compensation.

It's really expensive.

This is an emotional investment, and emotional means feelings.

There is no basis for words.

Money is the best measure.



Shi Jinglin tonight is extraordinarily gentle, playing in various poses casually, almost taking whatever she wants, which greatly satisfies Zhou Buqi.

After taking a shower, the two lay face to face on the bed.

"Did my dad agree?"

"He said he would consider it."

Shi Jinglin curled her lips, "What else are you thinking about? I will definitely agree, 500 million...just sell my daughter."

Zhou Buqi laughed and said, "It's okay if you don't sell it. I've been playing for two years."

"Fuck you," Shi Jinglin snorted coquettishly and rolled her eyes, "I'm a kind girl. Seeing you sticking to me pitifully like a dog, I'll give you a little advantage. I'm not interested in men. Men don't have a good thing. You are a human trafficker like my father, bastard!"

Zhou Buqi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "You just say that about your father?"

Shi Jinglin said nonchalantly: "In the first place, that...the shares are really for me?"


"Aren't you afraid that if I run away, you will lose money?"

"Do you dare?" Zhou Buqi snorted, "I can't beat you to death!"

Shi Jinglin rolled her eyes at him, "Domestic violence."

"If you are obedient, I will love you."

Zhou Buqi lay flat and opened his arms. Shi Jinglin hesitated for a moment, then moved her body, crawled over to snuggle into his arms, bit her red lips and said, "Tell case my father doesn't manage well , What should I do if I fail in real estate business?”

"In business, there is no way to make money without losing money. But he has been in the chemical industry for so many years, and he has such a strong relationship in Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang, so he can't lose money."

"What if?"

"It's better to lose!"

Zhou Buqi said something very inexplicable.

Shi Jinglin blinked her beautiful eyes, then turned her head and looked at him strangely, "What do you mean?"

Zhou Buqi said: "If you lose money, your father will definitely feel guilty. At that time, he will be embarrassed to have an opinion on me, so he can only honestly take his daughter as compensation. If he makes money, it will be troublesome. 500 million has become 5 billion, your father may be so proud, and if he loses his conscience, he may take his precious daughter back."

Shi Jinglin thought for a while, then nodded lightly, "Well, it makes sense. There is something wrong with my family now, and they are more accepting of you. If there is a turning point in the future and things get better, maybe they will think that I followed you It's an embarrassment to the family."

Zhou Buqi didn't take it seriously, "Small, just obediently follow me to enjoy the blessings, and I'll take care of the shelter from the wind and rain."

Shi Jinglin is not a little girl, she sat up immediately, and said with piercing eyes: "Zhou Buqi, I agree to be a real estate company. But this share cannot be in my name, you hold it yourself. Not only that, you also have to There is a veto."


"You are stupid. Only in this way can you hold my dad's handle. In case the real estate company really gets bigger and bigger in the future, and my dad has other ideas, you can also restrain him. He can't tear us apart. gone."


Zhou Buqi looked slightly suspicious.

Shi Jinglin frowned, "What's wrong? Am I wrong?"

Zhou Buqi pretended to say: "I just think... oh, my charm is really too great. I didn't expect that the majestic Miss Shi Jinglin was trained to be so obedient by me. It's really... oh, oh, you and I'll do it, believe it or not, I'll beat you up?"

The two were laughing and joking, and fought on the bed for a while.

Under the rubbing of ears and temples, Zhou Buqi wanted to pamper her again.

Shi Jinglin resolutely disagreed, and said angrily, "Get out! I'm almost exhausted!" Then, feeling that this didn't seem very good, she hesitated a little, leaned over, and whispered in his ear: "You think my second How is sister?"


"Isn't it beautiful?"


"Do you want to sleep with her?"


Zhou Buqi shuddered, and the blood subsided immediately, and goose bumps covered his body under the shudder.

"On this level?" Shi Jinglin glanced at him contemptuously, and said lightly, "Do you want to sleep? My eldest sister definitely can't, and I'm too embarrassed to say. My second sister is fine. It’s a good relationship. If I tell her, she can come over.”

Zhou Buqi stammered, "Don't, don't make trouble..."

Shi Jinglin gave him a white look, "Who made trouble? To tell you the truth. When you went to the study, she came over just now, and we have said such things. When I say you are strong, I don't talk about it every time. For half an hour, she was so envious."

Zhou Buqi shook his head again and again, "Stop making trouble."

"Do you want it or not?"

"don't want!"

"Really don't want it?"


"I'm not afraid, what are you afraid of? It's okay, my second sister is next door. I'll tell her, she'll come here secretly, and I'll let you out. After you're done, go back secretly, and no one will find out."

Zhou Buqi resolutely refused, and held her in his arms, "Okay, Linlin, stop making trouble. She is your sister, she is my sister, this kind of thing... don't say it is done, it is a sin to think about it! Absolutely no!"

The corner of Shi Jinglin's mouth twitched slightly, still persuading, "What? Are you scared?"

Zhou Buqi said solemnly: "It's not fear, it's respect. Ning Yaxian's younger sister is also very beautiful. She said every day that she wanted to give her sister to warm my bed, and wanted them to serve me together. One day, she The two knelt down to me and wanted me to accept them both, but I didn't accept it. Isn't this a humiliation? There are some bottom lines, we must stick to them. I don't lack women. Beautiful girls come at a whim, so there is no need to do it Such risky play."

"Then it's up to you." Shi Jinglin sighed softly, very satisfied in her heart, "But as for the shares, do as I say, and you hold it yourself. I understand my father, he is in the dark! Or you take it yourself It’s safer, and our relationship is more stable.”

"Well, all right."

Zhou Buqi let out a long breath of relief.

One can't handle it, let alone two, the daughter of the Shi family doesn't sleep well.

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