Top of the big era

Chapter 777 Cloud Computing, Set Sail

On August 7th, Zhou Buqi went to the airport in person.

Wang Jian and Wang Xing's mission to the United States is back, and it has achieved fruitful results!

At the end of last month, 37 high-achieving students who studied in the United States returned to China and joined Ziweixing. The most outstanding technical ability has reached the level of T7, and there are two M5s with the highest management level.

This time he returned to China and brought back 6 senior talents. In addition, there are seven or eight people in the United States who have already agreed to return to China, and a dozen more are under consideration.

This wave of trips to the United States has brought back nearly 50 technical talents from Ziweixing.

Half of them are fresh graduates, and the other half... are engaged in technical research and development related work in Silicon Valley, accumulating a lot of experience.

For this group of people, Wang Jianhui will select about 40 people, plus the team he brought out from Microsoft Research Institute, to form his core team for cloud computing business.

The rest will be added to Ziwei Star Engineering Academy. Among them, Zhao Xiaoping, the technical director dug from Yahoo, was appointed as the vice president of the Academy of Engineering, M5 level.

Talent is only one aspect. Wang Jian went to the United States this time with a clear purpose, for the technology of cloud computing!

In the first stage, Ziwei Cloud’s business is infrastructure-as-a-service, and this set of services needs to be implemented in three main areas——

First, software, to develop a cloud computing operating system.

Second, for hardware, develop modular servers that are easy to disassemble and replace.

Third, build a building and build a cloud computing data center.

The biggest difficulty is building a building, which costs tens of billions of dollars.

The first two technical issues are not simple either.

The cloud computing operating system is a new gadget... The model is different from that of computer operating systems and mobile phone operating systems. The core is to be a virtual machine.

Definitely not working from scratch.

It can only be developed based on linux system.

The linux system is an open source project, which is equivalent to the rough room in the field of operating system.

Whoever can decorate this rough house in the most stable, safest, smoothest and most beautiful way... will win in this field.

Most of the operating systems such as the Android system are based on the refined decoration of the Linux system.

In recent years, some Linux-based computer operating systems have been launched in China, claiming to be self-developed... In fact, they are all simple magic changes and simple decorations. The basic living functions are realized by laying the floor and furniture in the rough house, which is simple and rough.

Ziweixing's cloud computing is ambitious, and of course it cannot be satisfied with simple decoration.

Simple decoration is easy, just lay the floor and put furniture on it. But how attractive is this kind of house? Of course, only by transforming rough houses into luxury villas can it be more attractive and better meet the living needs of residents and enjoy it.

This difficulty is too great.

For this reason, Wang Jian went to the United States this time and reached a cooperation with Palm Corporation and ACCESS. He spent 16 million US dollars to buy the source code of their PalmOS system, which exceeded 50 million lines.

The reason why the cooperation was successfully reached was that Palm could not survive.

Palm is a handheld computer company. It was very successful in the early years. Relying on the synchronization function of a handheld computer and a handheld computer, it surpassed Apple's product Newton once it was launched.

However, the past few years have not been easy.

In 2005, in order to ease the operating pressure, Palm sold part of the copyright of the most proud PalmOS system to Japan's ACCESS. On this basis, ACCESS continues to develop and plans to transform to tablet and mobile phone operating systems.

The PalmOS system is very famous in the industry, and once beat Apple.

You know, Apple is the god of the operating system field. From the PC era to the mobile era, Apple is leading the trend. Windows and Android are imitated by Apple.

A price of $16 million is definitely expensive.

But the price is not important, the key is to be able to buy. Most of the time, you can't buy it even if you want to spend money. It just so happened that Palm Company was not well managed and Axios lacked funds, so the opportunity was rare. 16 million US dollars, Palm received 6 million US dollars, and ACCESS received 10 million US dollars.

With PalmOS as a luxury villa and Android as an open source hardcover apartment as a reference, two-phase argumentation, checking for omissions and filling in gaps, Wang Jian led the team to develop his own cloud computing operating system, even if he has the confidence.

Domestic independent research and development is basically like this, and it is almost impossible to write code from scratch.

If it is a simple project like "Interest Circle", just find the code of a similar project and modify it. If it is a high-end project such as a cloud computing operating system, there is no ready-made code, and you have to spend money to buy a similar project in the United States, and then take it back to retreat and practice hard.

It's like building a car.

Shell design, wheels, seats, etc., after mastering the principles, it is enough to imitate them, and there is no need to start from scratch. Only core components such as bearings and engines cannot be easily imitated, so top engineers are required to develop them.

The development of a cloud computing operating system is a complete set of ecology, and it is not easy to be equipped with distributed systems, firewalls, storage and reading systems, databases, task scheduling, and graphical interfaces.

In contrast, self-developed servers, this is very simple.

The construction of a cloud computing data center is designed according to the standard. A building is a data center module with 20,000 servers inside.

