Top of the big era

Chapter 790 Deep Learning Framework

"Father of the gold master, happy holidays!"

"What holiday?"

"Valentine's Day, tomorrow is Tanabata."

"What kind of festival is this..." Zhou Buqi realized, "I'm in the company, so I didn't pay attention at all."

Yang Mi said in a long voice, "Today is Saturday, don't you have a rest?"

Zhou Buqi gave a faint "hmm", "Too much work, no time to rest."

Yang Mi said delicately: "I can't do my job anyway, it's too hard, I need to rest properly. Mr. Xu said... Jiang Bingjie and I will go back to the city in a while, why don't you treat us to dinner?"

Zhou Buqi was very casual, "Okay, what do you want to eat?"

"I've never been to the Meifu family banquet."


"Where do you live that night?"

"talk later."

"Oh, then... Jiang Bingjie is right next to me, do you want to talk to her?"

"No, I still have something to do here. She is a younger sister. Take her with you and don't bully anyone."

There is something wrong with Zhou Buqi.

Wang Xing, Ning Yaxian and others have been called, as well as Wang Haoyang, Han Leshui, and Nie Caijun are all ready to go to the newly established Ziweixing Research Institute to do research work together.

Now Ziwei Star has more than 2,200 employees and has three offices in the capital.

The headquarters is in Sohu Building, and the software business group, search business group and Ziweixing Engineering Institute are in Juanshi Building. This time, Ziwei Xing Research Institute has also found a location, which is downstairs of Ziwei Xingyun Computing Business, in TusTech Building.

It is worth mentioning that the Juanshi Building is located in Zhongguancun Electronics City, not far from the headquarters park that Ziweixing is building. It will be easy to relocate in the future.

TusTech Building, where Ziweixing Research Institute and cloud computing business are located, is very close to Sohu Building, and it is also in Tsinghua Science and Technology Park, only a three-minute walk away.

This location was chosen for two purposes.

First, this is Tsinghua University, which can further deepen Ziweixing's Tsinghua gene, make better use of the university's scientific research atmosphere, and cooperate with Tsinghua University to facilitate recruitment.

Second, the distance is close and communication is convenient.

Especially Shen Xiangyang, in addition to being the dean of the research institute, also serves as the CTO, so he must go to Sohu Building for meetings frequently. Far away, too inconvenient.

It's a pity that every inch of land in the science and technology park is expensive, technology companies gather together, and office buildings are fully occupied. Otherwise, Zhou Buqi will definitely move the cloud computing business and Ziweixing Research Institute into the Sohu Building.

Zhou Buqi's visit to the research institute this time... is mainly to appease people's hearts.

After Shen Xiangyang took office, the first thing he did was to stop the intelligent search project led by Xu Ming. You know, this project has been going on for more than half a year, and 15 million has been spent on research and development.

Being stopped directly made these high-quality engineers very dissatisfied.

Ziweixing Research Institute has just been established, and there are only 13 people brought by Shen Xiangyang from Microsoft Research Institute. The reason why it can be quickly established is the 55-member technical team of the intelligent search project.

The result was good, Dean Shen came up and abandoned their efforts for the past six months.

Shen Xiangyang's point of view is very clear, "This project is too technically difficult, you can't do it! When doing research, you can't think about eating a fat man with one bite, you have to take it slowly and step by step."

After all, he is a newcomer, a newcomer, and he is a little out of control.

It can only be that Zhou Buqi appears on the stage to quell public anger.

After the past, the first thing to do was to promote Xu Ming, the rank has not changed, and the position has been changed to the vice president of Ziweixing Engineering Institute. Then he delivered a speech expressing the company's support for Dean Shen.

Ziweixing's belief in technology will not change, and the intelligent search project is not completely abandoned, but suspended. When the research institute was first established, it is necessary to use good steel on the cutting edge and do some more meaningful project research.

Shen Xiangyang said: "The recommendation algorithms we make are all based on the user's personal habits to judge his preferences, so as to recommend the content he likes, whether it is advertisement distribution, article distribution, or search result distribution, the principle is the same. And for this process, it is not enough to rely on only a small number of user parameters, and it is necessary to establish a whole set of algorithm foundations for machine learning and deep neural networks."

"The first priority of the research institute is to develop a complete set of deep learning frameworks. This project will be difficult, but it must be done. As far as I know, in Silicon Valley, Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, Amazon and other giant companies, all We are doing this. If we don’t, this field will be dominated by foreign giants in the future..."

In fact, convincing technical personnel is very simple, just use higher technology. Boss Zhou's platform gave Dean Shen the opportunity to discuss his personal technical concepts for everyone.

In the future, there will be three mainstream deep learning frameworks in the world: Tensorflow, PyTorch and Caffe.

Baidu's PaddlePaddle is barely one.

But Baidu's products were born too late, and the technical level is not bad, but the track has been robbed by others.

