Top of the big era

Chapter 726 Campus Incubation Base

Because of the existence of Xiaonei, Ziweixing is almost walking sideways in the domestic education field.

The reputation is positive and the reputation is big.

Especially since last year, driven by the official media, there have been more and more reports on Xiaonei, and all walks of life have affirmed and supported it.

Ziweixing invested 50 million yuan to cooperate with Tsinghua University to jointly establish a computer laboratory, which is expected.

In the past one or two years, Xiaonei has invested heavily in university campuses.

While in school, college students can participate in Weibo’s quiz-answering activities and win quiz-answering bonuses. You can also go to Weidian Q\u0026A and Weidian Encyclopedia to make supplements in exchange for points. Points can be exchanged for coupons for group buying on

Welfare sign-in activities are even more normalized. Every month, Xiaonei will draw 100 lucky winners and give out some small gifts, including valuable prizes such as laptops, mobile phones, and digital cameras.

In addition, Guo Pengfei also has a "campus incubation base" plan, that is, every year the school network will allocate 1 million yuan to support those college students with technical skills.

As long as the project is suitable for college students, they can apply for funds and then build their own websites.

At noon that day, after having lunch in the office, Zhou Buqi had nothing to do, so he entered the background of Xiaonei and checked the planned projects of the "Campus Incubation Base".

At first glance, it really shines!

There are more than 20 websites that are already online!

Theoretically speaking, these websites belong to the property of Xiaonei.

No matter how well these websites are doing and whether they are successful or not, this campus incubation base has been in operation for one year, and with an investment of 1 million, it has incubated more than 20 websites, which is amazing enough.

College students are really thrifty!

Check out these sites again...

There are many kinds and varieties, which fully demonstrate the creativity and vitality of contemporary young people.

There is a good song network, and there is a foreign website Daquan network...

Zhou Buqi's heart moved slightly, and he couldn't help but entered the foreign website Daquan, and sure enough, he saw some familiar foreign websites.

Um! These are very educational sites!

There is a shortage of physiology courses in China, and college students are all adults, so they really need to use such website services for life guidance.

Then look down.

There are also Drum Net, Piano Net, and Guitar Net, all of which are music-related websites.

There are also Lei Tieba, Interesting Bar,, and They all imitate Embarrassment Encyclopedia and make some jokes to share. Just open one, there are very few posts and no traffic.


Zhou Buqi is interested, company review network!

It lists thousands of domestic companies, including foreign companies, joint ventures, state-owned and private companies, many of which are well-known companies.

Employees can then rate the company.

The full score is 10 points.

The number one company is Procter \u0026 Gamble. Then there are PepsiCo, General Electric, Hitachi, Lehman Brothers, Dell, Casio, Xerox, Merrill Lynch, Microsoft and others.

The top ten are all foreign companies!

The average score is above 9 points.

Zhou Buqi searched Ziweixing, and found it, ranking 57th with a score of 7.4. Uh... In fact, there were only 9 people who gave the ratings, and 3 of them seemed to be malicious, and only gave the lowest 1 point.

Looking at these 3 malicious comments, it is basically nonsense and malicious smearing.

This incident alone is a death sentence for this website.

It's not that Zhou is not stingy and doesn't allow others to say that Ziweixing is not good. But this website model is not working, there are operational loopholes, how to judge whether this person is really an employee of this company?

What should you do if you are maliciously evaluated by your competitors?

And there is a more important point, foreign companies, joint ventures and private companies are okay, you are allowed to score. What about state-owned enterprises? Many state-owned enterprises are very high-ranking. Once the ranking is poor, what should they do in terms of face?

This website is meaningful. Job seekers can use the information on this website to better choose a job when applying for a job.

If this website is incorporated into the job hunting network, there will be good results.

However, the special existence of state-owned enterprises is doomed to make this website unable to survive.

Even if the state-owned enterprises are taken away, it will not work.

Once this website is really influential, maybe a company organizes employees to comment collectively, and everyone will give good reviews and full marks. You will be able to brush to the first place soon.


Zhou Buqi shook his head and continued to look down.

There are websites to watch overseas TV stations, there are websites to watch the United States up close through Google Maps, and there are also scary websites that look like pranks...

It is worth paying attention to a website called "Small Notes".

That is, the user enters this website and enters a paragraph in the message board to generate a link, which is equivalent to creating a small note. The user sends this link to a friend through email or communication products such as QQ.

As long as the other party clicks the link, the user will receive a notification here.

At the same time, this link is valid once and will be destroyed immediately after reading.

It is very convenient to pass some private words between users, and the security is very strong.

Zhou Buqi looked down on this small broken website.

But it's a good idea.

For example, a "super document" project he approved recently has the function of corporate office chat.

There may be some company secrets involved.

There are huge hidden dangers in the traditional way of chatting.

