Top of the big era

Chapter 732 I Have the Moral High Ground

In his previous life, Cheng Binghao's Kaixin website once became popular all over the country and achieved great success, but soon fell into decline.

Later, we summarized the reasons for the failure of One of the most important points is that we did not forcefully launch a social software belonging to at the hottest time.

Social page games like "Parking Space" and "Happy Farm" all have a strong phased feature. They may become popular for two or three years. After this gust of wind, no one will play them.

Lack of continuity.

The continuity comes from social software. For example, Facebook has launched its own chat software, which has continued from the PC era to the mobile era.

Although Zhou Buqi didn't know such a failure summary, he was very clear about one thing.

Social software is crucial to the construction of the Internet ecosystem.

The rise of a social product often comes from a special period. For example, the success of Momo relies on dating with strangers;

When the opportunity comes, don't miss it.

It would be a pity to miss it!

Zhou Buqi started to deploy social chat software early on, and is already making mobile phones. In fact, he made the worst plan. In the mobile era, through terminal products such as mobile phones, he forcibly bundled his own social software and blocked other people's products.

Not hesitate to subsidize the sale of smartphones at low prices, but also let Ziweixing have a place in this market!

But if you do this, it will be too expensive.

Tens of billions may be subsidized.

The best way, of course, is user conversion. Just like WeChat can quickly defeat Michat. WeChat is backed by QQ, and can quickly transfer QQ friendships to WeChat.

If Ziweixing can create an excellent social product in the PC era, then entering the mobile era, coupled with the advantage of being the first to grab the track, defeating Goose Factory and becoming the overlord in this field, the chance of success will be greatly increased!

Therefore, Zhou Buqi wants to join hands in the instant messaging software market!

Moreover, it can't be a small fight!

Right now, the atmosphere in the conference room has been enhanced by Shi Jinglin, so it's hard to be reserved anymore.

Zhou Buqi admitted generously, "Indeed, I still have some designs and ideas for chat software. Not to mention defeating QQ, but at least revitalize the stagnant market of chat software! There is a competitive market , is a healthy market. There is only QQ in the market, which is not a good thing for the country or the people.”

He Yangdao: "Search, e-commerce, and social software are the core areas of the three giants of BAT. Ziweixing is a rising star, and there is no core business that can compete with it. However, this does not mean that Ziweixing is inferior to those three. Search business , Baidu is the leader, but Ali has Yahoo, Penguin has Soso, Ziweixing has Weidian, and they are all vying for this market. In the e-commerce business, Ali is the leader, but Penguin has Paipai, and Baidu is secretly planning an e-commerce department , Ziwei Star also has group buying on campus. Everyone is scrambling for the market. Only the social software market, QQ is invincible, Baidu and Ali dare not challenge it.”

This is really the case.

At present, the four major network giants of BATE in China have cross-cutting and competing businesses with each other, especially in search and e-commerce, where the competition is very fierce.

However, in the social software market, everyone seems to have chosen to retreat unanimously.

Ali and Penguin are robbing Baidu's territory, Baidu and Penguin are robbing Ali's territory, Ali and Baidu have never launched an attack on Penguin's stronghold.

This is not a healthy market environment!

He Yang heard what Boss Zhou meant, and what he said eloquently was actually an assist.

Zhou Buqi took advantage of the situation to express his point of view, "It is difficult to shake the dominance of QQ by making small troubles. If you can't shake the position of QQ, you can't change the industry structure. We have also seen it in these years, because the deformity of this market , leading to uneven distribution of traffic, how many Internet companies have closed down because of this? The traffic of QQ is too large, and colleagues simply cannot resist it.”

Guo Pengfei said: "Yes, Lianzhong was so good at the beginning, and even attracted 100 million US dollars of investment from South Korea. But once the QQ game battle platform came out, after a few years, Lianzhong was finished."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "In a big way, this is the responsibility of the family and the country. The social software market is deformed, wrong, and unhealthy. As a domestic Internet giant, Ziweixing has reasons, responsibilities, and obligations Make some changes. If Baidu doesn’t do it, Ali doesn’t do it, and if we don’t do it, the users and the entire Internet industry will be damaged. Only competition can drive us to create better services for consumers and promote commonality in the industry. progress."

Everyone has become accustomed to the way Boss Zhou speaks.

Before making a major decision, you must first examine the significance of the decision from a very high perspective, and use big hats such as family and country feelings and national righteousness to set a tone and theoretical direction.

This is not empty talk, it is very instructive.

Many outstanding talents are not short of money, and the meaning of hard work is to realize personal ideals and life aspirations.

