The country is very large and has a large population. If we want to build a cloud computing center, we must set up a few more.

If the distance is long, there will be delay; if the scale is small, the storage will not be enough.

According to Ziweixing's plan for cloud computing business, within three years, three cloud computing centers will be prepared, one in the capital, one in Pengcheng, and one in Chuncheng.

The total investment will reach 10 billion yuan.

In the next year, 2 billion yuan will be invested, which is the first phase of the project.

In another year, 3.5 billion yuan will be invested, which will be the second phase of the project.

The third phase of the project will be completed around 2010, and the remaining 4.5 billion yuan will be invested in it.

Leaders and experts from various ministries and commissions, municipalities, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Computer Science, and other institutions and units have attached great importance to this large project.

The main reason is that Zhou Buqi's PPT is good, and he can draw big cakes.

Ziweixing's cloud computing platform, in addition to its main business, will also involve some vertical fields, such as the government cloud demonstration base, industrial cloud platform, police cloud platform, medical cloud platform, and education cloud platform. Online office and digital advancement play a catalytic role.

Especially the government cloud and police cloud are very important. Ordinary companies can't play at all, and they need to be officially certified.

Ziweixing has this advantage.

The construction of the platform is still far away, first enclose the land, first build the building!

In the morning, Zhou Buqi went to Yizhuang to see a piece of land.

Talked to several leaders.

According to the plan, the capital's cloud computing center needs 8 data center modules, each with 20,000 servers, for a total of 160,000 servers.

In order to ensure data security, each module needs to build a building.

In case the building caught fire, exploded or collapsed, destroying all data.

This requires that the data center building cannot be built high-rise, the 4th or 5th floor is almost the same, and the low-rise is more reliable. Moreover, the distance between buildings cannot be too close.

In addition, there must be no mountains nearby to prevent landslides; no large rivers to prevent floods; no complicated traffic to prevent traffic accidents... More importantly, there must be a stable supply of electricity and water.

In order to prevent accidental power outages and water outages, it also has its own generator module and water storage tank.

In order to cool down the server, there is also a huge cooling device.

Asks a lot.

The requirements for land are also very high, asking for 160 mu of land.

Such a large piece of land must be outside the Fifth Ring Road.

The capital's cloud computing center has a budget of 2.5 billion yuan for the purchase of 160,000 servers alone. There is also 500 million yuan to arrange a powerful cooling system. The remaining 1 billion yuan needs to buy land, build buildings, operate expenses, risk prevention and control, and some infrastructure...

This requires the city to make concessions in terms of land prices.

Preferably as a free gift.

The leaders did not agree.

It is said that the last time Ziweixing was given such a big land support policy, it was already under a lot of pressure. The government should treat every enterprise fairly, otherwise others will have opinions.

However, the land price will not be too much.

This is close to the Sixth Ring Road, and it is also a commercial land, the area is a bit larger, and the price... is only about 50 million, which is not too high. There is not only one voice in the city, Ziweixing wants to pay a sum of money to stop Yoyo's mouth.

Zhou Buqi readily agreed.

On the way back, I received a text message from Jiang Bingjie, which probably meant that she had recovered and signed a contract with the company. She wanted to invite the sponsor's father to dinner to express her gratitude.

Zhou Buqi felt that this girl was quite interesting, and he was grateful, so he replied to the text message: "Where's Yang Mi?"

"She's home, I'm at the company."

"Well, let's call her together."


In the afternoon, Zhou Buqi held four meetings in a row, all of which were related to

The trend of the "Happy Farm" fire is becoming more and more obvious.

Currently, there are more than 24 million players.

There are 14 million active players!

Among them, 5 million active users joined only in the last two months, and they were attracted by "Happy Farm". Driven by this increasingly popular web game, has more than 75 million registered users.

Daily active users exceed 18 million!

The traffic created every day exceeds 350 million.

For, with traffic, there is everything.

Today is August 25th, and there are still a few days before this month passes. But these few days don't count, this month's rough financial report has also made great progress compared to last month.

Information flow advertising revenue increased by 15% compared with July, reaching 160 million yuan; open platform revenue increased by 46% compared with July, reaching 62 million yuan; the turnover of Taobao channel increased by 22%, and the order volume increased 25%, commission income increased by 23%, reaching 29.5 million yuan; promotion service income surged 120%, and also exceeded 10 million yuan in one fell swoop.

It is roughly estimated that the net profit of this month may exceed 150 million yuan!

It's a pity that the business of the open platform is not yet mature enough. There are more than 60 million yuan in revenue, but they are all used for dividends, subsidies and commercial promotion, and fail to generate profits.

At the development strategy meeting of, Gao Jun, vice president, said that can achieve higher achievements and pursue higher goals. The popularity of "Happy Farm" is still in the fermentation stage, far from reaching its peak. However, has to base itself on the next explosive point.

The goal is clear - next year's capital Olympic Games.

This is almost an opportunity that domestic Internet giants are vying for. Relevant departments and the Olympic Organizing Committee are also actively promoting it, and they want to use this Olympic Games to show off the demeanor of a great country., as the largest social network in China, must respond to the call and actively participate in the report.