Burning after reading is the best solution. At the same time, there must be technical encryption, so that this chat interface cannot be screenshotted or recorded, and all messages are not allowed to be copied and forwarded, so the security is even higher.

"Well, this super document, in addition to the normal chat function, also has a secret chat function."

Zhou Buqi felt that he had become a product manager.

This is a common phenomenon in the circle.

Many big bosses are IT programmers. It is really not very good for them to do management, operations, and marketing. The only thing we can do is to recruit a powerful deputy who understands management to help. As a boss, in addition to the formulation of strategies, I take on the role of a product manager more.

For example, Baidu Li, Netease Ding, Penguin Ma, including Zhou Hongyi, are all the most powerful product managers in the industry. Zhou Buqi is free, and occasionally grabs products.

Coincidentally, Guo Pengfei came over at this time and talked about donating 50 million to Beike. I have already communicated with the school leaders, and I will go to sign in the morning of the day after tomorrow.

"It just so happens that you're here. Look at this one that burns after reading it. How's the idea?"

"Oh, pretty good."

"That's it?"

Guo Pengfei said: "I have been paying attention to these websites for a long time. They burn after reading. The idea is very good. It should be an imitation of the United States. Self-destructing text messages and self-destructing emails are popular in the United States. After reading it, they will be automatically destroyed. .But it doesn’t work in China, and the regulatory restrictions are relatively strict, so it’s not easy to do.”

Zhou Buqi was a little surprised, "What do you mean?"

Guo Pengfei explained: "Domestic telecommunications have requirements. The content uploaded by users must be kept by the operator for a certain period of time and can be traced back. The main purpose is to prevent some illegal and criminal things. After reading it, it will be burned... As you can imagine, all the content sent What is the content, it is all vulgar and borderline. If it is all stored in the server, the authorities will check it out."

"Then it can only be overseas..."

Zhou Buqi felt a little melancholy.

It is difficult to operate domestic business, let alone overseas. Among the businesses under Ziweixing, it is truly the number one in the industry, that is, the security business and the campus business.

However, the security business does not make money, and the campus business market is too small.

The chassis is not stable enough.

Initiating an overseas strategy recklessly is prone to overturning.

"By the way, there is a website with more than 10,000 daily traffic, have you read it?"


"Help Kanwang." Guo Pengfei pointed, "Just this one, a website that provides RSS services, is considered the most successful among these websites. It has been promoted several times in the school forums, and the evaluation is quite good."

"RSS? For what?"

"Aggregation, information subscription."

"What's the meaning?"

"There are too many various websites now, and you need to keep jumping on various websites. RSS means that you can use rss technology to subscribe to the content you want to follow on Sohu, Netease, including and Sina blog. Then When you come to the RSS website, you can see all the selected subscription content. There is currently a fresh fruit website on the market, which does this, and the traffic is quite large.”

"Too bad!"

"This is also the rise of the United States, and it is a bit of a loss. If users all use the RSS website to subscribe to content, then who will go to the original website, and the website traffic and advertisement clicks will lose support."

Zhou Buqi said: "Sharing is the gene of the Internet, but it is not illegal sharing. Active sharing on the website is fine, but you can't use technical means to force subscriptions without the website's consent."

Ziweixing will make a big effort to push Toutiao next.

As a new form of online media that replaces traditional portals, this track is new enough. As long as it is done, it is truly the first in the industry.

Moreover, this market is large enough and profitable enough, and it has more ground-based effects than the security market and the campus market.

But this RSS website is somewhat duplicated with Toutiao today. Users have taken the initiative to subscribe to their favorite content on major news sites, blog sites, and forum sites, which is similar to Toutiao’s algorithmic recommendation of content to users.

Guo Pengfei rubbed his forehead, "It's not easy. RSS technology has been open sourced, and it is everywhere on the Internet. It is implemented according to website standards. As long as the website implements this standard, technology sharing will be realized."

Zhou Buqi said decisively: "No! This problem must be solved! Immediately study the technical means of counterattack, and prohibit any form of RSS technology to scrape friends and embarrassing content. I don't believe in Sohu, Netease, Sina Blog, Tianya Community , Baidu Tieba will allow the emergence of this third-party website subscription service. Make relevant technologies and share them with peers for free!"

It's not OK for RSS-style sites to go viral.

Isn't this grabbing jobs with Toutiao?

Ziweixing has to work hard to find creators and publish content on self-media for Toutiao. This RSS website is very good. It directly uses technical means to scrape genuine content from other websites.

The content is produced by others, and the advertising fee is earned by yourself. How can there be such a good thing?

Fortunately, it is impossible to boycott Toutiao.

It's easy to boycott RSS sites.

It's just a conflict.

See if your pickpocketing skills are strong, or our means of preventing pickpockets are high.

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