For ordinary employees, it can also play a certain role in motivating.

This is the embodiment of corporate culture and values.

If we say that we are capitalists and we make social software to make money, it would be too demoralizing. Employees will think that making money is also for capitalists, and we are all wage earners, so why work so hard?

But the big hat with family and country responsibility is different.

It will give everyone a sense of pride in participating in nation building, there will be an inherent pride. And this inner emotion can be transformed into the driving force, motivating everyone to work hard.

No one is not patriotic, but when personal interests and national interests diverge, in order to survive better, they will pay more attention to personal interests.

If personal interests can be tied to national interests, who would not want to be both famous and profitable?

Internally, a higher-style corporate culture can be established; externally... it is the most important corporate image.

Ziweixing took a huge risk to create a social software, the purpose is to make the domestic Internet environment healthier, for the vigorous development of the domestic Internet industry, and to improve competitiveness!

We cannot let some excellent small companies lose their market because of some external monopoly factors.

Competition is living water, without competition is stagnant water.

The country certainly hopes that the Internet environment will be full of competitiveness, and the more active the better. But at this stage, they dare not take action to control it. Not only do they ignore it, but they also add fuel to the flames and protect some improper methods of Internet companies.

I am afraid that if the management is too strict, these enterprises will die.

Rather acquiesce in some unfair market phenomena, but also promote the development of the domestic technology industry. Even without hesitation. For example, the three major music groups sued Baidu, Micropoint, Sohu, Penguin and other companies for illegal piracy of mp3 music. The court held that Internet companies are platforms rather than producers of pirated content, so they are not illegal.

If Ziweixing can balance the status quo of the domestic Internet market with a higher style from the perspective of the country, and use market-oriented means to restrict the behavior of some countries that do not want to interfere too much, it will solve their huge burden. For example, Weidian Security Guard first put forward the slogan of "eliminating rogue software and purifying the Internet environment", and it has achieved excellent results.

It is reasonable to kill some enterprises by means of fair competition in the market. If some companies, especially technology companies, are killed by means of administrative restraint, the regulatory authorities will bear huge responsibilities.

Developing the science and technology industry is the most important national policy at the moment!

No one can hold back!

Guo Dan said: "Ziweixing has become a banner of the Internet. We focus on IT high-tech research. We are promoting healthy competition in the Internet industry. We are an enterprise in the capital. We have Xiaonei and Weidian antivirus. From the perspective of the overall situation , we have reached the commanding heights.”

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "With the commanding heights, you can do things that others dare not even think about."


"This is the second point. On a larger scale, it is a moral advantage to make our social software bigger. On a smaller scale, this is also our own risk aversion. Small fights will definitely fail. Do The bigger the chance, the more likely it is to be successful.”

"A product angle?"

"Yes, products. Shi Jinglin just said that I am the best product manager, which is a bit exaggerated. In my opinion, Yiming, Xiaochuan, and Zi'an understand products better than me. I just have some interesting ideas , can be of some help."

Zhang Yiming's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help asking: "What is it? Some of your ideas and ideas about products are often amazing, and have repeatedly proved that they can stand the test of the market."

Zhou Buqi was photographed again, and waved his hands again and again, "It's just a little cranky. Hmm... I have a little idea. Some time ago, China Mobile launched a social product. Have you paid attention to it?"


He Yang blurted out.

For this product, he was assigned by Boss Zhou to talk to China Mobile and wanted to start some cooperation. It's a pity that the mobile relationship is too complicated and the water is too deep, Ziweixing can't afford it.

Zhou Buqi said: "After the launch of Fetion, it has received rave reviews! One of the very important functions is that you can send text messages to mobile phone users for free through Fetion on the PC side."

Shi Jinglin's heart moved. The two of them communicated with each other last night, so they raised their hands to indicate that they wanted to speak. After getting permission, they coughed lightly and said, "SMS fees are too high, 10 cents a piece. And text messages are for young people. People use mobile phones as the most important means of communication, and many people spend tens of dollars in phone bills every month to send text messages. Relying on the ability to send text messages for free, Fetion quickly seized QQ users on Monternet.”

Zhou Buqi squinted his eyes, "Our social software can also send text messages for free, how about it?"

"Impossible!" Wang Haoyang decisively denied it. Both SMS service and Fetion service are mobile, and of course you can send SMS for free. It is too unrealistic for Ziweixing to make a product to compete with Fetion and also want to send text messages for free.

He Yang sighed and shook his head lightly, "Old Wang, you are wrong. Fetion's SMS service also requires money. It's just that users don't spend money, but Fetion needs to spend money."


"Actually, Fetion helped users pay for text messages."

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