Zhou Buqi was slightly silent, he was thinking about the current situation.

The current situation of Ziweixing and Baidu is largely the same.

Baidu is working on several major projects at the same time, especially the e-commerce platform Baidu You. This is a brand new field, and all the company's resources need to be mobilized to invest in it. The opponent is very powerful, and it is Taobao, which dominates the domestic market;

Ziweixing is working on several major projects at the same time, especially the social software Helo, which is a brand new field and requires all the resources of the company to be invested. The opponent is very powerful, and it is QQ that dominates the domestic market.

One for Taobao and one for QQ.

They are all attacking the industry hegemony with the attitude of a challenger.

If you can't concentrate on developing major new markets at this time, and you have to allocate a part of your strength to defend the search battlefield behind you, it will be a bit powerless.

Taobao and QQ are both domestic Internet giants!

The probability of success in a fight on a single front is very low, let alone open up two fronts at the same time.

It would be great if Ziweixing and Baidu can reach a settlement.

Ziweixing can run Helo wholeheartedly, and Baidu can develop it wholeheartedly. You don't have to worry about being attacked from behind anymore, you can gather all your advantages to fight hard.

After empathizing, Zhou Buqi can understand Li Yanhong's feelings now.

It doesn't matter if there is a small friction between Baidu and Ziweixing.

But we can't break up!

You can't get out of your way and do your best!

Baidu can't afford it, and Ziweixing can't afford it either.

It is necessary to focus on the core contradiction and put aside unnecessary contradictions.

Previously, what Zhou Buqi was most worried about was fighting with Baidu and Penguin at the same time, attacking on two fronts, the pressure was too great, and it might collapse completely.

If Baidu and Ziweixing can turn off their flames and turn their hostility into friendship, it will be beneficial to both parties.

Zhou Buqi was very moved.

I plan to accept Boss Li's opinion.

However, he can't promise so simply, he has to sharpen him first, let him improve his memory!

What happened to the returnee scientists?

You can't look down on people!

Undergraduates who have not graduated from the university can also teach a doctoral supervisor like you a profound lesson!

Zhou Buqi is full of confidence.

Because he has a huge information gap advantage. He knew that Baidu was working on "Yeah", but Li Yanhong didn't know that Ziweixing was working on Helo.

Know thyself, ever-victorious.

After a long time, Zhou Buqi shook his head and said amusedly: "Lao Li, Baidu is a hurdle that must be overcome for Weidian to develop. Doesn't it mean that Baidu has been It is the first in the industry, and Weidian can only be second? You have a good plan!"

Li Yanhong's face was a little cold, "Mutual shielding, blocking, there is a chance for a little bit?"

Zhou Buqi remained unmoved, "How will you know if you don't try? The second is to challenge the first. The spring wind and rain will definitely not work. It must be a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire fighting in a pool of blood."

Li Yanhong sighed, "It's too extreme. The company still needs to rely on products instead of hostility. Xiao Zhou, you can't do it with this mentality."

"Oh, then Baidu Tieba blocked Weidian, what does that mean?"

"Weizhi blocked Baidu first."

"It was Baidu who dug me up first."


Li Yanhong collapsed a bit.

Depend on!

Let's talk, and the words come back again!

There is really no way, this is Baidu's fault. In the commercial market, poaching people is normal, but poaching people in the established system is the rhythm of turning faces. Dig one or two core backbones, and other people's businesses can continue to operate as usual. However, a team has been poached by the establishment, and many businesses are about to collapse.

"This matter is reckless." Li Yanhong simply faced the problem directly, "This matter has already happened, you see... how to make up for it? I still say the same thing, the situation of the search industry is not clear now, Google and Microsoft are still developing strength. If Baidu and Weidian really have a decisive battle, they may be taken advantage of by foreign giants if they are seriously injured.”

"Well..." Zhou Buqi glanced at him and coughed lightly, "I heard that Baidu has deep research in big data? It just so happens that Ziweixing also has good accomplishments in this area, how about I send a technical team to Have a friendly exchange?"

Li Yanhong's complexion changed, "This is impossible!"

Technology is Baidu's core strength, especially related to big data. Looking at the world, the in-depth research in this field means that Google can firmly win Baidu.

After all, big data is most directly related to search.

Google is the first echelon, this is indisputable.

Baidu, Microsoft and Yahoo are the second echelon, and these are the second echelon in the search field. Baidu is not even giving up. If the "pyramid" project it is working on really succeeds, it will be comparable to Google and enter the first echelon.

Zhou Buqi tried many times to covet Baidu's research results in the field of big data, but it didn't work, so he said angrily: "You asked me to make a request, and I did, but you disagree, so what's the point?"

Li Yanhong didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Then you can't talk like a lion, at least you have to be equal."

"Then tell me, what compensation can you offer?"

"Ziweixing seems to have quite a lot of websites, such as Xiaonei, job-hunting, and friends... Let me give you a plan, Baidu can appropriately increase the weight of these websites."


