Top of the big era

Chapter 736: You are plotting or I am plotting?

After an afternoon of understanding, Zhou Buqi had a general understanding of Penguin's search business.

The former Soso business department was all cut off.

Then restructure this business and adopt the model of "borrowing chickens to lay eggs".

There are two objects that can be selected - Google and Weidian.

The best choice, of course, is the micro point.

There are three advantages.

First, Micropoint is more in line with Penguin's user base.

Second, microdots are more stable.

Thirdly, Micropoint has organized a set of very mature and successful search traffic conduction models. Through related products such as Micropoint Security Guard, Micropoint Antivirus, Micropoint Input Method, and Micropoint Browser, the traffic of search business is imported!

This model has been a huge success!

It even had a huge impact on Baidu, which is the number one in the industry.

Coincidentally, Penguin also has this set of combination products!

Two years ago, they launched QQ Doctor.

At present, it is necessary to fully upgrade the TT browser.

It is even secretly developing the QQ input method.

The whole model is basically built almost.

As for Soso, they want to cooperate with Weidian in the short term to obtain technical support. Taking advantage of the opportunity of cooperation, it takes one or two years to comprehensively study and master the entire operation mode of the micro point.

When the study is almost done, the experience has been accumulated, and Soso's own search engine has been successfully developed... At that time, we can abandon Weidian and set up our own business.

None of this requires foresight, just logical reasoning.

So Xu Liangjie's theory of "everything benefits but no harm" somewhat surprised Zhou Buqi. If it's really harmless, what's the point of researching and discussing? Wang Xiaochuan has already been approved to do it.

Xu Liangjie said: "This is a conspiracy. If you don't do it, you have to do it. Even if Weidian doesn't cooperate, Google will definitely cooperate with Soso. Their search business will definitely be reorganized. We can't stop it if we want to. If we can't change the situation, we will You have to go with the flow.”


"As I said just now, simply imitating and then using the model driven by large traffic is okay for some small and medium-sized enterprises, but this set of core products for large enterprises will not work. The failure of Soso and Paipai is enough to illustrate this point. They work as QQ doctors, upgrade TT browser, even if the input method, navigation page and some other supporting products they will make in the future, they are all micro-points. Without unique things, they cannot succeed.”

Xu Liangjie's self-confidence comes from his thinking and deep understanding of the search industry.

It turns out to be correct.

Soso in the previous life chose to cooperate with Google. After the cooperation, Soso's market share has continued to increase, and its image has been quickly reversed. It seems that success is just around the corner.

Then, Soso gave up Google's search engine and used its own search technology. Then, following Sogou's implementation of the "three-stage rocket" strategy, browsers and input methods were launched together.

The momentum of doing a big job is very high-spirited.

Unexpectedly, after giving up cooperation with Google, Soso's market share plummeted, declining year by year. Not to mention challenging Baidu, even Sogou and 360 are no match.

There is no way but to surrender.

The search business was completely abandoned, and Soso was packaged and sold to Sogou.

Zhou Buqi nodded secretly.

Executives of this level are really no ordinary people. It may be unsatisfactory in some aspects, but there must be some shining points of its own.

Old Xu's strategic vision is very sharp!

Next, Xu Liangjie continued: "As for the benefits, there are too many. The simplest one, Weidian provides technical support, it is a deal. It is profitable, why not do it?"

Wang Xiaochuan said with a smile: "Ming repairs plank roads, and secretly keeps Chen Cang. On the surface, hello, me, everyone, and everyone, happily cooperate in the search business to lower their vigilance. Secretly, we secretly make our own social software , seize the opportunity and attack suddenly."

Xu Liangjie said: "Now they are the ones who come to us to cooperate with us on their own initiative, so it's easy to handle. Cooperation must have some sincerity, right? Apart from the basic terms of cooperation, we can make an additional request."


"During the cooperation period, they are prohibited from imitating "Happy Farm"."


Zhou Buqi applauded.

This trick is really firm and ruthless!

The current "Happy Farm" has just started, with less than 10 million players, and the attention of the other party is not too high. However, the internal data of is detailed. Knowing that the data of this game has skyrocketed recently, there can be some internal trend predictions.

It is entirely possible to take advantage of this wave of information gap and receive a little extra benefit!

Wang Xiaozhou shook his head and had a different opinion, "It's not easy to grasp. The law still stipulates the protection of intellectual property rights. What's the use? It should be imitated. Even if there are similar requirements in our contract clauses, they will make it when the time comes." Even if it is exactly the same, just refuse to admit that it is an imitation. The law can't restrain it."

Zhou Bu went to smile and waved his hands, "The law is not good, but there are still favors and face. This idea is very good, and I will talk to brother Ma when the time comes. Verbal promises may be more effective than the law."

Xu Liangjie said: "In addition to this, there are many benefits. I'll just say it casually, it's all temporary, not necessarily accurate. You need to go back to the search department to discuss the specifics."

First of all, he talked about the concept of providing technical support from a technical point of view.

If Soso uses Micropoint's technical support, then the entire search system is based on Micropoint's core, and Soso can't change it even if he wants to.