Not to participate.

Since we want to do it, we must do our best and take advantage of the popularity of the Olympics to increase the traffic.

The best way is to reach a strategic cooperation with Sohu.

Sohu can be called "the No. 1 website of Beijing Olympic Games".

Recently, under the call of relevant departments, several major websites have launched a wave of warm-up reports on the Olympics, and the results are quite different. For special reports on websites such as Netease, Sina, Tencent, Universal, Xinhua, and CCTV, the number of replies is about 6,000.

And Sohu, is 10 million.

Zhou Buqi understood now.

No wonder Zhang Yiming called himself over for this little meeting.

To catch the heat of the Olympics, this trivial matter deserves Boss Zhou's personal attention? Now I understand, I want him to come forward in person to settle Sohu.

Zhou Buqi pondered for a while, and immediately volunteered to accept the task.

The popularity of the Olympics is not just a matter of

Today's headlines are also available!

Weibo is even better!

It is indeed important!

When I got back to the office, I called Zhang Chaoyang, but he was not in the company.

Just make an appointment to go to the bar together in the evening and have a small gathering.

At around 6 o'clock in the evening, Zhou Buqi took Yang Mi and Jiang Bingjie out to eat western food, which was a Spanish-style restaurant. Yang Mi looked embarrassed, and said that she had to go home at night and could not spend the night outside.

Boss Zhou is considerate, so of course he won't make things difficult for her.

After eating at 7 o'clock, I hurried back to the residence with the two of them.

Don't waste time!

Jiang Bingjie was flustered. When the patron's father stripped herself and sister Yang Mi naked and posed together in various poses, she wished she could take the pillow and cover her face.

This big drama gave her a new understanding of life.

After 8 o'clock, Yang Mi went home.

After 9 o'clock, Zhou Buqi and Jiang Bingjie got dressed and set off together to go to the bar!

Zhang Chaoyang's life is very chic.

Unlike other Internet bosses who always work overtime at night, he never works at night. He usually invites a group of friends to sing at KTV, drink at a bar, or massage in a sauna...

It's fine if it's not formal, and Zhou Buqi can still understand it. Bosses in many traditional industries are also constantly entertaining at night, basically playing informal games.

But what Lao Zhang plays is green.

I really don't know what it means.

It is estimated that the requirements are too high, even vulgar fans will look down on them.

The bars that Lao Zhang goes to must not be popular low-end bars like Houhai, Gongti, and Sanlitun. He usually goes to five-star hotels.

Tonight I chose the Alia Bar of the China World Hotel. The decoration is luxurious, with a red tone and a mahogany-colored high platform, giving people a sense of elegance and tranquility.

As soon as she arrived, Jiang Bingjie was a little timid.

It feels like this place is too formal. On the stage is a British singer who sings jazz, high class... but I don't understand it. I'm embarrassed to come without wearing an evening dress.

Zhou Buqi doesn't like this kind of place very much either, it doesn't suit young people, it's too business-like.

Seeing Zhang Chaoyang, he complained: "Come here like this, a group of middle-aged and elderly people, who don't have the vitality of young people at all."

Zhang Chaoyang said angrily: "Aren't we talking about work, of course we have to find a quiet place."

"Who said we were going to talk about work?"

"Hmph, it's not about work, can you ask me out for a drink?"

Zhang Chaoyang shook his head, as if he had seen through Zhou Buqi a long time ago.

Zhou Buqi is a little funny.

Compared with other senior executives of Ziweixing, he is lazy, and his work is relaxed, and small things can be pushed and delegated as soon as possible, and there is no shortage of leisure life.

But compared with Lao Zhang, he is no different from a workaholic.

The female companion next to Zhang Chaoyang is a girl in her twenties, with bright eyes and a small cherry mouth, very beautiful. This girl had a boyfriend before, and then Lao Zhang arranged for her and her boyfriend to go to Dubai for a week. After returning, the young couple broke up. Lao Zhang hugged the beauty back home.


Zhou Buqi's female companion is Jiang Bingjie, and she is not on the stage. So I won't mention this.

Briefly talk about the Olympic cooperation.

It's easy.

Zhang Chaoyang waved his hand and said angrily: "No problem! Then cooperate!"

Sohu has the highest quality Olympic content, but the traffic is not high. Ziweixing has traffic, but lacks professional and high-quality Olympic content. The two sides cooperate to get what they need.

Two men and two women ordered four cocktails.

What Zhou didn't want was BlackJacks black jade, which had a sour taste and a bad smell, so I felt that this thing had no special features except for being expensive. The two young girls were very excited, especially the bartender was a handsome foreign guy with a high nose bridge and blue eyes, handsome like a male model, he almost screamed.

The two big bosses don't care much about this kind of thing.

Everyone is not playing with emotions.

After talking about the Olympics, Zhou Buqi wanted to talk about some personal matters, "I have a good idea, let's do it together?"

"What a good idea?"

"Buy a plane."

"I rely on it!"

Zhang Chaoyang was stunned.

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