Zhou Buqi pondered for a while, feeling that this plan is feasible.

Li Yanhong said lightly: "You said that Soso is the technical support provided by you, and it has its own micro-points. With Baidu's support, those websites in your hand can appear in front of users with the greatest exposure rate. Enjoy The traffic to far exceeds other similar websites. Especially the joke website, called..."

"Embarrassments Encyclopedia."

"Yes, Embarrassment Encyclopedia, I have seen this website a few times, it is very interesting. But now there are dozens of similar websites. With Baidu's help, this website will definitely become the most popular joke website in China .”


Zhou Buqi was moved.


With the support of Baidu, Weidian + Baidu + Soso has almost occupied 90% of the domestic search market! When users search for jokes, most of the traffic will be imported into Embarrassment Encyclopedia.

It's hard not to succeed!

Li Yanhong smiled, "Then it's settled?"

Zhou Buqi asked: "What kind of weight file will you give?"

Li Yanhong pondered for a while, "The third gear."

Zhou Buqi asked again: "Tell me specifically, how is Baidu's weight divided?"

Li Yanhong pondered for a moment, did not hide anything, and said calmly: "The first stage is to join the websites promoted by Baidu and Baidu's own content ecology."

"Well, there's nothing wrong with that."

"The second tier is well-known big websites, such as Sohu, Netease, Sina and other well-known first-line websites."


"The third tier is mainly those small and medium-sized websites that have joined the Baidu Advertising Alliance. Next, there is the fourth tier, which will normally display search results according to a fair weight ratio."

This division of stalls is mainly for making money.

According to the fairness and impartiality of the Internet, the first three tiers should not exist, and the fourth tier should start directly. But if the website wants to make money, it must artificially break some fairness.

Allow some websites to complete "queue jumping" by paying.

For example, the first tier of Baidu promotion, the most famous is the bidding ranking.

The second gear is mainly to maintain the face of Baidu. If the content of some famous websites such as the three major portals cannot be found, the search engine will appear too low.

The third gear is also for making money.

For example, search for starting point novels in a search engine. If Qidian has joined Baidu promotion and sent money to Baidu, then the original novels of Qidian will be displayed first in the search results. If you don't join...the level of starting point is not enough for Netease, Sohu, etc., and if you don't reach the second level, you will be directly assigned to the fourth level, and they will be sorted according to the weight ratio.

However, those pirated websites that have joined the Baidu Alliance can enjoy the third ranking results. It will lead to the situation that when searching for novels, the first few websites are all pirated websites, and the genuine websites rank lower.

Among Ziweixing's websites, only Friends.com and Xiaonei.com have joined Baidu's promotion service, that is, bidding ranking. To this end, an annual fee of 8 million to 10 million yuan has to be paid.

As for other embarrassing things encyclopedia, Weimi.com, jobseeking.com, Douban, etc., none of them purchased Baidu's services. It can only be sorted according to the fourth gear.

The traffic sources of these websites mainly rely on the drainage of Youyou.com, Xiaonei.com and Weidian search.

Now, Li Yanhong stated that he wants to add Ziweixing's related websites to the third file, which is equivalent to helping Ziweixing jump in the search results.

If you jump in line, you can get a higher position in the queue.

Zhou Buqi felt that Mr. Li's sincerity was good, and he was very moved. But it’s not easy to make decisions on your own, and you plan to go back and have a meeting. After discussing it with everyone, you pretended to mutter: "I'll think about it."

Li Yanhong said angrily, "What else is there to consider?"

"We'll talk about it later, don't worry." Zhou Buqi waved his hand, "But you just had a point of view, which convinced me. I think this matter can be done first."

"What's up?"

"You're right, it can't be that the first and second fight, and let the third and fourth get the benefits. The snipe and the clam fight, and the fisherman benefits. It can't happen to Baidu and Ziweixing."

Li Yanhong nodded, "Yes! It's good if you realize it. After all, Google and Microsoft are foreign companies. How can their own people fight and let outsiders pick up cheap things for nothing?"

Zhou Buqi narrowed his eyes, deeply convinced, "It makes sense!"


Li Yanhong raised his eyebrows, feeling that there was something in this kid's words.

Zhou Buqi said: "The domestic search market is still too chaotic. Look at the search markets in other developed countries, that is, Google, Yahoo, Microsoft and other search engines. There are too many in China. Baidu, Weidian , Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, Soso, Zhongsou, Aiwen, Youdao, Yisou, Kuaisou...there are dozens of them. Chaos!"

Li Yanhong blinked, and heard a somewhat conspiratorial tone, "What do you mean?"

Zhou Buqi said solemnly: "Baidu is the first in the market, and Weidian is the second in the market. We have the responsibility to purify the market and make this field clean and transparent."

"Purify the market..."

Li Yanhong gasped.

It seemed that at this moment he really recognized the boy's true face.


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