For example, what is the search result can only be determined by Weidian, and Soso cannot intervene.

For example, the ranking order of search results is also determined by the algorithm of Weidian, and Soso cannot intervene.

For example, the advertisements in the search results are also arranged by Weidian, and Soso cannot intervene.

The entire search mechanism, Soso is a shell.

This leaves a lot of room for manipulation.

In the search results of Weidian, there are a large number of self-produced content, such as Weidian Encyclopedia, Weidian Q\u0026A, and Weizhi's advanced Q\u0026A. After Toutiao goes online, the combination of the two will have more of its own content.

Asking Weidian to provide technical support for Soso is equivalent to using the traffic of the Penguin platform to divert traffic for Ziweixing's self-produced content.

This is a process of cultivating user habits.

Especially today's headlines.

At the beginning of its launch, it was not well-known, and a large amount of traffic was needed to attract attention. With attention, more people will be attracted to self-media.

How wonderful it would be if the traffic from both Ziweixing and Penguin platforms could be gathered together?

There is a more important point, that is, the advertising network.

Advertisers put their advertisements in the advertising network, and then third-party websites join the advertising network to undertake the advertisements of the advertisers.

The best in the industry is of course the Baidu Advertising Alliance, followed by the Google Advertising Alliance.

A little bit miserable.

Although the market share of search is second, it is not as famous as Baidu and Google, and the share of advertising network is only the third in the market.

The reason for this situation is that the time for Weidian to do the search is too short.

Advertisers can't get any comparative data when advertising, so which advertising network should they choose? Baidu, Google or Weidian?

It must be who is old, who has deep qualifications, who is famous and who will be elected.

In this regard, Micropoint has no advantage.

If Weidian provides technical support to Soso, the advertising network system will follow suit, and maybe it can solve this problem. At that time, when advertisers place advertisements, they may choose Soso out of trust in QQ. In fact, he chose the Weidian advertising alliance behind Soso.

The same is true for micro-point promotion.

For example, QQ skin customization, QQ beauty account purchase advertising promotion, the interest in cooperating with Weidian is not too great, but the interest in cooperating with Soso is incomparably great.

At that time, advertisers can purchase micro-point promotion services, and the promoted advertisement content will be displayed in the search results of some keywords.

Zhou Buqi couldn't help asking: "What about the advertising share?"

Wang Xiaochuan said: "The advertising alliance is for third-party websites, and has nothing to do with Soso. The advertising fee here does not need to be shared. If it is an advertisement promoted by Weidian, the conversion of the advertisement through the Soso platform can be shared 50-50 by both parties. "

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Fifty-fifty is fine."

Xu Liangjie said in a spirited way: "Our management structure for the search business will also undergo some changes."


"Promotional advertisements placed by the company shall not be charged."


Zhou Buqi and Wang Xiaozhou looked at each other and gave a thumbs up.


It's really high!

This fleece is really cruel.

In order to clear the accounts and support the search business group, other departments within Ziwei Star also need to spend money to use Weidian promotion.

For example, uses Weidian to promote the bidding ranking, and it also needs to pay, which costs 800,000 yuan a month.

For the group, this is left-handed and right-handed, all the same.

But it can make the accounts of the search business group more beautiful, and it can give capital confidence when financing some time ago.

After cooperating with Soso, it needs to be changed.

Otherwise, enjoys the micro-point promotion service, and it will be displayed on the Soso platform... Doesn’t it mean that the advertising fee given by will be divided into half of Soso?

This is not the left hand and the right hand, and was cut off by the middleman.

If so, don't give up.

Weidian promotion can change the agreement and promote the business of Ziweixing for free. The middlemen will not be able to get advertising fees from the related businesses of Ziweixing.

It is equivalent to using Soso's traffic for free.

If the penguins have objections, it's easy to handle.

Promotional websites these days don't need to mark the word "advertisement" in the search results, which is no different from normal search results. Outsiders can't tell whether the search result is normal content or advertising content.

Weidian can give a reason, saying that this website is a normal search result display, not an advertisement promoted by Weidian.

Soso can't interfere with the search results, it can only suffer from this dumb loss.

This is the sadness of backward technology.

People will always be bullied in the name of being upright.

Micropoint provides technical support, masters the core cheats, and some technical hegemony is inevitable.

Zhou Buqi couldn't help feeling emotional, "They want to play Yangmou, but they don't know that technology is the biggest Yangmou."

Xu Liangjie said indifferently: "Actually, compared to these financial benefits, the strategic benefits are more important. This will be an important experiment for us."


Zhou Buqi raised his eyebrows, he had heard this word too much these days. There is another vocabulary closely related to it-Zhongtai.

The difference between micro-point advertising alliance and micro-point promotion.

The advertising network is a platform on which advertisers and third-party websites can enter. For example, if I set up a pirated website, I can join the advertising network to get advertisements. Divide the advertising revenue from the advertising network every month.

Micro-point promotion is also advertising, but it is advertising in the search results, and the price is more expensive. For example, if I open a hospital and buy keywords, all users who search for content related to hospitals and diseases will display the website of my hospital. Adding the first place in the bidding ranking can attract others to come to my hospital for medical treatment.

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