Most of the deep framework systems learned and applied by technicians during college are Google's Tensorflow and Facebook's PyTorch.

After they graduate and work, of course, they are more accustomed to using the handy framework, and they have invested in the arms of Google or Facebook.

Baidu’s technology is very strong, and it has persisted. PaddlePaddle has been relatively successful and has a good share in the domestic market. Developers rely on this framework to design hundreds of thousands of AI models.

Even if it is not comparable to Google and Facebook, so many AI models have made great contributions to Baidu's accumulation of artificial intelligence technology. Huawei also developed its own deep learning framework MindSpore, but it couldn't push it, so it had to give up and switch to Caffe.

It is so important to have an autonomous and controllable deep learning framework!

Any app in the future will basically be inseparable from deep learning, and it is necessary to learn user habits to achieve better use effects.

If developers all use foreign frameworks, then the relevant data and the established AI models will become the technology accumulation of Silicon Valley giants. They want to do similar functions. If they find that others have done it, they don't need to develop it themselves, just use it directly.

Why is it said that Baidu is the number one in the field of artificial intelligence in China?

In addition to its own strength, the PaddlePaddle platform is also very important. Through the AI ​​models designed by other developers, Baidu has made a deep technical accumulation.

It's a pity that it started too late, and it can only be played in China, and there is no chance abroad. Google's AlphaGo, relying on the Tensorflow deep learning framework, has swept the Go world and is well-known all over the world, and developers are crazy about it. Only at this time did Baidu belatedly enter the arena, and the track was completely robbed.

Ziwei Star has an advantage in that it has deployed cloud computing early on.

Putting the deep learning framework into the cloud computing platform is simply like Yu Boya and Zhong Ziqi. Assuming that Dangdang has developed a picture analysis model through the Ziwei cloud platform, and agrees to share it publicly, also needs a similar product, and it can be called directly through the cloud platform. The Internet is here for companies to help each other, share and grow together.

This can attract merchants to Ziweixing's cloud computing platform. Moreover, everyone uses Ziweixing's deep learning framework, and technology precipitation and product services are also available.

If it does, Ziwei Star will have a huge opportunity, even surpassing Google and Facebook.

Among the three deep learning frameworks, Caffe and Tensorflow were both developed by Jia Dashen. The former was done during his Ph.D. at university, and the latter was done during his internship at Google.

This is a Chinese.

Shen Xiangyang made arrangements for three research groups for Ziweixing Research Institute. The first one is to build his own deep learning framework. The second is to further optimize the personalized recommendation algorithm. The third one is machine translation.


Zhou Buqi was powerless.

I just feel that dealing with these technicians is really painful, and I am fascinated, I can't understand anything, and I have to pretend to be deep and sure.

I can only find confidence in female stars.

Zhou Buqi went to Jieyu Media and met Xu Baihui, while Yang Mi and Jiang Bingjie sat on the sofa obediently.

Seeing Boss Zhou, Yang Mi stood up and shouted obediently, "Godfather!"

Zhou Buqi choked.

Xu Baihui almost laughed.

Jiang Bingjie stood up blushing, looking nervous and cramped. His eyes were bright, but his eyes were dodging. He bit his lips lightly, and the corners of his mouth trembled slightly. He wanted to say something to say hello to Boss Zhou, but it was hard to say when the words came to his lips.

This is the difference between professional actors and non-professional actors.

Yang Mi is a student of Nortel. She is a professional. She can liberate her nature and open herself up easily. Not to mention boss Zhou, she can call a 5-year-old child her brother, dad, and grandpa very naturally. .

Acting is just a character setting, so you don't have to take it seriously.

Jiang Bingjie couldn't do it, she couldn't open it, Bai Shengsheng's little hands were tightly clenched, and she was a little at a loss.

Zhou Buqi was really happy and pissed off, he stared and said: "What are you yelling?"

Yang Mi had picturesque eyebrows and a pretty face like a flower, so she ran over and took his arm with a smile, "Brother, brother, brother, I miss you."

Zhou Buhe hummed heavily.

Xu Baihui couldn't help laughing, and said amusedly: "You are right, you are the benefactor of the family, the father of the benefactor."

Zhou Buqi said angrily: "That can't be yelling in public."

Yang Mi didn't agree and said, "How can there be a big audience and no outsiders. Sister, what do you think?"

Jiang Bingjie was so embarrassed that she wanted to find a crack in the ground to get in. She couldn't scream, her face was bright red, and her nervous eyes were covered with mist, "Zhou... Mr. Zhou, I am Bingjie, nice to meet you."

Zhou Buqi's complexion improved slightly, "Well, sit down."

Then, he did his part and sat in the middle of the sofa.

On the left, Yang Mi snuggled up to her.

On the right, Jiang Bingjie was a little hesitant. When she looked up, she saw Mr. Xu's stern eyes, bit her red lips tightly, and moved over to sit next to Mr. Zhou.

Then, she felt her waist being hugged, her face froze, and her body froze.

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