Of course, these 20,000 servers cannot purchase ready-made servers.

Need to customize it yourself.

Hardware, system, and software must be matched to achieve the best compatibility.

In order to have the best experience on the cloud computing platform, the server is required to meet the standards of its own operating system, just like the hardware purchased by Apple mobile phones, which needs to be adapted one by one and specially customized. The Android system is because there are too many mobile phone manufacturers, the spare parts are too messy, and the compatibility of software and hardware is not good, so the performance is affected.

More importantly, damage will occur during the use of the server.

This requires the server to be modularized during design. The server is composed of modules such as ABCDEF. Which module is broken, just replace that module.

This requires a special server inspection system to locate the damaged location and replace it in time.

This technology is relatively mature in China.

Ziweixing only needs to cooperate with companies such as Inspur, Sugon, Lenovo, Founder, and Great Wall for research and development. If their technical level does not meet the requirements of Ziweixing, they can also cooperate with IBM to develop it.

This technique is not difficult.

It is equivalent to jointly designing the blueprint of Ziwei Nebula server.

Once the drawings are done, it’s enough to find someone else to manufacture them.

Overall, the success of the first step of Ziwei Nebula's strategy is mainly due to two difficulties - the operating system and the construction of the building.

The matter of building a building cannot be solved by Zhou Buqi, no matter how much money it costs, he will invest.

There is only one left.

Develop a cloud computing operating system.

That afternoon, the good news came.

Zhou Buqi saw it when he was checking his email. It was an email from the boss of NetEase Ding. The content was concise and only two words: "Congratulations!"

Zhou Buqi immediately realized that Zhou Feng had made the choice.

Immediately called Boss Ding, which confirmed this guess.

Zhou Feng formally submitted his resignation to NetEase.

He wants to join Ziweixing!

Boss Ding smiled bitterly: "Zhou Buqi, Zhou Buqi, I have never seen you poach people like this, you are not taking the usual path!"


"Madam's route is so smooth!"

Zhou Buqi laughed.

Speaking of this, Boss Ding was angry and funny, "How did you come up with such a bad idea? Teach me? You even wrote a script and sent it to his wife, and you said you were going to make a movie... you really Personal talent."

Zhou Buqi said solemnly: "I heard the love story between the two of them, and I feel very moved."

"That's right, when this script comes out, which girl won't be moved?"

"What a coincidence."

Boss Ding was not interested in making jokes with him, and he felt distressed when one of his subordinates was about to leave. He sighed, "I am confident that I can keep Zhou Feng, and I treat him... Oh, I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it, you can't handle Zhou Feng." Feng, but he managed his wife, this wave of pillow wind made me dizzy."

Zhou Buqi was amused by him, "Okay, old Ding, I'm going to do something big, you don't know. With Dr. Wang Jian, now I have Zhou Feng... When the crouching dragon and phoenix chicks are in place, Ziweiyun will Lifted off."

"What position did you give him?"

"M6... is equivalent to the level of vice president of the group, the deputy chief engineer of Ziweiyun, and the project leader of Ziweiyun's operating system."

"The chief engineer is Dr. Wang Jian?"

"Yes." Zhou Buqi paused, and added, "But the doctor is a technical talent, and he doesn't know much about business and interpersonal relationships. In the future, we will still rely on Zhou Feng for external business cooperation and business operations."

In other words, Dr. Wang Jian is the first person in charge of Ziweiyun during the research and development stage. After the research and development is successful, Zhou Feng will be the president of Ziweiyun.

Boss Ding was stunned for a moment, "Unload the mill and kill the donkey?"

Zhou Buqi snorted, "What are you talking about? Dr. Wang Jian and I are doing cloud computing with such great courage. Is it to fight for power and profit? It is to realize the ambition in our hearts. After the project is completed, of course it is handed over to the most suitable person to be in charge. .I talked to Wang Jian, and he totally agrees. Lao Ding, have you forgotten your original intention? What’s the point of playing games every day?”

"Okay, I can't compare to you. Zhou Feng left it to you, goodbye!"


In the evening, Shangri-La Hotel held a banquet.

There were 137 people in attendance.

Among them, 41 are high-achieving students who have recently returned from the United States, 30 are technical elites drawn from various departments of Ziwei Star, 7 are brought over from Microsoft Research Institute, and 52 are domestic fresh graduates... …

There was also Zhou Feng who had just got off the plane.

His classmate Wang Xiaochuan is M7, but he is only M6. This made him not very convinced. After resigning from NetEase, he ran to the capital immediately, returned to his old business of distribution and operating system, and worked hard to do a big job.

Dr. Wang Jian's idea is to build a R\u0026D team of about 200 people, and will continue to recruit people in the future. The initial R\u0026D team can be regarded as set up.

At the banquet, Zhou Buqi delivered an impassioned speech.

High ambitions, cloud computing set sail!

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